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The forum on fellowship conducted at Houston, Texas, was a thrill to me as it made it possible for me to meet brethren from many segments of the restoration movement. The question periods set up during the daytime proved to be very helpful in clarifying issues.... The new editor of Outreach is Bennie Cryer, 1432 Princess Avenue, Yuba City, California 95991. We urge you to write for a sample copy of this attractive little magazine.... James P. Needham has resigned as an associate editor of Truth Magazine in order to become the editor of Torch.... If you would like to secure tapes of the meetings which I conducted at Sacramento please write to A. V. Mansur, Route 3, Box 278, Galt, California 95632. Since we had brethren present from every segment of the brotherhood some of the questions were very pointed. If you'd like to hear the questions and my answers, I trust you will secure these tapes and share the messages with others.... There are now less than a hundred copies of my book Deep Roots. This is the one which contains my series on the nature of worship and it is worth much more than the asking price of $2.95.... I was pleased to see a most interesting write-up of my good friend and brother, Lt. Col. Talmadge McMabb, in a Kentucky paper. Talmadge is a chaplain at the Army's 9th General Hospital in Frankfurt, Germany.... William H. Lazareth, dean of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia was keynote speaker at the Lutheran conference on church vocations in St. Louis. He said, "Dividing the people of God into professional Christians called 'clergy' and nonprofessionals called 'laymen' is one of the most serious distortions of New Testament teaching which has ever appeared." ... Watch for the new magazine called Emerge which will be edited by Patricia Duncan, 804 South 12th Street, San Jose, California.... The December issue of Mission was a significant one. Among others, Don Reece had an interesting article entitled "On the Trying of Heretics and the Burning of Witches." The magazine is published at P.O. Box 2822, Abilene, Texas 79604.... Speaking about Don Reece reminds us you should read his article "Star of the East" in the December issue of Integrity, which also contains an editorial entitled "Pat Boone's New Song." Write to 8494 Bush Hill Court, Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439, and ask for a free copy. Better hurry!... Do you have songbooks from the past published by Gospel Advocate, Firm Foundation, Marion Davis, A. J. Showalter, E. G. Sewell, R. M. Mcintosh, or Knowles Shaw? They are wanted for a research project dealing with the restoration movement contribution to music. Write to Enos E. Dowling, Lincoln Christian Seminary, Box 178, Lincoln, Illinois.... We will send you absolutely free copies of a reprint article "Facing the Issues" in which I deal with "the argument for silence" as related to instrumental music.... If you are a student in college or university we will mail you absolutely without charge a copy of my book Simple Trusting Faith. Send your request with name and address and the name of the college where you are enrolled.... Among my good friends claimed by death since I last reported are Bob Haddow, Temple City, California; and Dewey Elliott, Richmond, Missouri. I loved them both.... Have you seen the neat little pocket-size magazine called Challenge, and printed by our brother in Christ, Christian A. Lyles? If not, why not write him at Post Office Box 91, Madison, Illinois 62060 and ask for a sample copy. It is a very appealing bit of work.... Charles Boatman and family are now in Liberia, West Africa, where Charles will head up Liberia Christian College.... My good brother, Floyd E.
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