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     Will all correspondents please take note that our new address is 139 Signal Hill Drive, Saint Louis 63121. Make a correction of your mailing list accordingly as the post office will not continue to forward your bulletins and other material interminably. Our telephone number is JAckson 2-6680.... Perhaps you'll grow tired of us mentioning that there will only be 2000 copies of the bound volumes of our 1965 issues on "The Twisted Scriptures." These books will be ready for delivery early in 1966 and will be billed to those who have ordered them at $2.49 per copy. Advance orders are now being taken, and when the orders reach the figure of 2000 they will be discontinued. There is not another book like this available today and we urge you not to let this one slip away. Write and tell us how many of them you'd like to have us hold for you.... Perhaps one passage that is more abused than most is 1 John 1:7, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another." What is the light? Our May issue will contain a thorough analysis of the passage in the light of its history and context. We trust that you'll not miss it. If your subscription will expire during 1965 why not send your renewal at once?... If you need extra copies of certain months to complete your back files, or if you are doing research on a thesis and require back issues of certain date for documentation, write to C. H. Ephland, 1505 North Ash Street, Nevada, Missouri 64772. He maintains a number of back issues reaching back for several years, just to fill such requests as yours. I suggest that you include mailing costs when asking for special copies.... Roy Harris, Route 2, Cawker City, Kansas, tells us that he will send you his three books of poems, "Silver Shadows" Nos. 1, 2, 3, all for $1.00. Those of you who know him will want to send for the three books if you've not done so. Roy teaches school in Northern Kansas.... Speaking about Roy Harris, reminds us that he conducted a study and development class for young people the week following Christmas, at 46th and Miller Streets, Denver, Colorado. There were approximately 50 students at daytime sessions. This youth study will be an annual feature under direction of Bro. Harris.... The editor immersed two into Christ during the winter meeting conducted at Beech Grove, Arkansas, where brethren are in the process of completely remodeling their meetinghouse.... Brethren in the vicinity of Grove City, Ohio, have started a little journal entitled "The Pioneer." The first number examines the clerical system, the corruption of speech, and extra-church agencies, and calls for reform based upon a return to new covenant ideals. If you are satisfied with things as they are we suggest you not read this paper; if you "sigh for Zion" we urge you to send 15c and secure a copy of the first number. Address Richard Sloan, 88 West Park Street, Grove City, Ohio 43123.... Everett Allen is an elder in Denver. For a number of years he has suffered from leukemia, and has been able to hold on to life only through God's mercy and the skill of modern medical techniques. He is in need of continuous infusions of blood, but the courage of this brother is almost without parallel among our acquaintances. A call is being issued on a nation-wide basis to the saints who can, to help in this dire need. If you will go to a hospital anywhere in the United States which is a member of "National Blood Donors" you can give blood and ask them to allow credit to the Belle Bonfils Memorial Blood Bank, 4200 East 9th Avenue, Denver, Colorado, for the account of Everett Allen. Will you make mention of this emergency, and remember that when you give blood you

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give life?... E. Lee Keesling was an usher at the Pre-Inaugural Service in Washington, D. C., at which Billy Graham spoke to the dignitaries who were present to see the President and Vice President take their oaths of office later in the day. Lee has also been invited to the annual President's Prayer Breakfast, February 4, which will also be attended by James DeForest Murch. Brother Murch has not missed one of these occasions in many years of residence in the Washington area.... J. Miller Forcade and wife left Long Beach, California, February 26, for Yokohama, with the intent of beginning another work for Christ in the Tokyo area.... We are pleased to chronicle the following new lives brought into the world: Mr. and Mrs. Wendell E. Huddleston, Big Springs, Texas, a son, Robert Edward, born January 8; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Getter, Saint Louis, Missouri, a son, Kevin Douglas, born January 11; Mn and Mrs. Donald Edmonds, Saint Louis, Missouri, a daughter, Cherie Lee Ann, born January 23.... We are saddened by the death of V. L. Shumate, 73, at Beckley, West Virginia, December 29. Our brother was one of the elders at Stover, West Virginia, where I used to hold meetings as a boy.... We are also grieved by the death of Rose Fiscus, Roubidoux, California, who died as the result of surgery for a malignant brain tumor while in Indiana. This gracious sister was with the Armenian refugees who were rescued many years ago when the Turks brutally assaulted the villages around Musa Dagh (Mount of Moses). The providential appearance of a French warship made it possible for the villagers to escape death. Later she was my translator when I immersed a number of the Armenian Colony, including her own father and mother.... Charles J. Conger reports immersing an entire family of five on January 10, at Washington Chapel congregation, near Des Moines, Iowa.... Bert Ellis reports that 300-400 children gather for Bible instruction each Sunday morning and evening at Pusan, Korea, where he is working with the Korean Broadcasting Mission.... There was quite a family gathering down at Flat Rock, near Summersville, Missouri, when all 13 children of the John W. Bandy family met for a family reunion on December 26, the first time in ten years. All of these children attended services at Flat Rock while growing up.... Jack Busby and Burl Price arranged a meeting for preachers on February 23, at Pana, Illinois, to discuss the question, "Has the New Testament Church Been Restored?" In this meeting jointly arranged by brethren of both instrumental and non-instrumental segments of the restoration movement, it was announced that "Any proclaimer of the gospel is welcome and may take part at the proper time, as long as a brotherly spirit is manifested." The increasing number of such gatherings throughout the world indicates that our brethren are growing up. Only Satan stands to lose when men meet together to talk about the word of God in love.... J. C. Reed, RCDA, Fydep, Sta. Elena, Peten, Guatemala, Central America, sends us such a glowing report of the country where he is working to plant a pioneer colony of Christians, that it is difficult to keep from going down. If you are interested, write him as above. The air mail postage is 13c from the United States.... Brethren at the little congregation at Bismarck, Missouri, having now paid off the loan on their basement meetinghouse are asking for assistance in supporting Wilton Painter to do evangelistic work in the area. It is their honest conviction that God will open a great door and effectual, and if you are willing to aid in the support, you are asked to write at once to William Jordan, P. O. Box 489, Bismarck, Missouri. Acknowledgement will be made of all letters and contributions.... Could you help us by renewing in advance of expiration?

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