A brother in Tennessee, who desires to remain anonymous, has offered to
send MISSION MESSENGER for one year, without obligation, to any student or faculty
member of any college or university in the United States. The only requirement is that a personal
request be made, and that it contain the name and address of the person making the request,
together with the name of the school attended. Faculty members and others are hereby
authorized to notify their classes of this offer and to recommend that students and others take
advantage thereof.... Will all those who send exchanges, bulletins, and other communications to
us, please change your record to show our new address which is 139 Signal Hill Drive, Saint
Louis, Missouri 63121. Our new telephone number is JAckson 2-6680.... All of the issues for the
past year are now being readied for binding in book form under the title "The Brotherhood of
Faith." This 192 page book will be printed on English book paper, bound in cloth, and have a
dust jacket especially designed by Robert L. Kurt. Advance orders will be taken until March 1
for the book at $2.49 each, to be billed upon delivery. We urge you to make reservation for yours
immediately.... In our February issue we will deal with Mark 16:15, 16 as one of "the twisted
scriptures." This will constitute the most thorough analysis we have ever done on
the distinction between gospel and doctrine, and we will pay especial attention to Romans 1:16,
17, which is the resort of orthodoxy in its attempt to offset the scholarship of the world relative
to the distinction. If you miss the next issue you will lose something valuable indeed.... The 1965
issues will be bound in book form at the close of the year under the title "The Twisted
Scriptures" and the edition will be limited to 2000 copies. Because of the nature of this work we
are accepting advance orders for a year from now. These books will be delivered to those who
order in advance on March 1, 1966, at $2.49 each. As soon as the advanced reservation list
reaches 2000 we will take no more orders, and the book will not be reprinted. If you want a copy
you should file your order as soon as possible.... Truth Magazine publishes an article in
the November issue by Elvis Bozarth attacking our plea for unity of all the believers, and
concludes with these words, "This movement, like all threats to pure Christianity, must be
stopped." We urge all of the "fellowship of the concerned" to read this evaluation as we think it
very important that you have all sides of every issue. Our brother, Cecil Willis, is editor of the
magazine, and can be addressed at Box 7245, Akron, Ohio 44306, and single copies of the
attractive magazine sell for 25c each. Why not send at once for the copy containing the article by
Brother Bozarth?.... Bernie Crum, Flat River, Missouri, reports conducting funeral services for
Martha Duncan, Iberia, Missouri, November 19. He immersed one into Christ at Flat River on
November 22.... If you are interested in making a tour of the land of Palestine in March 1965,
write at once to Ellis Crum, 620 North Riley Street, Kendallville, Indiana. This is your
opportunity to go with a group of saints in the Lord.... Laddie L. Munger and Edna Jones were
married in Springfield, Missouri, November 28; Ronald Harris and Carol Louise Warren were
married in Saint Louis, Missouri, December 5.... Clearance has been given for the colony of
Christians to be planted in Guatemala, with 20,000 fertile acres being allotted to the project.
Needed are farmers, teachers, mechanics, carpenters, nurses, a doctor and teacher of agriculture.
The contract
includes the teaching of the native population by individual Christians in such fields as sewing,
cooking, family hygiene, sociology, etc. Would you like to join a group of saints as pioneers?
Write to J. C. Reed, 123 North Third Street, Donna, Texas, and you will be given complete
information.... Would you like to obtain back issues of MISSION MESSENGER to complete
your files or to furnish you with special material on subjects for research? Write to C. H.
Ephland, 1505 North Ash Street, Nevada, Missouri 64772, and tell him the issues that you need.
He will be able to furnish you copies for several years back. We suggest you include postage
with your request.... William Clapper, P. 0. Box 584, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57101, is
planning to resume publication of "The Admonisher" and desires to finance original issues with
the sale of tracts. He will send you a complete set of tracts and a set of Bible Study courses for
$1.00, or you can send $1.00 in advance for a subscription. Bill has a message which he wants us
to hear. Let's help him make it possible to share that message.... This also reminds us that Arthur
W. Atkinson, Jr., whom I love in the Lord, has some basic disagreements with my views on
fellowship. He will present his views on the things that should and should not break fellowship
in a series of articles in his bulletin, which will be sent to you upon request. We want you to
share in his thinking, especially in those areas which cut across our own. Write him and ask to
be placed on his mailing list. Address him at 1354 Mount View Avenue, San Bernardino,
California.... We regret to chronicle the death of two aged saints in the St. Louis area, Rosa Holt
and Laura Ritchie, both victims of malignancies.... Two little boys, 3 and 4 years old, will be
ready for adoption soon, and can be adopted by qualified foster parents out of state. If you are
interested, please contact Bernie Crum, 220 Crane Street, Flat River, Missouri, at once....
Lawrence and Lavica Noland, Macon, Missouri, have a baby girl, Laura Faye, born December
2.... Only one notice will be mailed out to those whose subscriptions expire from this time
forward. We believe that those who are truly interested in the studies conducted in MISSION
MESSENGER need only one reminder, and that a great many will keep their subscription paid
in advance. We urge all of you to send prior to expiration date to avoid the cost and necessity of
notification.... You can also assist us tremendously by sending for more than one year at a time.
The rate is only one dollar per year, and you will be given full credit for every dollar sent.... We
commend our brother J. D. Phillips, editor of The Truth, published at 2613 East Second
Street, Austin, Texas, 78702, on the fine content of his December issue.... Be sure and read the
thorough analysis of "Gospel and Doctrine" in our February issue. It will not be light reading, but
there is too much chaff in circulation to add more to it, and we propose studies in depth for our
1965 issues.... Have you sent a contribution to help the little band of saints to complete their
building at Tunbridge Wells, in England? If not, we recommend this as a very worthy project.
Even a small amount will mean much to these brethren. Send to Albert E. Winstanley, 43a
Church Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England.... We trust that many of our readers will find it
in their hearts to write for extra copies of this issue and share with other members of "the
fellowship of the concerned." We must not selfishly hoard truth and make it a personal
possession. We pray daily that brethren may have the courage to renounce the partisan spirit
which is so deadening in its effect.... Be sure to use our new address when you write or send
bulletins. We are now at 139 Signal Hill Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63121, and the telephone
is JAckson 2-6680.
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