Any heirs of the restoration movement in the area are asked to contact
Rex Tilly, East Providence Church of Christ, 22 Wampanog Trail, East Providence, Rhode
Island.... Outlook Bible Camp, Macrorie, Saskatchewan, Canada, will feature classes in. Bible
study tor all ages, July 24-27.... James DeForest Murch delivered the annual lectureship at
Maritime Christian College, Prince Edward Island, April 3-6.... Tom Rash has 1800 enrolled in
the Hindi language Bible course, and over 200 in the English language course in India.... Phil
Nhon, of Saigon, has completed one year of broadcasting the Good News to South Vietnam.
More than 400 are enrolled in Bible correspondence courses.... Jerry Hill and Dan Coker are
well into the second year of broadcasting the Message in Spanish over Station TGUX, in
Guatemala City.... The Navajo Revival Team, consisting of David Scates, Vernon Hollett and
Jim dark, recently made a tour to recruit Christian schoolteachers for the Navajo reservation....
Mel Byers, Obert Henderson, and Floyd Mackler have a tremendous dialogue on "Modern Day
Legalism" in the May issue of Abide. You can get one by writing to Floyd at Box 607, Pleasant
Hill, Oregon.... The restoration plea will be presented at the Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, next
month, in a special exhibit promoted by West Central Christian Men's Fellowship, and the
Christian Men's Fellowship of the Eldon-Jefferson City area.... Don DeWelt will speak each
evening at the Rocky Mountain Round-Up for Men, at Colorado Christian Service Camp, Como,
Colorado, August 23-25. The theme is "The Brand of Distinction.".... Truman Scott, Genova,
Italy, reports more than 5000 enrolled in the Italian Bible Course.... Hundreds of brethren will
converge on Montreal, July 6-17 for door-to-door work in conjunction with a meeting to be held
in an auditorium rented from the Catholic School Commission.... Dayton Keesee has returned
from Enugu, Nigeria, to travel for six months in the interest of this African work.... Greg
Whiteacre and family will go to Kaiserslautern, Germany, to begin work on August 4.... Brethren
in the Slamannan District in Scotland have been holding mutual benefit meetings for discussion
in depth of various subjects. The one on May 21, presided over by William Black,
Dalmellington, featured a study of "The Second Coming of Christ." The forum was led by Jack
Nisbet, Haddington; and J. Sinclair, Tranent.... The May issue of 20th Century Christian
dealing with "Seeking Christian Answers to Sex" is an excellent one. . . . We regret to report the
death of our brother, Louis M. Detro, in an automobile accident, near Coldwater, Michigan,
April 23. Brother Detro was president of Great Lakes Bible College at Lansing, Michigan....
Gene Dulin, 5 Lovington Street, Weston, Ontario, Canada, reports that copies of the New
Testament in the Russian language are getting through to the Soviet Union from Canada, and
tracts and other Christian literature are being sent.... The appeal for funds to enable purchase of a
printing press and equipment for D. Elangwe, a native of the Cameroons, Africa, is a very
worthy one. Gifts to this valuable cause should be sent to James R. Gardiner, 88 Davidson
Terrace, Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland.... Men from the Disciples of Christ, Independent
Christian Churches and Churches of Christ met at El Porvenir, New Mexico, May 19, 20, for an
exchange of beliefs and study of the consequences of the Restoration movement. Public
participants were Claude Ingram, Monroe Miles, Don Alexander, Keith Pierce and Bob Maas,
from the
Disciples of Christ; Steve Eckstein, Harvey Porter, Malcom Hinckley, Don Tarbet, Ray Beeson
and Eugene Clark, from Churches of Christ; and Stanley Letcher, Jr.; Erskine Scates, Jr.; Lester
Ford; Jim Whitworth and R. C. Bolton, of the Independent Christian Churches.... A Bible
Training School for the benefit of Arab Christians will begin soon in Beirut, Lebanon. Teachers
who serve can carry a program of graduate study at the American University of Beirut.... Bruce
Oberst is returning to Oregon from work in Anchorage, Alaska. He plans to continue his
scholastic work at Southwestern Oregon College.... Barry Willbanks, who has been teaching at
Ozark Bible College has been accepted as a student at Harvard Divinity School where he expects
to work on his Ph.D., program.... Obert Henderson will be Associate Professor of Business
Administration at Washington State University, Pullman, Washington.... Andy T. Ritchie III, will
go to Liege, Belgium, June 27, to labor for a year while the J. L. Roberts family is in the United
States.... The Asian Missionary Workshop will be held in Hong Kong, this year. For information
contact Tom Tune, Box 15426, Hong Kong.... John Kernan, Manager of Church of Christ
Mission Literature Service, South Africa, sends' us a copy of Total Mobilization--A Plan for
Prayer for Mission Work. You may secure a copy from Mrs. W. Pressley, Jr.; Route 2, Canton,
Georgia.... Communion Quester is a quarterly published at Caixa Postal 1484, Sao Paulo
I, Brazil, South America. It represents a constructive move for visible unity under direction of
Leon Tester. Write for a sample copy at once.... 20th Century Restoration is edited by
Darrell W. Bolin, 134 Susquehanna Ave., Lock Haven, Pennsylvania 17745. You should write
for a free sample of it.... We send our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Langford,
Lubbock, Texas, who are the parents of a son, Curtis Paul, born April 28; and to Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Rhodes, Phoenix, Arizona, who are the parents of a daughter, April Maree, born April 29....
Camp Arrowhead in Indiana will provide intensive Bible study for all who attend from August
1-21. Write to Ellis Crum, 620 North Riley, Kendallville, Indiana.... Young people are invited to
Sullivan, Illinois, for Labor Day weekend, and a thrilling program of spiritual uplift. Write to
Ken Baumgartner, Route 3, Sullivan, Illinois.... There is a desperate need for funds to aid native
brethren in the Philippines who are taking the word to their people under great difficulty. Their
typewriter for cutting stencils is worn out, and their support is at pitiable proportion. You can aid
this worthy cause by sending a contribution to G. H. Cassell, 1348 West 216th St., Torrance,
California 90501. Every penny will be sent directly to the workers in the field. Please help....
Hershel Ottwell has scheduled the following meetings: Falkville, Alabama, July 10-16; Stover,
West Virginia, July 24-30; Tolley Town, West Virginia, July 31-August 5; Dawn, West Virginia,
August 7-12; Hammond, Illinois, September 4-16. Be sure to hear Hershel if possible.... Village
Bible schools for teaching children the Word of God have been started in Ethiopia and are being
taught by native workers, while a large building in Addis Ababa has been secured for training
those who are deaf.... We regret to report the death of our sister in Christ, Mrs. Roy Grieb,
Carthage, Missouri, May 3.... We congratulate Darrell and Carrie Bolin on the birth of their son,
Delmas John, April 25. They reside in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.... Alan and Janet Bemo left
May 22, for a year of work in Formosa; Sid and Mary Allsbury plan to go to Germany to labor
with Ed Fausz.... Don't forget that you can secure extra copies of this issue at the rate of ten for a
dollar. Why not share the message with others?
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