For a rich experience in the Spirit you are invited to Camp Arrowhead, in
Indiana, August 1-21. Special studies are arranged at this family camp so you can attend any
week and receive a great benefit. For information write to Ellis Crum, 620 North Riley,
Kendallville, Indiana.... Young people are invited to be the guests of the congregation at
Sullivan, Illinois, in a special program of spiritual uplift, over the Labor Day weekend. Write to
Kenneth Baumgartner, Route 3, Sullivan, Illinois.... The congregation at Decatur, Illinois, will
be host to young people on Thanksgiving Weekend. Write to George LaMasters, 645 South 23rd
Street, Decatur, Illinois.... Members of restoration churches moving into Montgomery County,
Pennsylvania (adjacent to Philadelphia) are cordially invited to join the worship and witness of
the Valley Forge Church of Christ, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Freedom in Christ, creative
worship and significant community ministries are the emphases of the congregation. Leaders of
churches where members are moving into the area should feel free to send their names and
addresses to Valley Forge Church of Christ Box 68, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.... Stuart and
Marilyn Cook and Jerry and Jan Spaulding arrived safely in Johannesburg, South Africa, and
have begun their work of faith and labor of love in that great city.... Gale O. Smith reports
having started a class in Antofagasta, Chile, to train those who will teach adults in the area to
read, with a view to making it possible for men and women to read the Bible for themselves....
Dr. Robert M. Walker and family plan to leave October I for Hippo Valley, in the Central Africa
Mission where Bob will help to minister to both physical and spiritual needs. Additional support
is needed. If you will help write to Ron Hackler, 3422 North Leland Avenue, Indianapolis,
Indiana 46218.... We regret to report the death of our brother in Christ, Fred Biery, Bloomfield,
Indiana.... Mike and Mary Wood announce the arrival of Michael Wayne, Jr., at West Palm
Beach, Florida. This rare little wood is declared to be "a chip off the old block.".... We
congratulate the brethren associated with The Word and Work, Louisville, Kentucky, for
making full announcement in a two-page spread of the North American Christian Convention.
Such interest shown by those who do not use instrumental music can only be conducive to
breaking down artificial barriers of fellowship.... Harry and Elaine Scates and family returned to
the mission field in Brazilia, June 28.... Edward and Mary Benoit announce that they will
suspend publication of The Christian Compass at the end of this year. We will miss it.
The address is Box 40, Nanton, Alberta, Canada.... More than 25,000 persons registered for the
North American Christian Convention at Louisville, with approximately 10,000 in
attendance. The convention will be held at Tampa, Florida, next year.... One of the most
significant meetings we have attended was held at Bethany College. The most impressive feature
to me was the simple meeting on Lord's Day in the old brick meetinghouse. Those who missed
the series of dialogues have deprived themselves of something very valuable.... The Christian
Writer's Clinic held at Cincinnati was a genuine success from our point of view, and we hope
that it can be repeated.... John and Louise Fulford who labor in Cape Town, South Africa, have
prepared an attractive tract entitled, "We're Glad We Are Christians Because . . ."... Martin and
Inis Mitchum have completed their second step in mastery of the language in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. Congratulations!... We urge all of our readers to send at once for a free sample
of Restoration Reporter, 330 Park Street, McDonald, Ohio 44437.... By all means write
for the June 29 issue of Spiritual Sparks, P. O. Box 637, Lemon Grove, California. Do
not miss this!... J. Paul Du Bois deserves commendation for his editorial "Preacher's Pen Points"
in Brookside Bulletin, June 30. This is the bulletin of Brookside Church of Christ, Tulsa,
Oklahoma.... Talking about bulletins reminds us that Jim Smith did an excellent job on his June
29 issue. You can secure a copy by writing P. 0. Box 95, Bonne Terre, Missouri 63628....
Milford E. Anness, Attomey-at-Law, Columbus, Indiana, had an excellent article titled "Modern
Day Threats to the Christian Home" in The Restoration Herald, June 1966.... John
Cachiaras has been called to teach in the New Testament department at Minnesota Bible
College.... World Radio News devoted its June issue to possibilities in Brazil....
Action devoted its June issue to spreading the word in Nigeria.... We commend Reuel
Lemmons for his announcement of the Bethany Centennial Meeting in Firm
Foundation.... John Allen Chalk delivered sermons stressing the Restoration plea on Herald
of Truth radio program during July, while Batsell Barrett Baxter carried out the same theme in
an excellently filmed color television series at the same time.... David W. Wead, Culver City,
California, received a fellowship grant to do graduate study toward his doctoral degree at the
University of Basel, in Switzerland.... The Voice of Evangelism, one of the most
attractive magazines published by any of our brethren has a center spread in the June issue which
contains a chart on "The World's Greatest Library." Every Bible teacher of the young should
have a copy. The address is 908 Court Street, Ottumwa, Iowa.... An editorial such as "Thought
Revolution" by Reuel Lemmons in Firm Foundation, June 28, comes like a fresh breeze
blowing across a desert. Our hats are off to our brother when he does such writing. You should
read it.... Incidentally, Brother Lemmons was the featured speaker for the Middle-East
Missionary Workshop, conducted at Jerusalem, Jordan, July 4-8.... Sam Fox has moved to Havre,
Montana, where he will be working primarily with college young people.... Collegians for
Christ, a gathering of young saints, has had an effective witness on the campus of East
Tennessee State University.... J. D. Phillips, Austin, Texas, editor of The Truth is
presently on a six month preaching tour which will cover six states. . . . If you want to know the
privations which people endure while working in a primitive area, get the newsletter from J. C.
Reed, RCDA FYDEP, Santa Elena, El Peten, Guatemala, Central America. Do not write for it if
you prefer to remain comfortable in an affluent society.... Bernie Crum has recently been elected
president of the Bonne Terre Hospital Chaplaincy Program. He works with brethren at Flat
River, Missouri.... We regret to report the death of our brother, Lawrence Thompson, Spokane,
Washington, on July 4. The cause of death was leukemia.... Charles and Barbara Martin,
Overland, Missouri, are the adoptive parents of a little boy, Gregory Charles, who came to live
with them on July 6.... The Christian Student Fellowship soon will occupy a new student center
adjacent to the campus of the University of Kentucky, at Lexington.... Grayson Ensign will head
the Bible Chair at Amarillo (Texas) Junior College.... The book by James DeForest Murch titled
"The Free Church" is finding an excellent reception. We will send you one if you enclose one
dollar with your request.... If you would like to have extra copies of this issue of the paper you
may secure them for distribution at the rate of ten for one dollar.... Have you sent your
reservation for a copy of "Deep Roots" which will contain all of the issues for this year?
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