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     The Preachers Workshop at Abilene Christian College deserves a great deal of commendation. Despite ice-covered highways which were extremely hazardous, and a cancellation of plane service, seven hundred men were present, and the meetings were orderly and worthwhile. Respondents to my own paper were Harold Hazelip of Memphis, Tennessee, and Richard Rogers, of Lubbock, Texas. It was my privilege to hear their reaction to my thinking on fellowship, and to face up to questions from the audience.... The Hartford Forum brought together a number of brethren from fourteen states, Canada and South Africa. The interest was excellent and once more the meetings were conducted on a very high plane despite the controversial nature of such subjects as inter-racial marriage, the work of women in the church, etc.... Teachers at the meetings for young people held at Dunn Road Chapel were Bernie Crum, Rod Langston, Gordon Wilson, and W. Carl Ketcherside. The meetings climaxed wit ha New Year's Eve service which lasted until midnight. Featured were the Melody Boys quartet from Farmersburg, Indiana, and speeches by Russell Boatman and Rod Langston.... We must mention again that this paper is scheduled to be published three more years, if our Lord wills. The last issue will be placed in the mail on December 1, 1975. If you will send three dollars you will be assured of being on the list as long as publication continues. If you send more than that, the excess will be placed in the fund to mail out books to college students.... We have just mailed out the 185th free copy of The Royal Priesthood to Delsa I. Limson, Cebu Bible Seminary, Philippines. The 184th copy went to Samuel Quansah, Holly Middle School, Kumasi, Ghana, Africa; and the 183rd copy to Lawrence Malafu, of U Mzumbe Bible College, Port Shetstone, Natal, South Africa.... Any college or university student in the world may secure a copy of The Royal Priesthood simply by sending a personal request, giving mailing address and indicating the school where currently enrolled.... Any of our readers who are interested in good reading material are urged to write for our Book Lists 73A, 73B, and 73C. There is no obligation. Just request them and they will be sent immediately.... If you are really concerned about helping to relieve raw human need in the inner-city black-ghetto, write for a brochure issued by Training Center for Service, 1520 North Leffingwell, Saint Louis, Missouri 63106. There will be no charge for it.... Suppose a man and woman who have been divorced, but have married according to the laws of the land, are immersed into Christ, what shall be done with them? Must they be told to leave their present union and return to their previous companions? Darrell Foltz, P.O. Box 562, Hoxie, Kansas 67740, says that such an approach to the problem is both unscriptural and anti-scriptural, and he will send free a copy of his tract on the matter to every person who sends a stamped self-addressed envelope with a request for it.... Brethren who are seeking for an after-dinner speaker for sales conventions, civic clubs, trade associations, management seminars, etc., should think of J. Ed Uland, Greater Lorain Chamber of Commerce, 1319 West Erie Avenue, Lorain, Ohio 44052. Ed will lift you up and not let you down!... This is a good place to tell you that next month the paper will be devoted to dealing with the name the church should wear. This is a "sticky" subject with some of the brethren, and everyone should read it. We will be answering questions that we have heard all over the country.... If you would like to receive extra copies of the paper you now hold in your hand they

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will be mailed to you at the rate of ten for a dollar. We would like for you to be a real part of helping to distribute the message to those who need to read it.... I should like to commend Leroy Garrett on the human interest contained in Restoration Review for December. It is filled with historical tidbits that should be read by everyone. It will interest you to know that Leroy is going to enlarge the paper to twenty pages.... I was pleased to see that my good friend and brother, Orvel Crowder, presented a paper at the annual meeting of the Tennessee Philosophical Association and served as commentator for one session.... On March 9, 10 I with a New Year's Eve service which French Lick, Indiana, for the great conference on individual and family renewal. It will be my privilege to direct the workshop on "The Family of God" and to deliver three expository and devotional messages covering various phases of the meeting.... April 1-6 I will be in a series of meetings in Flat River, Missouri, with daily radio talks, college and high school encounters, addresses to civic club luncheons and dinners, as well as the night studies. It is a pleasure to be there because this is Nell's hometown, and it was in the livingroom of her father's house that we exchanged our vows, on June 24, 1928.... We hope to meet a lot of the brethren in West Texas and New Mexico in April. Here are the places, dates and contacts for open and informal meetings where you can come and listen, or ask anything that is upon your heart. April 16, Borger, Texas, David M. Warren, Telephone (806) 273-5566; April 17, Friona, Texas, Leland Hutson, Telephone (806) 247-3270; April 18, Portales, New Mexico, Frank Poyntor, 420 South Avenue C, Portales, N. M. 88130; April 19, Lubbock, Texas, Thomas Langford, Telephone (806) 795-1581; and April 20, Ruidoso, New Mexico, Sam Teague, Telephone 257-2020.... April 25-27 I will be in a series of studies at Ferry Road Church of Christ, Route 3, Waynesville, Ohio 45068. For information you can write Bus Wiseman at that address. It is planned to have interesting studies in the revealed word three times per day on April 26, 27, with special meetings for three nights.... On May 4, I will speak at a banquet in student center ballroom at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.... I am honored to be invited to deliver the address at the College-Career Banquet, at the North American Christian Convention, on July 13, at Indianapolis, Indiana. It is always a privilege to meet the hundreds of outstanding young men and women who gather for this occasion. I spoke at the banquet in 1968.... Why not write for the bundle rate on the paper and hand out copies each month?... A new monthly journal to be called Forum-7 is scheduled for publication starting this month. It will deal with vital issues of the day in absolute fairness. For a prospectus copy write at once to Ray Downen, 4531 South Range Line, Joplin, Missouri 64801. Don't miss this!... At the instigation of a number of well-known brethren I have brought out a reprint of the article "The Authority Totem" which made a tremendous impact at the time of its original printing. We will send you a copy free upon receipt of your request. We urge you to send for it.... I spoke several times at Belmont Avenue Church of Christ, Nashville, Tennessee, under auspices of Koinonia Book Store and Coffee House, with excellent attendance and interest at every meeting. Brethren were there from several states. Some tremendous things are happening around Nashville as a result of the labor and prayers of brethren who are free in Jesus.... We hope you will not forget to send for my books The Divine Purpose and The Parable of Telstar. They are only $2.95 each, and we believe you will feel they are worth more than that!

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