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     Our February mailing was the largest in our history and fell only a little short of the goal we have set for 1969. You could help us reach it if you would just send in an additional subscription.... We want to thank all of you who sent cards and letters while Nell was in the hospital. She spent almost three weeks there with bone surgery on both feet. While her recovery was slow it has progressed and we are grateful. Some of you sent financial assistance during this time of heavy expense and trial, and our hearts are filled with gratitude.... We regret to chronicle the death of Pedro R. Rivas, who was head of the Bible School at Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, on January 1.... We are also saddened by the departure of our aged Sister Faenger, Bonne Terre, Missouri, whom I have known since I was a lad.... Bible studies and prayer sessions are held six days per week at Training Center for Service, the work in the heart of the Saint Louis Black Ghetto, under the oversight of Walter and Ruth Short and Charles Owens.... The January issue of The Word and Work magazine carried a picture of E. L. Jorgenson whose death we mentioned in our previous issue.... Those who have inner city and related projects under way will be pleased to know that you can have help. Write to Friend Corps, c/o Gary D. Cope, Box 1084, Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas 72143.... In view of the fact that our attempt to secure a dialogue at Abilene Christian College with our brother, Reuel Lemmons, met no response, I am making an open proposition to our brother, Roy Cogdill, and Florida College, for the same kind of meeting where we can be publicly questioned by those present. Due to the fact that many of the brethren directly associated with that particular party in the restoration movement will not read MISSION MESSENGER, I am asking Brother Charles Holt to publicize the invitation in Sentinel of Truth. You may secure a copy by sending your request to P. O. Box 8393, Chattanooga, Tenn. 37411.... Sermon subjects at the North American Christian Convention, to be held in Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, July 8-11, will be drawn from the text of Revelation 1:4-8.... Have you read the book Voices of Concern, which created so much interest? If not, we will be glad to send you one for only $3.50.... The Mont Smith family has returned to the work in Ethiopia.... The elders and Bible school teachers at Central Church of Christ, Houston, Texas, have all agreed to read the entire Bible during this year.... The Vernon Brothers will devote full time to a new campaign in conjunction with Christian Television Mission.... J. V. Mansur, Route 3, Box 278, Galt, California 95632, has reproduced two of our articles and would like to mail them to members of the fellowship of the concerned without charge. Write him for copies.... Jim Ryun, a member of the Church of Christ who holds the world record for the mile run was named one of the "top ten outstanding young men in the U.S." by the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce.... Bound volumes of the 1968 Canadian Christian Harbinger are available for $3.00 each, by writing to 5 Lavington Drive, Weston, Ontario, Canada.... Edwin V. Hayden, Ralph W. Small, and Charles A. Matthews, were guest speakers at the Fellowship Festival in Calgary, Alberta, February 7-9.... Ernest and Neva Faber, who are starting a work in Tomakomai, Japan, are holding regular services in Japanese and earnestly laboring to interest someone in the message. They will not become discouraged, for they worked 18 months in Obihiro before they made the first young convert to the Messiah.... Ernest was not too busy to think of me,

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and since this is the year of the fowl in Japan, he sent me one of the new unused stamps. James Mick, who labored in Chile until last year, sent along a full set of Chilean stamps.... We regret to report the death of our brother, Charles Hurst, Gilman City, Missouri, a friend of our family since I first met him when I was eleven years old.... Our aged brother, Samuel Snyder, 93, passed away in a nursing home at Carbondale, Illinois. He donated the ground on which the first meetinghouse at Reeds Station, Illinois, was constructed.... The 20th Century Christian for January was an exceptionally good issue, featuring the theme, "The Renewal of the Church."... Leroy Garrett has adopted the title "Renewal Through Recovery" for the 1969 series to be run in Restoration Review, 1201 Windsor Drive, Denton, Texas 76201.... I will be in the Boston, Massachusetts, area for a series of meetings and forum discussions, starting April 7. For the schedule, please contact Barry Willbanks, by calling 617-666-2566 at Somerville, Massachusetts.... I am to conduct a study in depth at Paoli, Indiana, starting April 21. For information you may write to Glen Listen, Route 3.... May 6-8 I am to be at Northwest Christian College, Eugene, Oregon, in a Spiritual Emphasis series. You may contact Fred Doris, 1186½ Ferry Street, Eugene, Oregon.... May 14-16 I will be speaking at the Leadership Training School in Chicago, Illinois. You may write to W. Cain Smith, 102 Illinois Boulevard, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60172, or call him at (312) 894-3666.... For a number of years I wanted to write a book in which I affirmed my personal faith in God, Christ and the holy scriptures. I wanted it to be a volume of apologetics written in popular style so that college young people would read it. When the time came to write I decided that I would deal with the theme of God's existence, the manifestation of the Word in flesh, the virgin birth, the question of miracles, and the present possession of eternal life. I do not hold that we must discard all the values of the arguments made by our fathers for the genuineness and authenticity of the word. But at last you can read concerning my faith for yourself. The book Simple Trusting Faith is ready to mail immediately upon receipt of your order. The price is $3.50 per copy. We had hoped we might produce it a cheaper rate but the cost of printing a first edition proved to be too great. It is our eager hope that after you have read the book you will want to secure copies for all of your children, for your skeptical friends, and for every young preacher of the word of God. If you will send your order with a check to cover the cost we will pay the postage. We feel sure you will like this book and read it several times.... Gospel Teacher is the name of a new monthly periodical under the editorship of Jack Holt and Harold Fife. The subscription price is $1.00 per year, but we feel sure that Jack and Harold will be glad to send you a sample copy if you'll write to P. O. Box 395, Richardson, Texas 75080. We urge all of our readers to do just that.... We salute Thomas H. Olbricht for his forthright editorial under the heading "Two-Way Communication" and dealing with the policy of Mission, the attractive monthly published at P. O. Box 2822, Abilene, Texas 79604. The February issue contained an interview of LaVern Houtz by David Stewart.... We congratulate the Tom McCartney family, Clinton, Illinois, on the birth of Jeanne Marie, January 14.... Gareth L. Reese has been running a series of studies entitled "Do All Speak in Tongues?" in The Sentinel, P. O. Box 70, Moberly, Missouri 65270.... Please do send in your renewal in advance of expiration date if at all possible. Thanks!

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