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     James DeForest Murch recommends that all of the brethren become familiar with "The Frankfurt Declaration" as published in the June 19 issue of Christianity Today. I second this, as the declaration was one of the finest things to oecur in this century.... If you missed the September issue of Mission you have suffered loss. It is published at P.O. Box 2822, Abilene, Texas 79604.... We know a 35-year-old brother who has received a degree in law and would like to correspond with other brethren teaching on the Junior College or University level in Florida. Send a postcard or letter with your name and address and let us put you in contact with him.... I am looking forward to addressing the World Vision Crusade, in Grand Junction, Colorado, March 3-5.... Agape, the coffee house in Georgetown, the Washington, D. C., area, received excellent publicity in both The Washington Post and The Washington Star. These people are doing a remarkable job in helping people who have been caught up in the drug kick syndrome.... We commend the editors of Integrity who are putting out a very meaningful journal each month. If you have not seen a copy, request one by writing to 8494 Bush Hill Court, Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439.... A good brother in the Lord, Enos Dowling, is engaged in a tremendous research project, cataloguing and collecting information about songwriters and their compositions within the restoration movement. If you have any old songbooks compiled by brethren in any segment, will you please send them to him at Lincoln Christian Seminary, Box 178, Lincoln, Illinois 62656. Biographies or histories of such songwriters would be appreciated.... Larry Ray Hafley has issued a booklet denouncing the Illinois Churches of Christ Exhibit at the Illinois State Fair as being unscriptural. He wants to debate defenders of the project in Illinois.... Reuben Bullard, who was on a dig in the vicinity of Amman, when the city came under fire by guerrila forces escaped being taken hostage, and was evacuated to Beirut. He is a professor at Cincinnati Bible Seminary.... Training Center for Service, 1518 North Leffingwell Street, Saint Louis, Missouri, provides an opportunity for those who wish to support an inner city ghetto work. Don't gripe about what is going on, but do something about it. If you cannot go, you can send!... The editorial by Gordon Linscott in The Word and Work, for August, was very significant. The journal is published at 2518 Portland Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40212.... Bob and Karon Chapman have arrived safely in Ethiopia to augment the work of the brethren in that field.... Jimmie Lovell has outlined a plan to make the Bible available to the needy of all the earth, and has started with an order for ten thousand testaments in the French language. You can read about it in Action, P. O. Box 488, Redondo Beach, California 90277..... The Gospel Advocate on its cover for September 10 used a photograph of seven brethren preaching in Lisbon, Portugal.... The theme for the Harding College Lectureship, November 23-26 is "The Bond of Peace."... Cecil Willis, editor of Truth Magazine, in his September 10 issue, affirms that Harold Spurlock, editor of Sentinel of Truth has followed Charles Holt into digression. Both of these brethren have decided that fellowship in Christ Jesus is not attained by institutional conformity but by personal relationship to God's Son.... The West Angelo School of Evangelism began on September 15, at 3200 San Antonio, San Angelo, Texas 76901, the purpose being to train men in interpretation and communication of the

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word of God.... Abingdon Press has offered an award of $5000 for the nonfiction book that "best affirms the relevance of the Christian faith in a world of rapid change."... Pearl S. Buck, in her new book "China As I See It" says that "the true Chinese is emerging once more."... Did you know that out of the 101 immigrants aboard the Mayflower, only 12 belonged to the first New England congregation?... And did you also know that in 1800 only about seven per cent of the population in our country were members of any church? That is about the time the restoration movement began.... I will be in Sacramento, California, November 18-20, in a forum on fellowship open to all parties and segments within the restoration brotherhood. If you wish a program or other information write to W. L. Jessup, 2875 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, Calif. 95832.... I will be in a series of studies in depth at First Christian Church, Escondido, California, January 9-15. These studies are available to all who sincerely love the Lord and want to search His word. The location is 1300 South Juniper Street, and you may contact Albert H. Karges there, or call him at 745-5722.... I will be in Manhattan, Kansas, February 1-5; and expect to attend the Abilene Christian College Lectureship, February 22-25. It will be a privilege to see any of the fellowship of concerned ones at any of these meetings.... It was my privilege to speak three times at the Kentucky State Christian Convention which was held at Southeastern Christian College in Winchester. Two of the speeches were delivered in chapel with the faculty and student body present. It was also a privilege to hear Hall C. Crowder one night during his meeting in Lexington.... I hope that all of you read the newest little book by Francis A. Schaeffer, which is called The Mark of the Christian. We congratulate Mike and Judy Jones, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the arrival of a new son, Daniel Grayson. Ralph E. Bennett immersed eight persons during a recent month at Nowra, in Australia.... My good brother, Brian Altmiller, is now conducting a reading laboratory in the elementary school at Dayton, Oregon. He will be excellent in teaching remedial reading.... Dale Randolph was forced to leave the work in Thessaloniki, in Greece, where he was accused by the authorities of opening a church without a permit and of proselyting.... If you know of Christian students attending Vanderbilt University or Peabody College in Nashville, Tennessee, please forward their names and addresses to Christian Student Center, 124 Twenty-first Avenue, South, Nashville, Tennessee 37203.... Lubbock Christian College began the fall semester with 932 students enrolled, a record.... We regret to chronicle the death of Brother W. T. Buffaloe, at the age of 86, in the hospital at Jonesboro, Arkansas. He was a teacher in Arkansas schools for 42 years.... Some portion of the Bible is now available in the languages spoken by 97% of the world's population, but there remain more than 1000 languages and dialects in which the Word of God is not accessible. More than one hundred million people speak those tongues.... We are mailing out a copy of The Bookshelf to all who are listed among our subscribers. If you would like for friends to receive it send us their names and addresses and we will gladly mail them one.... A copy of my book Simple Trusting Faith will be sent free to any college or university student. A personal request must be made by each student, and there must be supplied the name of the school which is being attended. You may feel free to inform students of this offer. The book deals with apologetics and contains a statement of the reason for my faith in the eternal verities as revealed in nature and revelation.

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