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     Many of our subscribers have graduated from mere readers to "sharers." They are becoming involved in the effort to touch lives with the message of peace, and are sending in subscriptions for friends and brethren. One man sent in a subscription list including every preacher for all the Churches of Christ in his city. Let's go with God!.... If you would like to hand out copies of the paper to interested people each month, write for our special bundle rate which makes it possible for you to have 25 copies per month to distribute. It is time for all of us to get in the active fight for righteousness.... Incidentally, if you'd like ten copies of this issue you can secure them for one dollar if you will write us at once.... A. F. Mansur, Route 3, Box 278, Gait, California 95632, who is author of the book "Let My People Go" is carrying on a personal ministry in the printed page. He will send you free copies of "The Insidiousness of Prejudice" and "Lording it Over" if you'll write and request them.... David E. Branholm, Route 3, Hertford, North Carolina 27944, has decided to devote his efforts for the Master to evangelism in the eastern part of the United States. Dave was originally from Fairbanks, Alaska, and spent five years with the army, two of them as a paratrooper. He was released from active duty in 1962 with the rank of first lieutenant.... Lester and Donna LeMay are looking forward with a great deal of anxiety to their return to Nigeria. They are currently living at 25 Latonia Terrace, Covington, Kentucky 41015.... Our family lost a dear friend of long standing when Nancy Gingrich, of LaVerne, California, went home to be with the Lord, January 9. She was 86 years old.... Cecil and Elma Garrison would like for you to know about Golden Moments, the book of stories, meditations and devotions for children which you can secure for $1.50 if you write them at Route 1, Box 213, Mill Hall, Pennsylvania 17751.... We're happy that our brother, Don dark, has been accepted as a student in Harvard Divinity School. He will make a good one.... John Fulford, who lives in South Africa, sent us a beautiful first day cover with the Reformation Stamp cancellation. We also get an attractive Cape calendar from John every year.... Our brother in Christ, Neil Warren, whose course we have followed through Pepperdine College, Princeton Theological Seminary and University of Chicago is now head of the Department of Psychological Research at Fuller Theological Seminary. We predict that he will do a great work in his chosen field.... Don Sharp, Box 241, Crawfordsville, Indiana 47933, has a plan of every member evangelism he would like to tell you about and you are invited to write to him for particulars.... Does your subscription expire during 1968? If so, and you will send us $3.00 for a three year renewal, we'll send you absolutely free a copy of the book "The Holy Spirit in Our Lives Today." This is a bargain!... We were really made happy when a great brother in the Lord, Mariano Farias, Esmeralda 9, Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, Mexico, sent us a full set of 1965 and 1966 Pre-Olympic Stamp Plates. No one can be nicer than your brethren.... Preachers of the gospel who are interested in big game hunting in Wyoming are invited to join in a mule deer hunt in Wyoming, which will enable them to share in a preaching and teaching session combined with a four day hunt the second and third weeks of October of this year. You can secure information by writing to Merlyn Dunn, 1625 Kit Carson, Casper, Wyoming 82601.... We salute Lieutenant-Colonel Talmage F. McNabb and wife on the birth of their son, Marcus Duane, January 9. Talmage is a chaplain at Fort Dix, New Jersey.... Hal

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Watkins who formerly labored in Anchorage, Alaska, but has been living more recently in Spokane, Washington is moving to Warrenton, Oregon to work with the brethren.... We regret to chronicle the death of our aged Sister Sarah Reid, of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, who passed away while visiting at Kendallville, Indiana.... Brethren in Windsor have sold their old meetinghouse and will soon begin construction of a new one.... Donald G. Hart, Capetown, South Africa, sent us a beautiful postcard from the Table Mountain National Monument so we could have the cancellation mark on the stamps.... If our Lord wills we shall present in our next issue the speech made at the P. H. Welshimer Memorial Lectureship in connection with the Festival of Faith at Milligan College. The theme was "The Cross and the Growth of the Church."... We lost a good friend and brother when Clinton Wofford, of Saint Louis, Missouri, died as the result of a heart attack, February 1.... Edward Lewis, 7410 Raleigh Street, Westminster, Colorado 80030, has prepared an attractive tract entitled "A Reappraisal of First Principles," which he would like for you to see. He will send any number of copies up to ten free upon request. Please write him.... A. V. Mansur, Route 3, Box 278, Gait, California, has a treatise entitled, "The One True Church" in which he analyzes "group salvation" based upon "group faith." You may secure a copy free by writing to him at once.... We are indebted to Cesar Lobino, Zamboanga City, Philippines, for a copy of the quarterly entitled "The Preacher" which is circulated among brethren in the Philippines.... We are happy to report that Harmon Thompson, of Santa Susana, California, is making satisfactory recovery after heart surgery on December 9.... We regret to report that Bob Duncan was hospitalized at Bloomington, Illinois, with back trouble. The congregation at Bloomington sustained a loss in the death of Brother Martin, a faithful soldier of the cross.... Grayson H. Ensign, Director of Bible Chair of the Southwest, at Amarillo College, reports the work is progressing ahead of expectations.... Mission, a monthly Journal published in Abilene, Texas, has as the theme of its February issue "Communications." Even the casual reader will not confuse it with the average partisan periodical. The board of trustees announces the names of one hundred six persons who are pledged to help spread the news through the magazine.... The theme for the March issue of Mission will be "Ethics." Abraham J. Malherbe will edit the March number.... The Japanese language Christian magazine Light and Life, which began in 1949, will now be edited by Charles Melton. The format is being changed to a family type periodical with material for those of all ages.... In an editorial in the Firm Foundation, January 30, entitled "Evolution Shot Dead By Rocket," Reuel Lemmons affirms that "Charles Darwin has been shot out of the saddle" by the space shots which hit the moon and the planet Venus. Bro. Lemmons does not say what happened to the horse that Darwin was riding, but it is evident that he believes it will be broken to ride by Texas bronco busters.... Speaking of the "Lone Star State," we note a debate will be held at Cameron, Texas, for four nights, April 9-12, featuring E. H. Miller and John Staley, on whether the "proper drink element in the Lord's Supper" should be fermented grape wine or unfermented grape Juice. Since we do not have time to waste we will not go down for the four nights, but we do hope the brethren can get this world-shaking problem solved, so we can get on with some of the minor difficulties like the threat of starvation, the decay of Western civilization, crime in the streets, and Juvenile delinquency.... In conclusion we mention our deep grief at the news that Michael and Mary Wood, Atlanta, Georgia, lost their sweet little boy.

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