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     Our December issue will feature a study of "The Unfruitful Works of Darkness," as well as an article by Curtis Lydic on "Attributes of Pharisaism." Brother Lydic teaches in the Art Department of North Texas State College.... In a very attractive September issue, The Voice of Evangelism, 908 Court Street, Ottumwa, Iowa, reprinted "Biblical Anthropology" from "New Testament Christianity."... The Gospel Guardian, P.O. Box 470, Lufkin, Texas 75902, has dressed up its headings in an attractive new format. We commend the article by Edward Fudge on "The Enemy Has Demanded Surrender" in the issue of September 30.... Announcement has been made that Derrence and Donna Smaage, of West Allis, Wisconsin, will go to Capetown, South Africa, to serve the cause of Christ. Derrence is an accomplished pilot and flight instructor and will fly a Piper Cherokee 180 plane to serve on the mission field.... We regret to report the death of Roland B. Sameon, who was killed with 16 others in a bus accident on a mountain highway in the Philippines. Our brother was the editor of the monthly magazine called The Philippine Christian.... Robert M. Bell, President of Johnson Bible College, Kimberlin Heights, Tennessee, was the featured speaker at the Wisconsin Centennial of Christian Churches, held at Viroqua, Wisconsin, October 8-10, with the theme "Guidelines From the Past."... Wayne Poucher spoke in a special series at the Civic Center, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, October 4-8. Bro. Poucher is well known because of his former connection with Lifeline, a radio program of tremendous power.... Conley Silsby was the special speaker at the 20th Anniversary Gospel Hour at Minnesota Bible College, Minneapolis, on October 29.... Clifton Loyd Ganus, Jr., succeeds George S. Benson, as president of Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas, having been inaugurated on September 18.... The congregation of saints meeting at 630 North Main Street, Nevada, Missouri, invited every minister in the county to present a message on Christian unity and submit to questions from the audience. The announced purpose was to induce more people to begin thinking in terms of Christian unity and to come to a better understanding of each other's way of thinking." The first speaker was Robert L. Stone, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. The elders of the non-instrument congregation inviting the speakers agreed to be responsible for order and tranquillity.... Bernie Crum reports two immersed at Flat River, Missouri, recently. This is another non-instrument congregation which recently arranged a forum in their meetinghouse in which every minister in the area was invited to participate in a discussion of unity in Christ, provided that those accepting would be willing to answer questions from the audience. An excellent spirit was maintained.... We congratulate Leon Cook, Fenton, Missouri, on the fact that, although he and his wife are relatively new in the faith, they recently converted their neighbors and Leon personally immersed them into the Lord.... Did you send for your free copy of "The Functioning of Every Member," book reprinted by A. V. Mansur, Route 2, Box 278, Galt, California? If you neglected it, let me suggest again that you sit down immediately and write Brother Mansur and secure a copy. Remember, it is free!... Robert and Phyllis Walker, Indianapolis, Indiana, have a new son, John Matthew, born September 3. Brother Walker is now interning at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, in preparation for work as a medical missionary in

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Southern Rhodesia.... Otto and Margaret Schlieper, Hartford, Illinois, will be celebrating their Golden Wedding anniversary on November 11. Open house will be held on November 7, at Westerner Club Lodge, East Alton, Illinois, from 2:30-5:00 p.m.... David Scates and family, and Vernon Hollett and family, are preparing to establish a mission on the Navajo Reservation and minister the Word to the largest and fastest growing Indian tribe in North America.... Many readers have found especially interesting the series on Alexander Campbell and the Hymnbook, written by Alger M. Fitch, Jr., and published in Christian Standard, 8121 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231. The fifteenth installment appeared in the issue of October 9.... Our brother and sister in the Lord, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brown, are returning to Africa for labor in the vicinity of Salisbury, Rhodesia. They were among the pioneer missionaries in that part of the African continent, but have been in the United States for several years. Brother Brown will have only his Social Security payments, and needs help in augmenting this support. If you wish to join in helping this couple who know the African people and their language we will furnish you the address upon request.... Recent letters from faculty and students in some of the Christian Colleges in California, Texas, and Tennessee, indicate that many are wholly dissatisfied with the narrow concept of fellowship based upon conformity which has been projected in the past. It is quite evident that many have been reading MISSION MESSENGER not only with interest but with approval, and we predict that better days are ahead for the heirs of the restoration movement. It is regrettable that many of these brethren are in such position for the time being that they cannot speak openly about these matters, but they should be of good cheer for orthodoxy is rapidly losing ground among those who dare to think.... We have in our possession for publication the manuscripts for a book to be edited by Robert Meyers, of Friends University, Wichita, Kansas, which will analyze in all kindness and concern Church-of-Christ-ism as it exists today. Some of the articles are by men who have left "The Church of Christ" and telling why they did so--men like Pat Hardeman, Roy Key, Ralph Graham, William P. Reedy, Charles P. Warren, J. P. Sanders, Carl Etter, and others. Some are by men who choose to labor within the framework in which they have served--men like Logan Fox, William K. Floyd, Norman L. Parks, Robert Meyers, and others. There are articles by Margaret Edson O'Dowd and Laurie Hibbett, among the sisters. Never before have we read such a critique of a religious organization. Never before have we found men who wanted so much to have their brethren understand them and their feelings. As you read you find yourself wanting to cry at some things and hide your head at others. We have decided to publish the work for the simple reason that we believe justice demands that our brethren be given an opportunity to be heard personally. We are no longer frightened by threats nor by prejudice. As free in Christ Jesus as we now find ourselves, we can do what we believe is right, and maintain our integrity before God regardless of cost. We urge you to watch for further announcement of one of the most interesting, fascinating and startling books you have ever read about a religious movement, written by men and women who have loved that movement.... Do not forget that starting with our January issue we will present a series of articles to be entitled "Deep Roots." This series which will run through 1966 will offer to all men the basis of our simple trust in God and the Lord Jesus Christ. It will seek to discover God's will for us in this day and we predict you will find it helpful.

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