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     The North American Christian Convention announced that there were more than 24,000 registrations for the sessions held this year at Tampa, Florida. The convention will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio, next year.... Announcement has been made that Sentinel of Truth, the attractive quarterly edited by Charles Holt, will become a monthly magazine. You can secure a sample copy by writing to P.O. Box 146, Jasper, Texas 75951.... The Lillian Avenue congregation, 4966 Arlington Ave. (at Lillian), in St. Louis, Missouri, will hold its annual homecoming meeting on September 24.... Mr. and Mrs. Marcus P. Woolman, Farmington, New Mexico, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on August 9.... Larry McClung, with whom we first became acquainted when he was in Thailand, is entering Yale University where he will work on his B.D. degree.... The book "The Life of W. W. Otey," written by Cecil Willis, is again available in a second printing. It is of special interest to us since it contains so many references to brethren with whom we labored--Daniel Sommer, E. M. Zerr, A. W. Harvey, and others. The book is a good history of the rise of controversial issues in the restoration brotherhood. It is $4.95 per copy.... The July issue of Truth Magazine carries a discussion by William Carrell and Cecil Willis on the scripturality of the support of Herald of Truth broadcast as now conducted by Highland Avenue congregation, Abilene, Texas.... Would you like to have a book containing the complete text of the "Declaration and Address" by Thomas Campbell, and the "Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery" by Barton W. Stone? We can furnish you the complete text of both bound together in a 114 page book for $1.00 plus 10c postage. There is even a facsimile reproduction of a page from the original copy of the "Declaration and Address" showing corrections made with a quill pen by Thomas Campbell.... We are quite enthused about our issue for next month, which will contain articles on "The Clergy of God," "Restoring A Movement," and an analysis of "Belief and Unbelief." We are very urgent that you read this last because we probe the question of the kind of unbelief that damns one to perdition. There will also be an article written by Robert Meyers entitled, "Songs In Prison."... We hope to see you at Wynnewood Chapel in Dallas, Texas, September 7-9, when brethren from several segments of the restoration movement will engage in meaningful discussion of some of the problems confronting us. Do not miss this occasion. Write to Ray Specht, 1226 Sunnyside, Dallas, Texas, for information.... Do not forget the meetings at Gallatin, Tennessee, with Hall Crowder and the congregation of saints with which he labors. We will be there from September 18-22, and we should like to meet a lot of the brethren in the Nashville area.... I am looking forward to seeing a lot of brethren in the Lord at the Men's Clinic to be held near Chatham, Virginia. Other speakers will be R. M. Bell, Paul Bajko and Donald Nash. The meetings will be held September 29, 30 and you can write Bruce E. Smith, Route, 2, Box 113, Chatham, Virginia 24531, for information.... I will be in San Jose, California, for the Roy B. Shaw Memorial Lectureship October 9-13. In addition to the daily presentations at San Jose Bible College I will speak at a special luncheon, and at a "Valley Rally" on the night of October 11. Members of all groups in the restoration movement are invited to attend for consideration of the general theme of fellowship in Christ. You may secure information by writing to Don Taylor,

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440 Frederick Street, Santa Cruz, California 95062. I am anxious to see brethren in the area regardless of their differences of viewpoint and approach.... All reports that we have received from the gathering at Milligan College for the Seminar on unity among the brethren are very encouraging. The first meeting was held at Bethany College last year; the next will be held at Southeastern Christian College, Winchester, Kentucky, next year.... I want to mention a book for children just issued by Elma Garrison, Route 1, Box 213, Mill Hall, Pennsylvania 17751. It contains 52 stories, each followed by a scriptural text and an appropriate little poem. It is also illustrated throughout by line drawings done by Mary Garrison. The price is only $1.50 and all parents of small children as well as teachers of Bible classes containing little folk will appreciate it. Order directly from Sister Garrison at the address given.... O.D. Bixler, of Tokyo, is laboring with Japanese Christians to start a school for the blind in Yamanasha state, west of Tokyo.... Delbert Goins and family will go to Dacca, capital city of East Pakistan, around the first of the coming year. Dacca is a city of about one million inhabitants.... The Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship was in operation at the North American Christian Convention and established direct contact with Ron Butler, missionary in the Congo. Ham operators who are interested should contact Kyle R. Simplot, 135 Jackson-Love Circle, Erwin, Tennessee 37650.... In the one-week effort held by Paul Benjamin in Zambia, Africa, 156 were immersed into Christ, seventy-six of them on June 11, in the Nangoma River.... Arthur Morris has immersed 505 persons in the first six months of this year in the area about Madrapakkam, South India, with seven new congregations being started in the villages.... Tom Olbricht and Fausto Salvoni were the featured speakers at the Scandinavian Bible School, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 26-July 7.... There are now 13 congregations of saints pleading for restoration of pure Christianity who meet in Spain, with eight Spanish preachers laboring for advancement of the cause of Christ.... A Latin American Seminar was held August 1-6 in Mexico City under auspices of the congregation meeting at Calle 13 de Septiembre No 26 in Colonia Condesa, in the capital city.... Donald and Linda Branham are going to Sapporo, Hokkido, Japan, where they will assist in a mission effort. They live in Lebanon, Tennessee.... Roy Lee Criswell reports there are 165 congregations in Malawi where he is working with Bennie T. Cryer.... Truth For Youth, edited by Larry R. Branum, P. O. Box 996, Irving, Texas 75060, devoted its May issue to "Plain Talk About Sex."... We regret to report that Brother J. A. Brittell, a long-time proclaimer of the Good News in Africa, suffered a stroke on June 3. He is 77 years old.... The commentary on the Thessalonian Letters by R. H. Boll has been translated into Portugese.... Twentieth Century Christian has "A Study in the Beatitudes" for the theme of the August issue.... Leroy Garrett will write on "The Spirit of Milligan" in the September issue of Restoration Review. This will be a report of the seminar on fellowship held at Milligan College.... North American Christian devotes its May-June issue to a discussion of "The Holy Spirit" in the writings of early restoration movement leaders.... Gordon Souder, Burnaby, British Columbia, has finished a second semester of Russian language study at Simon Fraser University and is laboring among the Russian-speaking Christians in the area.... About 150 persons visited the camp at Outlook, Saskatchewan, for the daily Bible studies or other activities.

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