

(Ha - Higher Education 1919)

Entries are constructed with Month, year and page number.
     i.e.      Mar'41:21  (March, 1941 p. 21)

Entries appearing in all upper case letters are articles about the person or 
subject.  Entries appearing in both upper and lower case letters are articles 
by the person.

The entries are in alphabetical order with the following exceptions:
     The names of people are entered first
     Following these are other entries under the same word 
     arranged alphabetically
     i.e.      AUSTIN, SPENCER PETER
               AUSTIN, WILLIAM, JR.
               AUSTIN, MINNESOTA
               AUSTIN, TEXAS

Within each heading the entries are arranged chronologically with a few 
exceptions.  In some instances a series of articles with the same title are 
entered at the beginning of the entry.
     i.e. Under the entry for many educational institutions the entries from 
          the column "The Board of Education and the work of our Colleges" 
          appear before other entries.

Many women are referred to in the periodical only by their husband's name.  
Where ever possible the woman's given name has been supplied but where that was
not possible the entries for the women are at the beginning of the entries for 
that surname.  If it could be determined what the husband's name was his name 
appears in parentheses after the surname.  If it was uncertain whether the 
initials were the woman's initials or the husband's initials it is noted as 
     i.e.      JONES, (married to Abner Jones)
               JONES,  (MRS. A. B.)

As an aid for further identification, whenever it could be determined, people's
birth date, death date and spouse's names are noted.

Every effort was made to conserve space in order to bring both a savings in 
cost for the user and a savings in paper for the environment.  This computer 
file has been left in the paper saving format.


"H-H FACTOR" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Jan'70:29 HAAS, EFFIE Here and there with World Call. May'49:48 HAAS, EMMETT C. (married to Orchid Nelson Haas) News room. Nov'55:37 (photo) Sep'58:27 HAAS, ORCHID NELSON (married to Emmett C. Haas) (photo) Sep'42:8 HABE, HANS. THE WOUNDED LAND: JOURNEY THROUGH A DIVIDED AMERICA New books. Apr'65:39 HABECKER, FRANKLIN (death) Jul'24:53 HABECKER, LOUISE See DUNCAN, K. LOUISE HABECKER HABEIN, MARGARET College enrollments increased. Nov'38:30 HABENICHT, NELLIE (photo) Oct'45:18 HABIBY, ARMOND Classroom and campus (photo) May'53:31 HABIBY, EMIR Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'59:35 HABRO, CARL J Toward a just and durable peace (photo) Apr'42:3 HACHIJO, JAPAN The Gospel goes to Hachijo (photos) Nov'51:25 outpost for Christianity. Jan'57:26 HACK, ANNA B In memoriam. Jun'38:39 HACK, DONALD (photo) May'46:31 HACKER, LOUIS M. THE UNITED STATES, A GRAPHIC HISTORY Book chat. Feb'38:24 HACKETT, (married to Dwight L. Hackett) Disciples met in Portland (photo) Sep'53:23 HACKETT, (MRS. H. A.) quoted. The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 HACKETT, DWIGHT L Disciples met in Portland (photo) Sep'53:23 HACKETT, HAROLD W Global highlights. Jan'50:2 HACKETT, NANCY JANE In memoriam. Jul'43:26 HACKLEMAN, ALICE CALDWELL In memoriam. May'41:39 HACKLEMAN, FRANCES In memoriam. Feb'27:49 HACKLEMAN, INA (death) Jun'26:50 Hackleman, William Edward Michael, 1868-1927 (untitled poem) Jul'19:22 HACKLEMAN, WILLIAM EDWARD MICHAEL, 1868-1927 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'23:39 Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'27:53 W. E. M. Hackleman. Nov'27:4
p. 1142 Hackleman - Hadley, F
HACKLEMAN, WILLIAM EDWARD MICHAEL. AMERICAN CHURCH AND CHURCH SCHOOL HYMNAL Speaking of books. Oct'27:36 HACKNEY, GEORGE Another league of laymen (photo) Jan'29:10 HACKNEY, MIRIAM (married to Elbert Hackney) It's just what I love (photo) Nov'71:50 HACKNEY, THOMAS J Highlights of higher education (photo) Jun'53:36 Classroom and campus. Jan'65:32 Jun'65:34 HACKNEY, WILLIS N Classroom and campus. Jun'53:35 May'63:34 HACKWORTH, GREEN HAYWOOD, 1883- On the road to justice for all (photo) Apr'46:20 HADDEN, JEFFREY E. THE GATHERING STORM IN THE CHURCHES New books. Jul'69:28 HADDEN, REGINALD DENNIS, 1924- (married to Molene Bell Hadden) More churches join Home Plan (photo) Sep'60:44 HADDOCK, (married to Reginald Haddock) Office secretary (photo) Nov'67:49 HADDOCK, JAMES LAUREL, 1862-1943 Church at Jennings, Louisiana. May'19:42 Haddon, Arthur Langan, 1895-1961 Stirrings of the spirit. May'60:30 HADDON, ARTHUR LANGAN, 1895-1961 Global highlights. Sep'47:3 quoted. Quotes from Buffalo addresses. Sep'47:24 Beneath the spire (photo) Feb'48:4 News room. Jan'49:38 Global highlights. Feb'49:3 Jun'51:3 quoted. Proud to be a part! Oct'52:27 Classroom and campus. Nov'54:31 Global highlights (photo) Dec'61:4 Classroom and campus. Jan'62:30 quoted. Disciple voices from New Delhi. Feb'62:24 (death) News room. Feb'62:34 HADDON, ARTHUR LANGAN. THE COMING OF THE WORLD CHURCH Publications fron New Zealand. Dec'43:4 HADDON, ARTHUR LANGAN. UNION IN TRUTH Publications from New Zealand. Dec'43:4 HADDON, LULU In memoriam. Feb'32:39 HADEN, EARL J (photo) Jan'21:18 HADEN, FLORENCE P., -1949 (photo) Oct'22:7 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'35:33 In memoriam. Jun'49:37 HADFIELD, (MRS. F. L.) (photo) Oct'56:44 HADFIELD, FRANCIS LESLIE, -1966 Mission in Southern Rhodesia observes anniversary (photo) Oct'56:44 Disciples in the news. Jul'66:7 Hadley, Arthur T (note) Aug'25:46 Hadley, Florence Jones Common things (poem) Apr'27:64
p. 1143 Hadley, L - Hagenbuch
HADLEY, LEELA. -1946 In memoriam. Jul'46:39 HADLEY, STANLEY Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'53:30 HADWIGER, LOYD WILLIAM, 1905-1969 (married to Leah Weigand Hadwiger) Global highlights (photo) Jul'57:4 News room (photo) Sep'64:39 Presenting... (photo) Feb'65:8 Disciples in the news. Oct'65:7 (photo) Dec'65:7 Haessler, Sarah Ashby Prayer (poem) Feb'36:15 HAFFIELD, BERTHA A Change, change, change. Sep'20:64 (photo) Dec'24:17 HAFFNER, ANGIE (death) Jul'19:55 Hafner, Fred H No more milk. Oct'65:18 HAFNER, J. E. Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'61:29 HAGAMAN, GERTRUDE, -1970 In memoriam. Jun'70:41 Hagan, (married to Luther W. Hagan) Letters. May'69:41 HAGAN, JAMES J From the college campus. Jun'40:30 HAGAN, JERRY E NBA extends its ministry (photo) Jan'73:41 Hagedorn, Herman Service. Oct'19:15 HAGEDORN, HERMAN. PROPHET IN THE WILDERNESS Book chat. Jan'48:14 HAGEE, (MRS. C. R.) In memorium. Jul'40:39 HAGEE, ETTA MARIE A labor of love (photo) Oct'43:12 HAGELBARGER, (married to Ben F. Hagelbarger) News room. Jul'58:43 HAGELBARGER, (married to Robert Hagelbarger) Classroom and campus. May'66:34 HAGELBARGER, BEN F Hiram thinks on religion. Feb'29:13 quoted. Lovest thou me? May'29:23 (photo) Nov'36:42 HAGEMAN, ALICE. RELIGION IN CUBA TODAY Three books on cultural revolution. Jan'72:46 HAGEMAN, DAVID (photo) Sep'42:8 HAGEMAN, E D (photo) Mar'24:46 HAGEMAN, EDITH (photo) Jul'23:10 HAGEMAN, LIDA LOUISE (photo) Jul'23:10 Hageman, Neva McCray, 1890- (married to Ernest D. Hageman) Teaching missions by the surprise method. Feb'28:58 HAGENBUCH, LETHA B., -1966 In memoriam. Jan'67:41
p. 1144 Hager - Hagin, F
HAGER, (MRS. CHARLES F.) Memoriam. Jan'35:40 HAGERMAN, B C Church at Tempe, Arizona. Jun'19:52 HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH With the churches that are giving heroically. Nov'20:5 Tried and found helpful. Feb'22:52 (photo) Jul'31:47 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'31:40 Hagerty, Forestine About persons of special need. Jun'62:41 HAGERTY, FORRESTINE News room. Jun'61:42 HAGGARD, ALFRED MARTIN, 1851-1933 (married to Florence Mary Haggard) Mid-year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 The best thing I know about Church Extension (photo) Sep'20:28 Big brother in time of need. Nov'21:58 (photo) Oct'22:7 quoted. Appreciation of Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:44 HAGGARD, ESTHER M See LEE, ESTHER HAGGARD HAGGARD, EUNICE, -1924 (death) Sep'24:58 HAGGARD, FLORENCE MARY, 1859-1941 (married to Alfred Martin Haggard) (photo) Oct'22:7 Haggard, Forrest DeLoss, 1925- (married to Eleanor Haggard) Teamwork in Kansas City. Jul'54:25 Frontier in the suburbs. Jul'63:11 Jazz comes to the sanctuary. Nov'64:15 What's the secret in evangelism? Feb'66:11 HAGGARD, FORREST DeLOSS, 1925- (photo) Jul'54:25 Jul'63:front cover The cover. Jul'63:inside front cover (photo) Feb'66:12 Disciples in the news. Dec'68:6 HAGGARD, GEORGE D., 1857-1961 (married to Lucina Headlee Haggard) Beneath the spire (photo) Nov'58:8 HAGGARD, HALLIE FLETCHER. -1946 In memoriam. Jul'46:39 Haggard, Mildreth J The spirit of Tipi-Wakan (poem) Apr'23:11 HAGIN, EDITH See RUMFALO, EDITH HAGIN HAGIN, FRED C Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:59 Hagin, Fred Eugene, 1869-1938 (married to Myrtle Edith Willett Hagin) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:63 A contrast in lights. Apr'22:24
p. 1145 Hagin, F - Hagman, G
HAGIN, FRED EUEGENE, 1869-1938 (photo) Aug'19:27 Echoes from everywhere. May'22:62 Public schools open to Christian teaching in tokyo, Apr'24:16 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'31:42 The leaven in East Tokyo. Apr'35:14 (death) appreciation (photo) Sep'38:27 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'38:42 (death) Sep'38:43 HAGIN, JOSEPH WILLIS, 1875-1941 (photo) Jan'27:13 Feb'33:4 quoted. What they said at Kansas City. Nov'36:26 (photo) Jan'39:1 Mar'40:17 (death) News room. Jun'41:34 Hagin, Myrtle Edith Willett, 1867-1939 (married to Fred E. Hagin) Women worksers of Japan. Jan'19:41 The reward of persistent effort. Mar'23:58 An old Kentucky home in Japan. Sep'27:27 The transformation of Kaoru, Jun'35:28 HAGIN, MYRTLE EDITH, 1867-1939 Echoes from everywhere. May'22:62 Fred E. Hagin--an appreciation. Sep'38:27 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'39:32 (death) Sep'39:47 Hagley, Norman Eugene, 1935- (married to Janet Carol Nichols Hagley) Letters. Jan'65:46 HAGMAN, BARBARA See SOU-CHANG, BARBARA HAGMAN Hagman, George Lewis, 1886-1967 (married to Ruby Stone Ketcham Hagman) The healing of China. Jan'20:6 Paying big dividends. Sep'23:40 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'24:50 A common story in a new setting. Dec'24:40 China preaches Christ through hospitals. Dec'29:20 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'31:41 The resurrection of Mrs. Sung. Feb'32:28 Help for the world's physical needs. Mar'33:27 Some intangibles of medical missions. Mar'35:16 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'36:39 Mar'38:39 HAGMAN, GEORGE LEWIS, 1886-1967 First impression in China. Feb'19:50 Notes. Feb'20:64 Nantungchow in the limelight. Jun'21:27 Our Congo doctors (photo) Aug'22:29 Some experiences of a doctor. Jan'24:45 Success in the treatment of Leprosy. Mar'24:42 Superstition versus science (photo) May'26:35 Station UCMS broacasting. Mar'30:43 (photo) Aug'30:28 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'30:34 (photo) Dec'32:suppl:10 An engineer-doctor in China (photo) Feb'33:15 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'33:44 Oct'33:34 (photo) Mar'35:16 (cont. next page)
p. 1146 Hagman, G - Hai, J
HAGMAN, GEORGE LEWIS (cont.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'36:30 The China Mission carries on (photo) Nov'37:4 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'38:34 Oct'38:34 Apr'39:30 Jul'39:40 (photo) Dec'39:14 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'40:43 News room. Feb'42:45 Dec'45:32 Three China missionaries retire (photo) Jul'51:29 News room. Jun'56:42 In memoriam. Sep'67:44 Jan'68:41 HAGMAN, LOUISE Superstition versus science. May'26:35 (photo) Jun'29:front cover Our cover. Jun'29:1 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Nov'30:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'31:44 Some unsung missionaries in the China field. Jun'36:26 (photo p. 25) News room. Oct'44:28 Nov'44:27 Hagman, Ruby L. Stone Ketcham, 1885-1965 (married to George L. Hagman) Children of the heavenly blue. Jun'20:25 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'22:57 Aug'22:63 Nov'23:50,64 Some experiences of a doctor. Jan'24:45 At the Nantungchow hospital. Jul'25:61 Trailing a doctor in China. Oct'28:34 Baptisms at Nantungchow. Mar'30:60 Echoes from everywhere. May'33:39 They made their case. Oct'33:28 HAGMAN, RUBY L. STONE KETCHAM, 1885-1965 The healing of China. Jan'20:6 Nantungchow in the limelight. Jun'21:28 quoted. Church membership in China. Jul'22:38 Superstition versus science (photo) May'26:35 (photo) Dec'32:suppl:10 An engineer doctor in China. Feb'33:15 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'33:34 Nov'39:34 Mar'40:43 Three China missionaries retire (photo) Jul'51:29 News room. Jun'56:42 (death) Disciples in the news. Nov'65:7 In memoriam. Nov'65:48 HAGSTROM, EVELYN J Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'49:30 HAGUE, LUCY E (death) May'21:51 Hahn, Betty The practicum made a better teacher of me. Nov'50:7 HAHN, CHARLES D Colleges enter new semester. Mar'36:33 College activities. Feb'37:33 HAHN, HANS Classroom and campus. Nov'50:37 HAHN, HERBERT F. THE OLD TESTAMENT IN MODERN RESEARCH Book chat. Mar'55:18 HAI, JAGARMATI quoted. New vocabularies--new pleasures. Jun'31:14
p. 1147 Hai, K - Haiti
Hai, Kwan-teh Missionary worship service. Jul'46:38 HAI-REN, CHEN, -1959 (death) News room. Jun'59:40 HAIGH, (MRS. HARRY) (photo) Jul'28:33 HAIGHT, ORAH See FOX, ORAH FRANCES HAIGHT HAILE SALASSIE Ethiopia shall life up her hands (photo) Apr'42:26 HAILEY, ROBERT Classroom and campus (photo) Nov'58:33 HAILEYVILLE, OKLAHOMA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. May'34:40 HAINER, (MRS. K. M.) (death) Aug'25:50 HAINES, CATHARINE (death) Aug'23:54 Haines, "Dutch" A Drake student in Congo. Jun'29:34 Haines, Elwood Lindsay The murder mongers (poem) Oct'35:38 HAINES, HELEN. LIVING WITH BOOKS Book chat. Sep'35:22 HAINES, SAMANTHA In memoriam. Feb'33:39 HAINES, WESLEY B In memorium. Apr'40:39 Hairston, Anita Routh, 1909?- (married to Everette L. Hairston) Women and world highways. Jul'54:37 HAIRSTON, ANITA ROUTH, 1909?- Beneath the spire (photo) Feb'53:4 (photo) Jul'54:37 HAISLIP, HOMER W., 1898- Echoes from everywhere. Apr'24:49 News room. Feb'47:32 HAITI Paragraphs to ponder. May'30:21 More wealth from Treasure Island. Aug'30:17 Some next steps in Latin America. Feb'43:14 Global highlights. Feb'55:2 This hospital serves Haiti. Jun'56:15 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'57:38 Haiti's valley of opportunity (photos) Mar'58:15 Common concerns of the churches. Jun'58:18 What hope for Haiti? Oct'58:17 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'59:34 Global highlights. Jun'59:7 Nov'59:4 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'60:34 The eyes have it! Jan'60:46 Global highlights. Mar'60:6 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'60:36 Global highlights. Jan'61:7 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'61:40 May'61:34 How Christians look at rapid social change. Jul'61:21 All eyes on Latin America. Dec'61:26 (cont. next page)
