Which Way to Turn?
By James F. Mick
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"Time to get up! Get ready for church!" That's the wife yelling!
Oh no! Not that! Church! I hate to go. It bores me. Throw the covers back. Tumble out of bed. Shuffle out of the bedroom and down the hall. The bathroom is occupied. I'll read the morning paper. A thousand killed in Vietnam last
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week; police still chasing Black Panther leaders; poor people demonstrating again.
Wonder how our minister will arrange his sermon today? It's not really fair to say he has only one. He has six, and he rearranges them, re-wraps them, regurgitates them. Baptism! The Name of the Church! Restoration of the New Testament Church (whatever that is)! Temperance (meaning don't drink)! Stewardship (meaning give more money)! Sin (The big list: gossip, adultery, dancing, smoking, and exceeding the speed limit)! See here on the second page that college kids say their courses aren't relevant, and...
"Bathroom's empty!"
I'd better get in there and shave. Turn the faucet on, steam boils up. Splash water on my face. Ouch! Need a little cold. Smear on lather. From left sideburn down to jawbone. Now down to the chin. From the cheekbone down to the jaw. Upper lip now. Always the same. Never a change. I could do it blindfolded. It's funny but Dad follows the same pattern. Doxology (standing, of course); Invocation; First, second and third verses; This time omit the third (variety, you know); Morning hymns; The Lord's Supper; The Offering; Special Music; Sermon; Invitation Hymn... "God be with you till we mee-ee-et." The early church's worship restored. Wonder how the early disciples really worshiped? Finished shaving so soon? Guess I did. Don't remember getting my neck though. Well, it's...
"Breakfast's ready! Come on! It's getting late!" The song from the kitchen!
Everyone seated at the table, hands folded, heads bowed, eyes closed... Amen! Mr. Shepherd will start his prayer as he has for the past thirty years, "We gather together in your house" (an impossibility)... how many times will I hear, "Bless the missionaries who sacrifice so much..." (rocking to and fro on the balls of his feet), or, "We give you thanks for Jesus" (drawn out and spoken in the sanctuary tone of voice). These eggs need more salt!
"Pass the salt, please."
"Want some more bacon?"
"Nope, I guess not. Thanks!"
"Eat your crust, kids."
"Ah, do I have to?"
"Yes, you have to!"
Seems to me I remember hearing of someone or another who prayed, "Well, here we are Father, a motley group brought together by family ties. You're our Father, and there's no point in our telling you how good we've been. You know us better than we know ourselves. That's what gets us." Like to see Brother Shepherd's face if I prayed like that today at the communion table. He'd drop his false teeth.
"That was a good breakfast, honey."
"Yea, mom!"
"Go brush your teeth, kids."
Boy, a couple of kids can scatter a paper in no time. Where's the sports page? "Turn that radio down!" You'd think they were deaf. Full volume. And sitting right on top of it. Arkansas, one touchdown underdog in their game Saturday, and they won it. Vikings take on the Rams today. Carl Eller says it will be a regular street fight.
"Why don't you help me, brother?
I'm a stranger in your town!"
"I said to turn that squawk-box down! Do you hear me?" Seems that Palmer's golfing days are not over after all. Got some good music coming out these days. Ought to substitute some of it for the old worn-out hymns we use every Sunday.
"Is that all there is?... If that's all there is..."
Ought to sing that one! What's that other one? Oh,
"You've got to show a little kindness,
Overlook the blindness,
Of the narrow-minded people,
On the narrow-minded road!"
That would make a good special number some morning. Rams are on an eleven game winning streak. Be some upset if...
"Ready to go? Quarter till ten."
"Ready any time you are."
"Come on kids. Turn that radio off."
"Did you unhook the coffee pot?
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"Button up your coats, you kids. Want to catch cold?"
The old bus starts pretty good these cold mornings. May not have to get another battery until next fall. That's a few bucks I won't have to put out now.
"Did you write the check out?"
"Yes. Did it last night and put the envelope in my suit pocket. I've got it
right here."
The Lord loves a cheerful giver. Well, I don't mind giving. It's what I am giving to that I mind. If my giving went to God to glorify him... but it goes to the church. Are the two synonymous? I wonder sometimes. I doubt it. The church must be... but the church can't be. The proposed budget for the new year is in the mail. Ninety percent of income allotted to make ourselves comfortable and respectable for about three hours a week. If that's... well!
"Didn't you see that stop sign?"
"What stop sign? Did I run one?"
"Did you run it? I'll say!"
"I was thinking about something else." Well, give to the March of Dimes or HOPE and it might be more pleasing to God. Don't mind giving if I knew (and I'd give lots more!), if I knew that we were buying wheels and not just oil for a machine that never moves. Next corner, turn right. One block to the church. Do I turn right... or should I turn left?