A. V. Mansur, Route 2, Box 278,
Galt, California, has reprinted the booklet "The
Functioning of Every Member" which was originally
produced by W. G. Asher, now deceased. If you will write
Brother Mansur he will send you one of these without
obligation, and we earnestly urge every reader of this
paper to secure one.... There were approximately 6000
people from 30 countries of the world who registered for
the World Convention of Churches of Christ (Disciples of
Christ), held in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Our speech before
the convention was printed in our September issue of
this paper.... Rick Deighton, 714 West First Street, Joplin,
Missouri, has a complete 12 volume set of Interpreter's
Bible, in absolutely new condition. This set retails for
$89.50 and he will take $45.00 for this set if you'll write
him at once.... We are glad to report that Sam M. Davis,
Clarksburg, West Virginia, made good recovery from
surgery. Brother Davis has attended many of our
sessions on unity and fellowship.... Ron Cook, P.O. Box
1364, Sheridan, Wyoming, desires to contact any
persons in that vicinity who are interested in an
independent work starting in that section.... Our brother
and sister in Christ, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lawton, 719 West
First Avenue, Denver, Colorado, celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary on September 14.... M. S.
Whitehead, 211 Park Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama
36110, in the August issue of his "Restoration Plea"
reviews and replies to an article attacking our position as
published by Robert C. Welch, Associate Editor, in
Gospel Guardian, July 22. Brother Whitehead
will mail you a copy if you enclose postage.... "Baptism
as a Channel of Blessing" is the title of an outstanding
booklet by Fred I. Gardner which you can order from
College Press, Box 1132, Joplin, Missouri 64802. It is an
interesting presentation of the theme.... We are sorry to
announce that our brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Munger, Des Moines, Iowa, were injured in an automobile
accident, when their car turned over enroute home from
a meeting held at Winterset, Iowa.... It has been
arranged that the editor will speak each morning at the
Conference on Evangelism, to be held in San Jose,
California, January 26-28, delivering expository messages
on the Galatian letter. He will also engage in two
afternoon forum sessions with other panel members and
deliver the final night address. Those who are interested
should contact Alvan L. Tiflin, P.O. Box 1000, San Jose,
California 95108.... The lead article in this issue, "The
One Faith," is one of a series which has been presented
each month this year, and will continue through the next
two issues. These will then be bound in book form and
fully indexed under the title, "The Twisted Scriptures."
This 192 page, clothbound volume, will be mailed out on
March 1, 1966, and advance orders are now being taken
at the rate of $2.49 per copy. Only 2000 will be printed
and we urge you to reserve several copies as they will
become more valuable with each passing year. Send no
money. We will bill you upon delivery.... We regret to
announce that no single copies of MISSION MESSENGER
are available except a limited supply of the September
issue. These may be had by sending $1.00 for ten copies.
You may also order extra copies of this (October) issue at
the same rate while they last. We urge you not to delay if
you are interested.... The postal authorities are
demanding that we secure zip codes for the addresses of
all subscribers. The day is fast approaching when second
and third class mail will not be delivered unless it is
coded. If your address on this paper does not have a zip
code, send us yours at once. Our
address is MISSION MESSENGER, 139 Signal Hill Drive,
Saint Louis, Missouri 63121. We are happy to announce
that our next issue will contain a study of Amos 3:3, and
the use of this text as a basis for advocating unity based
on conformity. We have long known that when Amos
asked "Can two walk together except they be agreed?"
he was not providing the groundwork for a sermon such
as most of our brethren concoct from it, but we shall deal
with this thoroughly in the November issue. We suggest
that you do not miss it .... We know a brother in Christ
who is outstanding in the field of Production Engineering
Management and has proven his value in large
corporations. His work in the field of Labor Relations is
very commendable. If brethren who read this, and who
are engaged in corporation management will write to us
we will put you in personal touch with this man who will
mean much to any firm with which he is attached. It is
probable that The Christian Challenge edited by
Orin Hardenbrook, Box 416, Sturgis, South Dakota
57785, reached a new peak for interest-arousing articles
in the June-July issue. If you have not seen a copy of this
paper, we suggest that you write for one at once....
Curtis Dickinson, 4003 45th Street, Lubbock, Texas
79413, who puts out The Witness each month
has a provocative article in the August issue on "A Motive
to Love" in which he affirms "The finality of God's
purpose is the basis of love." Since he writes some other
things which will also provoke a good many of you, we
suggest you send for one. Even if you do not agree with
Curtis it will not hurt you to read what he says .... On
September 5, the congregation at Camp Center, Iowa,
held an all-day meeting in which Bro. V. M. Gilbert was
specially honored for the fifty years he has been
preaching. We have known him for most of those
years.... Have you read the booklet "The Greatest Will
Ever Made" written by George Mark Elliott. If you have
not you can get one for only 5c from Christian
Restoration Association, 702 Peoples' Bank Building,
Fourth and Elm Street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio.... Martin M.
Mitchum, Rolla, Missouri, has just about recovered from
his plane accident and he and his family are still making
plans to go to Ethiopia for work on that mission field....
We especially regret that we were unable to fill all of the
demands for extra copies of the issue containing the
article "The Baptism of John." We completely
under-estimated the interest in that issue. Those
especially concerned can secure it in the book "The
Twisted Scriptures."... Attendance at the College Career
Conference at Cedar Crest Camp, near San Bernardino,
California, was about 175, and it was a thrilling
experience to share with these young men and women
from numerous colleges and universities.... We regret to
report the death in a plane crash of Paul Bennett, Jack
Stockdale and Dale Coleman, all of Danville, Illinois.
Brother Bennett labored with South Side Church of Christ
in that city.... Our hearts are saddened by the death of
our brother, Troy Patrick, an elder of the congregation at
Hammond, Illinois.... Our hearts reach out also to Carl
and Dottie Painter, of Flat River, Missouri, whose little
daughter, Beth, passed away after a long struggle
against cancer. Memorial services were conducted by Carl
himself on the evening of September 12.... We have seen
the first copy of Communion Quester, a
quarterly to be produced in Brazil, under direction of
Leon E. Tester, and we are pleased with the fairness and
objectivity exhibited. It represents an honest attempt to
find common ground for the saints. You can secure this
quarterly for $2.50 per year, by making your check to
"Communion Quester Account No. 04-553-5" and
sending it to Jack Hill, 1001 Cedar Crest, Abilene,
Texas.... We sincerely ask your help in securing new
readers for this paper and urge you to send in
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