p. 1148 Haiti - Hale, H
HAITI (cont.) Two dreamers meet in Haiti. Jan'62:15 Literacy can break the chains in Haiti. Feb'62:21 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'62:36 Global highlights. Dec'63:5 Beans for Ti Cong. Mar'65:12 Help gets through. Feb'68:25 Self help may save haiti (photos) May'68:26 Human need in Haiti. Mar'69:40 A cup of cold water. Jul'69:23 HAITI--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Tragic lessons in Haiti. Apr'61:45 HAITI--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Global highlights. May'59:7 HAKANSON, (married to John Hakanson) In memoriam. Apr'45:33 HALBERT, HERSCHEL Ahead of the headlines. May'71:5 Halbig, Virgil Franklin, 1900-1978 The greatest need. May'63:24 HALBOWER, CLARA, -1954 In memoriam. Dec'54:37 HALCOMB, FLORENCE Here and there with World Call. Sep'49:48 HALCOMB, VESTA, -1960 In memoriam. Feb'61:37 HALDEMAN, MARY GOTTSCHALK, -1947 In memoriam. Jun'47:41 Hale, Allean Lemmon, 1914- (married to Mark Pendleton Hale) Ship notes... Nov'35:12 Book chat. Mar'36:31 Afterglow in Missouri. Dec'48:7 Book chat. Oct'50:40 Assignment in Paraguay. Feb'52:11 seventy. Dec'52:9 Book chat. Mar'57:38 HALE, ALLEAN LEMMON, 1914- Our colleges look to commencement. Jun'32:32 Summer activities of our colleges. Sep'33:33 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'37:44 (photo) Jun'50:2 Dec'52:10 Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'57:35 Apr'66:35 HALE, ALLEAN LEMMON. PETTICOAT PIONEER Book chat. Feb'57:42 New books. May'69:29 HALE, ANTHONY News room. Jul'56:38 HALE, CHARLES W Sep'19:65 HALE, EDWARD EVERETT. HOW TO DO IT quoted. The last page. Dec'26:64 HALE, EVELYN FAYE, 1934- Disciples in the news. Mar'68:8 HALE, GRACE LEONA See BOOZER, GRACE LEONA HALE HALE, HENRY STEPHENSON, 1836-1922 (death) Sep'22:51
p. 1149 Hale, H - Half
HALE, HOLLY MORGAN Notes. Apr'20:62 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'21:63 Faith justified at Highland Park, Chattanooga. Feb'21:44 HALE, JOHN Here and there with World Call. Nov'62:50 HALE, MARK PENDLETON, 1912- (married to Allean Lemmon Hale) (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'37:44 Americans care about the aging (photo) Mar'61:15 HALE, MARTHA Here and there with World Call. Nov'62:50 HALE, MARY, -1957 In memoriam. Mar'57:35 HALE, TONY News room (photo) Mar'57:32 Hales, Felix S Letters. Jun'70:4 HALES, FELIX S Classroom and campus. Jun'60:34 HALEY, (MRS. E. E.) Here and there... Feb'48:48 Haley, (Mrs. F. L.) Fellowship grace (poem) Nov'48:33 HALEY, (MRS. J. J.) -1919 (death) Dec'19:31 HALEY, (married to Sherman Haley) Memorium. Apr'36:39 HALEY, ARTHUR LEVI, -1965 (married to Carrie M. Haley) In memoriam. Sep'65:52 HALEY, BILL Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'64:35 HALEY, CARL W quoted. Quote--unquote. Oct'71:inside back cover HALEY, CHARLES C News room. Jun'45:34 HALEY, E M (photo) Dec'46:25 HALEY, ELIZABETH CLARK (death) Jan'20:53 HALEY, EVERETT GUY, 1889-1968 The Pocket Testament League is succeeding. Jul'23:53 HALEY, GAIL (photo) Jul'23:4 Haley, J J With the pioneers of our religious movement. Oct'20:19 Haley, Molly Anderson (untitled poem) Jun'27:64 Our hearts remember Bethlehem (poem) Dec'32:7 HALEY, Thomas Preston, 1832-1913 A church extension valedictory. Dec'20:56 HALEY, THOMAS PRESTON, 1832-1913 (photo) Aug'23:2 Mar'36:13 Notable ministries of the Kansas City area (photo) Sep'36:7 Personalities. Oct'36:25 HALEY, WINIFRED (photo) Jul'23:4 HALF WAY TREE, JAMAICA. KING'S GATE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Feb'32:39 Crusade progress. Feb'49:26
p. 1150 Halfmood - Hall, C
HALFMOOD, NEW YORK. CLIFTON COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, July-September, 1964. Jan'65:46 HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA Messages from our Home Missionaries. Apr'19:58 Apr'19:62 Notes. Aug'20:46 HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. NORTH STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Outstanding work... Jun'19:55 A church building--wrecked and rebuilt (photo) May'21:49 They have stood firm. Apr'23:14 HALL, (married to Cameron Hall) The aging can be militatn, too! (photo) Mar'73:20 Hall, (married to Charles R. Hall) Letters. Jun'69:33 Dec'71:35 Hall, (married to Colby D. Hall) Educating the church on giving. Oct'22:35 HALL, (MRS. H. D.) (photo) Jan'28:32 HALL, (MRS. O. O.) Here and there... Jan'48:48 Nov'49:56 Jan'53:48 HALL, (married to Russell Hall) (photo) Oct'68:19 HALL, (MRS. S. D.) In memoriam. Apr'32:39 HALL, (MRS. W. M.) (photo) Feb'24:40 HALL, (MRS. W. R.) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'24:47 HALL, ALEX (photo) Jun'23:46 HALL, BASIL D Global highlights (photo) Sep'60:6 HALL, BEATRICE ANN TOMLINSON, 1887-1965 (married to Colby D. Hall) (photo) Oct'22:7 quoted. The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 (photo) Jan'28:32 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'37:30 HALL, BESSIE, -1940 In memoriam. Jan'41:39 HALL, BEVAN (photo) Jun'54:12 HALL, BILL FRANK, 1935-1968 In memoriam. Sep'68:42 HALL, BITA MAY Classroom and campus. Sep'45:22 World events (photo) Dec'71:36 HALL, BRUCE FLETCHER, 1947- (birth) News room. Jan'48:32 Hall, C R Letter. Aug'22:59 HALL, CAMERON P Global highlights (photo) Sep'49:3 Laymen discuss God's plan for everyday living (photo) May'52:33 Churches to consider effects of abundance. Jan'57:42 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'57:38 The aging can be militatn, too! (photo) Mar'73:20
p. 1151 Hall, C - Hall, E
HALL, CAMERON P. HUMAN VALUES AND ADVANCING TECHNOLOGY World outreach book reviews. Jun'68:33 New books. Jul'68:36 HALL, CAMERON P. TECHNOLOGY AND PEOPLE New books. Apr'70:28 HALL, CAROL (photo) Jun'54:12 Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'68:34 HALL, CHARLES Echoes from everywhere. Jun'29:49 HALL, CHARLES ADAMS, 1949- (birth) News room. Oct'49:32 (photo) Jun'54:12 HALL, CLARENCE W. PROTESTANT PANORAMA Book chat. Dec'51:19 Hall, Colby Dixon, 1875-1963 (married to Beatrice Ann Tomlinson Hall) Note. Sep'19:32 Shall "Young America" preach? Feb'20:20 To refresh our spirits... Sep'23:back cover The Convention as I saw it. Nov'25:13 How can the Disciples of Christ get more and better ministers? Jan'26:6 Recruiting for the ministry. Feb'28:11 HALL, COLBY DIXON, 1875-1963 (photo) Jan'21:17 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'24:55 Go-to-College Day--why observe it? Sep'25:29 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'25:42 (photo) Nov'25:14 Jan'26:7 Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'26:43 The middle of the college year. Feb'32:45 quoted. These outstanding people read World Call. Feb'33:inside back cover Mid-semester in our colleges. Feb'34:33 Activities of our colleges. Apr'34:43 Classroom and campus. Mar'47:30 Apr'47:31 Dec'52:28 Global highlights (photo) Feb'54:3 News room. Jan'56:38 HALL, COLBY DIXON. TEXAS DISCIPLES Classsroom and campus. Apr'54:36 HALL, DAVID ARTHUR, 1954- (birth) News room. May'54:39 Jun'54:41 HALL, DAVID RANDALL, 1943- (birth) News room. Jul'43:28 HALL, ELIZABETH MOODY (married to Nat Hall) (photo) Jun'23:46 Jun'30:37 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'34:34 Sep'34:45 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'37:33 Children of the India missions. Mar'38:26 (photo p. 24) HALL, ENNEN REAVES. GIFTS FROM THE BIBLE New books. May'68:36 Hall, Erma Walton Letters. Jun'72:4 HALL, EVERETT (married to Janet Johnston Hall) (marriage) News room. Sep'41:42
p. 1152 Hall, F - Hall, K
HALL, FRANK R Notes on college happenings. Mar'40:32 Classroom and campus. May'45:24 (photo p. 25) HALL, FRED S. SOCIAL WORK YEAR BOOK, 1935 Book chat. Oct'35:34 HALL, GENEVA See SEATON, GENEVA HALL HALL, H F M (photo) May'25:39 HALL, HARRIET E In memoriam. Sep'37:39 HALL, HELEN News room (photo) Mar'57:32 HALL, HOMER J Homer J. Hall (photo) Jul'34:25 HALL, IDA D In memoriam. May'34:39 HALL, ISABEL DUNCAN (death) A life spent in service. Jun'24:37 HALL, J A (photos) Mar'24:17,24 HALL, JABEZ, 1837-1924 (photo) Jan'21:2 A Saint John of the Disciples. Jan'21:5 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'23:54 Jabez Hall dies. Apr'24:12 Tribute to Jabez Hall (photo) Apr'24:13 (death) Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'24:54 Jun'24:56 HALL, JANE MARY JOHNSTON (photo) Jun'23:23 HALL, JANET MARY JOHNSTON (married to Everett Hall) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'36:40 (photo) Jun'37:24 (marriage) News room. Sep'41:42 HALL, JOHN (photo) Dec'30:41 HALL, JOHN H (photo) Jul'49:7 HALL, KEITH BEVAN, 1945- (birth) News room. Jan'46:38 Classroom and campus. Apr'68:35 Hall, Keith Burckle, 1914- (married to Mary Virginia Bevan Hall) Echoes from everywhere. Jun'45:32 Nov'49:42 Witnessing amid disaster. Apr'56:47 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'57:34 World concern for Orissa. Mar'58:47 Sight for the blind of India. Apr'60:25 HALL, KEITH BURCKLE, 1914- (photo) May'42:24 Sep'42:14 Recruits for world service (photo) Mar'43:7 News room. (photo) May'44:28 Oct'44:28 (photo) Jun'46:back cover Last column. Jun'50:48 Missionary register. Jul'65:46 Sep'65:52 Sep'66:45 Global highlights. Feb'69:30 In brief. Apr'69:39
p. 1153 Hall, K - Hall, N
HALL, KENNETH F. HOW I BECAME THE WORLD'S STRONGEST 96 1/2 POUND WEAKLING World outreach book reviews. Jun'68:33 HALL, KENNETH F. ON THE TRAIL OF A TWIN World outreach book reivew on 1966-1967 themes. Jun'66:40 HALL, LAURA A -1946 In memoriam. Apr'47:39 HALL, LAURA K News room. Nov'43:28 Hall, Lillian Childress Devotional study for missionary societies. Apr'39:38 HALL, LILLIE B., -1953 In memoriam. Sep'53:35 HALL, LOLA D (photo) Jan'25:35 May'25:39 HALL, LOUELLA, -1955 In memoriam. Oct'55:33 HALL, M (photo) Jan'25:35 HALL, MARTHA (HIGGINS) A Saint John of the Disciples. Jan'21:7 Hall, Mary Luranah (Mary Lu) Randall, 1916- (married to William D. Hall) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'46:37 HALL, MARY LURANAH (MARY LU) RANDALL, 1916- Missionaries appointed (photo) Nov'41:31 News room. Nov'41:34 Apr'42:34 Nov'42:43 Recruits for world service (photo) Mar'43:5 (photo) Jun'46:back cover The missionary finds a way (photo) Jul'48:26 News room. Dec'48:31 Oct'53:36 Hall, Mary Virginia Bevan, 1919- (married to Keith Burckle Hall) Witnessing amid disaster. Apr'56:47 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'57:34 HALL, MARY VIRGINIA BEVAN, 1919- (photo) Sep'42:14 Recruits for world service (photo) Mar'43:7 News room. (photo) May'44:28 Oct'44:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'45:32 (photo) Jun'46:back cover Last column. Jun'50:48 Missionary register. Jul'65:46 Sep'65:52 Sep'66:45 Global highlights. Feb'69:30 In brief. Apr'69:39 Hall, Maxwell The City problem of the church. May'20:18 Homer J. Hall. Jul'34:25 HALL, MELVIN Disciples in the news. Jan'66:7 HALL, MOLLIE B -1947 In memoriam. May'47:41 HALL, NAT (married to Elizabeth Moody Hall) (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'37:33 HALL, NEWTON H. THE BOOK OF LIFE Making a personal discovery. May'51:6 HALL, NEWTON MARSHALL, ED. THE BOOK OF LIFE Book chat. Dec'55:43
p. 1154 Hall, O - Hall, W
HALL, ONKEL F Classroom and campus. Sep'47:32 HALL, PETER Jamaica: building a "Christian" nation (photo) Mar'73:6 HALL, PRESTON BELL, 1858-1952 Notes. Mar'19:60 HALL, RICHARD. HOW TO READ THE BIBLE Book chat. Sep'57:42 Hall, Rita May Why I like the Triangle Club. Nov'27:49 HALL, RITA MAY Mid-winter season in our colleges. Jan'33:47 HALL, ROBERT B New churches are a good investment (photo) Mar'60:17 HALL, ROBERT MYERS, 1914- In brief (photo) Sep'70:38 HALL, ROSS E Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'26:51 HALL, T F (photo) Dec'24:34 HALL, VIRGINIA BEVAN See HALL, MARY VIRGINIA BEVAN HALL, W SCOTT Classroom and campus. Jan'47:31 Hall, Ward Everett, 1885-1962 Northwestern District, Illinois. Apr'19:59 Aug'19:61 HALL, WILLIAM B. (photo) Sep'73:11 Hall, William David, 1914- (married to Mary Lu (Lee) Randall Hall) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'46:37 Royal welcome. Apr'46:48 It depends on the point of view. Jun'47:31 On making parish calls. Apr'48:38 Rural communities in North India. Jan'50:11 Martha takes home a good report. Jul'50:19 The Bible comes to life in India. Oct'50:10 Tension points in the Christian world mission. Jan'54:14 "The life and task of the church" in books. Jan'54:32 A whole people move toward Christ. Mar'54:24 There are new frontiers in India. Feb'55:21 Missionary education is for the whole church. Mar'55:16 Read to understand today's world mission. Jan'56:40 Book chat. Jan'56:41 Revolution brings opportunity. Apr'56:13 Have we learned our lesson? Apr'57:29 Home missions--achievement with a challenge. Oct'57:21 Operation educa;tion. May'62:26 Evangelism means commitment and involvement. Feb'65:12 Light in the darkness. Nov'65:21 India is different...yet the same. May'68:21 Letters. Sep'70:34 HALL, WILLIAM DAVID, 1914- Missionaries appointed (photo) Nov'41:31 News room. Nov'41:34 Apr'42:34 Nov'42:43 Recruits for world service (photo) Mar'43:5 (photo) Jun'46:back cover (cont. next page)
p. 1155 Hall, W - Halliday
HALL, WILLIAM DAVID (cont.) The missionary finds a way (photo) Jul'48:26 News room. Dec'48:31 Facing this hour in central India. Jun'49:28 A week-end visit to a jungle camp (photo) Jan'52:28 News room (photo) Oct'53:36 (photo) Jan'54:14 Mar'55:16 News room. Jul'56:38 quoted. Disciples meet in Cleveland. Dec'57:33 Preparing ministers for today's rural churches (photo) May'58:22 Classroom and campus. May'62:35 Disciples in the news (photo) May'67:7 HALL, WILLIAM H. THE NEAR EAST CROSSROADS OF THE WORLD Bargains in books. Jun'23:43 HALL, WILLIAM J News room. Oct'57:32 HALLADAY, ANNE M. THE APPLE TREE HOUSE Read about "Christ, the church and race." Jun'57:36 HALLADAY, ANNE M. THE BOY WITH THE BUSY WALK For reading about "The city." Jul'54:44 HALLADAY, ANNE M. DAVEY IN THE SAND HILLS Home missions reading, 1951. Jul'51:32 HALLADAY, ANNE M. NEW FRIENDS FOR PEPE Book chat. May'59:41 HALLADAY, ANNE M. TOSHIO AND TAMA: CHILDREN OF THE NEW JAPAN Book chat. Sep'49:46 Let us read about Japan. Feb'50:27 HALLADAY, ANNE M. UP AND DOWN SOUTH AMERICA Book chat. Sep'42:46 Toward an understanding of Latin America. Jan'43:31 Book chat. Oct'52:40 Hallam, Samuel Kincaid, 1845-1936 Another monument to Brotherhood help. Oct'30:26 HALLAM, SAMUEL KINCAID, 1845-1936 Half a century in the pulpit (photo) May'25:30 (photo) Oct'30:26 HALLARAN, POLLY GARFIELD Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'57:30 HALLARAN, SUSAN Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'57:30 HALLET, (MRS. E.) (photo) Feb'24:40 HALLETT, E S In memoriam. Jun'29:50 HALLEY, (married to Gilbert K. Halley) News room. Apr'46:32 Beneath the spire (photo) Sep'56:6 HALLEY, HENRY HAMPTON, 1874-1965. BEST BIBLE VERSES Book chat. Jul'49:42 HALLIDAY, ESTHER Thailand welcomes Edna Gish (photo) Jan'52:32 News room (photo) Jun'52:38 Educating for tomorrow in Thailand. Feb'57:28 HALLIDAY, GIBSON (photo) Jan'47:23 HALLIDAY, JAMES S. ROBBING YOUTH OF ITS RELIGION Speaking of books. Mar'30:58
