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     Our brother in the Lord, Harold W. Ford, Th.D., who is Dean of Faculty and Professor of New Testament and Church History at Midwest Christian College, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has just produced a scholarly work entitled "Fellowship in Christ." This thesis was prepared in 1945 and won first place in the Irwin Essay Contest at the School of Religion, Butler University. It was published in Shane Quarterly and was subsequently cited as documentation on the Greek word koinonia, in Arndt and Gingrich's Greek-English lexicon. We urged its publication and rejoice that it is in print. Dr. Ford receives his mail at Midwest Christian College, Box 18665, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.... The elders of the congregation meeting at 2392 East Fremont Street, Stockton, California, desire to contact a preaching brother to labor with them. They wish to correspond with a truth seeker, who is a personal worker and willing to share the speaking program with other able men, and one who has a proper attitude toward those who disagree with him, whether saints or aliens. Please contact them by addressing them as above.... Dale Cluxton is working with a new congregation at Portage, Michigan, and can be addressed at 7320 Starbrook Street at that place.... A brother in another country would like to make contact with any antique dealers among the brethren in the United States. If you are in the antique business or know of someone who is will you please have them write us so that we can introduce them to our brother abroad.... We extend our sincere sympathy to the family of our brother, Frank M. Mullins, Sr., Dallas, Texas, who died of a heart attack on May 30.... The congregation at Bonne Terre, Missouri, held its 53rd anniversary meeting on June 14 with excellent attendance. Speakers were Bob Duncan, Hershel Ottwell, James Graddy and W. Carl Ketcherside.... Darrell Bolin directed vacation Bible studies in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, and will assist the brethren in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in a similar work.... James Mabery conducted a study for young people at 5906 Kenwood Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, closing on June 19.... The congregation at Canalou, Missouri, will celebrate their fiftieth anniversary on August 16 as the climax of a week of meetings conducted by Bernie Crum. Bro. Crum reports one immersed at Iberia, Missouri, and two restored at Flat River, Missouri, where he conducted vacation Bible studies recently.... We are pleased to report that brethren at Brookport, Illinois, are meeting together again after a great many years of separation.... Vernon Hurst reports a growing interest in the work in Albuquerque, New Mexico..... David Brown, who has been preaching in Linton, Indiana, has announced his intention of going to Southern Rhodesia to help in the mission field. He will make a good laborer there as he was born in Northern Rhodesia and is familiar with the language and customs of the people. We commend his decision.... We are pleased to inform you that there will be extra copies of this issue available for those who wish to share them with their friends. We suggest that you write at once if interested in securing them.... We have accepted an invitation to deliver four addresses at Richmond, Missouri, on September 19 and 20. We will speak on Saturday evening, and three times on the Lord's Day. There will be a basket dinner at noon to accommodate those who come from a distance. We urge all of the brethren to notify friends and neighbors in that section of Missouri and to arrange now to attend these special meetings.... We deeply regret to report the death of our brother, William Paulsen, Red Cloud, Nebraska, June 14.

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Brother Paulsen came to the United States from his native Denmark, and became a leading figure in the local Lutheran church. Becoming interested in the restoration plea he was immersed into Christ and continued to serve him faithfully unto death. The funeral services were conducted by Roy Harris.... Bernie Crum reports the wedding of David Hagerty and Charlene Asberry on June 27, and tells us that he immersed the bride five days before the wedding. Brother Crum also performed the ceremonies uniting Norman Stricker and Christine Portell, and Denny Brewer and Ruth Allen, all of Flat River, Missouri.... In view of the tendency to allow things to slip by during the vacation season we urge all of our readers to be sure and renew their subscriptions before expiration date. When you send your subscription be sure to include subscriptions for friends and brethren who are in the fellowship of the concerned ones.... Camp High Hill in the Saint Louis area was well attended for both weeks, June 21-July 4. An all day meeting and basket dinner was held on July 4, to which all in the area were invited. James Mabery acted as camp supervisor during the two weeks.... Brother Mabery also directed a vacation Bible study for the congregation at Overland, Missouri, which began on July 13.... The editor is scheduled to speak at Little Rock, Arkansas, August 10, 11; at Milligan College, Tennessee, August 18-21; at Belle Center, Ohio, August 29; at Huntington, West Virginia, September 11, 12; at Richmond, Missouri, September 19, 20; at Lexington, Kentucky, September 26; at Casper, Wyoming, October 8, 9; at Phoenix, Arizona, October 14-16. Other meetings will be announced later.... A meeting of special interest to young people is held annually over the Labor Day weekend at Sullivan, Illinois. The first meeting this year will be at 8:90 p. m., September 4 with other meetings through Saturday and Sunday. You are urged to send reservations at once to Ken Baumgartner, Route 3, Sullivan, Illinois.... M. F. Gottrell, 5985 West 32nd Street, Denver, Colorado, 80212, has just produced a booklet under the title "Can You Interpret This?" and we recommend that you send a nickel and get one. It will make you think for a long time.... We extend our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the following: Borden Higginbotham, Anderson, Indiana, whose father died June 26; Ella Lam, St. Louis, Missouri, whose husband died June 28; the Fred Stracke family, Springfield, Missouri, whose daughter, Dee Anna, died July 1; and the Clemens Kraml family, Iberia, Missouri. Brother Kraml died after a lingering illness.... We deeply appreciate an encouraging letter from William B. Walker, a missionary in Japan, who also seeks to be known as "a Christian only".... Jack Kinser reports an interesting work with the brethren meeting on East Gordon Street in Valdosta, Georgia.... Gordon Souder, Vancouver, British Columbia, reports a real session of the "fellowship of the concerned ones" at the Preacher's Institute, held in Alberta Bible College. Brethren from all segments of the restoration movement were present to share their thinking in a spirit of love.... More than 2500 persons registered for the Oregon State Christian Convention, held at Turner. The editor was privileged to speak five times to audiences made up of those from various parties within the disciple brotherhood.... Harry Garrison reports a spiritual uplift at Alton, Illinois, from six messages given by Harold Shasteen, on the suhject of "The Cross."... May Herring sends encouraging word from Fairview, Nova Scotia, but adds that "Satan is scoring one of his greatest victories by separating the children of God into parties."... If you find it possible to do so we urge you to send a subscription for those whom you love in the Lord and who will benefit by reading MISSION MESSENGER. All mail should be addressed to us at 2360 Gardner Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63136.

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