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     In the study in depth at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Miami, Florida, I spoke each night and conducted a daily open forum each morning. The meetings were attended by representatives of all segments of the restoration movement. At the invitation of Robert W. Shaw, more than forty preachers and elders were present for a breakfast and discussion of our mutual problems.... During the five days of the School of Christian Living in Louisville, Kentucky, I spoke 17 times, including special addresses to Circle-K at Kentucky Southern College; eleven hundred high school students at Seneca High; the Kiwanis Club meeting in Executive Inn; the student body at Old Kentucky Home High School, Bardstown; the Junior High School at Boston; and the students and faculty at College of the Scriptures. I was also on a one hour open line program over WFIA, and rode with two police cruisers on the night beat.... The Christian Standard issue of April 26 and The Lockout issue of April 27 featured the North American Christian Convention to be held at Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, July 8-11.... Our brother, J. D. Hall, Jr., who was publisher of Sentinel of Truth was killed in a crash of his company plane on February 5.... The annual University of Soul Winning was held March 11-13 at Ozark Bible College with Reggie Thomas, Russ Martin, Cecil Todd and Wayne Smith, as the principal speakers.... Ghana (Africa) Christian College now has 27 full-time students at Accra, with 14 more taking extension classes in Takoradi.... James Earl Ladd was the keynote speaker for the college-career group meeting in French Lick, Indiana, where almost 500 enrolled for the conference on the theme "The New Man for The New Age."... Marilyn Jenks writes that the family left Penang, to return to the United States after an absence of 3 years and 9 months.... Leon Clymore and family will return at the end of the summer to Malawi (Africa) where they previously worked four years. The Random Road congregation, Arkansas City, Kansas, has promised $3000 to assist in the travel fund and location in Africa. If you'd like to help a worthy cause, write to Leon at 611 North Wilson, Pasadena, California 91106.... Vic Hunter, who has been working in England for 5 years is returning to the United States to enroll in Union Theological Seminary, New York.... Harry D. Scates and Lynn Cleaveland have rented a house in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to use as a Christian Information Center.... It was our privilege to do the commentary and lesson presentation material for Bible Teacher and Leader, published by Standard Publishing for use during this quarter.... The first issue of the quarterly, Christian Mission Today, which is printed in Tokyo, is off the press, and we sincerely urge you to take advantage of the special offer for a year's subscription for $1.00. The regular subscription is three times that amount. The journal is edited by Al Hammond. Don't miss it for it is worth many times its cost since it is an "open forum of missionary thought" in our day. You can subscribe by sending your dollar to 390 North Ridge Vista, San Jose, California 95127.... Have you read the new book A Place To Stand, by Elton Trueblood? You ought to read it, and we'll send you one for $2.95.... W. L. Brown writes that the seventh convert was immersed since the brethren opened the new meetinghouse in Salisbury, Rhodesia, Africa.... Sacred Selections Company, with Ellis Crum as head, now has a tour division. Ellis is an executive director of Lord's International, and brethren who desire to plan and organize tours to the holy land or elsewhere are asked to contact him at Kendallville, Indiana 46755.

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You can call (219) 347-3758. Ellis is currently leading a tour to countries of the Mid-East.... The annual Spring Lectureship at Southeastern Christian College, Winchester, Kentucky, March 18-20, featured the theme, "The Jew--in History, Prophecy, and Current Events."... Brethren in the Philippine Islands have launched a new magazine called Bagons (Guide), with the first issue edited by AleJandro Ciencia.... The 20th Century Christian printed the speeches of William S. Banowsky and Bishop James A. Pike, as made in their recent debate on "Sex and Morality." These speeches appear in the March issue.... David Eubanks has been selected as president of Johnson Bible College, Kimberlin Heights, Tennessee, to succeed the late R. M. Bell.... Leon Tester and family have returned to the United States after seven years in Brazil. Leon will work on his Ph.D. in Journalism with the expectation of returning to Brazil in about five years.... The Melody Boys Quartet, P. O. Box 106, Farmersburg, Indiana 47850, have a new record album under the title Sing, Serve and Live. If you want to get a genuine thrill send four dollars for it. You will not regret it. Order direct from the address given.... The brethren on the island of Guam are starting a Bible Chair at the College of Guam.... The first Mediterranean lectures held by our brethren were conducted at Athens, Greece, April 7-10, with the theme, "Reaching the Masses."... A Midwest Campus Mobilization Seminar was held at the University of Illinois, April 3-6. Among the speakers were Wesley Reagan, Don Finto, Prentice Meador, David Jones, John Wilson, and Jim Bevis.... We deeply regret to chronicle the death of our brother, William Hunter, 67, at Motherwell, Scotland. He was a great and respected friend and brother in the Lord.... A new quarterly journal called Anchor is now in publication by Memorial Church of Christ, Houston, Texas.... Brethren from Independent Christian Churches and non-instrument Churches of Christ in Korea, have joined their efforts in translation and publication of restoration literature in the native language. Their first book is "On The Rock," by D. R. Dungan, with others to follow as funds are available. For information you may write to Gordon Patten, P.O. Box 122, Seoul, Korea. We commend these brethren for this meaningful endeavor.... Our new book Simple Trusting Faith dealing with our position on the existence of God, the virgin birth, the validity of miracles, etc., is now ready for mailing. This book of apologetics is written in a style that all can grasp, and the cost is $3.50 per copy. We hope you'll give one to every college student and senior high school student within your realm of acquaintance.... A new paperback book titled Faith Promise Missionary Conference by Gene Dulin is ready for mailing at a cost of $1.00 per copy if you will write to Toronto Christian Mission, 5 Lavington Drive, Weston, Ontario, Canada.... We rejoice in the number of great doors and effectual opened unto Darrell Bolin in the area around his home at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.... Rick and Delia Deighton, 796 Oriole St., Eugene, Oregon, are preparing for work in Germany with Ed Fausz.... Students at the University of Wisconsin, should contact Sam Fox at Damascus Road House, 1805 University Avenue, Madison. That is one "roadhouse" we recommend.... We are glad to see that our brother, Gerald Tiffin, made Christianity Today with his article "The Changing Years." It was in the March 14 issue.... It was our privilege to speak at Cocoa, Daytona Beach, and Orlando, Florida, in the Spring Preaching Rally, and we are pleased to report that the crowds were exceptionally good at all three places. In every instance we had an open forum question period following each message and it was a thrilling event.

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