p. 1156 Hallock, C - Ham, E
HALLOCK, CONSTANCE M. DESERT DOCTOR Let's read about the Near East. Jan'51:38 HALLOCK, CONSTANCE M. EAST FROM BURMA Southeast Asia comes alive in books. Jan'57:34 HALLOCK, CONSTANCE M. FORTY EIGHT PLUS Books related to America's geographical frontier. Jul'48:28 HALLOCK, CONSTANCE M. LOOKING SOUTH Books for your reading on Latin America. Jan'52:40 HALLOCK, CONSTANCE M. THIS IS INDIA, PAKISTAN, AND CEYLON For your reading about India. Dec'54:30 HALLOCK, CONSTANCE M. WEST OF THE DATE LINE Let's read about Southeast Asia! Jan'45:27 HALLOCK, GERALD BENJAMIN FLEET, 1856-1953. DORAN'S MINISTER'S MANUAL, 1939 Book chat. Dec'38:41 HALLOCK, GRACE. SPENDING THE DAY IN CHINA, JAPAN AND THE PHILIPPINES Book chat. Nov'37:42 HALLOCK, PAUL E In brief. May'73:41 HALLOWEEN A halloween trick that served the Lord. Feb'26:27 A new Halloween. Oct'53:47 Trick-or-treat with a purpose. Oct'64:31 Halloween project helps children. Oct'70:45 A future for every child. Oct'71:50 HALLOWELL, JOHN H. DEVELOPMENT FOR WHAT? New books. Mar'65:42 HALLS, WILLIAM H., -1949 In memoriam. Oct'49:37 HALLS, TENNESSEE. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Nov'41:6 HALLSTEIN, KATHARINE, -1948 In memoriam. Jan'49:39 HALLUCINOGENIC DRUGS See LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE HALMAN, G S In memoriam. Oct'28:48 HALSEY, A W (death) Echoes from everywhere. Aug'21:62 HALSEY, WILLIAM F Global highlights. Jan'50:2 HALSTEAD, J S Echoes from everywhere. Jun'24:60 HALT, CHARLES E In brief. Apr'69:42 HALVERSON, MARVIN P Church and the arts. Apr'59:44 HALVORSON, L. W. THE CHURCH IN A DIVERSE SOCIETY New books. Sep'64:42 HALVORSON, LOREN E quoted. Quote...unquote. Jul'68:14 HALVORSON, MARIAN African women stand tall and shout loud (photo) Apr'72:26 Ham, Ernest Alvah, 1903-1981 (married to Hazel Dorothy Ham) Sunday schools. Mar'29:54 Jun'29:54 A Chaplain on Island X. Feb'45:25
p. 1157 Ham, E - Hamilton, C
HAM, ERNEST ALVAH, 1903-1981 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Nov'44:33 News room. Mar'47:32 Nov'47:30 Sep'48:40 HAM, ERNEST ALVAH, JR. (photo) Apr'51;26 HAM, TAI-YOUNG Global highlights. Oct'52:2 HAM RADIO See AMATEUR RADIO STATIONS HAMAD, AWNI "JOHN" Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'62:32 HAMAKER, (MRS. J. D.) (death) Mar'25:53 Hamaker, Harriet E Let me build (poem) Mar'53:45 HAMAKER, JOHN DAVID, 1847-1931 (photo) Dec'19:4 Fifty years in the pulpit (photo) May'25:30 The church cares for its own (photo) Apr'30:2 HAMANN, W F Gleanings from early records of ACMS. May'19:27 Hambleton, Jean (married to Ronald Hambleton) Women and world highways. Apr'55:33 HAMBLETON, JEAN (photo) Apr'55:33 HAMBRICK, FLORENCE Global highlights (photo) Sep'57:3 HAMBY, LETA JANE, -1966 In memoriam. Sep'66:46 HAMBY, WARREN C. WINDS OF CHANGE New books. Oct'71:26 HAMER, (married to F. Frank Hamer) In memoriam. May'39:39 HAMER, FANNIE LOU In brief. Oct'69:41 HAMER, JEROME World events (photo) Apr'71:36 Hamid, Idris Good new to the poor. Dec'71:24 HAMILIN, FRED. TREASURERS OF THE EARTH Speaking of books. Jul'31:35 HAMILTON, (married to John Andrews Hamilton) Global highlights (photo) Sep'59:6 HAMILTON, (MRS. L. O.) Executive Committee of the U.C.M.S. (photo) Sep'21:2 HAMILTON, (MRS. LOU) In memoriam. Oct'38:39 Hamilton, Charles Ahearn, 1931- (married to Gwen White Hamilton) The message of rock music. Mar'72:7 HAMILTON, CHARLES AHEARN, 1931- World events (photo) Mar'69:31 In brief. Jun'73:39 HAMILTON, CHARLES G Global highlights (photo) Oct'53:2 HAMILTON, CLARENCE E Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:61 Program helps (photo) Feb'25:48 (cont. next page)
p. 1158 Hamilton, C - Hamilton, L
HAMILTON, CLARENCE E. (cont.) Diversified college programs. Dec'30:43 News room. Feb'43:34 Hamilton, Clarence Herbert, 1886- (married to Lulu Snyder Hamilton) Democracy in the University of Nanking. Mar'19:58 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'22:55 Aug'22:62 Their alma mater. Mar'24:56 Are the critics of foreign missions justified? Mar'31:17 The Christian mission and other faiths. May'33:19 Living trends in the world Christian mission. Mar'39:6 HAMILTON, CLARENCE HERBERT, 1886- (photo) Mar'19:58 quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:26 (photo) Nov'21:57 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'27:44 College of Missions commencement. Jul'29:12 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'30:56 The threshold. Oct'40:2 Global highlights. Jun'63:4 HAMILTON, CORNELIA In memoriam. May'28:48 Hamilton, Edna Small David's prayer (poem) Jan'68:33 HAMILTON, ESTHER MORE, -1961 (married to James Hamilton, Sr.) In memoriam. May'61:35 HAMILTON, FAITH EDITH See McCALLUM, FAITH EDITH HAMILTON HAMILTON, FRANCIS Global highlights (photo) Dec'65:6 Hamilton, George Easter in Jhansi, Apr'25:36 Missionary illustrations... Apr'26:58 HAMILTON, GEORGE quoted. Rural church--what it means. May'57:46 Hamilton, J. Jefferson Message of a new creation. Mar'6:46 HAMILTON, J. JEFFERSON Classroom and campus. Sep'62:34 HAMILTON, J WALLACE quoted. Last column. Jan'55:48 HAMILTON, J. WALLACE. WHAT ABOUT TOMORROW? New books. Oct'72:34 HAMILTON, J. WALLACE. WHO GOES THERE? quoted. Last column. Sep'58:50 HAMILTON, JAMES M (photo) Nov'48:23 Oct'50:7 HAMILTON, JAMES P Global highlights. May'57:2 HAMILTON, KENNETH. LIFE IN ONE'S STRIDE New books. Jun'69:29 HAMILTON, LEE H. quoted. A Christian presence on Capitol Hill. Jul'71:8 Hamilton, Lulu Snyder, 1891- (married to Clarence H. Hamilton) Evangelism in the University Hospital, Nanking. Mar'27:38 Young men shall dream dreams. Jan'41:14 (cont. next page)
p. 1159 Hamilton, L - Hamilton, O
Hamilton, Lulu Snyder (cont.) When is a home Christian? Nov'41:10 When a boy chooses the ministry. Sep'49:7 Death is a part of life. Apr'52:15 Our family loves the church. May'52:13 June, brides and mothers-in-law. Jun'52:15 Thinking about vacations. Jul'52:15 School days again. Sep'52:19 Our children and politics. Oct'52:19 When a child considers the miracle of life. Nov'52:21 The Holy Family. Dec'52:8 A growing time for the spirit. Jan'53:19 Reading aloud in the family. Feb'53:21 On speaking the truth, with love. Mar'53:21 Parents in the parsonage. Apr'53:23 On making a code for youth. May'53:17 Families need faith in themselves. Jun'53:10 On summer work for the young. Jul'53:14 Children and their money. Sep'53:11 The family and its money. Oct'53:13 How thankful are we? Nov'53:14 Season of hope. Dec'53:8 Preparing for college. Jan'54:15 Preparing children for worship. Apr'54:14 A test for marriage readiness. Jun'54:16 HAMILTON, LULU SNYDER. 1891- Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:61 Apr'21:57 quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:26 (photo) Nov'21:57 Program helps (photo) Feb'25:48 quoted. What they say (photo) Oct'41:14 (photo) Nov'41:10 May'52:13 Feb'53:21 Oct'53:13 Sep'42:14,25 Jul'52:15 Apr'53:23 Nov'53:14 Sep'49:7 Oct'52:19 May'53:17 Jan'54:15 Apr'52:15 Jan'53:19 Sep'53:11 Global highlights. Jun'63:4 HAMILTON, LULU SNYDER. DOORWAY TO HAPPY HOMES Book chat. Jun'50:22 HAMILTON, LULU SNYDER. OUR CHILDREN AND GOD A concern of parents. Apr'52:6 HAMILTON, LULU SNYDER. YOUR REWARDING YEARS Book chat. Nov'55:45 HAMILTON, MAYME CANDLER (married to Orville Edgar Hamilton) Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'67:35 HAMILTON, MICHAEL. THE NEW GENETICS AND THE FUTURE OF MAN New books. Jan'73:33 HAMILTON, MICHAEL P. THE VIETNAM WAR: CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE New books. Nov'67:38 HAMILTON, MILDRED Global highlights (photo) Apr'49:2 (photo) Nov'50:33 HAMILTON, MIRIAM (photo) Nov'21:57 HAMILTON, MYRTLE S., -1949 In memoriam. Sep'49:37 HAMILTON, ORVILLE EDGAR, 1879-1927 (married to Mayme Candler Hamilton) (photo) Mar'24:25
p. 1160 Hamilton, R - Hamlin, M
HAMILTON, ROBERT LEE (birth) Aug'25:63 HAMILTON, RUTH See EDWARDS, RUTH HAMILTON HAMILTON, WILLIAM. GOD IS DEAD, THE ANATOMY OF A SLOGAN New books. May'67:22 HAMILTON, WILLIAM. THE MODERN READER'S GUIDE TO THE GOSPELS Book chat. Jun'60:22 HAMILTON, WILLIAM. THE NEW ESSENCE OF CHRISTIANITY Book chat. Dec'61:24 HAMILTON, WILLIAM S., 1880?-1969 (photo) Jan'39:1 Mar'40:17 Beneath the spire (photo) Jun'49:4 (photo) Apr'53:1 HAMILTON COLLEGE Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'23:53 Mar'34:57 May'25:52 Feb'24:52 Jun'24:56 Nov'26:53 Transylvania College... Jun'20:49 Board of Education annual report. Nov'20:39 (photo of student body) Apr'22:52 HAMILTON, ILLINOIS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Jan'56:48 HAMILTON, MONTANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:61 HAMILTON, OHIO. HIGH STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH The scene. Apr'69:44 HAMILTON, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jun'26:58 HAMLETT, EARL G. FAITH IN THE MYSTERIES Book chat. Feb'42:23 HAMLETT, HARRY (photo) Sep'43:25 HAMLETT, JAMES P In brief. Jul'73:38 HAMLIN, (married to Charles Arthur Hamlin) In memoriam. Jul'28:45 Hamlin, Charles Hunter, 1890-1985 Alexander Campbell on education. Apr'42:15 Alexander Campbell on theology. Dec'42:28 The Christian faces the issue of race. Feb'52:7 HAMLIN, CHARLES HUNTER, 1890-1985 (photo) Jan'21:15 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'25:57 May'27:43 What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:10 Keeping step with our colleges. Mar'34:33 (photo) Feb'52:7 Hamlin, Griffith Askew, 1919- (married to Margaret Cook Hamlin) Higher education and you. Feb'55:26 Goldsboro and the negro church. Jul'59:32 HAMLIN, GRIFFITH ASKEW, 1919- Classroom and campus. Jul'65:35 Jul'68:35 HAMLIN, J D Personalities. Feb'36:21 HAMLIN, MARTHA CAROLINE In memoriam. Mar'38:39
p. 1161 Hamlin, M - Hammond T
HAMLIN, MARY P. THE SEPARATIST Speaking of books. Sep'34:34 HAMLIN, RUTH Disciples Club, Boston University (photo) Aug'24:53 HAMM, (married to Clarence Hamm) -1956 In memoriam. Apr'57:35 Hamm, Mary Goss, 1873-1953 (married to Frederick Grant Hamm) Good ideas. Mar'28:47 HAMM, PAT The Campbell Club in Yale (photo) Jul'31:30 HAMMAN, (married to Marion Hamman) (photo) Sep'64:36 HAMMARSKJOLD, DAG, -1961 (photo) Dec'55:15 Global highlights. Oct'57:4 (death) Global highlights. Nov'61:6 HAMMER, RAYMOND. JAPAN'S RELIGIOUS FERMENT Book chat. Mar'62:24 Hammer, Richard A spanish Harlem "fortress." Oct'64:21 HAMMERGREN, RUSSELL G College enrollments increase. Oct'36:46 Hammett, Cora D Programs par excellence. Jun'22:51 HAMMETT, CORA D (photo) Dec'22:51 HAMMOND, (MRS. L.H.) IN THE VANGUARD OF A RACE Book announcements. Aug'22:50 Do you realize? Apr'23:55 HAMMOND, ANN (death) Oct'21:64 HAMMOND, ART Helping hands for young churches (photo) Apr'56:10 HAMMOND, GEORGE Global highlights. Mar'51:2 HAMMOND, GUYTON B. THE POWER OF SELF-TRANSCENDENCE New books. Jan'67:37 HAMMOND, H A (photo) Nov'25:59 HAMMOND, J W Classroom and campus. Feb'48:30 HAMMOND, JOHN Colleges hard at work. Dec'35:33 HAMMOND, MARY Each one teach one. Mar'70:25 HAMMOND, W J Second semester in our colleges. May'35:34 HAMMOND, WILLIAM L (photo) Apr'67:31 HAMMOND, INDIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Indiana churches adopt home plan. Jan'59:55 Here and there with World Call. Feb'59:50 HAMMOND, INDIANA. HIGHLANDS CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of construction) Sep'65:cover HAMMOND, LOUISIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Queen City of the Ozone Belt (photo) Jun'22:55 (photo) Aug'29:24 HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO. Echoes from everywhere. Aug'23:59
p. 1162 Hammonds - Hanayama
HAMMONDS, (married to William R. Hammonds) Echoes from everywhere (photo) Nov'59:34 HAMMONDS, CALLA Memorium. Jan'36:39 HAMMONDS, W H Hitching the plow to the pulpit. Jun'28:34 Hamner, Edward D., -1954 Preachers or pastors for the rural church. May'36:20 Town and country churches can advance. Nov'41:6 Disciples of Christ and the rural church. Oct'42:25 Here on my native soil (poem) Dec'42:48 War challenges the rural church. Apr'43:8 The church and the American migration. Mar'45:12 Christmas village. Dec'47:10 The church must lead. Jul'51:19 The rural ministry. Nov'53:28 His dreams are coming true. Oct'54:13 HAMNER, EDWARD D., -1954 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'28:26 (photo) May'36:20 Big brothers to rural churches. Jun'38:34 (photo p. 27) (photo) Apr'41:27 quoted. The threshold. Nov'41:2 (photo) Oct'42:25 Apr'43:8 News room. Nov'46:32 Mar'47:32 Beneath the spire (photo) Sep'48:4 (death) News room. Dec'57:36 HAMNER, MARY VIRGINIA News room. Dec'53:30 HAMPDEN, WALTER H Echoes from everywhere (photo) Feb'48:36 HAMPSON, JOE Teens lead in book program (photo) Jun'61:17 HAMPTON, (married to H. Wade Hampton) In memoriam. Jan'29:63 HAMPTON, BERT WADE. 1864-1919 (married to Henrietta Perkins Hampton) (death) May'19:41 HAMPTON, J L Christian education--today and tomorrow. Apr'50:27 HAMPTON, JACK Busiest men in town. Dec'65:40 HAMPTON, RALPH R (photo) Jun'49:15 HAMPTON, W H (photo) Mar'24:21 HAMPTON, WADE Integration is working. Feb'56:13 (photo p. 14) HANABUSA, GEORGE In brief (photo) Feb'71:41 HANAN, (married to Benton Roy Hanan) News room. Nov'47:30 HANAN, BENTON ROY News room (photo) Oct'59:34 Jun'60:42 Good tidings in Jamaica (photo) Jun'61:14 Disciples in the news (photo) May'66:7 HANAYAMA, SHINSHO Global highlights (photo) Mar'68:7
p. 1163 Hance - Handicapped
