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     Nell wants to thank the more than 150 persons who sent cards in remembrance of her birthday on July 25.... We send greetings to W. L. and Clara Buttram, who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on June 24, at Disney, Oklahoma. Our anniversary is the same date, but we are not at the fiftieth mile-post yet.... Gordon Patten of the Korean Christian Mission sends a great letter listing the books that have been printed in the native tongue through the joint efforts of brethren in the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. Such tremendous accomplishment will do more for unity than anything else of which I know.... We are saddened by the death of two brothers in the Lord, Lester Stevens, of Lyons, Indiana, and Vernon Lee Munyon of Saint Louis. Our hearts reach out to their bereaved families.... Nell has mailed a copy of The Royal Priesthood to all college students who wrote in requesting it this month. The 336th copy went to Arthur Stroman, East Carolina University; the 335th to A. Miler, University of California; the 334th to Cherry L. King at Akron University in Ohio. Any college or university student on earth can have a copy of this book free while the supply lasts, simply by sending a request with name and mailing address and mention of the college where enrolled. Send your card or letter to Mission Messenger, 139 Signal Hill Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63121.... After twenty years of sending out Restoration Plea, our brother, M. S. Whitehead, Montgomery, Alabama, is forced to suspend publication. He is 77 years of age, and suffers from diabetes, hardening of the arteries, and almost complete blindness, but he has been a real inspiration to me, ever since I first met him years ago in the hospitable home of O. C. Dobbs, Sr., in Birmingham, Alabama.... We want to urge you to send for a sample copy of Koinonia, P.O. Box 666, Concord, California 94522. It is issued about four times per year by Hal Hougey, and only costs $1.00 for eight issues.... If you have not yet received a copy of the attractive quarterly called Fellowship, and edited jointly by brethren from the ranks of Disciples of Christ, Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, and Churches of Christ (non-instrument) we urge you to secure a copy and read it. It is beautiful. The mailing address is 1699 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301. Write for it and write to it.... We remind you again that Mission Messenger is scheduled to cease publication with the December issue in 1975. If you will send us $2.50 we will enroll you for the duration of the publication. If more than that is sent we will use it to mail out books to students.... The Divine Purpose is the title of the bound volume containing every issue of the paper in 1972. On August 7 there were less than a hundred copies of the book remaining. If you desire one for your library, pleased send $2.95 and order at once. While doing so we hope you will also order your copy of The Parable of Telstar and Other Talks, my book of sermons which is also $2.95.... The bound volume for this year is to be called The Question Box and we anticipate that it will be ready for mailing in January. You should send an advance order now, and we will bill you at the time of delivery. If you'd like you may order the next three bound copies now and we will mail them each year until the cessation of our publication.... I hope to see many brethren in Ohio at the October 17-19 meeting at the Church of Christ, 404 North Maple Avenue, Fairborn, Ohio. You can write Ben Holtrey at that address or you may call

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him at 879-1368.... I am looking forward to the November 5-7 meeting on the campus of Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana. Information can be secured from Walter Puckett, 601 North 8th Street, Terre Haute, Indiana 47807.... Be sure to remember the Hartford Forum, December 27 and 28. This seminar, across the Mississippi from Saint Louis, is a great occasion which brings together free men in Christ for open discussion. A program will be published later but you can secure information from Berdell McCann, 127 Donna Drive, Hartford, Illinois 62048.... Let Ray Miller, 1205 Woodland, Fort Worth, Texas 76110, take care of all your magazine subscription needs. Ray is crippled but he is making his own way and will appreciate your help. Remember that easy Christmas shopping is sending gift subscriptions to anyone of any age. Ray will send a gift card announcing your gift. He handles any and all special offers. Turn it over to Ray and have a happy day!... Brian Altmiller is now working with the congregation at Livingston, Montana.... Our brother in Christ, Roy Loney, spent five weeks in the hospital and is only slowly recovering. He underwent major surgery and was in the intensive care section because of congestive heart failure. Coupled with this he appears to be losing his sight. Brother Loney lives at 927 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kansas 66044, and we are sure that he will appreciate your help and prayers.... I'm happy that my good friend and brother, John L. Youngblood, has been transferred from Athens, Greece, to Bergstrom Air Force Base in Texas.... My heart reaches out to Homer Matson, Jeffersonville, Oregon, whose mother departed this life recently.... Another death which touches our hearts is that of our sister, Mrs. Harry Fox, Sr. The whole family has long been an inspiration to me.... My dear friend and sister, Minnie Houser, received a great tribute in the newspaper at Sullivan, Illinois, where she resides. A direct descendant of one of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower, she will be 94 years old in November.... Ralph Harter who does such a good job of sounding out the message of Christ with the printed word in India, announces as his new address, Ekklesia Press, 2A/415, Azadnagar, Kanpur, U. P., 208-002, India.... Pacific Christian College has acquired beautiful new facilities adjacent to California State University at Fullerton, and will begin fall classes there.... Final statistics show that more than 31,000 people attended one or more sessions of the North American Christian Convention in Indianapolis, and the average nightly attendance was 14,750. The next session will be held at Anaheim, California, next fuly 23-26.... Drs. Neal Clapp and Lewis Foster were the speakers at the Science and Scripture Forum held at Ozark Bible College, Joplin, Missouri, September 4,5,6. I cannot think of a better team.... Wycliffe Bible Translators announce that the Ashaninca Campa tribesmen of Peru recently received the New Testament in their language.... The United Bible Societies shipped ten thousand Bibles and five thousand New Testaments from Chile to Cuba. Fidel Castro gave his consent to the shipment.... Dr. Clyde M. Narramore spent three days with officers and cadets at West Point recently and found sixty Bible studies being conducted regularly at the military academy.... Moishe Rosen, leader of Jews for Jesus, came out in opposition to Jesus Christ Superstar because "it doesn't show Jesus Christ as the Lord of glory who willingly died for our sins and rose again from the dead." There are now more than four thousand Jews for Jesus, most of them young university students. I know many of them and have corresponded with others among the group.

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