More than 150 persons enrolled at
the Bible Camp at Macrorie, Saskatchewan, coming from
several provinces and from the United States. Although
from different backgrounds the spirit manifested was
excellent and not one untoward incident occurred to mar
the expression of fellowship.... Arrangements have been
made for the editor to participate with a nationally known
scientist in a series of discussions in a "Faith Crusade" to
be held at Ozark Bible College, Joplin, Missouri,
November 30-December 2. He will also speak three days
at the winter preaching rally at San Jose, California,
January 26-28, and precede this with two days of studies
on unity and fellowship at Lancaster, California, January
24, 25. He will be at Calgary, Alberta, next May 9-12,
during which he will deliver the commencement address
at Alberta Bible College.... Those interested in tapes of
the Seminar on Fellowship, held at Dallas, Texas,
recently, may obtain them by sending blank tapes to Jim
Smith, P.O. Box 95, Bonne Terre, Missouri 63628. The
tapes sent should be all purpose (e.g., Scotch
111 or Burgess 111) and 1.5 mil. in thickness. Each
session requires one 5 inch reel of tape, 600 feet in
length, at recording speed of 1-7/8 inches per second,
the speed which will be used in copying unless you
request otherwise. There were 12 sessions. Return
postage must be included with your tapes.... Carroll and
Maudine Wrinkle will both be teaching in Wingate High
School, Fort Wingate, New Mexico, starting this month.
They are well known to many of our readers.... Myron
Taylor took our place in the "Men on the March" program
held at Deep Valley Christian Camp, in Pennsylvania. It
was necessary to cancel our engagement because of the
automobile accident in which we were involved. About 71
men registered for the event which was an initial one in
that area.... Dean Garrison, Farmington, New Mexico,
former editor of "Christian Youth" magazine received an
EDEA scholarship at the University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, where he attended during the summer....
We extend our very deepest sympathy to Alton and
Wanda Pace, California, whose son, Deane, passed away
July 21 from complications preceding heart surgery... The
annual meeting for young people held at 700 West
Jackson Street, Sullivan, Illinois, will begin at 8:00 p. m.,
September 3 and continue through Sunday, September
5. Meals and lodging will be furnished to all who attend.
Please make reservations by sending details to Ken
Baumgartner, Sullivan, Illinois.... Bernie Crum reports
one immersed at close of a vacation Bible Study at Bridge
congregation, near Dexter, Missouri, where 49 enrolled in
this rural study.... Our good brother, M. J. Cunningham,
Jr., who teaches at Southern Methodist University in
Dallas, Texas, spent his vacation working with
congregations in California.... Dale Schlieper reports
meetings with William Hensley at San Jose and San
Lorenzo, California.... Our old family friend and sister in
the Lord, Nancy Gingrich, LaVerne, California, was 84
years old on Sunday, July 4.... William E. Paul, 1300 Julio
Lane, Orlando, Florida, wants to know why we have not
mentioned his journal News and Truths, and his
booklet titled "Feminine Adornment." We just now did it
and you are invited to write him about them.... Martin
Mitchum who was planning to go to Ethiopia in August to
do mission work had a plane accident in landing his
Cessna 172 at Ozark, Missouri, and received fractures of
all the bones in the upper part of his face, including the
nose and upper jaw. We are deeply grateful
to the Father for reports that Martin is making good
recovery from a very painful experience.... The July issue
of Into All The World is especially interesting. It
is edited by J. Miller Forcade and Esther E. Forcade, now
laboring for Christ in Japan. You can receive a copy by
writing to the paper at P.O. Box 313, Brookhaven,
Mississippi 39601.... The Christian Appeal
devotes its July issue to "The Christian and His
Government." It is published at 3213 Odessa Avenue,
Fort Worth, Texas 76109.... Truth for Youth
deals with the theme "Why I Believe" in the July number.
It is published at 7109 East Angus Drive, Scottsdale,
Arizona 85251.... Twentieth Century Christian
devotes its July issue to "The Prophets Speak." Thomas
H. Olbricht, of the Speech Department, Pennsylvania
State College, helped edit it and it is a good one. The
address is 2814 Granny White Pike, Nashville, Tennessee
37204. Restoration Reporter, 330 Park,
McDonald, Ohio, has three very provocative articles
dealing with "The Work of An Evangelist With Respect to
a Local Congregation"; "What Constitutes a
Congregation?"; and "Too Much Question." The last deals
with "The Public Confessional" that is, the scripturality of
having those who have erred to come forward and make
a public statement of guilt and ask for forgiveness.... In
The Gospel Guardian, July 22, 1965, Robert C.
Welch attacks our position on 2 John 9-11 as set forth in
our June issue. Bob is a little careless in his accusations,
as usual. The issue containing his article can be secured
by writing to the paper at Box 470, Lufkin, Texas
75902.... The Pioneer, 3627 Front Street, Grove
City, Ohio 43123, in its July issue has articles on "What Is
A Sermon?"; "The Eldership"; and "The Human
System."... The Scripture Standard, 133 Long
Lane, Hindley, Lancashire, England, in its July issue has
an interesting article on "Evolution or the Bible" by the
editor. The "Correspondence" section is given over to
discussion of individual cups at the Lord's Table, a
practice introduced by American "missionaries" over the
protest of British brethren.... Darrell Bolin, 134
Susquehanna Avenue, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, has an
attractive booklet on "Baptism--as believed and practiced
by Christians the world over" which he plans to use in his
personal work. He will send you one if you'll enclose a
stamp with your request.... You'll find the July issue of
Living Stones, edited by Clinton Brazle, North
Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada, very interesting....
Restoration Revival, Box 340, Sutherlin, Oregon
97479, has some pointed articles in the July issue
striking at the party spirit.... You'll also find the July
number of The Word and Work, 2518 Portland
Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40212, filled with
stimulating and challenging material.... Our brother,
Arthur W. Atkinson, Jr., who edits "The Admonisher" as a
weekly church bulletin has begun his series of articles on
"Fellowship" which we mentioned some time ago. Since
some of the things he will say will cut across the views
we have expressed we urge you to secure his articles
which will be mailed without charge upon your request
sent to 1354 Mount View Avenue, San Bernardino,
California.... The Berean Challenger, published
every two months at Box 1772, Eugene, Oregon,
contains special articles on "Restructure" and "Protestant
Merger Talks" in the June number. Norman Fox and
Douglas Kendig, who edit it, will send you copies if you
request that your name be placed on their list.... W. Carl
Ketcherside will speak at Maplewood Christian Church,
Terre Haute, Indiana, September 15, 16, 17, on
"Fellowship in Christ." For information call Earl R. Beaty,
Hutsonville, Illinois, Telephone 563-4764.... People from
12 states, 4 continents, and 6 segments of the
restoration movement attended the meeting at Highland
Church, Louisville, Kentucky, August 2-6.
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