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     We have been agreeably surprised at the reaction to our offer to send a free copy of my book The Royal Priesthood to any college or university student requesting it personally. Nell has sent copies to colleges in several countries and requests come in daily. If you are in college and you want one of the books, simply write and give your name and mailing address, and state what college you are attending. Your book will be mailed without further obligation and we will pay the postage.... If you want to subscribe or renew a subscription for any religious or secular magazine send it to Ray Miller, 1205 Woodland, Fort Worth, Texas. Ray is a handicapped saint who is making it on his own. If you want to send a magazine for a gift he will send a card announcing your gift.... The congregation at Garretson Road in Bridgewater, New Jersey, has opened an international mission at the World Trade Center, in New York, the complex containing the world's tallest buildings. Recently Toshihiko Nishi was immersed into Christ the day before returning to Japan. Jackton Kwambo, a native of Kenya, and a recent convert, has completed a translation of teaching materials into Swahili, a language spoken by several million Africans. Jackton's wife is a secretary to the Kenya mission to the United Nations.... If you did not read Integrity for September you missed something. We salute Betty Haymes on her article "Turning from the Womb" which has to do with Ladies' Classes. You can secure a free copy of the journal by writing to 8494 Bush Hill Court, Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439.... There are a couple of books I want to mention to you. One is called Morality, Law and Grace, by J. N. D. Anderson ($1.95); and the other is What Christ Thinks of the Church, by John R. W. Stott ($1.50). Have you read the little book by Francis A. Schaeffer titled The New Super-Spirituality? It is only 32 pages but it deals with the Jesus Movement and Neo-Pentecostalism. It may give you a surprise!... I wish to record my sadness at the loss of a long-time friend and brother, Floyd Fleming, who was brought back from California for burial in Saint Louis.... I also lost another dear brother when Paul Dart, of Arcadia, California departed to be with Jesus.... Capstan, Inc., of Checotah, Oklahoma specializes in producing sound motion pictures and teaching filmstrips for use by the brethren in missionary activities throughout the world. You can receive Capstan News simply by requesting it at 416 West Gentry, Checotah, Oklahoma 74426. Tell Bob Small that you saw it in Mission Messenger.... The Druid Hills congregation in Atlanta, Georgia will present an hour-long documentary television special to be called "There's Got to Be a Better Way" during prime time in mid-February, on stations all over the nation. They already have a syndicated newspaper column called "Search for Truth" which is carried in 335 daily and weekly newspapers.... Christians in Italy have established a camp forty miles from Rome which will be used to evangelize young people and those who become interested through the correspondence courses.... The Sam Shewmaker family will return to Zambia, South Africa, in January. Sam was born and raised in Africa, where his father, J. C. Shewmaker has long served.... My good brother, Alan LaRue, is president of the newly-formed Bible College in Toronto, which is different in its approach. The students are urged to attend university, a community college, or trade school,

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and develop skills to support themselves financially. If you'd like to be on the mailing list write to Alan at P.0. Box 124, Station W, Toronto 15, Ontario.... If you have special printing that you would like to have done, tracts, booklets, or whatever, I want to urge you to write to Stewart Baker, Route 1, Box 223A, Clackamas, Oregon 97015. He has the equipment for excellent work.... Nell and I express our sincere condolence to Noble Brinegar, Bloomington, Indiana, whose wife departed this life August 8.... In our next issue we are going to carry a complete program of the Preachers Workshop at Abilene Christian College, and also one of the Hartford Forum.... Those of you who would like information about my visit to Nashville, Tennessee, during the David Lipscomb College Lectureship, can secure it by contacting Richard T. High, 708 Berry Road, Suite 6, Nashville, Tennessee 37204. It appears that we will set up some informal discussions while I am in the city and explore some of the areas related to the fellowship in the precious Lord.... Ray Downen and Seth Wilson collaborated in bringing out a book of study guides on the Revelation letter, and it is excellent material. The title is Revelation Unveiled, and you can secure one for $1.00 by sending to Ozark Bible College Bookstore, 1111 North Main, Joplin, Missouri 64801. I suggest that you send a little extra for postage because this book is worth much more than the asking price.... We recommend Gordon Linscott, editor of The Word and Work on an excellent issue in September. The journal is published at 2518 Portland Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40212.... The September issue of Mission contained in-depth articles on the rationale for faith written by David Stewart, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Ohio University, and James Robert Ross, Campus Minister for Eastern Illinois University and Lake Land College. The journal may be addressed at P.O. Box 2822, Abilene, Texas 79604.... The Canadian Christian Harbinger contained several definitive articles on baptism in the September issue, and the cover featured an attractive outdoor baptizing scene. It can be addressed at P.O. Box 413, Mississauga, Ontario, Canad.... Pepperdine University School of Law has been granted provisional approval by the American Bar Association.... The congregation of saints in Nazareth, where Jesus grew up, is in the process of erecting a chapel. These brethren are Arabs who formerly were Muslims, or members of the Greek Orthodox Church.... Nell and I send our greetings to T. W. and Mary Banting, Macrorie, Saskatchewan, Canada, who are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary, November 14.... We would like to remind you once more that you can now secure my own book The Parable of Telstar and Other Talks for only $2.95. We hope that when you send for it you will include an order for a copy of The Declaration and Address by Thomas Campbell. It is only $1.50, and we would like for you to read it.... If you like real singing attend the 7th Annual Gospel Singing Concert at the High School Gymnasium, Farmersburg, Indiana, November 25, starting at 7:30 p.m. Featured will be The Melody Boys Quartet, from Farmersburg; the Harmony Four, from Charleston, West Virginia; and The Horizons, from Saint Louis, Missouri. We guarantee that you will have a wonderful evening.... In our next issue I will be dealing with baptism and its relationship to the fellowship of the redeemed. We hope you have not allowed your subscription to lapse.... During 1973 we hope to present the most significant series I have ever written. Each month I will be dealing directly with important questions that have been asked me, especially on the university campus. You'll like it!

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