It is our policy to send only one
notice of expiration of your subscription and if renewal is
not received by the time the next paper is ready to be
mailed we assume that you are not interested in
continuing to read MISSION MESSENGER and your card
is lifted from the file. We regret that we cannot
guarantee to supply back issues to those who allow their
subscriptions to lapse.... It is our pleasure to be invited
to speak at Eastern Christian College, Bel Air, Maryland,
May 7, 8. On May 18 we will speak at Bethany College,
Bethany, West Virginia, morning and afternoon, and
conduct a question forum immediately following both
addresses. It is our plan to attend the discussion sessions
to be held in Dallas, Texas, June 15-18.... A brother in
California will send MISSION MESSENGER for one year
without cost to any elder of any congregation in the
United States or Canada. The only stipulation is that the
elder make a personal request for the journal.... A
brother in Oregon has joined with a brother in Tennessee
to make possible the sending of the paper for one year
without obligation to any college student or faculty
member. A personal request must be entered and a post
card will do.... Those who wish extra copies of this (May)
issue may secure them at the rate of ten for $1.00 while
they last. Why not share this thinking with other friends
and brethren?... All of the issues for 1963 have been
bound in a book titled "The Unity of the Spirit" and those
for 1964 in a volume titled "The Brotherhood of Faith."
Each of these is a 192 page, fully-indexed book, and the
price is $2.95 each.... We are pleased to announce that
our entire June edition will be devoted to an analysis of 2
John 10, 11, with the lead article designated "Receive
Him Not." We will also offer an article by Frederic W.
Farrar on the same theme from his book "The Early Days
of Christianity."... Floyd W. Mackler, Box 607, Pleasant
Hill, Oregon, will publish a bi-monthly journal of studies
called "Abide." Since Brother Mackler is one of the most
original thinkers in our day we suggest that you send to
him and request a copy of his initial issue which contains
an analysis of "The Abiding Life."... We are also in receipt
of the first issue of "The Berean Challenger" which will be
published six times annually, with the address at Box
1772, Eugene, Oregon. Editors are Douglas Kendig and
Norman Fox. The first issue contains articles headed:
"Glossolalia Causing Denominational Stir"; "Religions
Divided by Ecumenism"; and "Americanize or
Christianize?" The last is an article on missionary
methods by Don Byers who served on the mission field in
Thailand for several years.... Bro. M. F. Cottrell has
helped a group of saints band together under the
designation COME (Children of Mexico Endeavors) to
help Herbert and Marilyn Hatfield in their care of orphan
children in Juarez,
Mexico. You are invited to write Hazel Smith, 5925 West
32nd Avenue, Denver 12, Colorado, for information as to
how you may help these unfortunate little ones in our
sister country to the south.... Ellis Crum arrived safely
back home from the tour of the "holy land" which he
helped to promote and conduct.... Buff Scott, 137 West
Edwards Place, Nevada, Missouri, has left several
hundred books entitled, "A Voice From Among the
Crowd." You may secure them in any quantity while they
last for the cost of postage in mailing them to you....
Darrell Bolin will move to Bridgeport, Connecticut, for
several months this summer to aid the saints in that
area.... We regret to report the death of our sister in
Christ, Mrs. Christa Temple, at Dexter, Missouri, March
11.... A. E. Winstanley has announced cessation of his
publication "Truth in Love" after more than ten years of
continuance. Brother Winstanley lives at 43a Church
Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England.... Hobert
Wampler, 3404 53rd Street, Lubbock, Texas, would like
to make contact with any in that area who are sincerely
interested in promoting unity among the believers in
Christ. Those who wish to inaugurate studies across
partisan lines and on a non-factional basis are invited to
get in touch with him.... Richmond Combined Enterprises
P. 0. Box 64, Centerville, Indiana, is dedicated to the
task of providing opportunities for the physically and
mentally handicapped to help themselves. They are
interested in finding a man able to do personal work and
Bible teaching, and who has a conviction to win souls and
a compassion for the needy. Age is not of primary
importance, but a knowledge of manufacturing and ability
to train individuals would be helpful. It is an ultimate goal
to erect a place of public worship which will accommodate
wheel chairs, heavy leg braces and crutches, and thus
make it possible for the severely handicapped to render
active service to God and their fellowmen. If you are
interested write at once to the address above.... Two
were immersed this month at Oak Hill Chapel, Saint
Louis; Bernie Crum immersed one at Flat River, Missouri,
March 14.... We regret to chronicle the following deaths
in recent weeks: Nancy Ellen Cole, 97, Gallatin, Missouri,
March 28; William Craig, Alton Illinois, March 28; Robert
Morrow, Kiamath Falls, Oregon, March 30. Brother
Morrow was for a number of years a pillar in the work in
Saint Louis and faithfully discharged his duty to God in
other areas after he left the city.... We have a letter from
a brilliant young brother who has just spent four years in
a Christian college in the South, and who now plans to
continue his work toward a graduate level. He writes,
"Traditional concepts, surface views, and party cliche's
are becoming inadequate to some of the younger people
of the Church of Christ. They are hungering for a
broader, deeper, fuller grasp of God's purpose in Christ
than the superficial commercial sermon outlines and the
patented thinking of popular prevalence will provide. The
will of God will prevail." We mention this because it is
typical of the feelings now being expressed by scores of
those from whom we hear. We sincerely feel that this
attitude contains our greatest hope for the future.... We'd
like to suggest as a present for graduates a copy of the
New English Bible New Testament, or The New
Testament in Modern English, by J. B. Phillips. We'll mail
a beautiful gift edition of either for just $4.00... Gareth L.
Reese has some pretty challenging questions for heirs of
the restoration movement, in an article entitled "Where
Do You Stand, Sir?" published in The Sentinel, P.O. Box
70, Moberly, Missouri 65270. Write for it.
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