The 995th free copy of the book Thoughts on Unity was mailed
on March 27 to Kenneth Goble, a student at Cincinnati Christian Seminary. Long before you
read this we will pass the thousand mark and we are thrilled to share this outstanding volume
with college and university students all over the world. If you are enrolled in a college you are
invited to write for a copy without any charge. Just give us your name, address and college
where enrolled. Do not ask another to write for you. You must personally request the book.... We
are scheduled to cease publication of MISSION MESSENGER on December 1 of this year. We
have a good many hundreds of names whose subscriptions will expire before that date. We
cannot send after expiration and cannot guarantee to provide back copies. You can assure
receiving the paper for the duration by sending a dollar now to MISSION MESSENGER, 139
Signal Hill Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63121.... We invite you to send for a free copy of our
booklet Equipping the Saints and if you need additional copies to hand to friends please
ask for them. If you do not use them, please return them. The cost of printing is very great and
we cannot afford to waste them.... You may also secure without cost copies of Book Lists 75-D,
75-E, and 75-F. You will find scores of books that you will want in your library and many that
will make excellent gifts. Remember that a book is a gift that can be opened more than once.... If
you have not yet secured a copy of our bound volume for last year, called Pure Speech,
we urge you to send for your copy at once as the book is getting in short supply. The cost is only
$3.25 and we hope you will write for yours immediately.... While doing so it might be well to
have Nell place you on the advance order list for a bound volume for 1975 to be called iOne in
Christ. We have several hundreds of advance orders for this final volume already on hand.
The book will be sent with invoice enclosed near the first of next year.... Another suggestion is
that you ask to have your name enrolled on the permanent book list so that you will
automatically receive all of my future books even after we cease printing the paper.... As soon as
I cease publication of this journal I will begin to write monthly for Restoration Review,
edited by Leroy Garrett. The address is 1201 Windsor Drive, Denton, Texas 76201, and the
subscription price is two years for $3.00, so you can send your name and a check in immediately
and get on the list.... It was my privilege to speak at the opening session of the Spring Youth
Study, and to teach a class, at Dunn Road Chapel, Saint Louis. It was an exciting and interesting
meeting.... On the evening of July 3 I will address the International Christian Endeavor
Convention at Portland, Oregon. The featured singer tor the event will be Anita Bryant.... August
9, 10 marks the celebration of the one-hundredth year of the congregation at New Liberty, near
Windsor, Illinois, and I have been invited to be the speaker for the event.... I shall be at the great
Family Camp at Mechanicsville, Virginia, August 15, 16.... On September 8, 9 I will be
addressing the Area Men's Meeting in the Chicago area.... The meeting at Hanover, New Mexico
will be September 17-19 and you can write Albert Botts, 1306 West Street, Silver City, New
Mexico 88061, for information.... October 1-3 I will be at Northland Christian Church,
Townway Road and Liberty Lane, Danville, Illinois 61832. Write James B. Allison, 2915
Townway Road, for information. The telephone is 443-4323.... October 15-17 I am to be at the
Church of Christ, Orrville, Ohio. Write Kenneth Baldwin at Orrville 44667, or you may
call (216) 682-3686.... On the night of October 23 I will address the Southern Illinois Christian
Convention at Flora, Illinois. This is a great gathering of brethren who love the Lord.... October
29, 30 I am booked for special meetings at Piqua, Ohio, about which you can secure information
by contacting David Huddleston, 515 Boone Street, Piqua, Ohio 45356. The telephone is (513)
773-8143.... November 5-7 I shall be at First Christian Church, 503 North Main Street
Extension, Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335. Write to E. L. Russell at the address given, and be
sure to plan to attend. It will be a great occasion.... November 19-21 I shall be at Ontario
Christian Seminary, 204 High Park Avenue, in Toronto, Ontario. You can receive information by
writing to the president, Alan LaRue, P. 0. Box 324, Station D, Toronto, Ontario M6P, 3J9,
Canada.... December 3-5 I am scheduled to be with the saints at Wickliffe, Ohio and
arrangements are being made for some soul-thrilling meetings. I suggest that you get in touch
with Jack Ashworth, 1920 East 300 Street, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092, and he will supply you with
information.... I also suggest that you either keep this copy of "Messenger Service" or place on
your calendar the dates and places you want to remember, so you can come and share with us in
the great spiritual renewal which is taking place around the word of God.... With this issue of the
paper we are almost halfway through our final year, and our most difficult one financially. With
most of the subscriptions paid up until the conclusion of our publication period we are cut off
from income from that source. But generous brothers and sisters have been sharing with us and
we are paid up on everything to date. It costs almost $1000 per month to produce and mail the
paper all over the globe and yet we have not fallen behind in a single payment.... When more is
received than we need for the paper we place it in the fund to send out free books to college and
university students, and these also go all over the earth. It will interest you to know that we have
sent out in five years more than $7500 worth of cloth-bound books and that does not count the
special reprint booklets which we have dispatched in the thousands. Surely God has worked
through His servants to enable this to be done and we are deeply appreciative of your prayers and
assistance.... While on the subject of books we would like to mention that Vine's Expository
Dictionary of the New Testament is one of the best possible tools you can have in your
library. It was written for those who have no knowledge of Greek and yet want to know the
original word and their meanings. The cost of this large volume is $13.95, and it is worth it....
Earlier this year I delivered two talks which a lot of folks think are among my best. They were
entitled "I'm Dreaming of a Right Christmas," and "The New Year of Deliverance." They are
different, and you can secure both of them on one cassette by simply sending $2.50 with your
request to T. N. Ratliff, 9729 Calumet Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63137.... Matthew Morrison,
135 Torrey Pine Place, Athens, Georgia 30601, is the author of an excellent new book on Daniel
Sommer's seventy years of preaching, under the title Like a Lion. You can secure one for
$3.95 by writing the author at the address above. The book has excellent documentation.... Roy
Harris has a new booklet of poetry containing thirty of his works, published under the heading
Grace and Beauty. The price is but fifty cents each and if you'd like to secure a copy,
please order from Roy at Route 2, Box 27, Cawker City, Kansas 67430.... Extra copies of this
issue of our paper can be secured at the rate of ten for a dollar while they last.
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