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     If you would like to secure a list of all the cassettes containing my studies, send a large stamped self-addressed envelope to Vernon H. Woods, 2413 Dale Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401.... On May 10 Nell mailed out the 306th free copy of my book The Royal Priesthood to a college student in Tennessee. This book will be mailed free to any college or university student in the world who personally requests it. The book will not be mailed upon the request of another.... In reading the Jerusalem Post recently I learned Sweden leads the world in the number of books produced annually per 100,000 population. Other countries in order are Holland, Israel, England, West Germany, Hungary, France and the United States. Turkey and Egypt are much farther down in the list.... M. Norvel Young delivered the Forrest F. Reed Lectures at Thomas W. Phillips Memorial, in Nashville, Tennessee, under direction of Disciples of Christ Historical Society.... We congratulate two couples whom we love, on the celebration of their Golden Wedding Anniversaries in April. They are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Burton, Escondido, California; and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pace, Riverside, California.... We salute Melvin M. Newland, new president of Dallas Christian College, and successor to our good friend and brother, E. Dean Barr.... A number of brothers and sisters asked us to inform them when Nell's birthday rolled around. It is on July 25..... If you have not read a copy of the new journal Forum-7 write to Mission Outreach, Box 1065, Joplin, Missouri 64801, and ask for a free copy.... Training Center for Service, 1320 North Leffingwell Avenue, Saint Louis, received a full-page writeup in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat for April 26. It was excellent publicity.... Joe Maynard sent me a clipping from the "Fifty Years Ago" column of our once hometown newspaper, which mentioned that I was known as "the boy preacher" and listed places at which I had spoken before I was fourteen years old.... Russel N. Squire, 2431 Sparta Drive, Miraleste, California 90732, is author of a new book Where The Bible is Silent. You can secure one by sending him $3.50. It is a good work by a good writer.... Feel free to write for copies of The Authority Totem, an eight-page reprint which puts the finger on our divided state.... While at it you might as well ask for our book lists 73D, 73E, and 73F. They are free and they contain some excellent values for those who are students.... Please remember that we will cease publication with the December issue in 1975, if our Lord wills that we continue until then. If you will send $2.50 we will place your name on the subscription list for the duration of the paper. Any additional amount you send will go into the fund to mail books to students.... At the end of this year all of the papers for 1973 will be bound into a volume to be called The Question Box. You may reserve copies now to be billed at the time of delivery. We suggest that you place your name on the permanent list to receive the next three bound volumes.... If you would like to have extra copies of this issue to share with brethren and friends you may have them at the rate of ten for one dollar. Simply write for them to MISSION MESSENGER, 139 Signal Hill Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63121. If you want to pass out extra copies each month enquire about our bundle rate.... My book The Royal Priesthood is getting into very short supply and if you want one you should send for it now. The price is $3.50. Also in very limited number is The Divine Purpose, the bound volume for 1972. It is only $2.95. If you have not ordered Thoughts On Unity it is a real bargain for $3.95.... Our good brother, James W.

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Adams, has launched a series of articles for the purpose of shooting down our thinking on fellowship. It is being published in Truth Magazine, Box 403, Marion, Indiana 46952. We think you ought to read the opposition and you can receive a sample copy of the paper by sending 20¢ to the address given. Brother Adams is an excellent writer and if he cannot kill the influence of MISSION MESSENGER no one else can.... We congratulate Lloyd Pelfrey on his recent selection as the new president of the Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, Missouri.... It was my privilege to deliver the baccalaureate address for the graduating class of Bismarck (Mo.) High School, May 13.... Nell and myself are saddened to report the death of our sister in Christ, Mrs. Fred Stracke, of Springfield, Missouri.... Ray Miller, 1205 Woodland, Fort Worth, Texas 76110, is making his own way despite severe physical handicap. Whatever your reading taste he can get you any magazine at rock-bottom price, and can meet all publisher's special offers. When you get a renewal notice attach your remittance and send to him, or he will bill you. It costs you no more and it will help Ray, who truly deserves it.... Reuel Lemmons and myself will deliver ten messages each at the Missionary Conference to be held January 3-8 at Goiana, Goias, Brazil. It will be a real pleasure for me to share the program with Reuel as well as to meet the many missionaries who will be present.... I will be the keynote speaker on Friday evening, September 7, at the Men's Clinic, to be held at the Springfield Christian Assembly, Springfield, Illinois.... I am also scheduled for a three-day session of study in depth at the Cabool Christian Church, Cabool, Missouri, September 19-21. There will be open forums on the last two days in which any question of a spiritual nature will be entertained in this great learning experience. Contact Forrest Wise, Box 318, Cabool, Missouri 65689, or call (417) 962-3180.... On May 20, we sustained a real loss in the death of Pearl Harrison, oldest member at Oak Hill Chapel. She was approaching 90 years of age and was a real inspiration to all of us.... On May 22 we received word of the death of Beulah Fleener at Decatur, Illinois. She was the wife of John Fleener, one of God's noblemen. We extend our sincere sympathy to John and other members of the family.... Announcement has been received that Christian Mission Today has suspended publication. It was formerly designated The Far East Christian Missionary, and provided an interesting and exciting link with many of the brethren laboring on the other side of the earth.... In our next issue we will revert to another study of baptism. We have received many questions as a result of our previous articles, and a professor of theology in an outstanding seminary has raised certain queries to which I feel I must address myself.... It was my privilege to speak at the Commencement exercises of the high school graduating class in Windsor, Illinois, June 1.... Nell and I wish to express our sincere thanks to those who have been helping us in this work of faith and labor of love. The financial assistance that we have received has made it possible for us to continue thus far without going into debt despite rising costs of printing and mailing. How we do hope that God will bless all of you.... We extend our deepest sympathy to the Noel Wisenbaker family in Valdosta, Georgia. Their 17 year old son, Gary, drowned as the result of a boating accident. Just two weeks before he was scheduled to graduate from high school.... We cannot continue to send the paper after your subscription expiration so we urge all of you to keep your subscription paid in advance. Do not let it lapse!

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