The Gospel Speaker, an attractive pocket-size magazine, ran an interview with me in the last issue. The publishing address is Box 70, Concordia, Kansas 66901, and the interviewer was my good brother, Michael Hines. . . . Pat Whitley, who attends at David Lipscomb College received the 285th free copy of my book "Simple Trusting Faith." The 287th copy went to S. A. Osei, at Ghana Christian College, in Accra. . . . If you are duly enrolled in any college or university in the world you are invited to write for a free copy of this book. Send it to the address found in the masthead on page four of this paper. You must make a personal request for your own copy. . . . The building of the Halls Ferry Christian Church, Florissant, Missouri, was filled to capacity on the night of November 10, when I spoke on "The Jesus Folk Movement and the Institutional Church." Luther Perrine presided over the service. . . . I am glad to know that Stanley Carpenter is teaching philosophy at Texas A. and M., College Station. He will be a good instructor. . . . While talking about my friends who are making the college scene let me mention prayerfully Earl Dunbar, who is with the Campus Crusade Staff at the University of Toronto. I am eagerly anxious to see Jesus become real among the radical and avant garde student body in this swinging atmosphere. . . . Alexander Campbell Thompson, Jr., died recently at the age of 74; Maria Louise Campbell Barkley died at the age of 105. Both were great-grand-children of Alexander Campbell. . . . Congratulations to John Salamun and Susan Robison, who were married October 23 in Saint Louis, with William Gahr officiating. . . . I have just learned with a lot of pleasure that Richard Fleming has been appointed associate professor of mathematics at Memphis State University . . . Joe M. Hale, 6100 Hibbling Avenue, Springfield, Virginia 22150, is working on am interesting project. He is compiling data on the attitude toward "disfellowshipping" and "excommunication" within the Church of Christ. If you have been driven out of a congregation because of your convictions be sure and get in touch with Joe. I suspect that a study of the subject is long overdue, and it will probably reveal some pretty sordid tales of popery and attempts at brain-washing. Let the truth be known! . . . We must mention to you that the book Apostle of Freedom, which is a valuable work of the efforts of Alexander Campbell to rid Christianity of the dogmatic rule of hierarchy and pope, will soon go out of print There are only fifty copies remaining and we have all there are. Nell and I will mail you a copy of this 265-page book for only $2.00 if you will send a check with your order at once. . . . Our own book One Great Chapter, which contains all of the issues of Mission Messenger for last year, with the thorough study of the work of the Holy Spirit as set forth in Romans 8, is now ready for mailing, at $2.95 per copy. This book will not last out the year but all copies will be sold in the next few months. It will not be reprinted. It is now or never, if you want a copy for your library. . . . There were 65 persons baptized recently by our brethren in Nazareth, Israel. These included Jews, Muslims, and Eastern Orthodox followers. . . . Chin Kon Kim immersed 65 Guje islanders in a ten day preaching mission in which he was assisted by students from Korea Christian College. . . . Tadayoshi Okoji, a graduate of Ibaraki Christian College, who had immersed the five children of a Buddhist priest, recently immersed their parents. Junshu Sekiguchi, the father, had been serving idols and leading the idol worship, for 45 years, 14 of which he spent as a priest
at Kujihama. . . . More than 20,000 New Testaments in Spanish and Portuguese have been distributed, and 3000 people enrolled in correspondence courses, as a result of Herald of Truth broadcasts aired by Juan Monroy, from Porto, Portugal. . . . The Walnut Village Church of Christ, Garland, Texas, is on a campaign to send 1,000,000 Bibles to Asia, besides sponsoring a weekly broadcast from Radio Ceylon with a potential listening audience of six hundred million souls. . . . I will be conducting the annual "College of the Bible Week" at First Christian Church, 1300 South Juniper Street, Escondido, California, February 6-11. There will be daily open forum question sessions as well as the night meetings. For information write to Albert H. Karges, at the address given. The zip code is 92025. If you prefer you may call 745-5722, or 746-1882. Come and share with us in a spiritual mountain-top experience! . . . March 6-10 I am scheduled to be at Charles Street Church of Christ, Charles and Logan Streets, La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601. We are anxious to have all of our friends from all segments of the restoration movement join with us in these meetings. Write Burdett W. Wakeman at the address given for information . . . March 13-17 I will be in the Denver, Colorado area in a series of studies with Northglenn Christian Church, 1800 East 105th Place, Northglenn, Colorado 80233. Write to William Lower for information, or dial him at (303) 466-1220. We hope everyone in Colorado "zeroes in" on this series. If you have friends in the area, be sure and write them to get with it. . . . March 20 21 I will be at Northside Church of Christ, 1739 Providence NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505. All kinds of things are planned including an encounter on the campus of Michigan State. You can get the information by addressing your letter to William P. Cook at the address shown. . . . One of the great seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord will be April 10-12 at the Christian Church, 809 S. E. Second Street, Newport, Oregon 97365. I am to speak each night on lessons from the Roman Letter, and my themes are: Nonsense and Incense; Faith or Futility; The Father of the Faithful; Dead and Delivered; and The "As" and "So" of Service. It is planned to make these available on tapes and cassettes, and to include them in a coming book of talks. . . . I will tell you next month about the coming meetings in Hoxie, Kansas (April 24-27); Elgin, Oregon (May 15-19); and James River Chapel (Springfield Missouri) June 5-9. Great things are happening, and greater things are yet to come! Don't Miss Out! . . . My new book of sermons which will be called "The Parable of Telstar and Other Talks" will be off the press in a few months. It will sell for $2.95 and will give you the material I have used on college campuses and in great meetings all over the country. You can place an advance order if you wish. It will be something else! . . . I know of two congregations desiring brethren to work with them as free men in Christ. They are not looking for men who wish to be pastors under the guise of evangelists, but for those who are willing to do personal work and share in the public presentation of the gospel. Both of these are non-instrument congregations but neither would think of making a test of fellowship out of their position. If you are interested in laboring with brethren like these, write me a letter and I will turn it over to the elders . . . J. Miller Forcade, who served the cause in Japan is now going to Africa to labor for Christ. . . . If you have not ordered your copy of One Great Chapter, the book containing all of the material in MISSION MESSENGER for last year, we urge you to write at once, enclosing check for the books you want at $2.95 per copy.
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