A Moment for Thought

By David R. Reagan

[Page 158]

     I recently read about a poll conducted among American Catholics. The most startling revelation of this poll was the fact that more than 60% of American Catholics feel that abstinence from meat on Friday is more important than Jesus' admonition to "love our neighbor as ourself."

     Rather shocking, isn't it? In fact, I would go so far as to say it is downright appalling and pitiful that so many "Christians" could have such a warped concept of what Christianity is all about.

     Yet, before we get on our self-righteous high horse and start condemning the "pagan" Catholics, let's pause for a moment and ask ourselves how members of the Church of Christ-- the "New Testament church"--would respond to a similar question. Suppose, for example, that some pollster were to ask the stalwart members of our brotherhood the question, "Which is more important, abstention from use of musical instruments in the worship service or the command of Jesus to love your neighbor as yourself"?

     I have no doubt our response would be so overwhelmingly in favor of abstinence from musical instruments that we would make the Catholics look wishy-washy in their preference for the abstinence from meat.

     Similarly, I think I know what the response of our brethren would be if the same question were worded differently--"Which is more important, regular church attendance, or love of neighbor?" or, "Which is of greater importance, the systematic observance of the Lord's Supper upon the first day of every week, or the love of one's fellowman?" Again, I have no doubt that the love of man would finish a poor second among our brethren.

     Our explanation of the Catholic response would be the classic one, "What can you expect from people who never study the Bible, but simply do what the pope tells them?" How would you explain the fact that we who pride ourselves on our Bible study would agree with the Catholic response?

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