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     After years of separation the two congregations of saints meeting in Galesburg, Illinois, have found it possible to settle their problems and work together. On Dec. 5 they began meeting as a unified band of brethren at 955 Lawrence Avenue, in that city...The Gospel Guardian, January 6, publishes the news that the Thomas Boulevard congregation and the Imhoff Avenue congregation, in Port Arthur, Texas, who were divided from one another in 1960, have settled the differences and are now laboring in unity. We rejoice at every sign of the triumph of the Spirit in the lives of men and women.... Roy Webb, who has been working at McKinney, Texas, will begin laboring with the brethren meeting at Tenth and Garey Streets, Pomona, California...S. M. Davis, Route 3, Box 329E, Clarksburg, West Virginia 26301, expresses a willingness to go anywhere to visit small groups in that area, where he may lead brethren to a closer walk with God, and has resolved to make nothing a test of fellowship which God has not made a condition of salvation.... Maurice and Marie Hall, who have been proclaiming the Glad Tidings in Vietnam, and are home for a brief stay before returning to Saigon, spoke at three congregations in Saint Louis, Missouri; Central, Southside, and Halls Ferry Road.... Daniel I. Munger and Charles K. Martin, speech teachers at McCluer High School in Saint Louis County, Missouri, had an article accepted by and published in "The Speech Teacher" for November, 1965. We congratulate these men who have been of inestimable help to us in training other brethren for public service in the Saint Louis area. Their article was titled "Team Teaching in a Course in Fundamentals of Speech".... Approximately 120 high school and college young people enrolled for the vacation study conducted at Webster Groves, Missouri, during the Christmas holidays. Jim Mabery arranged the schedule and was assisted by a number of other capable teachers.... J. D. Hall, Jr., P. 0. Box 146, Jasper, Texas 75951, will send you upon request and without obligation his attractive booklet called "True Christianity." This contains an analysis of the word "ekklesia" and we urge you to send for it. You do not need to agree with Brother Hall but please do get a copy of the booklet and read it.... Dr. Robert M. Walker and family are now seeking support to make it possible for them to join in the work of the Central Africa Mission, where Robert will work under direction of Dr. Dennis Pruett. Bob graduated from. Indiana University School of Medicine, June 14, 1965, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and is currently interning at Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis. Bob and Phyllis are worthy of support in this venture for Jesus. Forwarding agents are Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hackler, 3442 North Leland Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46218.... The Hartford (Ill.) Forum, featured as speakers on December 27, 28, Leroy Garrett, Russell Boatman, Roy Key, Curtis Lydic, James J. Albert, and W. Carl Ketcherside. We will publish the speeches by Roy Key, Russell Boatman and W. Carl Ketcherside. The speech by Brother Garrett will appear in Restoration Review and that by Brother Albert in Restoration Reporter, 330 Park Ave., McDonald, Ohio.... Leroy Herder, Duane Dunning and Vernon Hurst) engaged in a panel discussion at Casper, Wyoming, on January 1, the title being, "God's Plan for the Local Church." On the previous evening Brother Hurst spoke on "The Nature of the Church" and Brother Herder on "Having Faith in God's Plan."... The ushers counted 330 persons in attendance at the New Year's Eve service at Lillian Avenue congregation, Saint Louis, Missouri. Speakers were Kern Sears, lrvin

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Himmel, Frank Meyers, James Graddy, Harold Key and Hershel Ottwell. W. Carl Ketcherside presided, and Martin Kimzey, one of the elders delivered the address of welcome.... Leslie Diestelkamp, 1833 Ivy Lane, Aurora, Illinois 60506, has announced his intention to return to Nigeria this year. More than 40,000 persons have been immersed and more than 450 congregations planted in that country in the last 18 years. Brother Diestelkamp first went to Nigeria in 1959.... Don Mechem and family will go to the Mumbwa Mission, Zambia, Africa) in late March. Forwarding agents are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mechem, 316 Shelby Avenue, Owatonna, Minnesota 55060.... A group of concerned saints are contracting to buy a house as a center of activities for students at Purdue University. Information can be secured from Gary Edwards, Brady Lane Church of Christ, 2701 Brady Lane, Lafayette, Indiana.... The elders of the Brady Avenue congregation in Brownwood, Texas, will be hosts to a seminar on May 30, at which the subject will be "The Place of Women in the Church." It is announced that "the intent of the seminar will be to present an objective study without bias."... The Scripture Standard, published by brethren in England can be secured by writing to Paul Jones, 41 Pendragon Road, Birmingham 22B, England, and the cost is $1.80 per year. Why not send for it?... Please remember that this is our last notice of the pre-publication price of the book "The Twisted Scriptures." We urge you to send for it now while you can still secure it at $2.49 per copy. After March I the price will be $2.95.... Have you sent in a list of subscriptions yet on our current drive for a thousand new names? If not, we urge you to do so, because we want as many readers as possible to share in the material in "Deep Roots?... Our July issue this year will feature a full paper devoted to the question of instrumental music. Believing that the Holy Spirit has brought us to the time for a real discussion of this matter as it relates to fellowship, we intend to face up to it in a manner we have not seen since the days of the original division.... Our next issue will feature one of the most important articles we have ever written, entitled, "The Divine Revelation." We earnestly pray that you will read it carefully. It represents our defense of the Bible as the word of God and we have written our heart into it.... You will help us greatly by renewing in advance of expiration date and by sending for several years at a time. The subscription rate is $1.00 per year and you should send your subscriptions to MISSION MESSENGER. 139 Signal Hill Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63121.... We extend our sympathy to Bessie L. Smith, Pacific, Missouri, whose father was buried on December 24, and to Rebecca Ann Kollmeyer, Springfield, Missouri, whose husband, Stuart, died on December 30 as the result of an automobile accident. Stuart was 22 years old.... Tom and Libby Fife, of the Brasil Christian Mission, Sao Paulo, Brazil, announce the arrival of a boy, Jefferson Davis Fife, on December 23. Jeff is their fifth child. Next May Tom and Libby and family will move to the capital of the state of Goias to work with Goiania Christian Institute.... Walter Gene Short and Ruth Robison who have been active in Training Center for Service, a unique work among colored children in Saint Louis, Missouri, have announced their engagement and forthcoming marriage, scheduled tor July 2.... Again we plead with all of our readers to send in subscriptions for friends and brethren so more people can share in the messages and mission of the paper.

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