The Hartford Forum

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     The Hartford Forum is an annual gathering of free men in Christ, sponsored by the Church of Christ, 124 East Maple Street, Hartford, Illinois, for discussion of controversial issues in an atmosphere of mutual love and respect. This year five sessions will be held, starting at 2:00 p.m., on the afternoon of December 29 and continuing through December 30. Each two-hour session will feature two forty minute speeches, followed by forty minutes of audience questions. Participants are invited from all segments of the restoration movement.

     Subjects will deal with "Marriage, Divorce, Re-marriage a n d Fellowship"; "The Charismatic Movement in Our Day"; "The Christian And War"; Premillennialism and the Current Near East Situation"; and "What Constitutes Worship?"

     Among the speakers will be Harold Key, Lavern Houtz, Edward Fudge, Frank Rester, Hall Calhoun Crowder, Gordon Wilson, Dwaine Dunning, Wayne Hall, and others. W Carl Ketcherside and Hershel Ottwell will preside at the sessions.

     Ladies in the congregation will serve three meals without obligation. There are good motel accommodations in easy reach of the meeting place. For information and a complete program you are invited to write Berdell McCann, 118 East Second Street, Hartford, Illinois 62048, or you may call him at (618) 254-6454. In all of the years of its continuance there has never been an untoward incident at the Hartford Forum despite the intense interest in some of the themes. You are invited to share in a unique dialogue in our generation.

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