HANCE, LYDIA A., -1950 In memoriam. May'50:37 HANCE, WILLIAM A. AFRICAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Book chat. Jul'58:44 HANCHEY, JOSEPH (photo) Jun'71:32 HANCOCK, (MRS. D. H.) (death) Jul'24:53 HANCOCK, (married to Raphael E. Hancock) Shiftin population... Apr'41:8 (photo p.9) Hancock, Carrie Dee, 1896?-1990 Let's read about home missions and human rights. Jul'52:36 HANCOCK, CARRIE DEE, 1896?-1990 A labor of love. Oct'43:13 (photo p. 12) (photo) Jun'44:23 Committee on War Services news notes. Oct'45:34 News room. Sep'48:40 (photo) Nov'50:21,26 News room. Feb'54:31 These educational services change local churches (photo) Nov'54:10 News room. Dec'60:34 (retirement) Educator served in national position (photo) Oct'61:30 HANCOCK, CHARLOTTE ELLEN In memoriam. Jan'43:39 HANCOCK, DOROTHY DAISY MACKLIN (marriage) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'24:49 HANCOCK, FRANK E quoted. Global highlights. Feb'64:6 HANCOCK, LAMBRETH E., 1891-1965 (photo) Mar'24:57 HANCOCK, MACKLIN (photo) Nov'26:front cover HANCOCK, MARCUS LESLIE (marriage) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'24:49 HANCOCK, RAPHAEL E Shifting population... Apr'41:8 (photo p. 9) HAND, LEARNED quoted. Last column. Dec'52:48 HANDEL, GEORGE FREDERICK. "THE MESSIAH" Handel comes to Thailand. Dec'54:49 HANDIA, INDIA Itinerating in India. Dec'23:52 HANDICAPPED When a family meets handicaps. Oct'55:23 Ministry to handicapped. Mar'58:19 An advantage of a handicap. Jan'59:9 Woodhaven--help for the handicapped. Feb'61:19 Woodhaven--hope for the handicapped. Nov'62:17 Global highlights. Mar'63:5 Woodhaven extends the ministry. Sep'64:11 Global highlights. Jun'66:6 Ahead of the headlines. Jun'67:4 Sep'68:5 Women on world highways. May'69:31 Reconciliation through crafts. Nov'69:20 Handicapped and their community discover each other. Mar'73:31
p. 1164 Handicapped - Hanft
HANDICAPPED--EMPLOYMENT Amputees ready for jobs. Dec'52:42 HANDLIN, OSCAR. FIRE BELL IN THE NIGHT New books. May'65:22 "HANDMADE MATERIALS FOR PROJECTION" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual sugesionts. Jun'60:46 HANDSAKER, GENE (photo) Jul'23:5 Handsaker, Thomas Samuel, 1873-1945 (married to Vila Hornaday Handsaker) Opening the doors of opportunity. Jan'22:52 HANDSAKER, THOMAS SAMUEL, 1873-1945 (photo) Mar'24:25 Handsaker, Viola Hornaday, 1881-1967 (married to Thomas Samuel Handsaker) Her last thought of India. Jan'36:32 HANDY, ROBERT T. A CHRISTIAN AMERICA New books deal with lively topics. Jan'72:31 HANDY, ROBERT T. THE SOCIAL GOSPEL IN AMERICA New books. Nov'66:42 HANDY, ROBERT T. WE WITNESS TOGETHER Book chat. Oct'57:38 HANDZUCK (HANDSUCK), S P (photo) Jul'23:50 Evangelists of the cross (photo) Feb'25:8 HANER, BLANCHE In memoriam. Mar'42:39 Hanes, Ardenne F., 1884-1964 (married to Grace Smith Hanes) A visit to "the patch." May'27:39 After sixteen years. Mar'29:44 HANES, ARDENNE F., 1884-1964 A day with a home missionary. Jan'22:55 HANES, B E (photo) Jul'36:25 Hanes, Evelyn O The people in our backyard. Apr'65:19 HANES, MARION DUFF quoted. Last column. Jun'60:50 HANEY, (married to H. G. Haney) (photo) Jun'50:18 HANEY, BESSIE MARGARET, -1920 (death) Nov'20:49 Haney, Herschel Glenn, 1888- (married to (married to Margaret Louise Morris Haney) The churches and our men in service. Sep'41:14 Witnessing to men in service. Feb'42:17 HANEY, HERSCHEL GLENN, 1888- The every church visitation in action. May'24:57 (photo) Oct'39:25 quoted. They said at Grand Rapids. Sep'42:15 (photo) Sep'42:33 Jan'43:7,21 News room. Feb'43:34 Corrections. Mar'43:31 HANEY, WILLIAM OLDHAM, 1922- (married to Evelyn Dixon Lyon Haney) (photo) Sep'42:8 HANFT, FRANK. YOU CAN BELIEVE Book chat. Feb'53:38
p. 1165 Hang - Hanna, J
HANG MING-CHU Short and true from far and near (photo) Sep'21:21 HANGCHOW, CHINA Glimpses of the outside world. Nov'23:54 Chinese girls observe Golden Rule Sunday. Jun'26:56 (photo) Mar'29:front cover First agricultural leprosy cology for China. Jun'48:18 HANGCHOW CHRISTIAN COLLEGE A Christian Chinese college closes. Aug'28:47 HANGER, LAURA My friends of yesterday. Dec'29:56 HANIGHEN, F. C. MERCHANTS OF DEATH Book chat. Nov'34:23 Hankemeyer, Natalie Life in commuist held China. May'49:27 HANKINS, LEE (ordination) Classroom and campus. Jul'54:34 HANKNER, O A Commencements in our colleges. Jul'37:41 HANKOW, CHINA China through the eyes of a Japanese missionary. Jul'23:44 HANLIN, MARY ALICE News room (photo) Nov'52:32 Hanly, J. Frank, 1863-1920 Waking up. Jul'19:12 HANLY, J. FRANK, 1863-1920 A Governor who was more (photo) Oct'20:23 HANN, THOMAS E., -1949 quoted. What they say (photo) Oct'41:13 (death) Crusade progress (photo) Jan'50:28 HANNA, (married to J. C. Hanna) In memoriam. Jul'27:48 HANNA, BARBARA MAE, 1937- (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:47 HANNA, BELLE EVERETT, -1950 In memoriam. Jul'50:38 HANNA, BETH (photo) Mar'71:18 HANNA, BROWN College notes. Nov'36:40 HANNA, C W (photo) Dec'40:28 HANNA, CELIA WEST, -1963 (married to Clarence A. Hanna) In memoriam. Dec'63:46 HANNA, ELINOR FORD, 1876-1947 (married to William Herbert Hanna) (photo) Mar'21:55 Dec'30:2 Sep'33:4,34 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:30 HANNA, ELLA In memoriam. Feb'32:39 HANNA, J CLARKE (photo) Sep'36:17 News room. Sep'59:40 HANNA, JAMES (photo) Mar'38:32 HANNA, JOHN W., 1902- (married to Kathleen Shannon Hanna) (marriage) Global highlights. Feb'46:2 News room. Mar'47:32
p. 1166 Hanna, K - Hannah, E
Hanna, Kathleen Shannon, 1901- (married to John Hanna) Youth plans for world friendship. Jun'44:13 Youth and missions. Nov'44:31 Disciple youth build world friendship. Jul'45:19 Youth and missions. Sep'45:27 HANNA, KATHLEEN SHANNON, 1901- News room (photo) Apr'43:34 (ordination) Classroom and campus. May'43:31 Youth and missions. Nov'44:31 (photo) Jul'45:19 (marriage) Global highlights (photo) Feb'46:2 News room. Mar'47:32 Hanna, Lillian E A child learns. May'47:36 HANNA, LOUISE, -1949 In memoriam. Oct'49:37 HANNA, MARY Global highlights (photo) May'52:3 HANNA, SUSAN (married to Thomas Hanna) News room (photo) Jul'51:38 A global responsibility (photo) May'52:19 Youth at work in France. Oct'52:6 Global highlights (photo) Nov'52:2 Way station of hope (photo) Nov'52:27 News room. Jul'53:40 HANNA, THOMAS (married to Susan Hanna) News room (photo) Jul'51:38 Global highlights (photo) May'52:3 A global responsibility (photo) May'52:19 Youth at work in France. Oct'52:6 Global highlights (photo) Nov'52:2 Way station of hope (photo) Nov'52:27 News room. Jul'53:40 HANNA, W S (photo) Mar'21:55 Hanna, William Herbert, 1872-1948 (married to Elinor Ford Hanna) Experiences in the Philippines. Oct'19:53 Note. Oct'20:63 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'21:61 Jun'21:61 At the Culion Leper Colony, Dec'22:17 Evangelism in the Philippines. Feb'23:53 Protestant missionary work in the Philippines. Apr'23:35 HANNA, WILLIAM HERBERT, 1872-1948 (photo) Dec'22:17 Dec'24:34 Jun'30:32 Mar'24:39 Jan'27:18 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'34:34 (death) Pioneer missionary to P. I. dies. Sep'48:29 HANNA, WILLIAM HERBERT. THOMAS CAMPBELL, SECEDER AND CHRISTIAN UNION ADVOCATE Book chat. Mar'36:11 HANNA, ALBERTA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'27:51 HANNAH, (married to Charles Hannah) (photo) Oct'29:30 HANNAH, E (photo) Jun'49:15 HANNAH, EBED, 1891- Helping hands for young churches (photo) Apr'56:10
p. 1167 Hannah, W - Hansbrough, L
HANNAH, WALTER WHITE Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'32:41 Hannah, William Wardell The role of the emerging church in major cities. Oct'71:suppl:14 HANNAH, WILLIAM WARDELL (photo) Oct'69:3 In brief. Oct'69:41 Update on the Board of Church Extension (photo) Jul'70:15 At Louisville minorities will be heard (photo) Oct'71:10 (photo) Oct'71:suppl:14 Hannah, Xina White, -1957 (married to Frank D. Hannah) Front seats (poem) Jul'48:40 HANNAH, XINA WHITE, -1957 In memoriam. Dec'57:39 HANNAN, MARTHA ANN WORKMAN, 1894-1980 (married to Charles Edson Hannan) A tale of Cheyenne (photo) Feb'26:13 A glimpse of a great evangelistic work. Sep'26:6 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'26:51 HANNAN, CHARLES EDSON, 1894-1978 (married to Martha Ann Workman Hannan) A tale of Cheyenne (photo) Feb'26:13 (photo) Mar'26:22 A glimpse of a great evangelistic work. Sep'26:6 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'26:51 Committee on War Services news notes. Sep'45:31 HANNIBAL, MISSOURI. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Dulany gift. Feb'25:42 Clasp hands in Christian living. Apr'56:28 Sex education in the church. Nov'62:21 Adults and mission. Feb'63:38 HANNIBAL, MISSOURI. MOUNT ZION CHRISTIAN CHURCH Contributing members receiving World Call. Oct'60:46 HANNON, B. J. Churches added to EHP program (photo) Apr'60:47 HANSBROUGH, J K A modern Dorcas. Apr'19:13 Hansbrough, Laddonia Waters, 1845-1938 (married to J. K. Hansbrough) Some pressing needs. Feb'19:35 To whom shall credit be given? Jul'19:31 A tour of inspection. Aug'19:43 An appreciation. Sep'19:47 Note. Sep'19:50 How a baby found a home and her mother relief. Spe'19:61 Then and now... Nov'19:28 "White coal" in the church. Jan'20:53 Are they extravagant? Jun'20:49 The call for expansion. Aug'20:40 The greatest of these is love. Aug'22:14 Notice. Nov'23:61 Mrs. H. M. Meier. Oct'35:44 Pioneers in helpfulness. Jul'36:17 HANSBROUGH, LADONNIA WATERS, 1845-1938 A modern Dorcas (photo) Apr'19:13 Notes. Jun'19:62 Oct'20:56 (photo) Apr'21:2 (cont. next page)
p. 1168 Hansbrough, L - Harambee
HANSBROUGH, LADONNIA WATERS (cont.) A growing ministry. Apr'21:4 (photo) Aug'22:14 quoted. Annual report... Sep'22:43 Program helps (photo) Nov'24:48 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'30:39 National Benevolent Association notes. Jul'35:40 National Benevolent Association news notes. Oct'35:43 (photo) Jul'36:17 (death) Early benevolence leader dies (photo) Oct'38:42 (photo) Nov'49:27 Benevolence--then and now (photo) Dec'61:19 A rush into print (photo) Jan'69:12 HANSCOM, ALICE In memoriam. Jan'33:39 HANSEL, ROBERT R. LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON--LIKE HELL New books. Jan'70:28 HANSEN, (married to A. F. Hansen) (photo) Dec'30:27 HANSEN, A F (photo) Dec'30:27 HANSEN, ARBOR TOWERS In memorium. Sep'36:39 HANSEN, GERHARD HENRIK Leprosy: from fear to hope. Oct'73:25 HANSEN, HANS (married to Rena Hansen) A good steward who practiced Christian unity (photo) Oct'46:29 HANSEN, PER Do you like Per Hansen? (photo) Nov'72:25 Hansen, Rena (married to Hans Hansen) Expression: old and new ways. Nov'69:11 HANSEN, RENA (photo) Oct'46:29 HANSER, ALTIE B., -1968 In memoriam. Jun'68:42 HANSFORD, CORNELIA OLDHAM (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'33:42 HANSON, ANN Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'59:36 HANSON, ELIZABETH TAYLOR In memoriam. May'27:49 HANSON, MARY ELEANOR (photo) Jul'23:22 HANSON, SHERMAN ROBERT, 1918- Disciples in the news. Mar'66:7 In brief. Dec'73:42 HANUKKAH Christmas-Hanukkah celebrations. Dec'45:42 HAPGOOD, WILLIAM P He has faith in men. Feb'27:15 HAPPE, ALLEN Global highlights (photo) Nov'61:4 HARADA, MUTSUKO Women and world highways (photo) May'50:33 quoted. Women on world highways. Sep'65:39 "HARAMBEE!" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Dec'64:44
p. 1169 Haranomachi - Harda
HARANOMACHI, JAPAN Echoes from everywhere. May'31:39 HARATOUNIAN, BADWELLI ABRAHAM H. A faithful Badwelli and his church. Feb'22:8 HARBAUGH, MINNIE, -1946 In memoriam. Apr'46:37 HARBAUM, DARRELL Classroom and campus. Sep'57:30 HARBELD, RICE P (photo) Mar'24:30 HARBIN, E. O. GAY PARTIES Book chat. Dec'50:38 HARBIN, E. O. THE RECREATION LEADER Book chat. Jul'54:46 HARBIN, E O. RECREATIONAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Speaking of books. Jan'32:34 HARBISON, (MRS. R. C.) In memoriam. Jun'38:39 HARBISON, STANLEY Forgotten island (photo) Apr'47:6 HARBISON, WINFRED AUDIF, 1904- (married Ocie B. Harbison) Beneath the spire (photo) Nov'60:8 HARCUS, ANDREWS D Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'52:33 HARDA, INDIA Hajah the First, of Central Provices. May'19:17 Scourge of influenza in India. May'19:59 Notes. Jun'19:61 Mar'20:64 Sep'20:60,61,62 Aug'19:48 May'20:64 Oct'20:61 Sep'19:49 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:57 Feb'21:58,60 A nation finding itself (photos) Jun'21:38 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:61 Feb'22:60 Short and true from far and near (photo) Apr'22:45 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'22:64 Life as it is lived in India. Nov'22:54 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'22:58 Scouting in Harda. Mar'23:46 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'23:49 The realization of a Harda dream. Apr'23:45 Harda 1922. Sep'23:41 High school teaching in India (photo) Sep'23:46 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'23:56 From the boys of Harda. Oct'23:45 From the Indi news letter. Nov'23:52 The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:8 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:50 Feb'24:49,57,59,61 Life saving in India. Jun'24:42 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'24:49,59 Third time back. Apr'25:37 A day's fighting. Jun'25:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'25:49 The sign of the times. Aug'25:63 Sown fields. Sep'25:55 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'25:50 The poets meet in Harda. Dec'25:55 A teachers' institute at Harda. Dec'25:61 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'26:49 Aug'26:49 (cont. next page)
p. 1170 Harda - Harding, V
HARDA, INDIA (cont.) Christmas at home and abroad (photo) Mar'27:39 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'27:50 Jan'29:50 May'29:36 May'30:39 Vacation church schools in India. Jun'30:34 To these we hand the torch. Jan'31:31 Let there be no more Hardas! Mar'32:19 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'34:39 HARDAKER, ETHEL EDNA, -1957 In memoriam. Nov'57:35 HARDBARGER, GRACE, -1954 In memoriam. Jan'55:37 HARDEN, DAVID H (photo) Jun'67:8 HARDER, HENRY (photo) Sep'39:31 HARDESTY, (married to John Hardesty) In memoriam. Nov'32:39 HARDESTY, CLARINDA A (death) Jan'20:53 HARDICK, EDWARD J A healing ministry on the campus (photo) Jan'60:29 HARDIN, (married George W. Hardin) In memoriam. Oct'30:40 HARDIN, (MRS. J. H.) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'31:34 HARDIN, (married to William Hardin) -1952 In memoriam. Nov'52:35 HARDIN, BAYLESS EVANS, 1912-1956 Beneath the spire (photo) Mar'56:4 Hardin, Helen Echoes from everywhere. Jul'31:39 HARDIN, HELEN S quoted. Circulation corner. Apr'36:1 College notes and news. Dec'40:31 HARDIN, JAMES H quoted. Five churches adopt home plan (photo) Nov'58:46 HARDIN, JENNIE LEE, -1954 In memoriam. Nov'54:33 HARDIN, MARY ANN Memoriam. Feb'35:39 HARDIN, NELL (married to John Hardin) Congratulations, Salem, Indiana (photo) Dec'67:22 HARDIN COUNTY CHRISTIAN SERVICE CENTER An Ohio missionary project (photo) Jul'40:6 HARDING, (MRS. E. C.) (photo) Oct'22:52 HARDING, A. AUSTIN, -1958 (death) Classroom and campus. Feb'59:37 HARDING, CECILE (death) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'29:35 HARDING, EDWARD CLAIRE (photo) Oct'22:52 HARDING, JOE A quoted. Quote...unquote. Oct'70:13 HARDING, R D (photo) Mar'24:44 HARDING, VINCENT. MUST WALLS DIVIDE? For study and pleasure. Dec'65:32
p. 1171 Harding, W - Hardy, M
