Taking a Stand

W. Carl Ketcherside

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     A group of us out in California were talking about old times not long ago, and I mentioned that a watchword in our particular faction was, "We'll force them to take a stand!" Nothing much that was really new ever toppled into our barricaded rut, but when something a little out of the ordinary lifted its strange countenance above the parapet, the party "some-whats" swung into action, blasting away and challenging for debate.

     I recall that congregations which preferred the aroma of peace to the acrid smell of the smoke of battle, sometimes refused to be caught up into shouting with the lips and shooting from the hips, and decided to "sit this one out." It never worked. Neither party of belligerents could permit such a show of apathy toward the world-shaking issues to which they were giving their all. So those who quietly desisted from the fray were tagged as compromisers. The party guns went to work to smoke them out and force them to take a stand.

     A lot of folk have outgrown their tendency to act as busybodies in other men's matters, and this is wonderful. But there are still enough of them riding the range to make it uncomfortable for groups of humble saints who prefer to be left alone to love all of the brethren. The latest "shoot-out" is about the work of the Holy Spirit. In some areas the sectarian, gorge is rising as preachers sound off and demand that all and sundry let it be known which side you are on. Those who are not interested in taking sides are being pressured to tell how they "stand on Pat Boone," since he claims to have spoken in tongues.

     If you will suffer a word of exhortation from a veteran of a half century of combat, I'd like to point out that all of the hullabaloo is unnecessary. The question is simply not worth exalting to the status of a prime target. Whatever you think of Pat and the phenomenon to which he testifies has not one thing to do with your relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not let preachers of either side hook you on the outworn cliché that it is "a matter of the authority of Christ," so you will conclude that to line up with Jesus you will have to line up with them. Do not be maneuvered by the skilled salesman of either position into an anti or pro party.

     This is one time you can show that your allegiance is to Jesus Christ, and what you think about him is what really counts. It is the only thing that counts! Pats may come and Pats may go, but he goes on forever. If you really love Jesus you can love Pat Boone and all the rest of the brethren. You can even be mistaken about a lot of things concerning the Spirit and still go to heaven. If you can't, heaven is going to be a mighty lonesome place! The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace, and a pretty good way to demonstrate that you do not know the Spirit is to kick up a fuss and disturb the peace about how you think he works.

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