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     A debate on "Situation Ethics" has been arranged between William S. Banowsky and James Pike, former bishop of the Episcopal Church. The discussion will be held in Campbell Hall on the University of California at Santa Barbara campus, January 3.... Dudley Lynch is the new editorial director for Christian Chronicle. He is 28 years old, and a former assistant professor of Journalism at Central Washington State College, Ellensburg, Washington.... Gary Ray Wallace, a high school teacher in San Salvador, is starting the second edition of a booklet edited for the Latin work in that part of the world.... William H. Hall, Sixth Street, Snow Shoe, Pennsylvania 16874, has printed a very attractive folder containing one of my messages on the theme of fellowship. You may secure a reasonable number of these without charge to distribute to friends and brethren if you will write to him.... We regret to announce the death by accident of a brother of long standing, James Sutterfield, 85, of Salem, Missouri.... Nels and Margie Turnquist have a new baby daughter, Amy Louise, born August 29. They live in Des Moines, Iowa.... Hayden and Marilyn Jenks, in Penang, Malaysia, were thoughtful enough to send us a first day cover with the new stamps issued to commemorate the opening of the Natural Rubber Conference. We are grateful for this.... Dwaine E. Dunning, professor at Platte Valley Bible College, Scottsbluff, Nebraska, has produced a very provocative monograph entitled, "Schism by Syllogism: A Study of Division Among the Church of Christ on Instrumental Music'; its Inferential Roots and Schismatic Fruits." Brethren who wish to be fair will want to read this approach to a divisive problem, especially since Brother Dunning has repeatedly challenged certain members of the faculty at Abilene Christan College to debate the issue raised in his document.... It is expected that more than 1000 persons will attend the national seminar of Campus Evangelism when it is held in Dallas, Texas, December 27-29.... Several families are now gathering each Lord's Day to break bread and edify one another, in the chapel annex, at the Naval Base in Rota, Spain. Those who are interested may contact Don Thomas, M.D., VR-24 Det., Box 5, FPO, N.Y. 09540.... It was my privilege to speak to more than 600 men at the fourth annual spiritual clinic held at Lake Springfield Christian Service Camp, Springfield, Illinois, September 6, 7.... I have just seen my first copy of the magazine Light For The Deaf, edited by Billy Leavell, 2015 Bernard Circle, Nashville, Tennessee 37212. It is uniquely adapted for this special form of ministry, and Billy deserves our heartfelt thanks.... My good friend and brother. Dr. William Richardson, professor of Bible and History at Northwest Christian College, Eugene, Oregon, has just published an article, "Principle and Context in the Ethics of the Epistle to Philemon," which was accepted for appearance in Interpretation. Bill is an outstanding teacher if I am any judge at all.... The Gospel Guardian issued a special number on "The Holy Spirit" during August, and demonstrated beyond any doubt that the writers believe in unity in diversity. I have filed an article with the editors which sets forth my position on fellowship, inasmuch as my name was mentioned in the issue.... Brethren representing both the instrument and noninstrument segments of the disciple brotherhood, resumed their monthly dialogue sessions in the Davenport, Iowa area, with a gathering on September 19.

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... Frank Rester, 3314 South Irish Road, Flint, Michigan, 48507, has issued a booklet entitled "The First Epistle of Zedekiah," which we predict will make him quite unpopular in orthodox circles. You may secure a copy by writing to him. If you are thin-skinned we suggest that you not write.... Robert P. Donalson, professor of music at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois, 61701, has recently completed a thesis entitled, "Music in Worship: Ritual Practice or Spiritual Principle--A New Perspective for the Restoration Movement." Bob grew up in the noninstrument background, but his thesis will probably have an impact on all segments of the restoration movement. It is very scholarly in tone and content.... Denver Sizemore, professor at Atlanta Christian College, 2605 Ben Hill Road, East Point, Georgia 30044, has just published "Thirteen Lessons in Christian Doctrine," as a part of the "Truth and Freedom Series." The book contains the lessons with outlines and tests as used in class and has already been adopted as a study course by several congregations and schools. You may secure a copy for $1.95 by writing directly to Denver.... Our brother, Talmadge F. McNabb, Chaplain (Lt. Col.) United States Army, was selected to do graduate work toward a Ph.D. in clinical education and hospital training, and is now at the Institute of Religion, Texas Medical Center, Houston, Texas. We congratulate him!... Daniel Munger will serve as resident counselor while doing graduate study in speech and rhetoric at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.... Our brother, George C. Fisher, retired air force chaplain, is now serving as Chaplain in Eastern State Hospital, Williarnsburg, Virginia.... Basil Overton has been appointed Associate Editor of Gospel Advocate, Nashville, Tennessee, according to announcement by B. C. Goodpasture.... More than 700 pupils attended classes on the opening day at Ozark Bible College, Joplin, Missouri.... The Communion Quester reproduced the article on fellowship which James DeForest Murch wrote under the title, "Let Us Practice What We Preach!" It is a powerful plea for us to "get with it" in our day.... If you know of servicemen in Vietnam who plan to take their "rest and recreation" vacation in Tokyo, be sure to have them contact Motoyuki Nomura, 22 Hachimanyama, Setagaya, Tokyo 156, Japan. They may call him by telephone at Tokyo 03-303-3346 or at Tokyo 03-303-0334. Moto and his family will provide them a Christian home away from home.... A dialogue session between the preachers of the local Church of Christ and First Baptist Church, at Hereford, Texas, drew about 800 people from various religious groups. The session was arranged not simply to discuss differences but to explore areas of friendship and joint community service.... There are 25 foreign students from 13 nations enrolled at Michigan Christian College.... The Russian invasion halted the plans of 20 Czechoslovakian brothers and sisters to attend a Bible study conducted by the brethren in Vienna, Austria.... I will be in Flint, Michigan, December 9-13, for special talks on fellowship and unity within the restoration movement framework. We are setting up question forums to answer the queries of brethren who belong to the fellowship of the concerned ones. For information as to time and place write to Frank Rester, P.O. Box 1205, Flint, Michigan 48501, or call him at (313) 653-5951. We hope to see you there!... I spoke to 250 college men and women at the Collegiate Conference held at Little Galilee Camp in Illinois. The public question sessions were excellent and produced some terrific queries.

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