Discouraging Free Speech
By Oleta Crawford
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Secular studies teach that Communism is out to crush the free speech of those whom it conquers. If its subjects question the force in power, then the one (or ones) who question will he punished. Some will even be killed. Textbooks also teach that the Communists believe that education of the masses will be the downfall of the dictatorship. With this introduction, let me move into my story.
My husband is a military man, therefore, our family moves frequently. Due to this, we are fortunate enough to meet with the saints in various congregations, and it is surprising to see how many in our congregations deplore the ideas of Communism and yet employ its same tactics. We hear members refer to others in the same congregation with such verbal tags as liberal, conservative, modernist, left-winger and right-winger. We also hear some in one congregation refer to those in another congregation in such terms. The same words are also used in some of the prominent journals published by certain ones in the brotherhood. Political rivals have long employed these words and we cannot forget that Communism is a political ideology.
Along with this we have learned that in all of our congregations "the powers that be" try to discourage the exercise of free thought when we, or others, question some teaching which we do not see as bound by God. In the last two congregations, when I questioned a particular teaching, the preacher in each place sought to silence me by saying, "If a person is not satisfied with the church, he should get out of it!" One of them even preached this from his pulpit.
I am beginning to wonder if this is not the measure being employed in our congregations to force one to "shut his trap" and supinely go along with the power-structure in control. Those who use the motto, "If one is not satisfied with the church, let him get out of the church," really show their true colors. In the first place, I am not dissatisfied with the church Jesus said he would build, and which he did build, and of which I am a member. Secondly, the Lord added me to the church, and it will be the Lord only who will be capable of removing me if I should foul up and if he sees fit to remove me. Thirdly, I have always said if I never make the mistake of joining a party, there is no such thing as anyone being able to throw me out, even if I should literally be booted Out of the "church house" doors. I want all of our sectarians to know that I give no allegiance to any sect, regardless of what name it bears. So the use of scare tactics to whip me into conformity just does not work. I think it is high time for our denominationalists to throw their signboards aside and come to the knowledge that it is their duty as Christian soldiers to encourage men not to fall from grace, because this is the only way I can see how a soul can be removed (at God's discretion) from the body of Christ.
And fourthly, if these people who are so dug into their trenches have the truth, why should they discourage the exercise of free thought? Is it not true that truth cannot be defeated? I cannot help but think the "powers that be" have something to hide when they use coercion to silence all opposition. It will be well for our party-spirited folk to remember that there is no such thing as an official in-
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I am tired of sectarians trying to teach me that God is a dictator. Sometimes I wonder if they teach this because it fixes things so they can best hone their party axes and be dictators themselves. They fail to see that when they teach that God gives man free will this denies a dictatorial God. God forces no one to follow him, but dictators employ any available means to make subjects bow to them. God is not a dictator. God is love, and I must love my sectarian brethren enough to help them see themselves in a true light.
We can do this by insisting on freedom of speech, and in having it we will be heard, and in being heard we will stop the bullets that Satan is having fired under the guise of such words as liberal, conservative, modernist, left and right wingers. The motto I have referred to in this article which is used to enforce the gag rule or drive the dissenters from our congregations will also be halted. Then there will be a greater sense of unity in congregations and between congregations. Be not discouraged; Be heard!
(Oleta Crawford can be addressed at 758 Radar Sqdn. (ADC), Box 207, Makab AFS, Washington 98357).