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Larry Stephens of E-7 Wooster, Hays, Kansas 67601, is working on a Master's Thesis, and needs tapes of W. Carl Ketcherside's speeches or lectureships since 1957. Will those of you who have such tapes please contact Larry at once? This is important in preparation of a thesis dealing with current attempts to promote union within the framework of the restoration movement.... Ralph R. Harter, Jr., has sent us an attractive calendar from India. Our brother is editor of Christasian, which features in each issue "Sermon Outlines for Barefoot Preachers," generally written by a native Indian brothe.... Seth Wilson spoke at the conference on fellowship held by Christian Churches and Churches of Christ in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and followed this with presentations in an eight-day conference on Evangelism held in Belem, Brazil.... 20th Century Christian has inaugurated a new page called "Insight," which will be edited by John Allen Chalk. It will be made up of penetrating quotations from contemporary writers.... Martin Mitchum writes from Ethiopia that he was packing for a flight into Western Wollega, where he will be busy for the next few months building mission stations from scratch. He and Inis graduated from language school.... Approximately 25 students at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, gather each evening for daily devotionals together at the Church of Christ Student Center. Don Stone is Director of the Bible Chair.... The theme of the annual lectureship sponsored by Saint Louis Christian College was "The Holy Spirit," and all speakers addressed themselves to some phase of the topic.... The theme of the annual Conference on Evangelism held at San Jose Bible College (California) was "Vistas of Evangelism."... Brethren in mission fields have asked us to mention the Seminar on Missions, which will be directed by George Gurganus, on the Harding College campus, Searcy, Arkansas, June 5-July 14. It becomes ever more important that those who go to share Christ with others be made aware of the cultural atmosphere in which they will be laboring. The rest of the world is not standing still either.... The Sentinel of Truth, in its January, 1967, edition, incorporates a lengthy article entitled "The Reign of Heaven," written by Bryan Vinson, Sr. The entire issue represents another genuine demonstration of fairness and kindness by the editor, Charles A, Holt. You may secure a sample copy of this quarterly by writing P.O. Box 1565, Lufkin, Texas 75901.... Our good friend and brother, Charles Gresham, was selected to speak at Nebraska Christian College, Norfolk, Nebraska, during Spiritual Emphasis Week.... Grayson Ensign writes of expansion of classes at the Bible Chair of the Southwest, located at Amarillo College, Amarillo, Texas 79709. There is a possibility that summer sessions may be held.... We are indebted to Joe Maynard, Pittsfield, Illinois for sending us the copy of Guideposts containing the article "Dark Night of the Soul," in which Ray Cripps describes the torment of soul recently endured by J.B. Phillips.... We have secured a short supply of commentaries by W. E. Vine on John, Romans, 1 Corinthians and Hebrews. While these new books last you may have them at the greatly reduced price of only $2.00 each. We also have a supply of Evangelistic Illustrations, compiled by Al Bryant. The regular price is $1.95 but we'll mail you one for a dollar, plus ten cents for postage. Don't delay as the supply of all of these new clothbound books at these prices is limited.... This journal has sustained a great loss in the death of our humble brother and friend, James Pierce, Des

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Moines, Iowa. Jim died as the result of injuries sustained while working at his trade of tree trimming.... The Exchange is the title of a monthly newsletter of the National Association of Christian Student Foundations, and it is edited by Ed. Bernard, Route 2, Box 36, Corbin, Kentucky 40701. Those who are interested in evangelism on the campus of state colleges and universities will find it interesting reading.... Stanley Smith, of Christian Campus House, at the University of Illinois, will conduct an evening workshop on "The Opportunity on the College Campus" at the North American Christian Convention, at Tampa, Florida, on June 29.... A. Wayne Harris, who labors at Odense, Denmark, has issued a call for all who are of Scandinavian descent, to return to the "old country" for as long as possible and bear witness of the faith. Those who speak one of the Scandinavian languages, even a little, could be of real service. There are congregations now meeting in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Odense.... Gene Dulin and John Huk have been granted visas for another tour behind the Iron Curtain, which will take them to six Communist countries. They will visit eight Russian cities and discuss the work of Christ with leaders of congregations. It was through the efforts of these brethren that testaments in the Russian language have been given wide circulation.... Motoyuki Nomura, who labors in Japan against great odds has been able to record victories for Jesus in the lives of a number of his students whom he has immersed into our Lord. Two of these are currently attending Southeastern Christian College at Winchester, Kentucky. Those of you who are interested in helping a worthy native brother may write for further information to William A. Price, 2217 Walterdale Terrace, Louisville, Kentucky. Motoyuki can be addressed at Chitose P. 0. Box 22, Tokyo, Japan.... Young single people of college age who have the faith and courage to talk to their counterparts in another part of the world will find a favorable climate to work for the Master in Finland, where there is a warm feeling for Americans.... Any brother who is interested in moving into the Connecticut area tor evangelistic work is urged to write at once to Darrell Bolin, 134 Susquehanna Avenue, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania 17745.... We salute our brother, Charles Bussard, Route 8, Springfield, Missouri who recently celebrated his 90th birthday.... Loren McCord, formerly of Phillipsburg, Kansas, has moved to Braman, Oklahoma, to work with the congregation there. His new address is Box 167, Braman, Oklahoma 74632.... Far East Christian Missionary in its Volume 6, Number 3 issue, reprints "The Heresy of Legalism" by James A. Warren, and presents an article by David Filbeck on "Relativism or Restoration." Here is controversial reading in an age of thought ferment. The U. S. A. address of the journal is 390 North Ridge Vista, San Jose, California 95127.... We urge those who read MISSION MESSENGER to share the messages with others by sending in the subscriptions for friends and brethren. The cost of single subscriptions is only one dollar per year.... In our July issue this year we are going to write on "The Restoration Principle." We expect to define it and examine its validity for our day.... Maston Bell reports from Australia that brethren received some heartening blessings in 1966 in the work among aboriginal people.... Brethren in the Slamannan District in Scotland hold mutual benefit discussion meetings regularly. At the last one, held at Haddington, they discussed "Gambling--Why Not?" and at the next one, to be held at Wallacestone, the subject will be "Prayer." . . . Jim Mabery of Saint Louis, Missouri, spent two weeks working in Mexico with Vic Richards, and will go to Australia for a month with some fifty other brethren on a special crusade.

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