The North American Christian Convention, held in Dallas, Texas, broke
all records for registration. The attendance was excellent in all sessions and brethren from all of
the major segments of the restoration movement participated in presentations for the edification
of all.... The Sixth Annual Unity Conference, held this year at Atlanta Christian College, was one
of the best it has been my privilege to attend. My own speech appears in full in this issue. It is
expected that the conference will be held in California next year.... There were 30 young people
baptized into Christ at High Hill Camp, Saint Louis, the last two weeks in June.... Because of the
interest shown in our meeting at Highland Church, Louisville, Kentucky, another such occasion
is planned for 1972. Brethren from various parties in the restoration movement will be invited to
share their concepts during the daily sessions. Further announcement will be made later on, but it
is not too early to start praying for it.... I lost a dear friend and brother, when Stewart Whyte,
Alton, Illinois, departed this life as a result of open heart surgery, July 1.... Dave Branholm
writes that Bluefield College of Evangelism will open its doors at Bluefield, West Virginia,
September 7. You can secure information by writing to the college at P.O. Box 1601, Bluefield,
West Virginia 24701.... We salute the work being done by His House, at 303 B North
Main, Fort Worth, Texas, 76101. Ben Boothe, Lynn Calhoun, Mike McGhee, and others are
doing a tremendous job in this coffee house ministry and they deserve your help. They are living
on the cutting edge and going where the action is.... Al Hammond, editor of Christian
Mission Today is changing the periodical from a quarterly to an annual. It is hoped to put
out a 192-page book for only $2.00, and featured will be writers from all over the world. My
article titled Drifting Along is slated for publication in the forthcoming issue.... Don
Finto received a three column write-up in the Nashville Tennesseean, for his labors with the
Belmont Avenue Church, in Nashville. Don resigned as chairman of the modern languages
department at David Lipscomb College to work in the challenging area with young people of all
ethnic and social backgrounds.... When I get a letter asking me to evaluate my own past writings
and suggest the most significant book I have produced, I do not hesitate to say The Royal
Priesthood. It has actually changed the direction of some lives. We will send you one for
only $3.50.... Century of Recovery, edited by my good brother, Joseph O'Neal, tuned its
June issue in the direction of the Jesus People and Street Christians. It was a well-done job.
Right On, Joe!... Training Center for Service, 1520 North Leffingwell Avenue, Saint
Louis, Missouri, is providing an intensive training program and introduction to inner city work.
So thorough is this on-the-job training that some colleges actually grant credit for it. A new class
starts this month and another in January. You can secure information by writing to Walter Short
at the above address.... It appears that the 24th National Missionary Convention, to be held in
Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Oregon, September 21-24 will be a tremendous experience for
those who attend. The men who will be speaking are top-flight Christians and energetic servants
of the Master.... My beloved brother. Dr. T. W. Nakarai, editor of the Journal of Hebraic
Studies, has been elected to membership in the Jewish Publication Society in America....
Central Christian Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, will close its 50th anniversary celebration,
with a special meeting, Sun-
day, October 3, at 3:00 p.m., featuring speakers from the three main branches of the restoration
movement. Those participating will be Perry Epler Gresham, David Stewart, and E. Richard
Crabtree.... Foy L. Kirkpatrick has been added to the Bible staff as a professor in the new senior
college program at Lubbock (Texas) Christian College.... Carol E. Smith, Shirley, Indiana,
became the 212th person to receive a free copy of my book Simple Trusting Faith this
year. She is a student at Ozark Bible College. This book will be sent without obligation to any
college or university student personally requesting it. Tell us your name, address and name of the
college where enrolled.... If you would like a list of current paperbacks that carry a real punch
we urge you to write for our Book List 71-C. You may also request Book List 71-D which lists
reference and other volumes that have been of great help. There is no obligation at all.... William
E. Wallace has announced that The Gospel Guardian Company has merged with the C.
E. I. Publishing Company, in Athens, Alabama. Brother Wallace will continue to edit the journal
but it will gradually change its format to a family-type magazine. Yater Tant is no longer
associated with the paper.... David Wead has been added to the faculty of Emmanuel School of
Religion, where he will teach in the areas of New Testament and Biblical Theology.... Charles
and Robyn Story have joined the missionary program among the Navajo Indians in northern
Arizona. They will work with David Scates and Vernon Hollett who have made gains for Christ
with the tribe.... The paperback New Testament in Today's English Version has sold
more than 25 million copies in the United States and Canada, to become the best-selling
paperback in history.... Bethany College is looking for a successor to Perry Epler Gresham, who
will retire from the presidency of the school next June 1.... We want you to read the new book by
our brother in Christ, Robert Fife, under the title, Teeth on Edge. It is an interesting
account of the impact of slavery upon the restoration movement. We will send you one for $1.95
if you will order at once.... The July issue of Mission contained an interesting exchange
on the subject of speaking in tongues, by James L. Ash, Jr., and Jimmy Jividen. The entire issue
was very interesting. The address of the journal is Box 2822, Abilene, Texas 79604.... The
articles in the July issue of Integrity were pointed and meaningful and if you missed it
you are the poorer because of that fact. The address is 8494 Bush Hill Court, Grand Blanc,
Michigan 48439.... E. Lee Keesling addressed the congregation at Henson Valley's Christian
Church, near Washington, D. C., July 18. Lee is project manager for the District of Columbia
Drug Program.... We congratulate Leroy Garrett on his latest issue of Restoration
Review, as well as upon the success of his Mini-Meetings which take him into all sections
of the United States for sharing sessions with the saints. His address is 1201 Windsor Drive,
Denton, Texas 76201.... E. Richard Crabtree, Canton, Ohio, is the new president of the North
American Christian Convention, scheduled to be held in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 11-14, next year.
Dick will be an excellent president.... The "Impact Brass and Singers" from Ozark Bible College
presented a concert on the House steps of the nation's Capitol, June 16, through the arrangement
of Congressman Durward G. Hall.... Have you read a copy of Pat Boone's book "A New Song"?
If not, why not let us send you one? The cost is $4.95. It is now a bestseller.... The general
content of MISSION MESSENGER will be changed next year to make it more relevant to the
needs of all who love the Lord Jesus, but who are fragmented into sects.
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