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     Norman H. Crowhurst, Box 651, Gold Beach, Oregon, who held many positions in the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses, has written a tract "Disfellowshipped for Believing the Bible." It is one you should obtain in quantity and distribute to the Jehovah's Witnesses in your community. You may have a sample free upon request to Norman.... Ralph G. Wilburn, Dean of Lexington Theological Seminary, will have a book, "The Historical Shape of Faith" published by Westminster Press, on September 12.... Anyone having a four volume set of Old Testament Commentary, by E. M. Zerr, which you are willing to sell is asked to write Harold Billington, 6415 Suburban Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri 63133, at once.... Lowell Head, 1120 Glenda Drive, Bedford, Texas, 76021, has an interesting small tract on "Authority of the Church." Why not write for a copy.... Michael Vaughn and Sharon Michel were married at Round Springs, Missouri, July 16.... Doug Dickey is to devote full time to Campus ministry at Purdue University.... Harry Scates, C. P. 862, Brasilia, Brazil, reports the congregation averaging about 100 with the building near completion.... Robert Pritchard is editor of a new 16 page journal called "Christianity Restored." The first issue contains some real material from the writings of Alexander Campbell and others. You can have a free sample by writing Box 579, Saratoga, California, and we urge you to do it.... Motoyuki Nomura is busy teaching in Bible camps in Japan as well as helping the saints who meet in his own home. You can help greatly by contributing to the Moto Nomura Mission Fund, care of William A. Price, 2217 Walterdale Terrace, Louisville, Kentucky 40205, and by praying for this honest effort.... Walter L. Spratt has been named the new president of Central Christian College, Moberly, Missouri, to succeed Grayson Ensign.... M. F. Cottrell is now Vice-President of Life Center, a modern hospital concept amazing in its approach. You can secure a brochure by writing him at Center State Bank Building, 234 Columbine Street, Denver, Colorado.... A two day forum of great significance will be held at Hartford, Illinois, December 27, 28, when men from Disciples of Christ, Independent Christian Churches, and Churches of Christ will meet to discuss in absolute freedom the topic. "The Holy Spirit in The World of Today." There will be eight speakers of reputation and a two hour open forum for questioning from the audience. A complete program can be obtained by writing to Berdell McCann, 118 East Second Street, Hartford, Illinois. Do not miss this meeting.... Restoration Revival, Box 340, Sutherlin, Oregon, has reproduced in leaflet form our article entitled "The Church of God." We are using these as mailing pieces in letters. Why not get a supply and insert one in every piece of mail you send out. You can do something to spread the truth if you really want to do it.... F.L. Lemley, 4801 Depew Street, Denver, Colorado 80212 has just issued an attractive booklet entitled "A Re-Study of Marriage and Divorce." We have read it and it certainly contains a new approach to an old problem. You can secure one for 50c by writing to Brother Lemley and we urge you to do so at once. He will quote you cheaper rates on quantity orders.... Varsity America for Christ at St. Petersburg, Florida, is going to counter the mob spirit which prevails among college youth on the beaches at the Easter holiday with a tremendous rally of young men and women who will witness for Jesus.

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.... Have you ordered your copy of "Voices of Concern yet? Send $3.50 for one today.... If you are really concerned with reaching the young intellectual mind please send us $1.25 tor a copy of the book "God Is Dead--The Anatomy of a Slogan." Do it today!... I've just finished a 530 page volume "To the Golden Shore." It contains the life of Adoniram Judson, first American missionary to the Far East. If your local library has it be sure and borrow it. If not I'll loan you my copy if you'll mail it back after reading it. It is worth reading!... We have just finished reading the 216 page thesis of William Lee Wilbanks, entitled "The Contemporary Discussion Concerning Fellowship in Light of the Views of Thomas and Alexander Campbell." Billy spends a lengthy chapter on each of four men: Leroy Garrett, W. Carl Ketcherside, Thomas Campbell and Alexander Campbell. He then contrasts and compares the views of all four. If you are interested you may apply for a check out copy from Abilene Christian College Library.... We are glad to hear that the Faith Corps young people doing inner city work in New York, survived the recent riots and had a real witness for Christ in doing so. Our commendation for the saints meeting at 600 Montauk Highway, West Islip, Long Island, New York 11795, for backing this program of infiltration of the Christian dynamic.... Gotfried Reichel, who is entering into his second year of broadcasting from Munich, Germany, is receiving many responses from behind the Iron Curtain.... The Valley Forge Church of Christ, at King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, heard a special report of the Centennial Unity Conference, held at Bethany College given by Dr. J. D. Todd, on July 17. Brother Todd is an instructor at the University of Pennsylvania. Others who participated were Dr. Herbert Gearhart, Third Christian Church, Philadelphia; Mack H. Langford, Church of Christ, West Collingswood, New Jersey; James R. Petty, Northeastern Christian College; and George Skaris, Church of Christ, Trenton, New Jersey. Terence E. Johnson labors with the brethren in Valley Forge congregation.... We regret to report the death of Ivan Riley, East Alton, Illinois, July 27; and of Iva Malone, Galesburg Illinois, July 27. Sister Malone was 82 years old and I have known her since I was a mere lad.... Darrell Bolin did a terrific job on his little journal, 20th Century Restoration, Volume 4, Number 6. The two main articles were titled "Religious Party Walls" and "The Lord's Supper." The address is 134 Susquehanna Avenue, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania 17745.... Our brother, Les Midgett, who has been laboring in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, during the summer, tells us that it is a difficult field indeed and the problem is augmented by the sectarian divisions which disturb the minds of the citizens.... We know that you get tired of our mentioning it, but we need your help in securing subscriptions. How long has it been since you sent in a list of names and addresses so others could share in the word?... All heirs of the restoration movement, regardless of affiliation, are invited to attend a meeting at Westside Christian Church, East Point, Georgia, on the night of Thursday, September 22, when W. Carl Ketcherside will speak on "Fellowship and Unity in Christ."... Men from these various segments are also invited to attend the Georgia Christian Men's Retreat at Newnan, on September 23, 24. Speakers will be Raymond Jackson, Bernard Riley, Harry Poll and W. Carl Ketcherside.... W. L. Brown reports three immersed at Waterfalls, Salisbury, Rhodesia, recently.... Remember that you can secure extra copies of this issue at the rate of ten for one dollar. It is our hope that you will help share these messages with others.... We trust that you will send in your advance orders for the book "Deep Roots" as soon as possible as this helps avoid the rush.

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