We trust that it will not sound too much like
begging if we urge all of our readers to send in additional
subscriptions so that others may share in the things that are
being said in our day. If a few hundred who receive the paper
were to send in one subscription each, we could easily surpass
our all-time mark for the number of papers mailed out in a given
month. Could you help?.... If your subscription is due to expire
this year and you will send us three dollars for a three year
extension we will mail you absolutely free a copy of "The
Holy Spirit in Our Lives Today" as edited by W. Carl
Ketcherside.... If you would like to secure additional copies of
this issue they will be available to you at the rate of ten for
$1.00, and if you'd like to secure a bundle of papers for
distribution each month we urge you to write for information
about the special bundle rate which will save you a great
deal.... At the end of 1968 all of the papers for the year will
be gathered and bound in an attractive book to be called "God's
Community." It will be ready for mailing not later than March 1,
1969. You can reserve yours now at the special pre-publication
rate of $2.49, payable upon delivery of the book. It will be an
excellent volume to have in your library.... One of the most
interesting phases of the present movement for wider fellowship
and greater unity among those who are heirs of the restoration
ideal, is that the plea is now affecting members in every faction
of the disciple brotherhood. Men who formerly made tests of
fellowship out of a number of things are taking a new look at
their divisive position and are showing an inclination to rise
above their narrowness. They are becoming ever more courageous,
even in the face of threats by editors of party journals .... M.
S. Whitehead, of Montgomery, Alabama, has a new treatise entitled
"The Good Confession" in which he deals with public confession
prior to baptism as a step of salvation. He affirms that a formal
confession is not required .... A Benedictine priest, Kilian
McDonnell, O.S.B., who is also a scientist, has just released a
statement that the work of Teen Challenge in dealing with drug
addiction is very effective and is eminently sound.... A number
of brethren have issued a call for a voluntary association on the
national level to work for better understanding among the races
in this time of crisis and unrest. This will involve a study of
the self-destructive nature of racism and all forms of prejudice
and discrimination, coupled with an individual approach to the
problems apparent. For information you may write to W. Graham
Barnes, 1 Linden Square West, Wellesley, Massachusetts 02181....
Our brother, Martin Mitchum, and family, have returned home after
work in Ethiopia.... The Vernon Brothers have been invited by
Christians in Poland to conduct meetings among them this year.
Assisting will be brethren, Paul Bajko, George Bajenski, and
Kostek Jakoniuk.... We commend Judge William Holt Maness, of
Jacksonville, Florida, on his speech presented before the
Christian Men's Fellowship at Winston-Salem North Carolina, on
April 27. It is one of the most perceptive views of the racial
problem I have been privileged to read.... Robert Meyers reports
that Riverside congregation in Wichita, Kansas, is enjoying the
largest attendance in years. We will have an article by Bob in a
subsequent issue under the title, "The Undeniable Experience."...
We regret to report the departure of our aged brother, George F.
Kinnamon, Sylvia, Kansas, on March 22, at the age of 92 years....
It was a great privilege to share with many of the brethren in
the Detroit
area when I spoke to the Michigan Christian Fellowship.... The
North American Christian Convention will be held in Cobo Hall,
Detroit, in 1969.... It will be my privilege to speak at Wonder
Valley Assembly, near Bedford, Indiana, June 19-21; at the
Anniversary Meeting of New Liberty congregation (near Sullivan,
Illinois) on June 30; at the College-Career Banquet of the North
American Christian Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 12; and at
the Little Galilee Camp, near Bloomington, Illinois, August 30,
31.... We will still send you seven paperback books by C. S.
Lewis, for only $5.00, and the assortment contains some of his
best.... If you have any old copies of Unity Quarterly as
formerly edited by James DeForest Murch and Claude F. Witty,
please contact Carl Witty, 600 Gale Lane, Athens, Alabama 35611.
This is a very sincere request.... Conditions for the dozen or so
little congregations of Vietnamese brethren are about back to
normal after the Tet offensive had disturbed their lives....
Three couples are going to Austria to train for special work in
Czechoslovakia in the hope that the present governing regime will
permit more freedom.... More than nine hundred visitors attended
the open house for the new facilities constructed by the brethren
in The Hague, Netherlands.... If you are a stamp collector and
interested in securing new stamps of Mexican issue, especially
the Olympics set, you are urged to write Jerry D. Watkinson,
Apdo. Postal 995, Ensenada, B.C., Mexico, at once. The Olympic
issues are indeed beautiful.... Ellis Crum reports 11 added at
Kendallville, Indiana, this year. Any young men interested in
training for direct spiritual encounter with the "Prince of Peace
Corps" are urged to write Brother Crum, North Shores Road,
Kendallville, Indiana 46755. All you will need is your
transportation to and from Kendallville, as other expenses will
be cared for if you will agree to the rigorous training schedule
for soldiers of the cross.... We mention also that Brother Crum
will direct the Bible Study at Arrowhead of Ball Lake, August
4-25. This family type of spiritual encampment provides a very
deep and meaningful experience each year. For further
information, please write Brother Crum at the address given....
Are you a reader of Restoration Review, edited by Leroy
Garrett, 1201 Windsor Drive, Denton, Texas? If not, you can
secure a full year of good reading matter for only one dollar. We
urge you to subscribe for this interesting journal.... There are
now only about sixty copies of our book "The Twisted Scriptures"
remaining. It has been called one of our best. The price is just
$2.95 and we would like to send you one before they are all
gone.... The May issue of Mission was edited by Hubert G.
Locke, and featured some provocative articles on "New Frontiers
for the Urban Ministry." It also contained an interesting
interview with Harvey G. Cox, who was asked some pertinent
questions about Churches of Christ.... The new journal
Mission has recently come under attack in Firm
Foundation, chiefly from Glenn L. Wallace, who contends that
it is "definitely the mouthpiece for a far-out liberal movement
in the church." The address of Mission is P.O. Box 2822,
Abilene, Texas 79604. The address of Firm Foundation is
P.O. Box 610, Austin, Texas 78767.... The May 10 issue of
Christianity Today carried a significant article on "The
American Campus as a Spiritual Force," written by B. Gray
Allison. Just as significant was a little cartoon on page 15....
We would like to personally commend the editorial in Christian
Chronicle, for April 26, on the theme, "Guilt-Ridden
Religion." Of special interest to me was the brief report about
the "Non-Church" Group in Japan, which began about 90 years ago
under the leadership of Kanzo Uchimura. A study of this Oriental
"restoration movement" has been made by Yukio Mori, now at
Harding College.
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