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     The last available copy of Thoughts on Unity, the 1093rd, was mailed free to a college student on August 15. The next day we started sending a copy of my book The Parable of Telstar and Other Talks, to any college or university student in the world who requested it. This attractive 225-page volume will thrill your soul and stimulate your faith. Please tell students about it and urge them to write for it. Post it on the bulletin board! Put it in the school paper! Announce it in class! All requests must be made personally and must specify the school where enrolled.... One of the most gratifying reports in a long time is that of the brethren in New York who are working toward the planting of a Synagogue of the Messiah, to be composed of Jews who have come to recognize Jesus as the Messiah of the prophets and have been baptized into Him.... We congratulate Otis and Rosa Warren, who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, August 24, at Lakewood, California.... Nell and I feel a deep sense of compassion and love for our brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reed, Flores, Peten, Guatemala, who are real pioneers for Jesus, far off the beaten track. On July 8, their daughter Jane, who was 28 years old, died and was buried by her parents the same afternoon. What faith these people have.... Our heart also goes out to the family of Melvin J. Burton, who departed this life at his home in Escondido, California. Until his retirement he was with the Criminal Investigation Division of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. His son, Curtis, is married to our daughter, Sue.... Stanley Paregien thinks that one effective way to break down barriers would be for brethren from the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ to mutually attend and participate in the North American Christian Convention (the next is at Denver, Colorado, July 6-9), and the Abilene Christian College Lectureship. I agree with that. There will be no real manifestation of unity that does not begin with association.... David Shepherd, who edits the new magazine Koinonia, has sent me a copy of the first issue. It contains articles by Meredith Thorn, Larry Napier, Noel Lemon, Peter Gillquist, Dwyatt Gantt and myself. The format and art work are superb. Why not write and ask for a sample copy? The address is 1000 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee 37212.... When you read this issue of the paper you will need to remember that MISSION MESSENGER has just two more months to go. We hope to place the final edition in the post office on December 1, and thus end 37 years of publication. If you would like to have those last two, send us a dollar and we will mail them together with any back copies we have left at the time.... I will begin writing for Restoration Review, 1201 Windsor Drive, Denton, Texas 76201, immediately after our paper ceases. The story of my life will begin in the January number and we hope that you will not miss the monthly series. You can send three dollars and receive a two-year subscription. You will be thrilled that you did.... About the first of the year we will have the bound volume for 1975 ready for mailing. It will contain every issue of the paper for the year and will be in an attractive cloth binding. The title of the book will be One in Christ, and we are taking orders now to be billed at time of delivery.... If you want to receive all of my books as they come from the press in the future, write and ask Nell to put your name on our permanent list. As soon as a book is received yours will be started on its way with invoice enclosed.... We will send you free upon request a copy of my booklet Equipping the Saints, and if you want more for distribution we will mail them

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without charge. Why not send for free copies of our Book Lists 75- D, 75-E and 75-F at the same time? These contain the names of scores of books we recommend for your pleasure and profit.... You can secure a list of more than one hundred of my cassettes if you send a request accompanied by a large self-addressed, stamped envelope to Vernon H. Woods, 2413 Dale Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401. These talks cover almost every relevant theme to our day.... I have just finished a new cassette which I think is one of my best. On one side I deal with the question "What is Faith?" And on the other side with "What is Justification?" I think you will want to play this to all of your friends and brethren and thus help glorify God. You can get the cassette by sending $2.50 to T. N. Ratliff, 9729 Calumet Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63137. This is one I really want you to have.... I have been invited to be the speaker at the first Saint Louis Realtors Prayer Breakfast, to be held at a Ramada Inn, on October 10.... If the Lord wills, I shall be with the brethren at North Elm Street Church of Christ, Orrville, Ohio 44667, October 15-17. For further information you may write to Kenneth W. Baldwin at that address or telephone him at 216-682-3686.... On the evening of October 23, I will be the speaker at the Southern Illinois Christian Convention, at First Christian Church, Fourth and Main Streets, Flora, Illinois 62839. Marshall Leggett will speak on the preceding evening and Ken Idleman on the last night.... November 5-7 I will be with the brethren at First Christian Church, 503 North Main Street Extension, Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335. This will be a great one and I hope to see a lot of you there.... November 14, 15 I will address the Kentucky State Teen Convention at Lexington, and I am thrilled at the opportunity to address so many hundred young people. Wayne Holcomb is Program Chairman, and he lives at 2504 Larkin Road, Apartment 74, Lexington, Kentucky 40503. We certainly hope you can make the scene and share with us.... Another high point in the year for me will be the series at Ontario Christian Seminary, 204 High Park Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you want to know more about the schedule write to my good friend and brother who is president. Address Alan LaRue, P.O. Box 324, Station D, Toronto, Ontario M6P, 3J9, Canada.... December 3-5 I shall be back in Wickliffe, Ohio for a thrilling experience in the Lord. You can get information by contacting Jack Ashworth, 1920 East 300 Street, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092. Don't miss this one if you are close enough to get there.... The Saint Louis Forum will be held on Monday and Tuesday, December 29 and 30. Subjects to be discussed are as follows: Are there any circumstances under which a Christian can participate in an abortion, either as patient, doctor or nurse?; Do the scriptures permit a Christian to become involved in socio-politico action movements?; Does God still have a special relationship with physical Israel in the light of Biblical prophecy?; Does divorce and remarriage disqualify a person from a leadership position in the church? A special feature this year will be a two-hour open session in which any person may speak on "What I Believe About Gifts of the Spirit in Our Day." This is a forum for free men and women and features speakers from every part of the restoration movement. Program and other information can be secured by contacting Charles Boatman, 12390 Rocket Drive, Florissant, Missouri 63033. The telephone is 314-741-9898. All sessions will be held in the auditorium of Saint Louis Christian College.... My book on the Holy Spirit, Heaven Help Us, is available at $2.95.

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