We're rejoicing over the fact that recently
several of our readers have made a resolution to become involved
in the struggle to free men from the factional spirit, and they
are sending in subscriptions for their friends and brethren. They
have concluded that it is not enough to read and thrill to the
message of the paper and let it end there. They have joined "the
fellowship of the concerned."... We want to mention again that if
you'd like to personally receive a bundle of the papers each
month to distribute to the saints, or to a class of students, we
urge you to write for special rates. Don't let the message stop
with your house but pass it on.... If you'd like to secure back
issues of certain numbers to fill out your files or to use in
special research you are invited to write Otto Schlieper, Box
128, Hartford, Illinois 62048, and specify the ones you need. He
will endeavor to supply you.... If you'd like extra copies of the
paper for this month or last you may obtain them at the rate of
ten for one dollar if you'll notify us at once.... I'm locating a
lot of stamp collectors who specialize in first day covers and
blocks of four with plate numbers. The latest is I. H. Grimes,
Woodsfield, Ohio, who shared with me some beautiful covers. E. L.
Keesling. Administrator of the Rehabilitation Center for
Alcoholics, for the District of Columbia Department of Public
Health, helps keep me supplied with plate blocks.... We regret to
chronicle the death of two good friends and brethren. Gordon
Rees, Nixa, Missouri, died when a tractor over-turned and crushed
him. I. G. Pruett, Flat River, Missouri, died of a heart attack
on the morning of December 14.... Carrol M. Gunderson is
scheduled for a Bible lectureship at Minnesota Bible College,
April 16-18. He has recently conducted such lectureships at
Dakota Bible College and Manhattan Bible College. Carroll resides
in Burwell, Nebraska, and has the largest private collection of
rare Bibles and translations in the country.... Congratulations
to Dan and Leila Parker on the birth of a son, Dean Allen,
December 8. The parents are members at James River Chapel, near
Springfield, Missouri.... There were 18 congregations from the
restoration movement background represented in the fellowship
forum held at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. A similar forum is
planned for the spring months according to Darrell Bolin.... Carl
F. H. Henry, Editor of Christianity Today, reports a
pleasurable visit at Harding Graduate School in Memphis,
Tennessee, and an enjoyable luncheon with Dean West and members
of the faculty. He will participate in a panel with brethren in
Westfield, New Jersey, in April.... J. David Lang will direct the
Christian Church Campus Ministry, serving Illinois State
University and Illinois Wesleyan University, both located in
Bloomington, Illinois. David is eminently qualified for that
work. Buff Scott, who serves as an aide on the staff of the State
Mental Health Institute at Clarinda, Iowa, had an article in
The Clarinda Clarion, a monthly published by the patients
and staff, dealing with the need of consistency in staff-patient
relationships.... C. E. Moyers was appointed to the eldership,
while Arle Dalton and Charles Martin were appointed as deacons at
Dunn Road Chapel, St. Louis, Missouri, on December 10, with
Hershel Ottwell assisting.... Young people from thirty-five
congregations in Europe will seek to contact a million European
youths and climax their effort with an International Youth Rally
in Frankfurt, Germany,
April 6-20. Almost 200 Americans will be involved in a personal
work campaign in Frankfurt during the effort. The Metropolitan
Youth Chorus will sing each night.... Dick and Judy Hardeman were
refused permission to continue their work in Tonga, one of the
Friendly Islands group, and were ordered to leave by January
29.... Norman Adamson, a Negro preacher of the gospel, will be
associated with Vernon Boyd in the predominantly white Stony
Island congregation in Chicago. The arrangement was made in an
attempt to make new Negro residents in the area feel at home in
the congregation, where racial bias has no place.... Bob and
Larene Wilkerson and family have returned to Basel, Switzerland,
where they helped to plant a congregation in 1963, and will be
working with the brethren in that area.... L. G. Butler, 7765
Florado Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80221, who edits Proclaimer
of Truth, featured an article on Paul in the December issue
under the title, "I Conferred Not."... J. Ervin Waters, editor of
Outreach, built his second number around the theme "Christ
is the Answer." The January issue was to feature messages on "The
Fruit of the Spirit." A sample copy can be secured by writing 931
North Blackstone, Fresno, California 93701.... E. P. C. Hollard,
who lives in Glenelg North, South Australia, sends us a beautiful
calendar "Australia in Colour" for which we are thankful
indeed.... Keith Miller, who wrote "The Taste of New Wine" has a
new book "A Second Touch" which is $3.50. It is good.... There
were 110 high school students who registered for the winter study
at Dunn Road Chapel, Saint Louis, taught by Clint Evans, Jim
Mabery, Ellis Crum and Dean Garrison. The study concluded with a
service lasting until midnight on New Year's Eve and attended by
360 persons.... Brethren were present from nine states for the
Hartford (Illinois) Forum, the theme of which was "Patternism and
Church Polity." Speakers were Charles Holt, Chattanooga, Tenn.;
LaVern Houtz, Winchester, Kentucky; Russell Boatman, St. Louis,
Missouri; Leroy Garrett, Den-ton, Texas; Hershel Ottwell,
Hartford, Illinois; Seth Wilson, Joplin, Missouri; Harold Key and
W. Carl Ketcherside, both of Saint Louis. Those wishing to borrow
tapes of the speeches and of the 2½ hour panel session may
contact one of the following: Joseph O'neal, Fairfield, North
Carolina 27826; F. R. Bailey, Sr., 666 James Place, Pomona,
California; or Daniel Munger, 977 Wooden Drive, Florissant,
Missouri 63033. Arrangements can be made with the latter for
copies of the tapes for those who wish to own the set....
Brethren who are interested in hearing tapes featuring past
discussions on fellowship and unity by W. Carl Ketcherside,
should write to F. R. Bailey, Sr., 666 James Place, Pomona,
California.... We regret to chronicle the death of our sister in
Christ, Mrs. Amy Bell, of Saint Louis, Missouri, December 28....
I deeply appreciate the fact that Jan H. Fitzwater, 2722½
North Delta Avenue, South San Gabriel, California, has maintained
a weekly clipping service for me all through 1967, mailing me
each week items of note related to sociological and religious
conditions as covered in the columns of Southern California
newspapers.... Vernon Hurst, P. O. Box 823, Powell, Wyoming
82435, is to be employed by Klineburger Brothers, Seattle,
Washington, as of February 1. The firm is world-famous for its
interest in big game hunting and safaris, as well as taxidermy.
Since Vernon will not be traveling for them the year around he
may have time for meetings and studies in depth. We urge you to
write him at the address given.... Dr. J. Miller Forcade and wife
have returned from Japan and are spending the winter in Florida.
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