On June 14, Nell sent the 426th copy of the book Thoughts On
Unity to Johnny Felker, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. This
book which will one day be a collector's item, will be sent free to any college or university
student in the world upon request. The request must be made personally and contain mailing
address and name of school where enrolled. Send to Mission Messenger, 139 Signal Hill
Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63121. Please mention it to other students.... Any of our readers
may have free copies of my booklet on Baptism, which deals with the question of
"Baptist Baptism" and suggests nine designs of baptism. Feel free to ask for as many as you will
promise to distribute.... Sam E. Stone has been selected as dean of the graduate school of
Cincinnati Bible Seminary. A great choice!... Dr. David Filbeck, a veteran missionary from
Thailand is joining the staff of Puget Sound College of the Bible. He will make a tremendous
contribution to the program.... The April and May issues of Mission contained an
interview with John R. W. Stott, conducted and written by Robert Marshall. It was excellent
material. The mailing address of the magazine is Box 2822, Abilene, Texas 79604. The May
issue contained a heavy article entitled "Putting Woman in Her Place" A lot of men will
not like it.... The Christian Appeal, an attractive little journal, is now enjoying its largest
circulation. It is published at 4220 West 11th Avenue, Amarillo, Texas 79106. Why not ask for a
free sample copy?... Our hearts reach out to the David Bayless family, in the loss suffered when
a little son, Paul, went home to the Lord. David and his good wife are missionaries in the "Christ
for the Amazon Valley" work in Brazil, and I love them very dearly.... If you want a real family
vacation you should attend
the "School of Ministry" at Milligan College, Milligan College, Tennessee 37682. Address Edna
Larue, at the College for information.... More than 460 men enrolled for the Cavalier Christian
Men's Retreat at Mechanicsville, Virginia, June 8 and 9, and it was great to be with them.... Dr.
Joe Hacker, Jr., is the new president of Lubbock (Texas) Christian College. He was Chairman of
the Department of Bible at Harding College in Searcy, Arkansas.... J. P. Sanders has been named
president of Columbia Christian College, Portland, Oregon, where he succeeds Rex F.
Johnston.... Bethany College was presented the Freedoms Foundation Award for innovative
educational programs at the West Virginia State Penitentiary.... Dwaine Dunning is moving to
Huron, South Dakota, where he will join the faculty of Dakota Bible College.... Did you see the
fourth issue of Fellowship, the quarterly published by concerned individuals from the
Disciples of Christ, Christian Churches, and Churches of Christ? There are numerous short
articles on the nature of the church, and it is really worth reading. The address is 1699 Court
Street, NE, Salem, Oregon 97301.... Again we remind you that Mission Messenger is
scheduled to discontinue publication on December 1, 1975. If you'd like to be sure and get all the
rest of the issues send $2.00 and we will put you on the list for the duration. You'll be interested
to learn that our June issue broke all previous records for the number of subscribers....
Additional copies of this issue will be mailed to you upon request at the rate of ten for one
dollar.... Robert J. Owens, Jr., has joined the faculty of Manhattan (Kansas) Christian College....
Michael Hines will edit a new paper to be called Unleavened Bread, the prospectus of
which looks excellent We will be telling you more about it at a later
date.... If you are interested in the purchase of cassettes containing my talks and open forum
sessions, contact Vernon H. Woods, 2413 Dale Avenue, Eugene, Oregon, 97401. If you send a
large stamped self-addressed envelope he will mail you a complete list of the 80 or more tapes
currently available and ready to mail on order.... The congregation at Hartford, Illinois, is
arranging for four Saturday studies in prophecy which I will teach. Sessions will begin at 10:00
a.m. and continue until 3:00 p.m., and will be held on August 24, September 7, September 28,
and October 26. Those attending will bring a sack lunch and eat together at the noon hour. For
full information write to Otto Schlieper, P.O. Box 128, Hartford, Illinois 62048, or call him at
(618) 254-6386. Plan to attend and bring your Bible and notebook with you.... I will be at the
Men's Retreat at Round Lake Christian Assembly for two speeches and a workshop on
September 13, 14. Contact Ira J. Brandon, Northeast Church of Christ, 1889 Genessee Avenue,
Columbus, Ohio 43211.... I am anxious to see brethren in New Mexico while I am at Hanover,
15 miles from Silver City, September 18-20. If interested write to Albert Botts, 1306 W. Street,
Silver City, N. M. 88061.... Do not forget the study in depth at Solsberry, Indiana, which will be
held on October 16-18. We will have a great time in the Lord. You can secure information from
James Root, Route 1, Box 279, Solsberry, Indiana 47459.... Remember the series at the Church
of Christ, 126 East Saginaw, Saint Louis, Michigan 48880, November 6-8. You can call Henry J.
McAdams at (517) 681-2524.... We have a meeting planned at the Christian Church, 13600 S.
W. Allen Boulevard, Beaverton, Oregon 97005. You may address Donald S. Cox at that
address.... My new book on the Holy Spirit is called Heaven Help Us! It deals with the
identity of the Spirit and what he will do for us as his temples. There is one chapter devoted to
discussion of the sin against the Holy Spirit. The book is produced by Standard Publishing, and
if you will send us a check for $2.95 Nell will mail you a copy. After you read it you may want
to order copies for your friends.... If you have not ordered The Question Box which
contains all of the issues of last year bound in an attractive cloth binding, we think you should do
so at once. The book will not last out the year and if you do not order soon you may be
disappointed. The price is only $3.00 per copy and we would like to see it in your library.... Do
not forget the Saint Louis Forum which will be held at Saint Louis Christian College, December
30, 31. For information concerning this successor to the Hartford Forum, write to Charles
Boatman, 12390 Rocket Drive, Florissant, Missouri 63033. We hope you will plan to come. It
will be great.... The 1974 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches reveals that
62.4 percent of Americans have some form of religious affiliation. This amounts to a total of
131,424,564 members. Included in the number are 71,648,521 Protestants, 48,640,427 Roman
Catholics, 6,115,000 Jews, and 3,739,620 Eastern Orthodox. Mormons registered the largest
gain and reached 2,133,072.... For only a five dollar bill we will mail you a copy of each of
these: Your Mind Matters (Stott); The Baptism and Fulness of the Holy Spirit
(Stott); Fruits of the Spirit (Hembree); The Taste of New Wine (Miller); The
Liberty of Obedience (Elliot). If you already have them get them and pass them on to
friends.... Four young people were immersed at High Hill Camp near Saint Louis during an
especially interesting two-week sharing program.... We urge you not to let your subscription
lapse. We cannot furnish back copies it you miss out on the papers due to your neglect to renew
in time.
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