If you are a licensed amateur radio
operator and a member of the Christian Church or Church of
Christ, why not join the Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship, and
be a part of a communications ministry? Write Kyle R. Simplot,
WA4LLZ, 309 South Main Street, Erwin, Tennessee 37650.... The
Fellowship of Concerned Individuals published and mailed out the
speech of Hubert Locke, as made at the North American Christian
Convention, on the theme, "New Life Through Social
Understanding." If you are interested in combating racism, write
FOCI, Box 7203, Lexington, Kentucky 40502.... There were about
300 men enrolled for the meeting of the Men's Roundup at Como,
Colorado, where Don DeWelt, James DeForest Murch, and myself
were the speakers. Don had just returned from nine weeks in
Australia, and his slides were a real contribution to the
meeting.... We congratulate Bob Thompson, at Erie, Illinois, on
the opportunity afforded him to speak at the local Baptist
Church.... Darrell Bolin, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, has spoken
three times recently to the inmates of Rock View Prison. Of the
600 who are there, about 150 attend the services to hear
Darrell.... John Fulford, who is working in Cape Province, South
Africa, was thoughtful enough to send a first day cover of the
Heart Transplant Commemorative Stamp, and we thank our
brother sincerely.... J. W. Roberts, professor of Bible at Abilene
Christian College, conducted a three-week leadership training
class in Hong Kong, during August.... We salute the brethren at
Bonne Terre, Missouri, for their activated program, which includes
a new meetinghouse, now in the process of erection.... More than
100 persons were immersed in Monrovia, Liberia, as the result of
a combined effort of white and black brethren from the United
States. Roosevelt Wells and John Allen Chalk were the speakers,
with Andrew J. Hairston as master of ceremonies.... There were
37 persons immersed in Nazareth, the boyhood hometown of
Jesus, during a series of meetings conducted by George Bailey, of
Abilene, Texas. Other congregations in Israel meet at Der Hanna,
El Abun, and Jerusalem.... Chung Hi Gun, immersed 68 people in
six weeks in Seoul, Korea. Last year he and his assistants. Lee
Gong Hyo and Kim Song Cha, baptized 379 persons.... The
congregation of saints in Lisbon, Portugal, met for the first time in
a new building at Rua Carvalho Araujo, No. 35, on July 20, with
30 present.... There are now eight brethren working full time as
evangelists in Spain, with the latest, Jesus Ordonez, laboring in
Sama de Langreo.... Carl Brecheen has been named to succeed J.
D. Thomas as director of the annual Abilene Christian College
Lectureship.... The June issue of Restoration Review,
contained an article on Alexander Campbell and the Declaration
and Address, by Louis Cochran.... We commend the brethren who
produce The Christian Appeal, for their timely July issue,
which was devoted to the theme "When Brethren Disagree." Gene
Shelburne is editor.... The exhibit of the Church of Christ at the
Kentucky State Fair featured free samples of the issue of
20th Century Christian, containing the debate between
Bill Banowsky and Bishop James A. Pike, on "Sex and Morality."...
Our good brother, J. James Albert, is moving from Ohio to
Corcoran, California, where he will be the high school guidance
counsellor.... Congratulations to Jim and Phyllis Smith, Corpus
Christi, Texas, who just adopted Michella Renee, a sweet little
charmer.... It will be my privilege to be with brethren at Flint,
Michigan, November 3-7, in a special series of studies. Write to
Frank Rester, P. 0. Box 1205, Flint, Michigan 48501, or call him
at (313) 653-5951. Let's all meet at Flint!.... Charles Owens who
works with Training Center for Service in the ghetto area of St.
Louis, was on WANE-TV, August 25. Walter Short was on the
program of the Institute on Religion at the University of Missouri
where he spoke on "Working in the Inner City."... If you have not
secured a copy of "Voices of Concern," the most controversial
book among Churches of Christ in this decade, send for one at
once. It will soon be out of print. The cost is $3.50 per copy....
The July issue of Integrity reveals that opposition has
been directed against the editors and writers, but the brethren
who produce the paper have been more than fair in handling it.
Write for a sample copy to P. 0. Box 1205, Flint, Michigan
48501.... John Allen Chalk will remain in Abilene, Texas, where he
will labor with Highland congregation.... Our good brother, Art
Morris, is back in India, working with Southern Asia Christian
College, and with the leprosy hospital and famine program.... We
commend the Don Summers family for their work with Indians in
migrant camps as well as with the two congregations in the
Seattle, Washington, area.... Our brother in the Lord, Dr Burton
B. Thurston, chairman of the religious studies department in the
American University at Beirut, Lebanon, has just returned to his
position after a year as director of the Institute for the Study of
Church Origins, in Tuebingen, Germany.... Our commendation of
the article "Is Assurance Really Possible?" as written by our good
brother, Walter E. Burch, and published in the August issue of
Mission. The September issue of the journal contained
an interview with G. R. Beasley-Murray, former president of the
Baptist Union of Great Britain. The interview was conducted by
Everett Ferguson.... A lot of folk do not see anything very funny
about Gary Freeman's new book which is titled, "A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to Heaven." It is being treated as if it did
not exist in some circles, but is being read just the same. We will
mail you one for $3.95.... While talking about books, have you
read "A Place to Stand" by Elton Trueblood? We think you should
read it, and the price is only $2.95 per copy.... Buff Scott, Jr., has
two folders entitled "The Tempest is Raging" and "So You're
Going to Face Society Again?" The last is a note of
encouragement to former patients who have lived a part of their
lives in a psychiatric hospital. If you'll write Buff and enclose a 6c
stamp he will send you both pamphlets. His address is Box 83,
Clarinda, Iowa 51632.... Our brother, Fred I. Gardner, 905-D
Sevier Street, Johnnon City, Tennessee 37601, has produced an
attractive booklet on the theme "The Lord's Supper as a Channel
of Blessing."... Brother Wesley S. Hawley, 1414 11th Avenue
South, Escanaba, Michigan 49829, has prepared an interesting
booklet called "Preacher's Purposeful Planning." The price is 50c
each. Brother Hawley has spent 54 years in teaching and
preaching.... Christian Mission Today, a quarterly
journal, published my article on "Christian Education."... Harold
Spurlock, P. 0. Box 1717, Kilgore, Texas 75662, continues to edit
a stimulating journal Sentinel of Truth.... We regret to
chronicle the departure of a friend and brother of long standing,
Harry Houser, Sullivan, Illinois.... Brother Jesse P. Sewell,
president emeritus of Abilene Christian College, departed this life
on July 4.... Dean Clutter, who has been working in Ottawa,
Ontario, has moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to work with the
Brookside congregation.
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