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     Do not forget the Second Annual Unity Forum which will be conducted at Milligan College (Tennessee) June 23-26, in conjunction, with the Milligan College Centennial. This will be a noteworthy event.... David R. Reagan, Visiting Professor of International Relations at the University of the Philippines, had a feature article on "Christianity and Communism" in the Philippines Free Press Magazine.... We congratulate the University Christian Center, P. 0. Box 191, Corvallis, Oregon 37330, for their efforts to present "Christ on Today's Campus" at Oregon State University. The brochure entitled "The Search For Meaning" is especially attractive.... Henry Boren, who is in the History Department of the University of South Carolina, has been chosen to visit Israel and help in an archaeological dig at Arad, a few miles from the Dead Sea. Following this, Henry and Martha will live in Rome for the next academic year, while he works on a numismatic project as the result of a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.... At the summer conference of Project Challenge, to be held at Camp Cedar Crest, in California, September 4-9, the featured speaker will be Douglas Dickey, campus minister at Purdue University. Logan Fox will present the morning devotional session, while Frank Pack, Alger Fitch, Gary Freeman, and James S. McKowen will share the morning Platform Hour.... Lee Keesling is working with the Rehabilitation Center for Alcoholics under sponsorship of the Department of Public Health, for the District of Columbia.... Bob Duncan, Associate Professor of English at Illinois State University, spoke at two meetings at Bismarck, Missouri, April 23, in conjunction with the opening of their new meetinghouse.... Dean R. Garrison, Farmington, New Mexico, has been selected to participate in an intensive program which will lead to an MS degree in Counseling and Guidance, He will do his work with the Experienced Teacher Fellowship Program at Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana.... We have just finished reading "Alexander Campbell and His New Version," by Cecil K. Thomas. This is one of the most interesting books we have read lately. We can mail you one upon order for only $1.75, and it is worth much more than that.... Our sympathy is extended to Dr. Mike Jones, of the U. S. Naval Hospital, in Philadelphia, whose father died of a heart attack while delivering an address to the Chamber of Commerce, at his hometown in Winters, Texas.... We congratulate Nels and Marge Turnquist, Des Moines, Iowa, on the birth of their son, Todd.... Harold Key, of Central Church of Christ, Saint Louis, Missouri, taped interviews with eleven clergymen representing various faiths, and these were used as a part of "Operation Understanding" by the ladies of the congregation in their meetings. These sisters prepared a luncheon for those who had participated and it was attended by a Jewish rabbi, two Catholic priests, the president of the Metropolitan Church Federation, and other Protestant ministers. Harold presided over an informal meeting in which he briefly explained the aims of the congregation of saints.... An important forum will be held in Dallas, Texas, September 7-9, which will bring together brethren from various segments of the restoration movement for discussion as free men in Christ, of the problem of disunity and related matters. Information may be secured by writing to Leroy Garrett, 1201 Windsor Drive, Denton, Texas 76201.... Have you read Commentary on First Corinthians by W. E. Vine? You'll be interested in his comments on speaking in tongues and the other charismatic gifts. While our limited supply lasts we'll send

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you a copy for only $2.00, a real saving! While ordering you might as well secure a copy of Vine's Commentary on Hebrews at the same low price.... We are sorry to report the death of Bonds Stocks, who labored with the Falls Church (Virginia) Church of Christ. Bonds formerly served as administrative assistant to Rep. John Rankin, of Mississippi. He died at the age of 53 as the result of a heart attack.... You are invited to send for a free copy of "What Price Unity and Fellowship?" by writing to Church of Christ Truth Crusade, in care of B. H. Blazer, Route 2, Old River Road, Cartersville, Georgia 30120. Brother Blazer will mail you a copy immediately.... Sentinel of Truth, edited by Charles Holt, P.O. Box 1565, Lufkin, Texas 75901, contains 80 pages in its April issue. It makes announcement that George P. Estes will labor to produce a new English translation of the new covenant scriptures. The quarterly contains the Epistle of James as translated by George, whom we know personally and regard as qualified for this rather momentous undertaking. We recommend that you write for a sample copy of Sentinel of Truth to P.O. Box 146, Jasper, Texas 75951.... Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, Missouri, announces purchase of a 40-acre tract of land in a strategic location for a new campus. Glen Bourne, president of Saint Louis Christian College, will deliver the commencement address at Central Christian College, on May 26.... I found The Scripture Standard especially interesting in its March issue. Carlton Melling (editor) has an excellent article on "Unity in the Body"; A. Hood does a good job in "The Jerusalem Bible--A Review"; and Tom McDonald, an equally good one in "The Road from Rome," an analysis of the reasons given by Charles Davis for his recent defection from the Catholic Church. The subscription price of The Scripture Standard is $1.80 per year, and it should be ordered from Paul Jones, "Harmony," Wade Close, Hill Redware, Rugeley, Staffordshire, England.... Lake Region Christian Assembly, Cedar Lake, Indiana 46303, has just issued a complete catalog for the Summer Camp Program, one of the most extensive we know of anywhere. You can receive a copy by writing to Route 2, Box 343, at the address given above.... Barry Willbanks reports that the membership has grown by 21 additions this year at Bedford, Massachusetts, where he is assisting the saints while attending Harvard Divinity School.... We'd like for you to read the new book by Mark G. Maxey, of Japan, entitled "Second Thoughts." It can be secured by sending two dollars to Go Ye Bookstore, 147 Avenue Cota, San Clemente, California 92672; or to Christian Center Book Store, Kanoya, Kagoshima, Japan.... Please read the announcement of the new book "The Holy Spirit in Our Lives Today" on page 87. We think you'll profit by reading this book.... We saluate Cornelius and Joyce Ukena, Stewart, Illinois, and congratulate them on the birth of their daughter, April Lynne, March 26.... Dewayne Davenport announces a new magazine, The Mission Studies Quarterly, to deal with genuine mission problems in the world. The editorial office will be P.O. Box 3247, Kumasi, Ghana. You may subscribe at $1.50 per year by sending to Phil Elkins, Harding Graduate School of Religion, 1000 Cherry Road, Memphis, Tennessee.... If you'd like the new long-play record containing two addresses by W. Carl Ketcherside on "Koinonia--And The Church Now;" and "Koinonia--And The Church Then;" send us $4.00 per record, plus 26c for postage and wrapping and we'll mail one immediately.... We are in need of your help in sending subscriptions. Will you send a list for your friends and brethren at only $1.00 per year. We earnestly solicit your aid!

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