Your Help Needed

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     It embarrasses us to have to ask your aid, but we feel an urgent need to enlist our readers in a campaign to secure more subscribers. Somehow we feel that what is found each month in MISSION MESSENGER deserves a wider circulation. And there are several ways that you may help.

     You can recommend the paper to brethren and friends among the concerned ones and urge them to subscribe. If God has blessed you with the financial means you can send in a list of those to whom you'd like to send the paper. How about the elders and deacons of the congregation? Or the preachers in your town? Why not send it to them? We get many letters from brethren expressing gratitude that someone first sent the paper to them.

     Perhaps you could mention the paper in your local church bulletin. We would deeply appreciate your doing so. Or, if you'd be willing to distribute the papers to interested persons each month, write us for a bundle rate. For a minimum amount you can receive a supply and make them available to interested souls who would profit by them. Can you help? Send to MISSION MESSENGER, 139 Signal Hill Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63121.

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