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     Standard Publishing is sponsoring a Christian Writer's Clinic at the Sheraton Gibson Hotel, Cincinnati, which will feature some outstanding teachers and lecturers in special workshop sessions. For information address Christian Writer's Clinic, 8181 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231. . . . Two separate groups of workers will be taken to Mexico to share in presenting the good news and other spiritual activities arranged by Herb and Marilyn Hatfield, with Ellis Crum and Jim Mabery supervising. Each group will go for two weeks in July. For information write Jim at 322 West Washington Street, Kirkwood, Missouri 63122. . . . Dr. Robert M. Walker and family are urgently needed at Chiredzi, in Hippo Valley, Rhodesia, according to Dr. Dennis Pruett. Those who wish to help make their work possible should write at once to Robert M. Walker, M.D., 2113 Medford Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46222. It you prefer to call the telephone number is 636-9457, Area Code 317. . . . Do you get An Uncertain Sound, which is described as "an independent journal of Christian thought published monthly"? Well, you can believe us, it is different! You can secure a sample by sending to Box 54, Brightwaters, New York 11718. . . . Leroy Garrett announced in the March issue of Restoration Review a special gathering at Bethany College, July 2-4, which will be addressed by men from every segment of the restoration movement, and which will take stock of the present state of affairs a hundred years after the death of Campbell. This will be one unity gathering you'll not want to miss. If you do not receive Restoration Review regularly, send a dollar for a year to 1201 Windsor Drive, Denton, Texas 76201. The March issue has an account of our visit to Abilene Christian College. . . . While we are talking about papers we would like to mention some others edited by men who dare to think for themselves in print. We urge you to send for a sample of each and expose yourself to some of the fresh winds of thought blowing across three different segments of the restoration movement in this day. Here they are: Restoration Reporter, 330 Park Street, McDonald, Ohio 44437; Restoration Revival, Box 340, Sutherlin, Oregon 97479; and The Pioneer, 3627 Front Street, Grove City, Ohio 43123. . . . If you'll send two dollars to Paul Jones, "Harmony," Wade Close, Hill Ridware, Rugeley, Staffordshire, England, you can secure Scripture Standard, published by "Old Paths" brethren in England, for a year of good reading. . . . Brethren of a number of different segments of the restoration movement are meeting every three weeks in the Springfield, Missouri, area for discussion of the problem of disunity. Originally sparked by brethren in Lebanon, Missouri, who oppose individual cups and classes, and who met with members of the Independent Christian Churches for mutual discussion, the meetings have now grown to include many others. There were 70 present when I spoke on "Liberty and Expediency" on April 15. . . . Bernie Crum reports that three states, 22 congregations, and 6 branches of the restoration movement were represented in attendance at his meeting in Farmersburg, Indiana. The crowd which came for the special singing on the Saturday night before the meeting which featured "The Melody Boys" numbered 800. . . . Gale Smith writes from Chile that the Harvey Beasleys have arrived safely and are staying with them at Chiquicamata until they can secure a house in Antofogasta, where they will be laboring for the Lord.

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. . . Grayson H. Ensign, President of Central Christian College, Moberly, Missouri, and Dr. Fred Helsabeck, President of Culver-Stockton College, Canton, Missouri, met in an open forum to discuss "Vital Issues Between Disciples of Christ Churches and Free Christian Churches." The tapes with the speeches and the question sessions following are available at $3.00 or on a rental basis for $1.00, by writing Central Christian College, P. 0. Box 70, Moberly, Missouri 65270. . . . We should like to commend to you the April issue of The Word and Work, ably edited by Gordon Linscott, at 2518 Portland Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40212. The emphasis upon grace as opposed to law in this particular issue is excellent and timely. . . . We have a letter from the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, in London, asking if we know of any Americans who would be willing to send their copies of LIFE or TIME magazines to Anglican missionaries in remote areas who have requested them in order to keep in touch with what is going on in the world. If you would be willing to do this as a courtesy gesture please write us. We can arrange for you to secure addresses of these men. . . . Incidentally it will probably interest you to know that I am engaged in a dialogue by mail with several members of the Anglican clergy who are part of the Evangelical Fellowship of the Anglican Communion. It is interesting since we are exploring the question of baptism. . . . Chaplain Hal H. Martin, who will retire from 22 years of service with the United States Air Force Chaplaincy, on May 31, will begin teaching duties at San Jose (California) Bible College as Director of Evangelism. He has been a real personal inspiration to me. . . . We have cause to thank God in the news that our good friend and brother, Kenneth A. Stewart, Long Beach, California may not need to undergo major heart surgery as was at first decreed by the physicians. . . . Hal Watkins, North 7411 Wall, Spokane, Washington 99208, publishes The Printed Preacher. The April issue contains a feature article "Darwin and the Beetles." plus two reprint articles: "The Beast of Revelation 15" by Ashley S. Johnson; and "What About the Sabbath." The subscription price is one dollar for two years, but we are certain Hal will send you a sample upon request. . . . By the time you read this "The Path of Peace" containing all of the Mission Messenger issues in 1961-62 will be off the press. This 384 page book will be one of the most important of our series as it will detail for you the history of the division over instrumental music. The price is only $3.50 per copy and we urge you to order at once. . . . The publication date for "Voices of Concern" has been set for June 15. This is the book which will contain articles by Pat Hardeman, Logan Fox, Roy Key, J. P. Sanders, Norman Parks, and many others. It will be the most talked-about and most-opposed book in this generation, if we may judge by what is being said by those who have not yet read it. You can secure yours at the rate of $3.50 per copy. . . . Bernie Crum reports immersing two at Fredericktown, Missouri, and one at Flat River, recently. . . . The congregation at Bonne Terre, Missouri, will hold its annual homecoming and all-day meeting on June 12. . . . Ralph R. Harter, Jr., who publishes Christasian, at 112/352, Swarupnagar, Kanpur 2, U. P. India, sends the magazine out with commemorative stamps affixed as a special favor to those who are stamp collectors. Our February issue arrived with a beautiful Shastri memorial which we are passing along to another collector since our interest is in first day covers and blocks of four with plate numbers. This will not mean much to a lot of you but it will to the stamp collecting buffs. . . . Be sure and send in your subscription before expiration date.

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