Paper Curtains

W. Carl Ketcherside

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     Forgive me for this little article, but to me it is a tragic thing to see a people lose their freedom and not realize it. This has happened to a great degree to our brethren in many segments of "The Church of Christ." They are victims of censorship, thought-control and pressure groups. Many hardly know what is going on among other heirs of the restoration movement, and what they learn must come through the "grapevine" or by chance discovery. The party organs filter to them only what "the powers that be" want them to hear. That isn't a great deal. The paper curtains have been yanked down so no real light shines through the windows.

     A short time ago I went to Nashville to visit the editor of one of the more influential journals in what might be designated the orthodox, mainstream, non-instrument segment of the restoration movement. I informed him of some of the tremendous things which are happening across various lines and asked if he would consider printing news items informing his readers of various meetings in which brethren of all factions, including his own, are invited to participate. I came away with two things: (1) A ball point pencil advertising the firm; (2) a very strong impression that the readers will be kept in ignorance, so far as possible, of what is transpiring in the whole church. Only news fitting the emasculated party pattern will be passed on to the subscribers.

     This is characteristic also of the smaller factional journals. In each of these "news of the brotherhood" consists only of information of the doings of those circling about and kicking up dust in the party corral. Not a whisper of the activity of the great majority of those in the one body ever leaks through the sound-proofed walls of the clannish covert. In a religious atmosphere charged with electrifying possibilities these brethren dwell apart from the world He created, in little worlds of their own creation. The kingdom of heaven is circumscribed by their factional fences. Jesus is portrayed as a factional monarch whose only subjects are those who dance to the tune of fiddling editorials.

     This type of tyranny is not limited to editors. In many areas the minister of the local "Church of Christ" is the self-appointed umpire for the index expurgatorius. A letter addressed to the congregation of saints inviting them to attend an open forum on fellowship and unity never reaches those saints at all. One must go over or around the preacher to reach the church of God, otherwise they will never know anything except what he wants them to know. He may know but they may not! The local preacher is frequently the greatest obstacle the Holy Spirit must overcome in the attempt to answer the prayer of Jesus for the unity of all who believe in Him.

     We can present proof that many preachers not only refuse to convey to the congregations the letters of invitation addressed to them, but often do not even inform. the elders of such invitations. It is bad enough to have someone pilfer your mail, but it is ridiculous to pay him a salary and provide him an office in which to do it. Hundreds of invitations to share in meaningful forums and dialogue sessions leading to re-study of our divisions are never mentioned to the people of God by the men in the front office, although bulletin boards are frequently cluttered with partisan trivia having not even a remote bearing upon our problems in this age.

     What is the reason for this conspiracy to conceal facts from the flock? Obviously the basic motivation is the sectarian spirit. It is the same whether found in Rome or in our congregations. All sectarianism is alike in attitude. It always uses the same old weapons--censorship, boycott and threat of excommunication. But we think that fear also plays a great part with the elders and preachers among us. They know that God's people are becom-

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ing fed up with the narrow, bitter, factional programs which have produced division, strife and hate. They do not want them to know that someone is doing something about this sad and sorry mess. The humble brethren are ready for our plea. They do not want to make tests of fellowship out of things which God has not made conditions of salvation. Many of them endorse what we are saying in their hearts although still cowed by fear of reprisal if they voice it openly.

     But better days are coming! The Spirit is mightily at work! God's people will be delivered into a full and glorious freedom. Meanwhile we shall continue our effort knowing that we do not walk alone! Not even editors and preachers can always thwart the Spirit of God. The day of sectarianism is doomed. Even that which is peddled under our own brand name must pass away! Cheer up! Tomorrow will be brighter than today. The shadows are fleeing away!

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