Harding, W H How I became a Christian. Feb'23:41 HARDING, W H They have stood firm (photo) Apr'23:14 In the Old Dominion. Aug'24:34 HARDMAN, MAHALA E (death) Feb'21:50 HARDMAN, MARGARET My friends of yesterday. Dec'29:39 HARDMAN, TINA My friends of yesterday. Dec'29:39 HARDON, JOHN A. CHRISTIANITY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY New books. Jul'72:35 HARDT, HENRY B Classroom and campus. Apr'46:30 HARDY, (married to Lester Hardy) (death) May'20:50 HARDY, (married to Paul Hardy) Memorium. Jul'34:39 HARDY, A CLAUDE quoted. Rights of the child. Feb'48:6 HARDY, ALICE A bundle of love letters. Apr'20:44 (death) What's happening at our homes. Jan'29:59 HARDY, C L From our collges. Apr'36:30 Classroom and campus. Sep'49:32 HARDY, CLEM, -1952 In memoriam. Sep'52:35 HARDY, CLEMENTEYNE See SCOTT, CLEMENTEYNE HARDY HARDY, EDWARD R Glimpses of the religious world. Dec'24:47 Church leaders visit Turkey (photo) Jan'56:29 HARDY, EVALYN, -1959 In memoriam. Jan'60:35 HARDY, F A Another hand across the sea. May'30:20 HARDY, HARRIET See COMER, HARRIET HARDY HARDY, JOHN McLEAN, 1921-1988 (married to Betty P. Brown Hardy) (photos) Jun'22:inside front cover Nov'22:22 Jun'23:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'26:51 (photo) Jan'43:29 HARDY, JOHN WILLIAM, -1935 (photo) Dec'24:34 Memoriam. Mar'35:39 HARDY, MOLLIE BUCKNER, 1914-1935 (photos) Mar'22:54 Jun'22:inside front cover Jun'23:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'26:51 (photo) Mar'27:17 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'35:40 Salute (poem) Dec'35:34
p. 1172 Hardy, N - Hardy, W
Hardy, Nina Maud Palmer, 1884-1956 (married to William Moore Hardy) War around Batang. Nov'21:54 Echoes from everywhere. De'21:60 A new use for candles. Jun'22:56 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'22:55 Mar'22:50 Apr'22:59 The last word from Batang. Jun'22:1 Tibetan women. Aug'22:38 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'22:51 Jan'23:58 Tibetan customs in sickness and death. Dec'23:40 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'23:50 Jan'24:55 Feb'24:49 Oct'24:50 Hoping and building for the future. Jan'25:44 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'26:50 Not without witness in Tibet. Dec'31:suppl:14 HARDY, NINA MAUD PALMER, 1884-1956 A new physician for Tibet. Mar'19:55 (photo) Aug'19:27 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:49 Oct'21:62 (photo) Mar'22:54 Nov'22:22 Thirty thousand dollar men in Tibet. Mar'23:23 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'24:59 Where the miles stand on end (photo) May'25:49 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'26:51 (photos) Jan'27:5 Mar'27:17 Jun'50:18 (death) News room. Dec'56:40 HARDY, SARAH GREGORY See NORRIS, SARAH GREGORY HARDY HARDY, T. W. Classroom and campus. Nov'52:30 HARDY, THOMAS What's doing in Britain. Mar'28:31 HARDY, W P In memoriam. Mar'33:39 Hardy, William Moore, 1883-1961 (married to Nina Maud Palmer Hardy) How America looks from Tibet. Jul'19:19 Look on the fields--Tibet. Oct'19:17 Note. Sep'20:59 Oct'20:60 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:60 Dec'21:64 Apr'22:59 A recent letter... Jun'22:19 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'22:61 Aug'22:51 Medical work in Batang. Nov'22:22 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'23:62 Apr'24:50 Nov'24:59 Sep'23:61 Oct'24:49 Jun'25:62 (note) Jul'25:42 Medical work in Batang. Oct'26:58 HARDY, WILLIAM MOORE, 1883-1961 Jan'19:54 A new physician for Tibet. Mar'19:55 (photo) Aug'19:26 Civil war at Batang. Nov'20:12 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:49 On the roof of the world. Jul'21:13 (cont. next page)
p. 1173 Hardy, W - Hargrove
HARDY, WILLIAM MOORE (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Oct'21:62 (photo) Mar'22:54 quoted. Come on! Apr'22:4 quoted. Dr. A. L. Shelton, martyr for Tibet. May'22:7 Echoes from everywhere. May'22:62 Border warfare near Batang. Sep'22:10 (photo) Nov'22:22 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'23:58 Thirty thousand dollar men in Tibet. Mar'23:23 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'24:59 Dec'24:49 Where the miles stand on end (photo) May'25:49 (note) (photo) May'26:59 Mixing fevers and dinners. Jun'26:62 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'26:49 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'26:51 (photo) Jan'27:5 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'27:51 (photo) Mar'27:17 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'27:59 (death) News room. Feb'62:34 HARDY, WILLIAM PALMER, 1916- (photos) Mar'22:54 Jun'22:inside front cover Jun'23:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'26:51 HARDYMON, CARRIEBELLE, -1964 In memoriam. Nov'64:37 HARE, ALICE M., -1936 In memorium. Nov'36:39 HARE KRISHNA MOVEMENT Ahead of the headlines. Oct'71:5 HARGETT, A J (photo) Jan'21:17 HARGETT, MAUDE KELLY, -1941 In memoriam. Apr'42:39 HARGIS, BILLY JAMES Social trends. Nov'61:18 Ahead of the headlines. Oct'69:5 HARGIS, ROBERT Mid-year activities of our colleges (photo) Feb'30:32 HARGIS, T C (photo) Mar'24:37 HARGRAVE, CLIFFORD E (photo) Dec'49:27 HARGRAVE, FRANCIS L (photo) Sep'42:7 HARGRAVE, ROBERT J (photo) Sep'42:8 HARGRAVES, WALTER A News room. Oct'52:45 HARGROVE, ADA B In amemoriam. Sep'39:39 HARGROVE, ANNA OPAL In memoriam. Feb'31:39 HARGROVE, ELLEN, -1953 In memoriam. Sep'53:35 HARGROVE, M. M. Busiest men in town (photo) Dec'65:40
p. 1174 Harington - Harker, H
HARINGTON, JOY. JESUS OF NAZARETH Book chat. Dec'57:42 HARINGTON, JOY. PAUL OF TARSUS New books. Dec'65:39 Harker, (married to David H. Harker) Letters. Oct'70:34 Harker, Hazel Forence, 1887-1963 Tales out of school. Dec'22:30 Religious propaganda in Japan. Feb'25:40 The fields afar are watching us Christians. Jun'25:15 International in name and in reality. Aug'25:42 Echoes from everywhere. May'27:49 Dec'27:49 Nationals from many countries. Feb'28:52 Making others happy. Apr'28:50 O hino sama. May'28:49 Adventures in understanding. Sep'28:26 Being good neighbors. Oct'28:53 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'28:50 Speaking of books. Jan'30:44 On the Pacific coast. Mar'30:56 A service of worship for Children's Day. Jun'31:31 Ministering to Chinese. Jul'31:36 A service of worship for Thanksgiving. Oct'31:34 Their gift and mine. Dec'31:34 A Children's DAy worship service. May'32:31 I gave my life for thee. Mar'32:43 Heralding native leadership on foreign mission fields. Jun'32:8 Renewing the flame. Nov'32:32 A service of worship for Thanksgiving. Oct'32:28 Inasmuch as ye have done it... Dec'32:34 Easter worship service. Mar'33:30 We've a story to tell to the nations. May'33:34 Judging (poem) May'33:37 A Thanksgiving service of worship. Oct'33:30 With banners lifted! Nov'33:30 Let us now go even unto Bethlehem. Dec'33:30 If Jesus came back today. Mar'34:31 Out of the past. Apr'34:10 The world children for Jesus. May'34:34 Missionary organizations' own section. May'34:35 Speaking of books. Jul'34:33 A Thanksgiving program. Oct'34:27 The Easter message. mar'35:31 Children's Day around the world. May'35:32 A thanksgiving program. Oct'35:32 Christian womanhood faces new frontiers. Nov'35:30 Upon park benches (poem) Dec'35:48 America calls! Mar'36:34 Of such is the Kingdom. May'36:34 Thanksgiving for religious education. Oct'36:32 Easter voices. Mar'37:30 HARKER, HAZEL FLORENCE, 1887-1963 College of Missions items. May'22:53 Appointed to serve (photo) Jun'23:34 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'26:50 (photo) Sep'26:21 Dec'27:49 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'28:50 (cont. next page)
p. 1175 Harker, H - Harkness, G
HARKER, HAZEL FLORENCE (cont.) (photo) Oct'28:55 Missionary organizations programs... Dec'28:47 Echoes from everywhere. May'29:35 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'29:51 Oct'31:35 Nov'36:34 May'31:30 Nov'35:34 Sep'38:42 (death) News room. Mar'64:36 HARKER, HAZEL FLORENCE. NEW FRIENDS IN AMERICA Mission study material... Jul'42:33 HARKER, HAZEL FLORENCE. PRESENT DAY PIONEERS AROUND THE WORLD Mission study material... Jul'42:33 HARKER, SAMUEL (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'31:34 In memoriam. Feb'31:39 HARKINS, (MRS) quoted in Happenings in our Homes. Feb'19:40 HARKINS, WALTER S The college and victory (photo) Jan'19:33 Harkness, Georgia Elma, 1891-1974 Women and the church. Dec'38:16 The agonry of God (poem) Nov'42:front cover Joy to the world! Dec'65:11 HARKNESS, GEORGIA ELMA, 1891-1974 These come to Denver (photo) Sep'38:9 (photo) Nov'38:6 Women and the church. Dec'38:5 (photo) Dec'38:16 May'39:35 quoted. American churches in Council. Feb'41:23 quoted. Circulation corner. Oct'41:2 Drake lecturers named (photo) Dec'43:6 Who's who among Drake lecturers (photo) Feb'44:5 Day by day story of the Drake Conference. Mar'44:21 (photo) Mar'45:17 Shall women enter the ministry? Sep'47:20 (photo p. 19) Problems of the minister. May'53:6 ...wins new hymn contest. Sep'54:39 Global highlights. Jun'56:2 A happy choice for Japan. Nov'56:7 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Apr'57:34 Global highlights (photo) Feb'62:6 Global highlights. Jan'65:4 Women on world highways (photo) Dec'65:33 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. BE STILL AND KNOW Book chat. Oct'53:42 HARKNES,, GEORGIA. THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL New books. Feb'69:28 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. DISCIPLINES OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE New books. Nov'67:38 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. THE FAITH BY WHICH THE CHURCH LIVES Democracy in print. Jul'41:29 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE Book chat. Nov'55:44 Feb'56:40 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. THE GOSPEL AND OUR WORLD Book chat. Jan'50:14 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION New books. Sep'71:28 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. THE MODERN RIVAL OF CHRISTIAN FAITH Book chat. May'52:20
p. 1176 Harkness, G - Harlem
HARKNESS, GEORGIA. MYSTICISM: ITS MEANING AND MESSAGE New books. Sep'73:36 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. O WORSHIP THE LORD Womena and world highways. Dec'52:33 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. PRAYER AND THE COMMON LIFE Book chat. Jun'48:45 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD Book chat. Jul'60:18 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. THE RESOURCES OF RELIGION Book chat. May'36:26 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. A SPECIAL WAY TO VICTORY New books. Mar'65:42 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. THROUGH CHRIST OUR LORD Book chat. Jan'51:40 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. UNDERSTANDING THE CHRISTIAN FAITH Book chat. Jan'48:40 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. WHAT CHRISTIANS BELIEVE New books. Sep'65:42 HARKNESS, GEORGIA. WOMEN IN CHURCH AND SOCIETY New books. Apr'72:32 Harkness, R E E Pioneers in religious freedom. Oct'48:16 HARKNESS, R E E (photo) Oct'48:16 HARLAN, CAMPBELL ALLEN, 1907- Classroom and campus. Sep'55:30 Mar'57:30 Feb'66:34 HARLAN, CONSTANCE ANN, 1933- (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'33:44 HARLAN, EDGAR R College happenings. Jan'38:29 Harlan, Frances Burkett What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:11 HARLAN, GORDON. THE THOUGHT OF REINHOLD NEIBUHR Book chat. Jul'60:18 HARLAN, JAMES R (death) Jul'24:53 HARLAN, JENNIE, -1944 In memoriam. Nov'44:33 HARLAN, JENNIE GEESLIN, 1860-1913 (married to Marion Edwin) quoted. Old letters of rare value. Apr'21:38 They helped with the foundation (photo) Jul'24:22 HARLAN, JULIA CATHERINE WARREN, -1936 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'32:41 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'36:30 HARLAN, LOUIS ADAMS (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'32:41 HARLAN, MABLE In memoriam. Sep'41:39 HARLAN, VAUGHN E (photo) May'23:34 On the college campus. Oct'32:32 HARLEE, ELLA F Global highlights (photo) Jan'69:42 HARLEM, MONTANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH One week's itinerary of a Home Missionary. Feb'24:37
p. 1177 Harleman - Harmeling
HARLEMAN, KENNETH P. (married to Leona Harleman) This church can help our people. Apr'55:14 News room. Dec'58:34 Good stewards on the reservation (photo) Apr'61:27 Christian laborers among the Yakimas. Apr'68:13 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'68:24 Harleman, Leona Gordon (married to Kenneth Harleman) Wild apples. Apr'60:40 Thanksgiving in spring. Apr'67:37 HARLEMAN, LEONA GORDON Crusade progress (photo) Feb'50:26 This church can help our people. Apr'55:14 News room. Dec'58:34 Women on world highways. May'63:33 House of friendship (photo) Apr'65:13 Christian laborers among the Yakimas. Apr'68:13 HARLEYVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October-December, 1962. Apr'63:45 HARLEYVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA. JOHNSONVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Disciples report new congregations. Jul'73:40 HARLING, (MRS. J. E.) -1952 In memoriam. Apr'53:35 Harling, Kate Letters. Apr'71:35 HARLINGEN, TEXAS Church work in border towns. Feb'20:39 A basket of hope. May'56:49 HARLINGEN, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Disciples move toward integration. Jul'55:13 Integration is working. Feb'56:13 (photo of elders and deacons p. 14) Harllee, Ella F Religion in the public schools? May'72:5 HARLOW, FRANK E (photo) Jul'36:25 HARMAN, MARTHA (photo) Jul'23:13 HARMAN, MARY (photo) Jul'23:13 Harman, Wilfred Peryl, 1905-1972 These three (poem) Mar'35:29 A vision and a task (poem) Jan'36:40 As it began to dawn (poem) Apr'38:48 A new adventure in Tennessee. Jun'41:43 A vision and a task (poem) Apr'46:48 HARMAN, WILFRED PERYL, 1905-1972 (photo) Nov'36:22,43 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'37:29 (photo) Nov'38:13 News room. Feb'46:38 The making of a Convention (photo) Oct'50:9 News room. Jan'51:46 Global highlights. (photo) May'51:3 Oct'51:3 News room. Mar'52:32 Global highlights. Nov'52:2 Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'57:31 Harmeling, (married to Henry Harmeling) (note) Mar'30:41
p. 1178 Harmelink - Harmon, F
