The 100th free copy of my book The Royal Priesthood was sent
to Tim Coster, a student at Cincinnati Bible Seminary, October 20. Since that time many more
have been mailed out to college and university students all over the country. If you are duly
enrolled in such a school you may have a free copy of the book by simply writing your request.
We will even pay the postage.... We urge all of you who are interested in good reading material
to write for our new book lists, 73-A and 73-B. We will send them to you at once without
obligation.... While we are talking about books, let me tell you that for only $2.00 you can
receive a series of three paperback volumes by the late D. Austen Sommer. The books are
entitled: The Church of Christ; How to Read the Bible for Pleasure and Profit; and The Drama of
World Empires. Simply send $2.00 to D. Paul Sommer, 1643 Medford Avenue, Indianapolis,
Indiana 46222. You really should get these.... I am sorry to announce the departure of Elmore J.
Gilstrap, of Turner, Oregon, an aged friend who was an artist, author and administrator, as well
as a preacher of the gospel.... I lost another dear friend whom I have known most of my life, in
the death of Loya Mabery, Flat River, Missouri.... My congratulations to David A. Klug and
Robin Nathan, who were married in La Crosse, Wisconsin, October 14.... The Horizons, a
singing group of outstanding talent and power, have started a new monthly journal called
PTL (Praise the Lord!). The subscription price is $2.50 per year and you may send the
money to 333 Argent, Saint Louis, Missouri 63135.... Again I would like to suggest that if you
have something you want printed that you contact Stewart Baker, Route 1, Box 223A,
Clackamas, Oregon 97015. Stewart is a former editor of The Church Speaks.... I will be
in Nashville, Tennessee, speaking and conducting informal meetings at Koinonia Book Store,
1004 Sixteenth Avenue South, at 7:30 p.m., January 15-17. If you are interested in the theme of
fellowship we do hope that you will come. Contact Dick High, 708 Berry Road, Suite 6,
Nashville, Tennessee, for further information, or just drop by each night and visit with us.... The
study in depth at Hobbs, New Mexico, brought together brethren of many segments of the
restoration background. Crowds were excellent at both the night meetings and the morning
question forums.... At Corvallis, Oregon, it was necessary to put in extra chairs to accommodate
the audience, made up of brethren and friends who came from all over that area.... The average
attendance nightly at Beaverton was 290, and the morning question forums attained an
attendance in excess of 125.... I am saddened by the fact that I had to revise my flight schedule
from Oregon to go by Nowata, Oklahoma, where I conducted funeral services for the wife of my
brother Paul. Floreine made a valiant fight for many years to survive against all kinds of
complications caused by acute diabetes. She passed away quietly in the hospital when her heart
simply gave way. Paul can be addressed at Box 543, Nowata, Oklahoma 74048.... Facts for
Faith, edited by Gordon Wilson, will now be issued as a quarterly publication in cooperation
with Gospel Guardian. The quarterly will continue to be alive to the need for up-to-date
apologetics in defence of the purpose of God in our world. The editor can be reached by
addressing him at 6939 Weber Road, Saint Louis, Missouri 63123.... Burton Thurston, Professor
of Middle Eastern Studies at Bethany College, is the new editor of the monthly The
Campbell Light.... All of the messages delivered at Corvallis and Beaverton, Oregon,
together with the open forum question pe-
riods at both places, can now be purchased for a nominal sum on cassettes. You can attend both
meetings and hear all that took place publicly in the privacy of your own home. The 90 minute
cassettes are only $2.65, while the 60 minute cassettes are $2.15. For a complete list of my
recordings for several years, send a large self-addressed, stamped envelope to Vernon H. Woods,
3950 Coburg Road, Space 87, Eugene, Oregon 97401. If you prefer reels for your tape recorder
they are also available. A six-hour reel will cost you only $8.69.... Robert Meyers is currently
teaching a "Bible as Literature" class at Wichita State University. Bob edited the book "Voices
of Concern".... After four years of labor, Ernest Faber immersed the first two converts at
Hokkaido Christian Mission in Japan. Now it appears that others are seriously considering
commitment to our precious Lord.... It was my privilege to hold a series of informal sessions in
the home of Homer and Peggy Dobbs, in Birmingham, Alabama, November 16, 17. It was one of
those refreshing spiritual experiences which brought together brethren from several segments of
a divided brotherhood, all seeking for a closer walk with Jesus and one another.... One of the
best designed recent works on baptism is the special issue of the attractive monthly journal
The Christian Appeal, titled "Baptism and You." If you want something to hand a friend
which will help him understand we urge you to write for this to 4220 West 11th Avenue,
Amarillo, Texas 79106.... Let us remind you that MISSION MESSENGER will be published
only three more years, God willing. If you will send three dollars now you will be assured of
receiving the paper for the duration of its existence. If you send in excess of that amount, the
remainder will be placed in the fund to mail books free to college and university students.... I
will be in Brookport, Illinois and surrounding area, January 31-February 2. Information may be
secured by writing to Larry L. Iden, Box 175, Brookport, Illinois 62910.... I will address the
North Central Regional Christian Camp Conference at Lincoln Christian College, Lincoln,
Illinois, February 7.... The last day in February and the first two days in March will find me at
Columbus, Illinois, in a session on "The Four-Dimensional Life" which will discuss the impact
of the Holy Spirit upon our daily existence. Information may be secured from William E.
Maynard, Route 1, Mount Sterling, Illinois 62353.... March 9, 10, I will be in the Family Life
Conference at French Lick, Indiana.... March 16, 17, I will present two addresses at the Christian
Education Convention, Lincoln Christian Seminary, Lincoln, Illinois.... March 21-23 I will speak
at the Sixth Annual Missionary Reunion in Texcoco, Edo. de Mex., Mexico.... April 1-6 will find
me in a series of meetings at Flat River, Missouri, to which an invitation is eagerly extended to
you from the brethren.... Perhaps one of the most effective ways in which you can circulate the
message of "peace on earth to men of goodwill" is to secure a bundle of papers each month and
pass them out to those whom you love. We urge you to write for special bundle rates, and while
doing so include a request for the special book lists.... At the close of this year all issues will be
brought together in a beautiful book under the title "The Question Box." It will be one that you
will long treasure.... After a long but futile struggle to survive, our brother, Herschel Ottwell,
departed this life quietly on Thanksgiving Day. Teddie Renollet and myself conducted the
funeral service, November 25. Corinne can be reached at the home address, 135 East Forest,
Hartford, Illinois 62048.... If you wish more copies of this issue they can be secured at the rate of
ten for one dollar. Just address MISSION MESSENGER, 139 Signal Hill Drive, St. Louis, Mo.
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