More than 1200 registered for the
22nd Annual Conference on Evangelism, held in the Civic
Auditorium, San Jose, California, January 26-28. The
forums and addresses were all on a very high plane...It
was our privilege to speak at a meeting of the Southern
California Christian Ministers' Association held at
Rosemead, and deliver two addresses and conduct two
forum sessions at Lancaster, while in California....
Brethren of various segments of the restoration
movement in the Des Moines (Iowa) area need to be
congratulated tor planning a meeting each month during
1966 to discuss areas of difference and study the
problems inherent in division. Meetings are held in the
recreation room of the United Federal Savings Building,
3839 Merle Hay Road, and information may be obtained
from Charles Conger, 3411 East 58th Street. The
telephone is 262-8666.... Vernon Hurst reports that ten
were added during January to the congregation at Powell,
Wyoming. He was scheduled to enter the hospital for eye
surgery on February 16.... Churches of Christ in Illinois
are planning an exhibit at the State Fair during 1966. The
director of the program is Burl E. Price, 801 South
Washington, Jerseyville, Illinois 62052. The
correspondent is Roy Rademacher, 879 South Stone
Street, Decatur, Illinois 62521.... We regret to report
that our aged brother, H. H. Hawley, Ludington,
Michigan, departed this life on January 19, at the age of
87.... Spiritual Sparks is published weekly at P.
O. Box 637, Lemon Grove, California, and is jointly edited
by Elmer Jenkins and Stephen Lane. Once each month an
edition devoted to the promotion of unity among all
facets of the restoration movement will be issued. The
January 19 edition featured articles on "A Muddled
Movement," "The Ground of Christian Unity," and
"Instruments of the Devil."... Bert Ellis reports that the
Tong Kwang Bible School which meets in the chapel of
Korean Broadcasting Mission, Pusan, Korea, broke all
attendance records during December, with an average of
425 and a high of 510 on December 19.... The Northmen
who will meet August 2-4 near Kalkaska, Michigan, have
chosen as their theme "The Christian Family." Speakers
will be John A. Wilson and Fred Green.... The 9th Annual
National Bible Chair Lectures, held in Lawton, Oklahoma,
brought together 33 Bible Chair directors from Churches
of Christ, which sponsor some 48 Bible Chairs offering
credit classes in conjunction with state universities and
colleges.... Luther Blackmon, Connie Adams, and O. C.
Birdwell, have been added to the staff of Truth
Magazine, as associate editors, and Karl
Diestelkamp will serve as editor of News Briefs in the
journal which is published monthly. Cecil Willis is
editor.... Missionary Messenger has been
combined with The Word and Work, with Gordon
R. Linscott as editor; Wm. Robert Heid as missionary
editor; and E. L. Jorgenson and J. R. Clark, associate
editors. It is published at 2518 Portland Avenue,
Louisville, Kentucky 40212.... Don DeWelt, Seth Wilson
and Brant L. Doty will be among the instructors and
lecturers during Christian Workers' Week at Lake Region
Christian Assembly, Cedar Lake, Indiana, July 24-30....
lrvin Himmel begins his seventh year of editorship with
Apostolic Doctrine according to announcement
in the December issue of the journal.... In our July issue
we propose to deal with the problem related to
instrumental music under the heading, "Aproach to
Authority." There is some evidence that a growing
number of brethren in non-instrument congregations are
concerned by the traditional error of making a test of
fellowship out of the understanding of this question, and
we will
make some suggestions looking to a candid
re-examination of the question in the light of growing
knowledge of the Word of God.... We wish to mention
that the supply of our book "The Brotherhood of Faith" is
depleting and it is not likely that it will be available after
this year. It will not be reprinted and those who wish to
secure a copy for their library should act at once. The
cost is only $2.95 per copy and all orders should be sent
to Mission Messenger, 139 Signal Hill Drive, St. Louis,
Missouri 63121.... We regret to report the death of our
brother in Christ, Oliver Stone, of Grassy congregation,
near Arab, Alabama. Brother Stone was teaching the
Bible lesson on February 6, when he suffered a heart
attack and died almost instantly.... We are also sorry to
report the death of our sister, Mrs. Roy Thompson,
Potosi, Missouri, who departed this life after a long
illness, January 25.... Orin Hardenbrook, editor of
The Christian Challenge, Box 416, Sturgis,
South Dakota 57785, writes in the January issue of that
journal that lack of interest may force the discontinuance
of the paper. This is difficult for us to understand because
the paper deserves more support and a better fate.
However, I sympathize with the editor's views and if the
time comes that Mission Messenger is not self-supporting
through subscriptions and the interest of concerned ones
we shall discontinue, believing that we have served the
purpose of God in our generation and it is not His will for
us to continue in this way.... We are deeply indebted to
our brother in Christ, E. P. C. Hollard, of Adelaide,
Australia, who has graciously sent us three volumes,
among them "The History of Churches of Christ in South
Australia 1846-1959" and "One Hundred Years--Churches
of Christ in Australia." We shall read all of these volumes
with much more than passing interest.... We are able to
furnish our readers the New Testament Greek-English
Interlinear, by George Ricker Berry, for $5.95 per copy;
and Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon for $8.95 per copy. If
you do not have these we urge that you order at once....
March 4 will mark one hundred years since Alexander
Campbell died. Death came to him on that day in 1866,
which was the Lord's Day, just fifteen minutes before
midnight. Dr. W. K. Pendleton wrote, "Sometimes the
room would be nearly filled with visitors, and he would
think they had assembled to hear him preach, and ask if
it was not time to begin the services--and when
reminded that they were only friends called to see him,
he would request someone to thank them for him. When
his voice almost entirely left him, and he was struggling
for breath, his wife said to him, "The blessed Saviour will
go with you through the valley of the shadow of death."
He looked earnestly into her face for a moment, and then
with great effort, said emphatically, "That he will! That he
will!" And this was about the last intelligent and pointed
expression of his deathless confidence that we can now
recall."... We will be pleased to hear from any of our
readers at any time with regard to articles appearing in
this issue.... Our sympathy is extended to our sister in
Christ, Mrs. Paul Simmons, Sullivan, Indiana, who
suffered the loss of her mother, February 3.... M. S.
Whitehead, 211 Park Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama
36110, in his edition of Restoration Plea for
February, reviews certain statements of Jerry F. Bassett,
Cottage Grove, Oregon, with reference to "liberalism,"
etc. You can receive a copy of this review by writing to
Brother Whitehead.... If you find it possible to do so we
urge you to send a list of subscribers who should be
reading the materials contained in MISSION
MESSENGER. We must have your help in increasing our
reader list.
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