HARMELINK, RAY J Global highlights (photo) Apr'56:5 HARMON, (married to Clarence Harmon) -1955 In memoriam. Apr'56:35 HARMON, (MRS. H. F.) (photo) Jan'38:12 Harmon, Alice Gadd, 1870-1958 (married to Andrew Davidson Harmon) I had a friend. Jan'27:21 I'm glad I married a preacher! Apr'28:14 HARMON, ALICE GADD, 1870-1958 (photo) Jan'21:9 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'23:61 Sep'24:51 (photo) Jan'27:7 (death) News room. Jun'58:34 Harmon, Andrew Davidson, 1870-1952 (married to Alice Gadd Harmon) Our over-delayed ministry. Sep'20:13 The best thing I know about Church Extension. Sep'20:26 Christian education and leadership. Jan'21:9 William Prince Aylesworth. Jan'22:4 The Commission on the Ministry. Apr'26:8 In retrospect and prospect. Jan'27:25 Too proud to be proud... Dec'31:23 Harry Otis Prichard. Dec'36:16 The future of the church related college. Jan'39:26 HARMON, ANDREW DAVIDSON, 1870-1952 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'22:55 Jul'23:52 Jan'25:34 Mar'28:40 Jan'23:39 Sep'23:53 Dec'25:43 Apr'23:55 Jan'24:34 Apr'26:42 Jun'23:53 Mar'24:57 Jul'27:41 (photo) Sep'20:26 Jan'21:9 quoted. A cloud of competent witnesses. Apr'21:20 quoted. Present service and immediate needs of church colleges. May'22:39 The National Board of Education notes. Jun'22:45 (photo) May'23:32 quoted. Appreciation of Life and labor of A. McLean. Jun'24:44 (photo) Jan'25:32 Go-to-College Day--why observe it? Sep'25:29 (photo) Apr'26:39 Nov'26:32 Jan'27:7,25 Apr'27:12 Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 News of the Washington Church Campaign. Oct'28:35 Trustees of Pension Fund organizaed. Nov'28:31 (photo) Jun'30:32 quoted. Jewels that the giants dropped. Nov'32:24 In the midst of the college year. Dec'34:32 (death) News room. Oct'52:38 HARMON, ARLENE (photo) Oct'42:42 HARMON, B H (photo) Mar'24:46 HARMON, EDNA WHEELER, -1957 In memoriam. Apr'57:35 HARMON, FRANCIS S Global highlights (photo) Jan'60:5
p. 1179 Harmon, H - Harmon, Henry
HARMON, H HERSCHALL quoted. Circulation corner. Mar'46:inside front cover Harmon, Harriet Opportunities in Government schools. Oct'24:27 Harmon, Harvey Horace, 1875-1935 (married to Pearl Schell Harmon) James Alexander Beattie. Jan'28:11 Are the churches aware of their youth? Sep'30:17 HARMON, HARVEY HORACE, 1875-1935 (photo) Feb'19:36 quoted. In memoriam, Archibald McLean. Mar'21:7 A new man for a new task (photo) Dec'23:27 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'24:34 Jun'24:56 As we go to press. Aug'24:1 (photo) Oct'24:47 Jan'25:32 May'25:39 Jan'26:33 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'26:43 May'26:43 Sep'26:57 Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 (photo) Oct'29:11 Our college leaders face their task. Jun'30:22 (photo) Jun'30:32 ...goes to Washington. Mar'32:10 quoted. The Indianapolis Convention in coming. Oct'32:8 quoted. These outstanding people read World Call. Feb'33:inside back cover In the Lone Star State. Nov'35:28 (death) Harvey H. Harmon... (photo) Feb'36:19 (photo) Jan'39:7 Sep'41:7 HARMON, HELEN SHERMAN, 1904- (married to Henry Gadd Harmon) Global highlights. Sep'47:3 Beneath the spire (photo) Oct'57:6 HARMON, HENRY (photo) Jul'24:39 Harmon, Henry Gadd, 1901-1964 (married to Helen Sherman Harmon) Tomorrow's Christian education. May'34:23 What is college for? Jan'35:6 These youth of ours. May'37:12 College Association looks ahead. Jun'37:30 A new president for an old college. Jan'38:8 Higher Education's new secretary. Jul'39:27 (note) Nov'39:15 Postwar problems of a college president. Jan'50:7 Churchmen face economic issues. May'50:17 What is an educated man? May'54:12 HARMON, HENRY GADD, 1901-1964 College of Missions notes. Feb'19:52 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'25:57 Fall news from our colleges. Nov'31:41 quoted. Quotation marks. Nov'33:26 In the midst of the college year (photo) Dec'34:31 Personalities. Mar'35:22 From college towers. Mar'35:44 Qualified for leadership. Feb'38:3 Disciples at Madras (photo) Nov'38:20 (photo) Jan'39:14 Reports from the college campus. Jan'41:32 (photo) Apr'41:inside bk cover Jun'41:inside frt cover (cont. next page)
p. 1180 Harmon, H - Harmon, W
HARMON, HENRY GADD (cont.) Colleges elect presidents (photo) Sep'41:17 (photo) Dec'41:32 Apr'42:24 quoted. They said at Grand Rapids. Sep'42:15 To him that asketh. Jan'43:16 (photo p. 15) (photo) Mar'44:20 Feb'45:25 May'50:17 Classroom and campus. Mar'52:31 Apr'53:30 (photo) May'54:12 quoted. Twelve Disciple schools recieve large Ford grants. Feb'56:27 (photo p. 26) Who carries the deficit? Jan'58:9 Classroom and campus. Dec'58:33 (death) News room. Dec'64:36 Global highlights. Feb'66:5 HARMON, J H (photo) Mar'24:26 HARMON, JACOB Disciples met in Portland (photo) Sep'53:24 HARMON, M B Notes. Jun'20:59 Harmon, M F Note. Aug'19:46 Harmon, Mancey The farm I used to know (poem) Oct'49:27 HARMON, MANCEY As I saw Hazel Green. Oct'49:29 (photo p. 27) HARMON, NAOMI H. 1913?- (married to Lewis F. Harmon) Disciples in the news. Apr'68:8 HARMON, NOLAN Global highlights (photo) Feb'54:3 HARMON, NOLAN B., JR. IS IT RIGHT OR WRONG? Book chat. Mar'39:22 HARMON, PEARL SCHELL, 1877-1948 (married to Harvey Horace Harmon) The Minister's wife (photo) Mar'20:50 (photo) Jan'25:35 Jan'27:15 Dec'30:27 Harvey H. Harmon... Feb'36:19 (death) News room. Jan'49:38 HARMON, R A (photo) Mar'24:40 HARMON, SCHELL (photo) May'25:39 Harmon, Sybil (Married to Henry F. Harmon) Tried and found helpful. Feb'22:52 (death) Nov'20:49Aug'23:56 HARMON, SYBIL quoted. From the World Call mail bag. Dec'22:55 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'23:56 (photo) Jul'34:39 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'36:30 Memorium. Mar'36:39 HARMON, U E quoted. As others see us. Jul'23:38 Washington... Dec'30:10 quoted. These outstanding people read World Call. Feb'33:inside back cover HARMON, W H Personalities. Feb'38:23 HARMON, WILLIAM E Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'25:45 Nov'28:58
p. 1181 Harmon F - Harnar, F
HARMON FOUNDATION Glimpses of the religious world. Mar'26:45 Sep'26:37 HARMS, HANS H Classroom and campus. Nov'57:31 Harms, John W., 1902- (married to Pearl Harms) Book chat. Feb'37:47 The Philadelphia Study Conference. Apr'40:22 The good news of Christian unity. Apr'45:15 New churches--how, why, where they grow. Jul'61:15 Moments of meditation. Jan'63:37 Is religion locked out of schol? Nov'63:12 New books. Oct'64:46 HARMS, JOHN W., 1902- (photo) May'25:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'31:44 Spring activities of our colleges. May'31:33 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'31:42 Transfer of religious education directors (photo) Sep'34:30 Last minute news. May'35:43 (photo) Nov'36:43 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'37:34 ...leaves Indiana (photo) Apr'38:46 (photo) Sep'41:16 News room. Mar'43:34 Christ is our hope (photo) Oct'54:7 Low-cost churches. Jun'59:48 Global highlights. Feb'60:5 (photo) Nov'63:12 Global highlights (photo) Mar'64:7 Retirements from general ministry. Oct'70:40 (photo p. 41) HARMS, JOHN W. PRAYER IN THE MARKET PLACE Book chat. Feb'59:43 HARMS, MARY FRANCES, 1939- (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'39:32 HARMS, PEARL, 1897-1983 (married to John Harms) (photo) Jul'35:34 Dec'63:8 HARNACK, ADOLPH VON Echoes from everywhere. Jun'43:29 HARNACK, ERNST Echoes from everywhere. Jun'43:29 Harnar, Blanche Davis, 1886-1926 (married to Frank E. Harnar) Notes. Aug'19:48 Sep'20:60 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'32:40 HARNAR, BLANCHE DAVIS, 1886-1926 Notes. Jan'19:62 Mar'19:62 Jun'19:58 Oct'19:59 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'26:54 (death) Blanche Davis Harnar (photo) Feb'27:43 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'27:55 Jul'27:59 We remember them (poem) Mar'28:back cover HARNAR, DONALD FRANK (birth) Apr'25:64 (photo) Dec'27:59 Harnar, Frank E., 1889-1957 (married to Blanche Davis Harnar) (married to Minnie Nicholson Harner) Note. Aug'19:48 At an Indian Mela. Aug'19:49 (cont. next page)
p. 1182 Harnar, F - Harnar, R
Harnar, Frank E. (cont.) Note. Sep'20:62 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:57 Feb'21:58 A nation finding itself. Jun'21:38 The realization of a Harda dream. Apr'23:45 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'24:49 One Christian community in India. Jul'26:58 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'30:50 Close of school session shows steady gain. Aug'30:27 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'30:39 Teaching--preaching--healing. Sep'30:28 Baptisms and weddings. Jan'31:28 HARNAR, FRANK E., 1889-1957 Notes. Mar'19:60 Sep'19:49 Oct'19:59 May'20:64 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:59 Blanche Davis Harnar. Feb'27:43 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'27:55 (photo) Dec'27:59 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'32:41 Sep'36:32 (death) News room. Jun'57:42 Harnar, Minnie Nicholson, 1894- (married to Frank E. Harnar) What Christianity meant to Moulvi Sahib. Jun'28:36 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'28:49 Contrasting practical Christianity and impractical Hinduism. Aug'31:30 A primitive people. Mar'32:34 HARNAR, MINNIE NICHOLSON, 1894- Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'32:41 May'35:31 HARNAR, RICHARD KENNETH, 1933- (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'34:31 HARNAR, ROBERT ROY, 1921- (photo) Jun'23:29 Dec'27:59 Harnar, Ruth May, 1919- Prayer (poem) May'38:29 Home to India. Jan'45:11 When nurses get together. Jul'46:33 Hugh eye camp. Sep'46:46 India's nurses--and her children. Jun'47:29 Independence comes to India. Dec'47:15 Watching a city die. Apr'48:30 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'50:44 May'50:38 Jul'54:38 Feb'64:36 The "astonishing success" at Indore. Apr'64:26 Discord and devotion mark the church in India. Mar'69:10 Voices of the homeless. Apr'72:5 HARNAR, RUTH MAY, 1919- Notes (birth) Oct'19:59 (photo) Jun'23:29 Dec'27:59 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'40:32 Candidates for missionary service (photo) Oct'42:42 (photo) Jan'43:29 News room. Jan'43:34 Recruits for world service (photo) Mar'43:7 News room. Sep'44:28 Jun'47:34 (photo) Dec'47:15 News room. Jan'48:42 From orphans to nurses (photo) May'49:8 (cont. next page)
p. 1183 Harnar, R - Harper, A
HARNAR, RUTH MAY (cont.) News room. (photo) Nov'50:38 Mar'51:47 (photo) May'56:47 Feb'64:36 Women on world highways. Sep'64:34 Missionary register. Jan'66:46 Feb'66:43 In brief. Apr'71:42 HARNED, (married to L. E. Harned) (photo) Nov'48:28 HARNED, DAVID BAILEY. THEOLOGY AND THE ARTS New books. Feb'67:18 HARNED, L E (photo) Nov'48:28 HARNER, ESTHER D. JUNGLES AHEAD! Read about Africa. Jan'60:38 HARNER, HOWARD Disciples start 11 new churches. Jan'61:43 HARNER, NEVIN C. MISSIONARY EDUCATION IN YOUR CHURCH Book chat. Dec'42:17 Harner, Nevin C Christian teaching for a new day. Apr'47:32 HARNESS, LILLIAN BLANDFORD, 1883-1948 (married to Conrad T. Harness) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'39:32 quoted. What they say (photo) Oct'41:14 Leadership changes (photo) Sep'44:19 Youth and missions. Nov'44:31 (death) appreciation (photo) May'48:27 News room. Sep'51:38 Harness, Lura R The many activities of a D.V.B.S. Nov'28:42 HARNIC, BERNARD (photo) May'54:32 HARO, ALEGRIA de Christians with aching backs (photo) Dec'55:23 Harp, (married to George B. Harp) Letters. Feb'72:45 HARP, BLANCHE, 1859-1949 (married to William Albert Harp) In memoriam. Jul'39:39 HARP, EDWARD B., JR. (photo) Dec'57:29 HARP, NANNIE FOSTER In memoriam. Oct'27:48 HARP, R V (photo) Nov'38:7 Harp, William Albert, 1866-1944 (married to Blanche Harp) Outlying states and home missions. May'22:54 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'33:39 Jan'34:39,40 Easter in Home Missions churches. Jun'34:41 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'34:39 HARP, WILLIAM ALBERT, 1866-1944 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'33:41 HARPER, (married to Henry A. Harper) Classroom and campus. Oct'61:32 HARPER, A. FINLEY, -1955 In memoriam. Nov'55:33 HARPER, ALTA JANE See WALLACE, ALTA JANE HARPER
p. 1184 Harper, C - Harrach>
HARPER, CLIO (photo) Oct'22:7 HARPER, EARL E College news and notes. Feb'39:33 HARPER, ELIZA (death) Jan'26:49 HARPER, FANNY F (photo) Jan'21:16 HARPER, FRANCES (married in William L. Harper) Global highlights (photo) Jul'60:6 HARPER, HEBERT R Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'26:43 HARPER, IRENE M. CHAND OF INDIA For your reading about India. Dec'54:30 HARPER, JUDY Global highlights (photo) Jul'60:6 HARPER, L AMELIA In memoriam. Jun'32:39 HARPER, L W (photo) Jan'27:40 HARPER, MARVIN H Global highlights (photo) Oct'48:2 HARPER, MARY (death) Feb'26:51 HARPER, MYRTLE (photo) Jan'21:16 HARPER, STANFORD (photo) Jun'67:8 HARPER, SYLVIA (photo) Jan'67:3 Harper, William Allen, 1880-1942 Training leaders in a laboratory. Nov'26:11 HARPER, WILLIAM ALLEN. AN INTEGRATED PROGRAM OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Speaking of books. Dec'26:53 Feb'27:43 HARPER, WILLIAM ALLEN. YOUTH AND TRUTH Speaking of books. Nov'27:58 HARPER, WILLIAM CHARLES Global highlights (photo) Jul'60:6 Harper, William Louis, 1926- (married to Frances Riehn Harper) The rural church can practice unity. May'61:19 HARPER, WILLIAM LOUIS, 1926- Global highlights (photo) Jul'60:6 (photo) May'61:19 Beneath the spire (photo) Jul'61:8 HARPER'S ANNOTATED BIBLE Book chat. Oct'50:40 HARPER'S BIBLE DICTIONARY Book chat. Dec'52:40 HARPER'S TOPICAL CONCORDANCE Book chat. Nov'40:46 HARPOLE, R O Disciples at Yale Divinity School (photo) May'21:51 HARR, VERLYN C Portrait of a rural pastor. May'63:13 HARRACH, SIEGFRIED News room (photo) Oct'51:43 (photo) Jul'52:38
p. 1185 Harrah, L - Harrell, I
HARRAH, LOUISA B (death) News room. Dec'40:32 Harrah, Veda B., 1897- Transfer of Mahoba orphanage. Feb'28:39 In your mind's eye. Apr'30:29 Echoes from everywhere. May'30:40 Baby Shanti. Nov'30:33 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'31:40 Leaders of the blind. Oct'31:33 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'34:40 Sep'35:38 The joy of our hearts. Jun'36:28 Baby Bhagwati. Jun'39:46 Echoes from everywhere. May'40:38 Training the mind... Sep'46:36 Sumankheta, "A garden of flowers." Sep'47:38 Out-of-class lessons in family life. Apr'49:32 Story of a cast-off. Nov'53:44 India mission plans "warfare." Apr'54:45 The tenth class. Oct'54:46 HARRAH, VEDA B., 1897- College of Missions items. May'23:53 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'24:45 The lucky thirteen (photo) Aug'25:4 Commencement at Hazel Green. Sep'25:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'33:41 Sep'33:45 (photo) Oct'33:34 Oct'40:28 Sep'42:14 News room (photo) Nov'43:28 (photo) Sep'48:38 News room. Dec'57:36 Eight retiring mission workers served total of 300 years (photo) Sep'59:28 HARRALSON, SALLIE Circulation corner. Oct'41:2 HARRELL, (MRS. S. C.) -1956 In memoriam. Feb'57:35 HARRELL, COSTEN J. FRIENDS OF GOD Book chat. Dec'50:38 HARRELL, COSTEN J. STEWARDSHIP AND THE TITHE Book chat. Sep'54:45 HARRELL, COSTEN J. WALKING WITH GOD Speaking of books. Sep'28:35 Book chat. Feb'47:23 HARRELL, COSTEN J. THE WAY OF THE TRANSGRESSOR Book chat. Apr'42:23 HARRELL, COSTEN J. THE WONDERS OF HIS GRACE New books. Apr'67:22 Harrell, David Edwin, 1930- Brothers go to war. Oct'61:26 HARRELL, DAVID EDWIN, 1930- Global highlights. Jan'66:5 Dec'66:6 HARRELL, DAVID EDWIN. QUEST FOR A CHRISTIAN AMERICA New books. Oct'66:18 HARRELL, DAVID EDWIN. WHITE SECTS AND BLACK MEN IN THE RECENT SOUTH New books. Apr'72:32 HARRELL, FREDERICK C News room. Apr'52:38 HARRELL, IRENE BURK. GOOD MARRIAGES GROW New books. Nov'69:28
