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     The annual study for high school and college students, held at Dunn Road Chapel, Saint Louis, enrolled 150 young people. The conclusion came on New Year's Eve with the auditorium crowded to capacity for a service lasting until midnight.... The Hartford Forum, Hartford (Ill.), brought people together from 15 states and Canada, for an open discussion of free men. Subjects considered were as follows: The Gift of Tongues; Instrumental Music; Fellowship in Christ; Evolution and the Bible; and related matters. You can arrange to secure the tapes covering all ten hours of discussion and questioning by writing to Elroy Paschedag, 4117 South Drive, Granite City, Illinois 62040.... The entire issue of 20th Century Christian for December was devoted to "Youth Today." Especially intriguing to me was the article by D. Elton Trueblood entitled "The Inverted Puritanism of the Unlaughing Generation." It is what I call real writing!... The Christian Appeal for November was an attractive issue devoted to the theme "Come, See a Man." The address is 2310 Anna Street, Amarillo, Texas 79106.... Nell and I send our congratulations to two couples who recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversaries: Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Whitehead, Montgomery, Alabama; and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stevens, Lemay, Missouri.... And we are also happy at the news that Joshua Ray, came to bless the home of the Gary Ray Wallaces, Eldorado, Texas, December 5; and that Sherman Christopher, was adopted into the family of Sam and Bonnie Fox, Madison, Wisconsin, last October 31, when he was just one month old.... The world is a little poorer because of the departure of two saints whom we wish to mention with deep appreciation for their labor of faith while still with us: Stanford Chambers, Louisville, Kentucky, and Mrs. E. A. Rhodes, Tokyo, Japan. Brother Chambers edited "Truth Advance Section" in The Word and Work, answering questions sent in by the readers.... Gary Strubhar, 7925 S. E. Mitchel, Portland, Oregon 97206, has an interesting booklet on "Why Good People Can't Go to Heaven." This inexpensive and neatly printed piece of literature is excellent for your personal work.... We'd like to have you remember that we will send you a copy of my two books -- The Royal Priesthood and Simple Trusting Faith -- for only $6.00 if you will send payment with the books. That is a saving of one dollar.... Ellis Crum will be host on a fifteen day tour of the Holy Land departing from New York on March 13, and will lead a 22 day tour leaving on June 17. These are arranged to bring you full value for the cost of travel. You are urged to write Brother Crum at once. Address him at Kendallville, Indiana 46755.... Cal and Alice Downs, Lawrence, Kansas, have a baby boy, Kevin Cochran, born December 16. Cal is a professor at the University of Kansas. Congratulations!... We were saddened to learn of the death of Debbie Warren, a sweet little 8 year old girl, November 21, in Ottawa, Canada. Her grandfather died the day before. Debbie's father is Rodney Warren, who asks us to tell you that if you can obtain support, and would like to work in a needy field, you are invited to help in their mission. You can write to him at 487 Tweedsmuir Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.... Motoyuki Nomura, whom I love in the Lord, writes of the difficulty of the little Hachimanyama congregation in paying their obligations. They are deserving and worthy, and if you want to help we urge you to send a gift to William A. Price, 2217 Walterdale Terrace, Louisville, Kentucky 40205, and mark it for the Tokyo work. Motoyuki, who works daily at the YMCA in Tokyo, is striving to promote an effort which will not draw lines of fellowship over trivial issues.... Thanks to John S. Fulford, who sent us a most beautiful calendar from Cape Province in South Africa.... A series of restoration discussions is scheduled to be held in the Oklahoma City area. These will involve brethren from various segments of the restoration movement and the first was held January 16, at the Draper Park Christian Church building.... The study in depth which I conducted at Butler, Pennsylvania, was most interesting and made it possible to meet a goodly number of saints residing in that region. Kurt Blum writes from Switzerland that he is now doing social service work in some 30 mountain villages in Switzerland, after having regained his health.... We wish to remind our readers that they may obtain our two long play records for only $5.00, and we will pay the postage. One of these contains the messages on the topic "Who Is My Christian Brother?" while the other has on one side "Koinonia and the Church Then" and on the other side "Koinonia and the Church Now."... We commend Harry Scates and Lynn Cleaveland for spending about three hours per week counselling inmates in the jail at Uberlandia, Brazil. Several of the inmates have confessed their faith in our Lord.... Don Sharp, P. O. Box 241, Crawfordsville, Indiana 47933, has come up with a program for new members which involves every one as an active member of the community of saints. It is called "Order of the Bereans" and he will gladly send you information about it.... Vernon Hurst of Powell, Wyoming, is co-author of a newly published hardcover guide entitled "Big Game Hunting Around the World." It was published by Exposition Banner Press.... It will be my privilege to speak several times at a great convocation of College-Career group personnel at French Lick, Indiana, February 13-15. An outstanding program has been arranged, including ample time for questioning.... It is my hope that I may meet many friends at the Abilene Christian College Lectureship. In spite of the fact that the administration has turned down requests for me to address the brethren there, I am happy that I can listen to the speakers who are approved.... March 9-13, I will be with brethren at Santa Ana, California, in a nightly study in depth on "The Holy Spirit in Our Lives Today."... April 3-5, I will be in Missoula, Montana, for a gathering of several hundreds of The Prairie Young People's Association.... April 13-17 I will be at Mountain View Christian Church, Phoenix, Arizona, for another study in depth.... Elsewhere in this issue you will read about the significant meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, which I will address four times, April 23-25.... April 27-May 1, I will be with the brethren in the area surrounding Newport, Oregon, for a series of studies in depth.... Please remember that our new book "Christian Commandos" is ready for mailing, and you may secure a copy for $2.49 until March 1.... Nell and I think you would like to know that in January we mailed out more than seven thousand copies of the paper.... We regret to announce the death of Marie Lennington, Alton, Illinois, December 27; and that of Clark N. Pool, St. Francisville, Illinois, December 24.... Guy B. Dunning, Evangelist with the Christian Builders Association, plans to return to Cozad, Nebraska, where he labored for more than ten years. He now resides in Sutton, Nebraska.... We are very grateful for those who have assisted us in bearing the financial burden of the paper and other literature which we mail out daily. It is our fervent prayer that God may richly bless all who aid in this labor of love with such patience.

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