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     Speakers at the fellowship rally in Boise, Idaho, February 12, 13, were Dr. Ward Rice, Ernest Chamberlain and W. Carl Ketcherside. Attendance at the meeting was approximately 350.... The editor spoke three times in Denver, Colorado, on February 14. At the afternoon meeting held at Wheatridge Heights an audience question forum produced some excellent queries on fellowship and unity.... The book containing bound copies of all of our 1964 issues is ready for mailing. It bears the title, "The Brotherhood of Faith" and contains 192 pages, fully indexed. The cost is $2.95 per copy.... Those of you who would like to secure extra copies of this (April) issue of the paper may do so by sending $1.00 for ten of them. Perhaps you would like to share them with friends.... Our current series on "The Twisted Scriptures" will continue throughout this year and be produced in book form at the close of the year, under the same title. We are taking orders one year in advance for this book, since only 2000 copies will be printed and there will be no additional printing of the book.... We regret to report that our brother and friend, Frank Lawler, Kansas City, Missouri departed this life on February 4.... Cecil Willis, Box 7245, Akron, Ohio 44309, has written a book titled, "W. W. Otey: Contender for the Faith" which can be secured for $4.00 by writing to the address given. The subheading is "A History of Controversies in the Church of Christ from 1860-1960."... We regret to report the death of our brother in the Lord, Don Hill, Granite City, Illinois, February 11, 1965.... The Seminary Review, published quarterly by The Cincinnati Bible Seminary, contains an address entitled "The New Testament and the Unity of the Church" by R. C. Foster, in the Fall (1964) edition. This speech delivered on the opening day of the 1964 Conference on Evangelism, deserves the reading and study of all who are interested in the subject of fellowship. The Review can be addressed at Box 8, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204.... We urge brethren in the Canadian provinces and in the northern states to note the announcement made on page 62 concerning the camp to be held this summer at Macrorie, Saskatchewan.... Darrell Bolin, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, has just produced a sixteen page study in analytical form of Isaiah, chapter 53. Brother Bolin will preside over the discussions in the fellowship forum to be held in Dallas, Texas, in June.... Those who need to secure single copies of the paper for completion of files or to use in research on a thesis, may write to C. H. Ephland, 1505 North Ash Street, Nevada, Missouri 64772, and request the particular numbers desired. He maintains a number of back issues reaching into several years past to fill such requests. We suggest that you enclose postage with your request.... Our next issue will contain a very thorough analysis of 1 John 1:7 under the title "Walking in the Light." In conjunction with it we will also print an article by Obert Henderson on "Biblical Illiteracy in Churches of Christ." You will agree that this issue is one of our finest and we do hope that you will share it with others.... A goodly number have written to us asking when we would analyze 2 John 10, 11, "If any man come and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house nor give him any greeting." We are pleased to announce that our June issue will deal with this scripture which is generally twisted completely out of its context. The July issue will have an exhaustive study of the expression "That ye all speak the same thing" under the heading, "Conformity or Diversity." We promise you that this will be a challenging number of the paper.... We regret to report the

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deaths of Charles Palmer, 88, of Parsons, Kansas; and Samuel Zirkle, 99, Middletown, Indiana. Both of these brethren were elders of congregations in their respective cities when I stayed in their homes many years ago.... Approximately 150 persons attended the meetings of the Featherstone Christian Fellowship, held at First Christian Church, National City, California. The attendance represented a number of congregations of Churches of Christ and Christian Churches. Kenneth Huff ably presided over the four meetings at which W. Carl Ketcherside spoke and conducted audience question forums.... We regret to announce the death of Lulu Bolin, 77, Hammond, Illinois, February 23. We extend our sincere sympathy to the family, which includes her son, Darrell, of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, an evangelist for the Lord.... Did you read what Harold MacMillan, former prime minister of Great Britain, said about his Socialist-Labor opponents? "They have many sound and original ideas. But the trouble is that many of their original ideas are not sound, and many of their sound ideas are not original."... I am looking forward to one week this year with a great deal of enthusiasm. It will be my privilege to be one of the daily speakers at the "National Christian College-Career Conference" in California, September 6-11, at which Dr. Robert Fife, of Milligan College, will also be a featured speaker. We will share our thinking with some 250 college men and women, and there will be no "pulling of the punches" by anyone. The theme is "20th Century Christianity: Faith Under Fire." We will be exploring the question of whether our historical plea is still intellectually tenable, and what can be done with it in an ecumenical world. The goal of the seminars and discussions for the whole week will seek to answer the query, "What can college people do to really spark a movement to Biblical Christianity?... We appreciate the fact that Martin M. Mitchum shared with us some of the manuscripts gathered at the recent Conference on Internal Unity in the Christian Churches, held at Overland Park, Kansas, and those we have read show excellent preparation and serious thought.... It was our privilege to assist in ordaining Jack Young and Jess Riles to the diaconate of the Lillian Avenue congregation, St. Louis, Missouri, March 7.... We rejoice with Bill and Ann Kimzey, Tullahoma, Tennessee, that they have a son, William Hugh, born January 16.... Those who send renewals for several years at a time deserve our special thanks as this means a considerable saving in time and money, both of which are essential in carrying on the work we are doing. It may interest you to know that our mailing last month approached our all time high. Thank you! Another way to help is to send your renewal in advance of expiration date so that we will not need to expend the extra amount required to notify you by card. You cannot lose because your subscription will be advanced from the expiration date.... Pfc Arthur N. Horch, Jr., RA 17663671, E Troop, 2nd Sqdn., A-C, APO, New York 09139, who is now stationed in Germany would like to hear from any young people in the church. He is from Webster Groves, Missouri.... Orin Hardenbrook and Perry Rader, are editor and publisher respectively, of a new journal called "The Christian Challenge." The editorial address is Box 416, Sturgis, South Dakota. The paper will be published ten times per year. Single subscription rate is $1.00. The first edition has articles by Woodrow Phillips, Roy Weece, Marjorie Phillips, Marvin Rickard, Harold Fox and W. Carl Ketcherside.... The congregation meeting at Sullivan, Illinois, asks all young people to plan to attend their annual meeting for youth, to be held on September 3, 4, 5.

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