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This is the final year for publication of MISSION MESSENGER. On December 1 the last monthly issue will be placed in the mail. Starting the following month, January 1976, I will begin a series of articles in Restoration Review covering the story of my life. It is planned that these will appear each month for two years. I expect to cover quite thoroughly my work in Scotland, England and North Ireland, with special emphasis on how I came to make such a radical change in my view of fellowship. I suggest that you begin your subscription to Restoration Review immediately. Send $3.00 for a two-year subscription and Leroy Garrett, the editor, will start you on some good reading.... Would you like to spend the summer working in a real inner-city situation where you can help black boys and girls who live in a kind of frightening world right in the United States? If you are truly serious about it, write for an application blank to Walter Short, Training Center for Service, 1518 North Leffingwell Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri 63106. There are all kinds of things to do that truly count. If you are a college student you may be granted credit in many instances.... On January 20, Nell sent out the 850th free copy of the book Thoughts on Unity to a college student. This book is free to any student enrolled in a college or university anywhere on earth. All you need to do is to send a card or letter asking for the book, and giving your mailing address, as well as mentioning the school where you are enrolled. There are features about the book which will make it a collector's item some day. Please tell other students about this offer and urge them to write for the book.... If you want to be sure that you receive MISSION MESSENGER until the final number send in a dollar. We guarantee that if you love the Lord there will be some issues that will be worth that much to you. If you are already a subscriber and think your subscription will expire, please send in a dollar to assure its continuance. We cannot continue to send after expiration and we cannot guarantee to furnish back numbers if you miss out on them. In spite of repeated warnings there are always those who neglect until it is too late. Do not be like that, but send in your subscription now, while you are thinking about it.... We will send you free upon request Book Lists 75-A, 75-B and 75-C. These lists contain the names of interesting and instructive books which you will read with pleasure and profit.... We think that you'll really like the next issue of the paper in which the main article will be titled "The Legal Tangle." It will get to the very bottom of our whole basic . problem, the concept of righteousness by law as opposed to grace.... Last year there were 925,000 divorces in the United States, an increase of 200,000 over the previous year.... A recent BBC poll found that only 29 per cent of the British people believe in a personal God, and 39 per cent believe in life after death. Forty-two per cent never attend a religious service.... Hal and Evelyn Martin finally received visas for New Zealand where they will work with brethren in Richmond one year. They are great people!... Galilee Christian High School, in Israel, opened with 246 students. The Bible faculty was strengthened with the addition of three Arab brethren teaching Bible under direction of Lee Cooper, who resides in Nazareth. Other workers in Israel include the John Crosslin and Joseph Shulam families, Jerusalem; the Marion Aldridge family at Remallah, and Morris Gedeon, Nazareth.... Barry McCarty, a former national karate champion, has worked out a program called "The Evidence of Our Faith" for young people. You can secure details by writing him at Roanoke Bible College, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
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