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     Those who desire copies of the paper for special research or to fill in. gaps in their collection, should write to Otto Schlieper, Box 128, Hartford, Illinois 62048, and list the month and year of the issues desired. Bro. Schlieper maintains a supply of back issues to furnish those who require them for their files. We suggest that you include postage with your request.... Mr. and Mrs. Porcius F. Crank, Point Harbor, North Carolina, announce that Timothy Lee came to dwell with them on September 20, weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Congratulations to all!.... We are grateful to Lee Keesling (Virginia) for some blocks of four stamps with plate numbers, and to Lee Carter Maynard (Florida) for some first day covers which he has been saving a long time. Thanks men, for gladdening the heart of a stamp collecting buff.... Ellis Crum, editor and arranger of the hymnal Sacred Selections for the Church, announces that he and Norma will open their home during the entire month of June, 1968, to boys who want to study the Bible and train for personal work. The month will then climax with a campaign for Christ. Ellis lives at Kendallville, Indiana.... We are saddened to announce that Floreine, wife of my brother, Paul Ketcherside, of Nowata, Oklahoma, has had to be back in the hospital for several weary weeks. At first it was thought that an amputation might be necessary, but this has been temporarily averted. They ask your very fervent prayers.... Bert Ellis, Pusan, Korea, was invited to give the daily Bible lectures at a conference of the representatives of eight theological seminaries in Korea. He chose as his theme, "Christ's Plea for Unity."... One congregation receives 100 copies of Mission Messenger each month; several receive 50 copies; and a number of others get 25; and these are made available to the membership or others by brethren who realize that our hope lies in converting all of our brethren to read and think for themselves. We invite you to write for the special bundle rate and get into the fight for righteousness with all you have.... An attractive new magazine called OUTREACH has been started with J. Ervin Waters as editor. The format is excellent and the articles in the first issue were good. While the brethren who will be writing will undoubtedly be drawn chiefly from the ranks of those who have made the use of individual cups and classes tests of fellowship and of union and communion, it is possible that they may rise above the spirit of intolerance and make a vital contribution to the ferment of thought in our day. There are capable men among these brethren and it is regrettable that their own philosophy of exclusivism has made it impossible for them to share in meaningful dialogue across the lines. You may receive a sample of the magazine by addressing 931 N. Blackstone, Fresno, California 93701. We urge you to write for it.... We are deeply grieved at the report of the death of Arnold Shaw, Clarksville, Missouri, November 19; and of the death of Dr. O. M. Davis, Parsons, Kansas, on the same day. Dr. Davis was 90 years of age.... Brethren at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania sponsored a unity forum November 23-26 with participants drawn from Disciples of Christ, Independent Christian Churches, and Churches of Christ. The Lock Haven congregation is a non-instrument congregation whose members are interested in promoting unity of all believers in the Christ.... Mr. and Mrs. Gary Talley, Antioch, Tennessee, announce the arrival of Wenona Annette, on October 5, with a weight of 9 pounds, 3 ounces. Congratulations!... Richard

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and Marjorie Scruggs have moved from Outlook, Saskatchewan, to Edmonton, Alberta, where they will be working with the King Edward Park congregation of saints. The new address is 8408 64th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.... Carl Spain of Abilene Christian College, will address the annual missionary conference in Brazil during the month of January.... Charles Gillespie, Neosho, Missouri, will be one of the speakers for The Northmen Retreat, next August 6-8. His theme will be "The Perils of the Professional Ministry."... Anyone who has a copy of Volume 5 of the Zerr Commentary on the Bible (Matthew through Romans) which you will sell please contact George T. Stautner, P. O. Box 2136, Dublin, California 94566.... Ray Naugle, P. 0. Box 25, Jefferstown, Kentucky 40299, has an appeal in The Word and Work for financial assistance for Bro. Galanis, a Greek national who has been able to plant a congregation of some sixty members in his native land.... Servicemen will be welcomed by the Paul S. Knecht family at 758/1 Soi 30-A Sukumvit, Mangkala Flat, Apt. 3, Bangkopi, Bangkok, Thailand. The phone number is 913-53.... Ralph R. Harter, 112/352, Swarupnagar, Kanpur 2, U. P. India, has agreed to help with the mission at Bilaspur, which demands long travel on several trains to reach.... If anyone has extra copies of our books "The Unity of the Spirit" and "The Brotherhood of Faith" which you will sell please write to Lt. Col. Talmage F. McNabb, Chaplain, Post Office Box J, Fort Dix, New Jersey 08640.... Charles A. Holt, editor of Sentinel of Truth, published at P. O. Box 8393, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411, had a recommendation in his November issue, suggesting that readers subscribe for MISSION MESSENGER. This courtesy is greatly appreciated. Charles does not concur in all of the views I express but both of us have grown to that stature where we can appreciate the sincerity of each other in our blessed Lord.... Mission, P. O. Box 2822, Abilene, Texas, devoted the entire December issue to a full and fair discussion of pacifism, with special treatment of the question of the war in Vietnam. Future issues will deal with Baptism; Mass Communications; Ethics; Grace; and Politics. The subscription price is $3.00 per year. We consider Mission, an outstanding attempt to face up realistically to life in the twentieth century.... We acknowledge with gratitude a beautiful first day cover containing the two new Christmas stamps of Australia, sent by our brother, E. P. C. Hollard, whom we met at the World Convention of Churches of Christ in Puerto Rico.... I will be speaking at the Welshimer Lectureship, Milligan College, Tennessee, on the afternoon of February 13, and will speak that night at Erwin, Tennessee.... I will also be in a five night study in depth in Manchester, Kentucky, February 19-23, with special sessions planned for the days involved.... We are very anxious that you help us extend our readership coverage this year. You may do it in two ways, either by sending subscriptions for friends to whom we can mail the paper directly, or by securing a bundle of the papers sent to your address for distribution at your own discretion. There is a special rate for bundles and we urge you to write for it.... If you have not read "The Incendiary Fellowship" by Elton Trueblood we urge you to do so.... Another provocative book is "Evangelicals at the Brink of Crisis" by Carl F. H. Henry. We have read both of these twice recently in order to absorb their full content.

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