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J. D. Thomas has announced the first Abilene Christian College Annual Preachers' Workshop to be held January 11-13. Time will be given to a discussion of some of the controversial issues among the brethren.... We regret to announce the death of Archie Watters, a Scots brother who labored in Bulawayo, Rhodesia, and whom I had the privilege of meeting several times.... Helping Hands is a group of Christians dedicated to the idea of serving God and man through the printed page. They have some interesting and helpful material which you can use. Write to them at P.O. Box 103, Farming-ton, New Mexico 87401, and ask for a list.... I would also like for my sisters in Christ who read this to read a book "In the Hands of a Woman" by my good friend, Rachel Howard. It is an excellent volume for ladies' classes or camp studies. Order directly from Rachel at 3640 Main Street, Anderson, Indiana 46014. The cost is $1.95 for the paperback edition; $3.25 for the cloth.... Do you know that Hurlbut's Story of the Bible has been issued in paperback at a price that you can afford to give away copies to all of the young families in the congregation who want to get the picture the Bible unfolds? We will mail you one for only $1.25.... The June 1970 issue of Mission was excellent and we hope that you did not miss reading it. It covered the theme of communicating the good news with a great deal of power. The address is P. O. Box 2822, Abilene, Texas 79604.... I am tremendously heartened with the publication of The Frankfurt Declaration in Christianity Today, June 19. It is signed by a number of outstanding German theologians and calls churches to a return to the word of God and our divine mission. It is one of the most encouraging documents I have seen in the last half of this century, and could represent a distinct turning point. My brother of many years, Ralph Sterner, of Red Cloud, Nebraska, has been called home to be with Jesus, and my sympathy reaches out to his bereaved family.... Sid Allsbury writes of a growing spirit of cooperation among brethren in Germany and I thank God and take courage. One of our worst exports to other lands is our divisive spirit.... James Robert Jarrell has a provocative article entitled "Political Action in the Churches of Christ" in North American Christian, May, 1970, of which he is the editor.... Richard V. Smith, writes in The Central Africa Story about the training school and college to be constructed near Fort Victoria, Rhodesia. During the past twelve years 36 native men have been graduated after two years of study.... Wesley Jones, a commercial pilot, will go next year to Indonesia, where he will fly a Cessna Sky Wagon to bring the message of Christ to three thousand islands in the area, with the help of a missionary team.... My good brother, Elton D. Higgs, a professor at The University of Michigan, Dearborn, has just had published a most interesting article titled "The 'Thunder' of God in Paradise Lost." It appeared in Milton Quarterly.... William Harvey Beard returned to Lugano, Switzerland, for the third summer, where he taught in the Christian Camp at Campo San Salvatore.... The centennial meeting of the congregation at Mount Eagle, Pennsylvania, was a notable event. Speakers were Lee Keesling, Vernon Hurst, and Harold Shasteen.... James DeForest Murch edits an informative page in Christian Standard under the heading "Today in Christendom".... Have you read "The Incendiary Fellowship" by Elton Trueblood? It is well worth the $2.50 that it costs. Let us mail you one.... The Christian heads its "Letters to the Editor" page with a quote
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from Alexander Campbell, "The spirit and soul of all reformation is free discussion." The other day I picked up a newspaper which headed its editorial page with a quote from Thomas Jefferson, "We shall not fear to follow wherever truth may lead nor to tolerate error, so long as reason is left free to combat it".... I will be at Family Camp at Little Galilee, near Clinton, Illinois, September 4, 5, and we hope to see many of our friends from Central Illinois on the occasion.... I will be in Escondido, California, for a special series of studies, January 9-15, and have agreed to return to Newport, Oregon, March 15-19, for a second round of study. The theme will be "The Holy Spirit in Our Lives Today".... We shall keep you informed of many other appointments as time goes on, and trust to meet many of our readers during our travels.... John Bowles, David Branholm, Harry J. Bowers, Russ Blowers, and Dwain Evans, will be speakers at the Virginia Christian Men's Clinic, near Chatham, Virginia, September 25, 26. This is the fourth annual clinic sponsored by the congregations of saints in South Central Virginia. The theme this year is "Power of Newness." It should be great.... Olin Atwood, who has been residing in Lander, Wyoming, will move to Nebraska where he will teach at Platte Valley Bible College, occupying the position vacated by Dwaine Dunning who is moving to Saint Louis Christian College.... Nearly fifty men, coming from Canada and ten states met for discussion of new church planting at Great Lakes Bible College, Lansing, Michigan, recently.... Gordon Souder, who conducts a column in The Canadian Christian Harbinger on word studies, dealt with the term "Pattern" in the June issue.... Students at Northwest Christian College joined several groups from the campus of the University of Oregon in a "March For Christ," to the downtown area. More than nine hundred young people participated in all. The theme of an open meeting on campus was "Solution: Spiritual Revolution".... Our commendation to Charles Dailey for his contact with young people who are "turned off and tuned out." He describes part of this work in The Pattern for May.... Harvey C. Bream, Jr. is the new president of Cincinnati Bible Seminary, succeeding Woodrow W. Perry.... Restoration Herald has announced a new policy of accepting paid advertising starting with the July issue.... Twenty hogs and one steer were barbecued for the thousands who attended the annual Brush Arbor Meeting at Pleasant Grove Church of Christ, Fairfield, North Carolina, June 26, 27.... The congregation at Midway, Texas is undertaking a comprehensive work with prison inmates in the state.... There is an opening for a Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences at a university in New Mexico. The starting salary will be $17,500 or more. If you are interested in making application please contact me and I will put you in touch with the administration.... I appreciate the favorable book review of my volume Simple Trusting Faith which appeared in The Christian Leader, journal of the Mennonite Brethren. It was written by D. Edmond Hiebert.... Paul Bajko and C. Y. Kim (missionary to Korea), will speak at the Cumberland Christian Camp Meeting, to be held at Corbin, Kentucky, August 18, 19, 20. If you are in reach of this meeting, go hear these brethren. The meeting is one with an old-fashioned fervor.... We regret to report the death of Brother R. C. Foster, 82, a teacher at The Cincinnati Bible Seminary, for the last 46 years. Brother Foster was the author of several well known books.... Additional copies of this issue of the paper and the one for last month on "The Money Pattern" may be secured at the rate of ten for one dollar.