P. 1186 Harrell, R - Harris, D
Harrell, Robert L. A first class southern investment. Aug'23:36 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'23:59 HARRELL, ROBERT L (photo) Mar'24:45 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'25:44 Five churches adopt home plan (photo) Nov'58:46 HARRELSON, WALTER JOSEPH, 1919- (married to Idella Harrelson) Classroom and campus. Jan'56:33 HARRIMAN, (married to Arthur A. Harriman) News room. Nov'57:35 HARRINGTON, GLADYS quoted. Circulation corner. Feb'39:inside front cover Harrington, Helen Color book (poem) Mar'65:50 HARRINGTON, JANETTE T. LOOK AT THE CITY For reading about "The city." Jul'54:44 HARRINGTON, JANETTE T. THE SHADOWS THEY CAST North American neighbors in books. Jun'58:40 HARRINGTON, JANETTE T. WHO CARES? About persons of special need. Jun'62:41 HARRINGTON, LILLIAN (photo) Dec'62:13 HARRINGTON, W A Classroom and campus. Nov'51:29 HARRIS, (MRS. C. O.) Classroom and campus. Dec'56:32 HARRIS, (Married to Everett J. Harris) quoted. Circulation corner. May'35:1 HARRIS, (married to R. S. Harris) (photo) Nov'36:42 HARRIS, (married to William Harris) (death) May'26:50 Harris, Alton Louis, 1918- (married to Ola Winifred Moulton Harris) Where is our ship? Feb'47:48 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'47:38 Dec'47:35 Dec'62:36 Nov'47:34 Mar'56:34 Feb'64:36 A cup of cold water. Jul'69:23 HARRIS, ALTON LOUIS, 1918- (photo) Jun'46:back cover Feb'48:26 Global highlights. Sep'60:6 Ministers for the troubled Congo. Mar'63:12 (photo p. 13) (photo) Feb'64:36 Missionary register. Sep'65:52 (photo) Jul'69:25 HARRIS, ANNA, -1948 In memoriam. Oct'48:37 HARRIS, ARTHUR M (photo) Jun'25:44 Jul'25:58 Nov'27:6 HARRIS, CORDELIA (death) Last minute news. May'35:43 (death) Clypt wyngs (photo) Jun'35:17 HARRIS, CYRIL. THE RELIGION OF UNDERGRADUATES Speaking of books. Dec'25:41 HARRIS, DAVID ALFRED, 1961- (birth) News room. Dec'61:32
p. 1187 Harris, D - Harris, M
HARRIS, DIANA READER In brief. May'69:45 HARRIS, E F (photo) Apr'41:25 HARRIS, ELIZA (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'26:53 HARRIS, ELLIS BUELL, 1879-1963 (married to Mary Bailey Harris) (photo) Mar'24:54 May'25:43 Beneath the spire (photo) Jan'61:8 HARRIS, ERDMAN. TWENTY-ONE Speaking of books. Feb'32:33 HARRIS, F A Casting into the treasury. Jun'22:44 HARRIS, F D (photo) Nov'25:31 HARRIS, FRANK G Another league of laymen (photo) Jan'29:9 HARRIS, FRED R. World events (photo) May'69:32 quoted. Quote...unquote. Jul'69:17 HARRIS, FREDERICK BROWN. SPIRES OF THE SPIRIT Book chat. Sep'52:40 Harris, Genefrede See Carton, Genefred Harris Harris, George A The contribution of a rural church. Oct'36:10 Letters. Nov'66:41 HARRIS, GEORGE A (photo) Sep'54:38 Oct'58:21 HARRIS, GEORGIA Classroom and campus. Feb'43:33 HARRIS, H G In memoriam. Oct'41:39 HARRIS, HENSON Classroom and campus. Oct'66:34 Harris, Jack Education for ministry in times of chronic change. Dec'72:suppl:19 HARRIS, JAMES F., JR. Global highlights. Jul'62:5 HARRIS, JOHN, -1954 In memoriam. Mar'55:39 Harris, L David Chaplain of the Circus Kirk. Jan'70:22 Harris, Louis See Harris, A Louis HARRIS, LUCY Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'62:35 HARRIS, LYDIA A In memoriam. May'27:49 HARRIS, MAGGIE TALCHIEF JIMESON Building an Indian church in a day. Jan'23:16 HARRIS, MARIA L Memorial gifts to Africa. Oct'26:33 Activities of our colleges. Dec'33:32 HARRIS, MARY, -1935 Memorium. Oct'35:40
p. 1188 Harris, M - Harrison
HARRIS, MAY In memoriam. May'38:39 HARRIS, MYRTLE, -1956 In memoriam. Jul'56:39 Harris, Nellie F Our Saturday religious day school. Jul'22:49 HARRIS, NELLIE F (photo) Oct'22:5 Headquarters notes. Jul'23:52 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'24:50 Junior work in Spokane growing (photo) Mar'27:41 HARRIS, NETTIE In memoriam. Feb'39:39 Harris, O D Thanksgiving Day at Yakima mission. Jan'36:46 HARRIS, O D (photo) Mar'24:51 Harris, Ola Winifred Moulton, 1917- (married to A. Louis Harris) Where is our ship? Feb'47:48 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'47:38 Nov'47:34 Dec'47:35 Mar'56:34 HARRIS, OLA WINIFRED MOULTON, 1917- (photo) Jun'46:back cover Feb'48:26 Ten days in Africa (photo) Mar'55:9 Ministers for the troubled Congo. Mar'63:12 Missionary register. Sep'65:52 HARRIS, PIERCE. SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION Book chat. Mar'53:42 HARRIS, PLUMMER (photo) Dec'19:60 HARRIS, RHODA A (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'39:41 HARRIS, THOMAS A. I'M OK--YOU'RE OK New books. Jul'71:29 HARRIS, VIRGINIA In memoriam. Jul'36:39 HARRIS, W C (photo) Jan'21:5 HARRIS, W L Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 HARRIS, WILLIAM Building an Indian church in a day. Jan'23:16 HARRIS, WILLIAM E quoted. Churches are studying the Provisional design. Mar'67:38 HARRIS SCHOOL OF NURSING See TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. HARRIS SCHOOL OF NURSING HARRISBURG, ILLINOIS. A. L. BOWEN CHILDREN'S CENTER Handicapped and their community discover each other. Mar'73:1 Harrison, (Mrs. E. E.) Golden Jubilee notes. Apr'24:51 HARRISON, (MRS. J. A.) Memorium. Jul'34:39 HARRISON, (MRS. T. F.) -1946 In memoriam. Sep'46:39 HARRISON, (married to Tom Harrison) Global highlights (photo) Apr'66:6
p. 1189 Harrison - Harrison, I
HARRISON, (MRS. W. D.) The compulsion of benevolence (photo) Mar'61:28 HARRISON, A BRADFORD (photo) Sep'33:4 HARRISON, ANN. PEARLS ARE MADE Let's read about the Near East! Jan'51:38 Eyes are on the Middle East. Jan'59:44 HARRISON, ANN. A TOOL IN HIS HAND Eyes are on the Middle East. Jan'59:44 HARRISON, CALLA JAMES, 1859-1937 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:30 HARRISON, CHRISTINE Operation education. May'62:27 HARRISON, CORDOVA ETTA, -1948 In memoriam. May'49:39 HARRISON, DEAN Mid-winter in our colleges. Jan'34:44 (photo) Sep'66:front cover HARRISON, DELORIS. WE SHALL LIVE IN PEACE New books. Feb'69:28 HARRISON, EFFIE J., -1952 In memoriam. Jul'52:41 HARRISON, ELSIE W., -1971 In memoriam. Nov'71:46 HARRISON, ESTHER Far from vanishing Americans (photo) Jun'55:16 HARRISON, EVELYN. A GARDEN OF PRAYERS FOR JUNIORS Book chat. Dec'38:41 HARRISON, EVELYN. LITTLE KNOWN WOMEN OF THE BIBLE Book chat. Dec'36:40 HARRISON, EVELYN. LITTLE KNOW YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE BIBLE Book chat. Jan'38:33 HARRISON, F S Paging Mr. Rockefeller. Jan'38:4 HARRISON, GEORGE M Churchmen face economic issues (photo) May'50:17 HARRISON, GERTRUDE In memoriam. Nov'41:39 Harrison, Gladys M Needed in Jamaica. Feb'52:20 HARRISON, GLADYS M News room. Nov'50:38 (photo) Feb'52:20 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'54:38 News room. Sep'55:39 Operation education. May'62:27 HARRISON, HASTINGS. GORDON CARR Book chat. Jun'36:43 Harrison, Ida Withers, 1851-1927 (married to Albert Micajah Harrison) Remembering the past we build for the future. Dec'23:4 A view of foreign missions. Mar'26:4 Woman's work for missions. Sep'26:48 HARRISON, IDA WITHERS, 1851-1927 Notes. Feb'19:46 College of Missions notes. Feb'19:52 quoted. Paying our debt of honor. Dec'20:5 (cont. next page)
p. 1190 Harrison, I - Harrison, R
HARRISON, IDA WITHERS (cont.) College of Missions commencement, 1921 (photo) Aug'21:inside covers (photo) Oct'22:7 Nov'22:34 May'23:32 O whom the world was not worthy. Aug'24:16 (photo) Jan'25:32 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'27:44 citizen (photo) Jan'28:21 Women and world highways (photo) Apr'48:33 HARRISON, IDA WITHERS. GARDENS ALL THE YEAR Speaking of books. Oct'27:37 HARRISON, IDA WITHERS. HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN WOMAN'S BOARD OF MISSIONS Important. Nov'20:46 A record of fifty years. Nov'22:56 Christmas lists. Nov'23:56 The threshold. Jul'41:2 HARRISON, IDA WITHERS. MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM TEMPLE WITHERS Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'23:54 Mortally wounded, but victorious for 42 years. May'24:22 HARRISON, IKE H Classroom and campus. Apr'55:31 HARRISON, JAMES RUSSELL, 1949- (birth) News room. Mar'49:34 HARRISON, JANICE BRADSHAW (married to Wilson Harrison) Youth and missions (photo) Dec'56:39 (marriage) News room. Nov'61:39 HARRISON, JIM quoted. Youth and the world mission (photo) Jan'68:31 HARRISON, JOHN S Classroom and campus. Jul'47:32 HARRISON, MARGARET In memoriam. Jun'45:33 HARRISON, MARGARET ELAINE, 1952- (birth) News room. Oct'52:45 HARRISON, MARILYN O., 1922-1967 (married to Russell F. Harrison) In memoriam. Jan'68:40 (note) Apr'68:26 HARRISON, MICHAEL quoted. Voices from Louisville. Dec'71:9 HARRISON, NANCY HOLWAGER CONE (married to Russell F. Harrison) (marriage) In brief. Feb'70:39 Harrison, Paul What will wreck America? Mar'32:22 The Christian Gospel in the Near East. Jan'51:9 HARRISON, PAUL Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'23:53 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'40:34 HARRISON, RICHARD B The blessed damozel (photo) Jul'35:9 HARRISON, RICHARD LEIGH, 1946- (married to Mona Harrison) Classroom and campus. Sep'64:32 HARRISON, ROBERT WALKER News room. Nov'61:39
p. 1191 Harrison, R - Harrison, W
Harrison, Russell Francis, 1918- (married to Marilyn O. Harrison) (married to Nancy Holwager Cone Harrison) Camp is a quest. May'49:20 Following up the call. May'52:8 Let's read about home missions and human rights. Jul'52:36 Seeing is believing. Apr'53:12 The afterglow of Travencore. May'53:12 Read about Africa. Jan'60:38 Our heritage--our horizons. Jun'60:41 Adults and missions. Nov'60:34 Disciples witness in united church efforts. Jan'61:26 Books: churches for new times. Jun'61:44 Women and world highways. Dec'61:33 Coming: Schools of World Outreach. Mar'62:26 Adults and mission. Mar'62:36 God's power redeems the world (poem) Oct'62:31 Moments of meditation. Jan'63:37 Mission changing the world (poem) Mar'63:39 Moments of meditation. Jun'63:37 Youth and the world mission. Oct'64:42 Sep'65:41 Nov'66:38 I met a planeload of refugees. Mar'67:19 The dawn comes slowly (poem) Apr'68:27 Hippie kingdom. Nov'48:40 Congregations join together in the people business. Dec'73:5 Spotlight on Friendship House. Dec'73:28 HARRISON, RUSSELL FRANCIS, 1918- News room. Nov'47:40 Jan'48:32 Jul'50:40 (photo) Nov'50:27 News room. (photo) Feb'51:38 Jun'52:38 Jan'53:33 Global highlights (photo) Feb'53:2 News room. Sep'53:38 These educational services change local churches (photo) Nov'54:10 News room. May'55:38 Global highlights. Apr'57:3 (photo) May'57:26 Christian educators to meet. May'58:48 Global highlights (photo) Jul'59:6 News room. Apr'60:34 May'60:38 Global highlights (photo) Dec'61:4 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Sep'62:36 Global highlights (photo) Oct'62:6 Teachers share a global ministry. Nov'62:14 Global highlights (photo) May'64:4 Oct'64:5 (photo) Oct'64:42 Mar'67:19 World events. May'69:35 (marriage) In brief. Feb'70:39 World events (photo) Dec'70:37 In brief. Jun'71:40 In brief (photo) Jun'73:39 HARRISON, RUSSELL FRANCIS. THIS IS CYF Book chat. May'54:41 HARRISON, W E Circulation corner (photo) Dec'47:inside front cover
p. 1192 Harrison, W - Harsh
HARRISON, WILLIAM Classroom and campus. Oct'61:32 HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY OLIVER (photo) Jul'23:6 Harrison, William Oliver, 1911-1978 A dream come true. Apr'48:9 HARRISON, WILLIAM OLIVER, 1911-1978 quoted. Thoughts worth sharing. Jun'68:20 HARRISON, WILSON (married to Janice Bradshaw Harrison) (marriage) News room. Nov'61:39 HARRISON, ARKANSAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of parsonage and church school class) Jan'44:1 HARRSION, OHIO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Progress among the churches. Mar'20:54 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'32:39 HARRISONVILLE, MISSOURI. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Setting the house in order. Feb'24:44 Adults and mission. Feb'63:38 HARRISTOWN, ILLINOIS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Enroll in EHP. Mar'64:49 HARROD, ESTHER Five nurses in College of Missions. Feb'21:64 Beneath the spire (photo) May'59:8 (photo) May'62:47 HARROD, HOWARD L Classroom and campus. Oct'66:34 HARROD, LOTTIE STODDARD, -1936 In memorium. Oct'36:39 HARROD, PRUE HADDEN, 1883-1970 (married to Samuel Glen Harrod) Global highlights (photo) Apr'54:3 HARROD, SAMUEL GLEN, 1882-1941 (married to Prue Hadden Harrod) (photo) Jan'21:14 (death) News room. Jul'41:34 (death) College and university news (photo) Sep'41:30 HARROD, SAMUEL GLEN, JR. Classroom and campus. Feb'51:32 Feb'53:30 HARRODSBURG, KENTUCKY. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Feb'33:8 HARROLD, ERNEST LELAND, 1903- (photo) Mar'34:34 Apr'53:1 Global highlights (photo) May'58:7 HARROLD, ROSE (photo) Dec'37:6 HARRY, JOHN Boys find their place in life. Feb'43:27 Harry, Warren Otis, 1933- Agencies and churches. Feb'63:31 HARRYMAN, LEONA MAY (death) May'20:50 Harsell, Wolcott Smith, 1890-1966 (married to Dorothea M. Mastin Harsell) A service of memory. Apr'32:32 HARSELL, WOLCOTT SMITH, 1890-1966 Mid-year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 HARSH, (MRS. G.) (death) May'26:50 HARSH, (MRS. G. R., SR.) News room. Sep'43:27 Jan'45:36
p. 1193 Harsh, M - Hartenberger
Harsh, Mary Maurice. Jul'28:37 Harshbarger, V S Book chat. Apr'35:44 HARSIN, ADA News room. May'56:38 Dec'61:32 HARSTON, (MRS. A. T.) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'31:44 Hart, (Mrs. A. E.) A letter to which our hearts respond. Feb'22:57 HART, A (photo) Jun'30:32 Hart, Bessie, 1886-1973 Missionary organizations' own section. Sep'34:35 Women and world highways. Dec'62:33 HART, BESSIE, 1886-1973 (photo) Jan'28:32 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:45 (photo) Nov'35:44 Nov'36:42 Jun'43:5 News room. Sep'53:38 Mar'54:38 (photo) Dec'62:33 Hart, Don Glimpses of our colleges. Jan'24:10 HART, E I VIRGIL HART, MISSIONARY STATESMAN The book shelf. Sep'20:53 HART, ELMA CAMPBELL (death) Oct'25:55 HART, GARDNER (photo) Jan'42:13 HART, HORNELL. NEW GATEWAYS TO CREATIVE LIVING Book chat. Feb'42:23 HART, HORNELL. SKEPTIC'S QUEST Book chat. Oct'38:24 HART, LIDDELL. THE WAR IN OUTLINE Book chat. May'39:24 Hart, Madison Ashley, 1874-1947 What the Woman's Missionary Society has meant to my church. Dec'21:47 Is religious work taboo where wealth and culture abound? Nov'22:27 HART, MADISON ASHLEY, 1874-1947 (photo) May'23:32 Mar'24:54 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'28:45 HART, MARIE (photo) Sep'28:34 HART, OLIVER J Global highlights (photo) Mar'52:3 Hart, William Henry Echoes from everywhere. Sep'56:34 HART, WILLIAM J. STORIES OF OUR NATIONAL SONGS Book chat. Jan'43:44 HART, WINDSOR They serve the churches (photo) Jul'55:29 HARTE, HOUSTON. IN OUR IMAGE Book chat. Oct'49:38 HARTENBERGER, BEULAH RAE (married to Paul E. Hartenberger) For adult mission study (photo) Jul'56:36 HARTENBERGER, RAE News room. May'56:38
