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     The series of meetings sponsored by Intermountain Bible College, Grand Junction, Colorado, produced excellent attendance, and made it possible to share with brethren across many of our lines.... In Newport, Oregon, the services at night, the morning and afternoon forums, as well as other meetings, brought together eager students from many groups, some of them outside the restoration spectrum.... May 12-14 I will be speaking at the Central Ohio Church of Christ Ministers' Fellowship. For information contact Ira J. Brandon, 1889 Genessee Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43211.... May 24-28 I will be at James River Chapel, south of Springfield, Missouri. For details write to Allen Boyts, Route 8, Box 152, Springfield, Missouri 65804, or call (417) 881-0562.... June 7-11 I will be at Highland Church of Christ, 1275 Bardstown Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40205. You may address enquiries to Ernest Lyon at that address.... June 20-July 2, I will be at High Hill Camp in Missouri.... July 2-3 I will be at the Conference on Unity to be held at Atlanta Christian College, Atlanta, Georgia.... July 6-8 I will be at the North American Christian Convention, Dallas, Texas. I will be staying at the Statler Hilton, and I hope to see many of the brethren in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, if our Lord wills.... We will clue you in on other meetings as time goes on, but there are a few we ought to mention now, among them those at Wi-Ne-Ma Camp in Oregon, August 2-6; the Fellowship Forum in Houston, Texas, September 13-17; the series of studies at Canton, Ohio, October 4-8; the Louisiana State Christian Convention, October 14-15; the Fellowship Rally in the Bay Area of California, October 20-22; and the meeting at Flint, Michigan, with Genessee Church of Christ, November 1-5. There are a lot more, but we will mention them later on as time draws near for some of them.... In view of the scope and importance of the meetings in Houston, Texas, we suggest that you contact James D. Fuller, 123 Abney, Houston, Texas 77037, and plan to attend this open and candid investigation on fellowship and unity among the saints.... I am saddened by the loss of a dear friend and brother, Louis J. Kappelman, Paragould, Arkansas.... We have received word that Teeth on Edge, the forthcoming book by Robert Fife has been re-scheduled for publication in June.... If you want tapes of any of the messages on "The Holy Spirit in Our Lives Today" as delivered in Newport, Oregon, you may secure the same for cost of the tape plus $1.00 per message by contacting Vernon H. Woods, 3950 Coburg Road, Space 87, Eugene, Oregon 97401. He will also furnish you copies of the series of messages delivered at University Street Church, Eugene, Oregon, on the same basis. You may secure tapes with the question forums in which I covered the whole gamut if you wish. Vernon is contributing the extra dollar charged to Mission Messenger to help us with the expense of carrying on this work.... We regret to chronicle the death of our sister in Christ, Mrs. Spencer Talley, of Walla Walla, Washington.... The Wall Street Journal, March 2, featured a story on the front page dealing with the rise of the "Jesus People" and the withdrawal from Pat Boone because of his belief that miracles happen in our day.... The Saint Louis Globe-Democrat also carried a feature article about Pat and the action of the congregation toward him.... Fort Worth Christian College and Christian College of the Southwest (Dallas) have merged with Abilene Christian College.... Burris Butler, executive editor of Standard Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, has retired.... The Concerned

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2912 West Lawrence Lane, Phoenix, Arizona 85021, announces an open forum editorial policy. We suggest that you write for a copy of this interesting paper.... Jimmie Lovell announced that the March issue of Action reached 53,000 copies.... We did not hit nearly that number with MISSION MESSENGER, but we broke all records for paid subscriptions with our March number. Reader interest is at an all-time high.... The current series of articles in Restoration Review, edited by Leroy Garrett, is titled "The Restoration Mind." It will run for two years and then be issued in book form.... Bill Banowsky has been named president of Pepperdine University.... The Caribbean Lectureship of Churches of Christ will be held in Kingston, Jamaica, June 21-24.... We regret to report the death of our black brother, Levi Kennedy, Chicago, Illinois, at the age of 71 years.... Lewis Foster, Dean of the Graduate School, Cincinnati Bible Seminary, delivered a series of lectures at the Brazil Missionary Conference, Anapolis, Brazil. Those in attendance were from both the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ (non-instrument).... The Ontario Christian Missionary Conference, held in the Toronto area, April 4-9, brought together some outstanding brotherhood talent.... If you would like extra copies of this issue of the paper you may obtain them at the rate of ten for one dollar. Because of the research which went into the paper we think you might want to share it with other members of your congregation. Send for extra copies and enclose payment with order, please.... If you know of an opening in a college for a Ph.D., with a major in Student Personnel and Guidance and minors in Psychology and Speech Therapy, please write to me at once, so I can put you in touch with a brother in Christ.... The 1971 School of the Ministry will be held at Milligan College (Tennessee) on August 16-20.... We eagerly urge you to read the latest book by Elton Trueblood, which is titled "The Future of the Christian." It is well worth the $2.95 it costs. Let us mail you a copy.... The March issue of Integrity was an especially pertinent one. You can secure a copy by writing to 8494 Bush Hill Court, Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439.... Mission devoted its March issue to a discussion of the Holy Spirit, with James D. Bales replying to an article by Warren Lewis which was entitled "God-With-Us." The magazine can be secured from P.O. Box 2822, Abilene, Texas 79604.... In the March 18 edition of The Gospel Guardian, Robert L. McDonald evaluated the "Preacher's Workshop" held at Abilene Christian College, as a triumph for "the liberals." The paper can be addressed at P.O. Box 470, Lufkin, Texas.... Ben Merold and John Caldwell have been added as associate evangelists for Revival Fires, according to Cecil Todd, Joplin, Missouri.... The theme of Johnson Bible College Homecoming (Kimberlin Heights, Tennessee) was "Reconciled to God."... Brethren in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, will hold their third annual "Rally-by-the-Sea" for young people, June 26. The theme for this year is "Christ--The Bridge Over Troubled Waters."... College and university students are asked to write for a free copy of my book "Simple Trusting Faith." Please give name and address, and mention college where you are enrolled. The request must be made personally, not by proxy. Almost 150 books have been sent out.... The Word and Work, 2518 Portland Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky, is published by brethren who generally espouse the premillennial interpretation of the scriptures.... The March 18 issue of Gospel Advocate paid special tribute to the late Charles R. Brewer.... The Pepperdine University lectureship had as its theme "For Such a Time as This."... We urge those whose subscriptions will soon expire to send three dollars and extend the subscription for three full years.

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