p. 1194 Harter - Hartselle
HARTER, DALE We learned Spanish and our eyes were opened. Sep'69:17 Harter, Glen See Archer, Glen Harter HARTER, LOIS (photo) Dec'45:5 HARTFORD, ETTA, -1957 In memoriam. May'57:33 HARTFORD, HUNTINGTON World events. Jun'71:38 HARTFORD CITY, INDIANA The last word. Jul'65:50 HARTFORD SEMINARY FOUNDATION Feb'25:10 What unusual thing has your society done? Dec'27:47 The new home for the College of Missions (photos) Aug'28:23 Dr. Mackenzie retires. Jun'30:4 Our colleges in full swing (photo of Disciple students) Feb'31:46 Mid-winter in our colleges. Jan'34:44 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'34:41 College activities. Feb'37:33 Global highlights. Mar'46:3 HARTH, GEORG Parsonage sick bay. Dec'55:50 HARTLEE, ELLA F Global highlights (photo) Feb'63:6 HARTLEY, BEN Global highlights (photo) Dec'62:6 HARTLEY, BERNICE (photo) Jun'23:43 Hartley, James R Venture in understanding. Jul'63:30 HARTLEY, LYMAN R quoted. Last column. Oct'55:48 HARTMAN, ANNABELL The church speaks across the footlights (photo) May'72:10 HARTMAN, GROVER LOWELL, 1917-1988 News room (photo) Nov'61:39 Global highlights (photo) Jan'69:46 HARTMAN, JOHN World events (photo) Dec'70:37 HARTMAN, ORA MAUDE, -1947 In memoriam. Dec'47:35 HARTMAN, SUSAN D Classroom and campus. Feb'64:33 HARTMAN, VLADIMIR E Classroom and campus. Oct'47:30 Jul'48:30 (photo) Jan'51:2 HARTPENSE, PHOEBE, -1929 In memoriam. Jan'30:49 HARTRUM, (married to Walter Hartrum) A fertile field for the church (photo) Jun'53:19 HARTSELL, EFFIE, -1958 In memoriam. Jul'58:43 HARTSELLE, ALABAMA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH A first class southern investment (photo) Aug'23:36 What the children did this summer. Nov'27:11
p. 1195 Hartsfield - Harvey, E
Hartsfield, Elizabeth Ann, 1914- Adults and mission. May'63:38 Like a golden thread. Mar'67:39 HARTSFIELD, ELIZABETH ANN, 1914- As I saw Hazel Green. Oct'49:27 (ordination) Classroom and campus. Oct'55:30 Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'56:33 News room. Jul'61:36 Oct'61:34 Disciples in the news. Oct'66:7 (photo) Mar'67:39 HARTSHORNE, CHARLES. BEYOND HUMANISM Book chat. Oct'37:20 HARTSHORNE, EMMA FRANCES In memoriam. May'29:36 HARTSOCK, MILDRED Summer activities in our colleges. Sep'37:32 HARTSOOK, INA Notes. Jan'19:62 (photo) Aug'19:27 Notes. Aug'19:46 Nov'19:67 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'29:51 HARTT, JULIAN N. TOWARD A THEOLOGY OF EVANGELISM Book chat. Oct'55:16 HARTUNG, (MISS) (METHODIST MISSIONARY) (photo) Dec'22:26 HARTWELL, B. C. Global highlights. Jul'59:4 HARTWELL, FRANK (photo) Jul'20:21 HARTZELL, JOSEPH CRANE (death) Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'28:45 HARVARD COLLEGE Board of Education and work of our colleges. Feb'26:53 Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'28:43 HARVARD COLLEGE. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Glimpses of the religious world. Aug'24:47 "THE HARVEST" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Sep'59:45 HARVEST FESTIVAL Nov'57:28 "HARVEST IN OKINAWA" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Dec'62:44 HARVEY, (married to Charles W. Harvey) In memoriam. Sep'37:39 Harvey, (married to Edgar W. Harvey) Letters. Nov'64:49 HARVEY, A. E. THE NEW ENGLISH BIBLE: COMPANION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT New books. Nov'70:28 HARVEY, CLAIRE COLLINS World events. Jul'71:37 HARVEY, ENOS, -1960 (death) News room. Nov'60:36 HARVEY, ENOS LYLE, 1915- Three workers picked for state education posts. Nov'53:47 News room. Feb'56:38 quoted. Adults want to learn (photo) Nov'60:11 News room. Mar'61:46 Global highlights. Feb'69:34
p. 1196 Harvey, J - Haskell, E
HARVEY, JESSIE C (death) Apr'23:55 HARVEY, LYLE See HARVEY, E. LYLE HARVEY, VAN A. THE HISTORIAN AND THE BELIEVER New books. Sep'66:40 HARVILL, RICHARD A. (married to George Lee Garner Harvill) Beneath the spire (photo) May'58:8 HARVUOT, ALEXANDER McMILLAN, 1860-1920 Announcement. Apr'19:1 (tribute) Aug'20:39 HARWARD, H G What's doing in England. Feb'28:29 HARWOOD, (married to Ray Harwood) -1947 In memoriam. May'47:41 HARWOOD, CHARLES EDWARD (death) College registrars busy. Oct'33:33 HARWOOD, SARAH Fowler Homes serve young and old (photo) Dec'54:8 HARWOOD HALL See JULIETTE FOWLER HOMES Hascall, Beulah Letters. May'70:34 HASELDEN, JANE College enrollments increase. Oct'36:46 HASELTON, KYLE. DEATH OF A MYTH Mission among Spanish Americans. Jul'64:33 HASELTON, KYLE. MANDATE FOR WHITE CHRISTIANS New books. Jan'67:20 HASENBALG, CHARLES (photo) Dec'22:37 Hashinger, Edward H (married to Margaret Hashinger) Keep them young at 83. Jul'66:32 HASHINGER, EDWARD H Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'65:37 Feb'68:34 Classroom and campus. Jun'66:35 HASHMI, YUSUF ABBAS Classroom and campus. Dec'65:34 (photo p. 35) HASKELL, 1851-1938. (married to A. R. Haskell) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'38:40 (death) Dec'38:43 HASKELL, A R. -1937 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'37:42 (death) Mar'37:46 Haskell, Ethel Plunkett, 1890-1960 (married to Walter W. Haskell) Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:63 A festal time in China. Jun'25:53 Getting settled again in China. Jul'26:36 A busy center. Feb'28:41 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'29:36 Jul'30:40 An obligation and an opportunity for Christian home building. May'33:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'33:40 Reaching many types. Jul'35:30 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'36:46 Nov'40:38 (cont. next page)
p. 1197 Haskell, E - Haskell, W
Haskell, Ethel Plunkett (cont.) Women and world highways. Mar'41:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'41:38 Wuhu Academy students win prizes. Dec'47:45 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'48:36 HASKELL, ETHEL PLUNKETT, 1890-1960 Program helps (photo) Mar'25:49 (photo) Mar'30:63 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'32:41 (photo) Dec'32:suppl:9 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'36:30 May'37:40 Nov'37:29 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'48:36 News room. Feb'49:34 (photo) Sep'55:15 (death) News room. Nov'60:36 HASKELL, EVELYN See HASKELL, MARY EVELYN RANKIN HASKELL, FRANCES CULLEY (married to Walter W. Haskell, 1961) (marriage) News room. Jan'62:32 HASKELL, GEORGE W (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'26:53 HASKELL, HELEN MAY (photo) Jun'23:15 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'30:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'35:40 Some unsung missionaries in the China field. Jun'36:26 (photo p. 24) HASKELL, HOARCE WINSTON, 1925- (birth) Mar'26:64 Some unsung missionaries in the China field. Jun'36:26 (photo p. 24) (photo) Feb'41:inside back cover HASKELL, MARY EVELYN RANKIN (married to Walter Merwin Haskell) Notes. Jan'19:62 HASKELL, MERWIN See HASKELL, WALTER MERWIN Haskell, Walter Will, 1890- (married to Ethel Plunkett Haskell) (married to Frances Culley Haskell, 1961) Echoes from everywhere. Jul'22:61 Not afraid of religion. Feb'30:43 The missionary: then and now. Jun'33:26 Mr. Hu returns to Wuhu. Jul'41:28 Echoes from everyhwere. Feb'42:38 HASKELL, WALTER WILL, 1890- Notes. Jan'19:62 Apr'19:62 Program helps (photo) Mar'25:49 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'28:48 (photo) Mar'30:63 Dec'32:suppl:9 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'37:40 Nov'37:29 (photo) Oct'41:11 Feb'42:15 Write these names in shining letters. Mar'42:5 (photo) Jun'42:back cover (cont. next page)
p. 1198 Haskell, W - Hass, L
HASKELL, WALTER WILL (cont.) Those "names in shining letters." Sep'42:21 (photo) Oct'42:15 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'48:36 (photo) Nov'50:13 News room. Nov'51:30 Age and experience count most. Sep'55:14 (photo p. 15) (marriage) News room. Jan'62:32 HASKELL, WALTER MERWIN, 1920- (married to Mary Evelyn Rankin Haskell) (photos) Jun'23:15,22 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'30:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'35:40 Some unsung missionaries in the China field. Jun'36:26 (photo p. 24) News room. jan'43:34 HASKELL, WINSTON See HASKELL, HORACE WINSTON HASKELL INSTITUTE (photo) Aug'23:54 Finding Christ for the Red Man (photo) Feb'25:37 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Aug'25:51 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'30:39 HASKELL, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Aug'24:9 Haskins, L B Echoes from everywhere. Dec'21:61 HASLAM, MARY, -1960 (married to Ellis Haslam) In memoriam. Mar'61:41 Hass, (Mrs. L. H. R.) Women and world highways. Dec'43:27 Hass, Lonnie Headley, 1910-1988 (married to Lydia Hass) Church life revival. Oct'53:15 Revolution in the countryside. Oct'61:11 Discovery in the Maritimes. Apr'62:21 First step: census. Nov'62:26 Update on New Church Advance. Dec'69:14 See on good ground. Jun'71:6 Traditional or conventional churches. Oct'71:suppl:18 The role of ecumenical organizations. Oct'71:suppl:27 HASS, LONNIE HEADLEY, 1910-1988 Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'52:31 (photo) Oct'53:15 Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'59:31 Global highlights (photo) Oct'60:4 quoted. Global highlights. May'62:5 Global highlights (photo) Apr'63:4 May'63:6 News room. Jun'63:41 Our disintegrating country churches. May'64:9 Global highlights. Jul'68:7 In brief. Nov'70:40 World events (photo) Apr'71:38 (photo) Oct'71:suppl:18,27 HASS, LONNIE. THE PARISH UNITY Books of interest. Jul'63:43
p. 1199 Hass, L - Hastings, M
HASS, LUCY ANN, 1930- Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'52:31 They built a church in five weeks (photo) Nov'53:13 The churches speak out (photo) Nov'54:22 Global highlights (photo) May'62:4 News room (photo) Apr'63:32 HASS, WILLIAM HAROLD, 1933- Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'65:37 HASSELL, JESSE News room. Oct'51:43 HASSELVANDER, EUNICE (photo) Jul'23:4 HASSELVANDER, MARY (photo) Jul'23:4 HASSELVANDER, NELLIE MAY (photo) Jul'23:4 HASSELVANDER, PEARL (photo) Jul'23:4 HASSELVANDER, PHILIP (photo) Jul'23:4 HASSIG, (married to Ronald Hassig) (photo) Sep'67:17 HASSINGER, KAREN Last column. May'53:48 HASSLER, ALFRED. DIARY OF A SELF-MADE CONVICT Book chat. Mar'54:40 HASTIE, (MRS. E. E.) -1946 In memoriam. Feb'47:37 HASTINGS, E M What one man would do. Feb'49:5 HASTINGS, GEORGE B Global highlights. Sep'58:8 HASTINGS, GRACE PINNEY Memorium. May'36:39 Hastings, James Warren, 1897-1960 (married to Thelma Mae Watson Hastings) Speaking of books. Jan'33:41 The minister--an educator. Nov'33:21 The church and the children of the world. Jun'34:20 Problems faced by our Washington, D.C. churches. Apr'44:17 A dream come true. Sep'45:16 HASTINGS, JAMES WARREN, 1897-1960 Disciples at Yale (photo) Jul'27:44 What's doing in Britain. Jul'28:20 (photo) Nov'32:16 quoted. Jewels that the giants dropped. Nov'32:24 quoted. Circulation's cozy corner. Jun'34:1 Personalities. May'35:17 Feb'36:21 College notes. May'36:33 (photo) Nov'36:23 May'46:19 Dec'49:27 Jun'43:5 Sep'46:27 Global highlights (photo) Dec'51:3 Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'52:29 (death) News room. Jun'60:42 Hastings, M Louise C A child's picture interest. Jul'42:47 Christmas stories. Dec'43:36 A child's first impressions. May'48:44 Children are teachers. Jun'54:47
p. 1200 Hastings, R - Hatcher, J
HASTINGS, ROSETTA BUTLER, 1845?-1934 (married to Zachariah Simpson Hastings) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:45 HASTINGS, RUTH A. PUERTO RICO TODAY AND TOMORROW Book srelated to America's geographical frontier. Jul'48:28 Hastings, Thelma Mae Watson (married to James Warren Hastings) Direct line. Jan'72:32 HASTINGS, THELMA MAE WATSON What's doing in Britain. Jul'28:20 quoted. Wht they said (photo) Nov'34:18 (photo) Nov'36:23 Jun'41:17,42 quoted. They said at St. Louis. Jun'41:19 (photo) Sep'42:27 World Convention digest (photo) Sep'47:9 (photo) Dec'50:26 Global highlights (photo) Jul'54:3 (photo) Jan'55:3 Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'55:31 Global highlights (photo) Dec'60:5 Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'60:32 Global highlights (photo) Mar'61:4 Women and world highways. Jun'61:37 Global highlights (photo) Dec'61:6 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'69:34 In brief. Sep'71:35 HASTINGS, WILLIAM F. PUERTO RICO TODAY AND TOMORROW Books related to America's geographical frontier. Jul'48:28 HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Gleanings from early records of ACMS. May'19:26 An experiment in practical Christian unity. Feb'21:39 The churches catch a vision. Dec'26:29 HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) May'19:4 HASTLE, W J quoted. Appreciation of Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:44 quoted. Circulation corner. Feb'35:inside front cover HASTY, ELIZABETH In memoriam. May'27:49 HATAKEYAMA, SAKUO Global highlights. Nov'62:7 (photo p. 6) HATANAKA, (married to Iwao Hatanaka) (photo) Dec'34:10 Hatanaka, Iwao World peace. Dec'34:10 HATANAKA, IWAO quoted. Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'29:41 (photo) Dec'34:10 A thirtieth anniversary (photo) Apr'37:28 A thirty-fifth anniversary (photo) Feb'41:28 School for Christian living (photo) Nov'49:52 News room. Jun'52:39 (photo) Jul'52:26 A day at Sei Gakuin (photo) May'54:7 Return to Gos. May'61:42 Hatcher, (Mrs. O. E.) Life (poem) Feb'38:45 HATCHER, J WESLEY Notes. Oct'19:61
p. 1201 Hatcher, L - Hatton
HATCHER, LUCY LOUISE Beneath the spire (photo) Feb'51:4 HATCHITT, CINDA Crusade progress. Jul'49:26 HATEFI, ABDOLLAH Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'65:32 Hatfield, Cora Interesting items... Aug'19:41 HATFIELD, FLORA ROSS (death) Jan'20:53 HATFIELD, MARK O. CONFLICT AND CONSCIENCE New books. Dec'71:28 HATFIELD, WINONAH One family stays. May'63:48 HATHAWAY, H L (photo) Nov'25:31 HATHAWAY, LULU. THE BOY WHO COULDN'T TALK The church's mission among new nations. Dec'64:32 World outreach book reviews. Dec'68:39 HATHAWAY, LULU. ESPECIALLY ROSITA World outreach book reviews. Jun'68:33 HATHAWAY, LULU. THEY LIVED THEIR LOVE For study and pleasure. Dec'65:32 HATHAWAY, SUSAN RACHEL, -1948 In memoriam. Dec'48:37 HATHORN, RABAN. MARRIAGE: AN INTERFAITH GUIDE FOR ALL COUPLES New books. Sep'70:28 HATHWAY, STEPHEN Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'62:33 HATLETT, E S St. Louis Convention Committee (photo) Dec'20:44 HATO NUEVO, PUERTO RICO Puerto Rican close-up (photo of church) May'65:29 HATO TEJAS, PUERTO RICO Echoes from everywhere. Jan'50:38 (photo of church) May'55:11 HATT, HAROLD ERNEST, 1932- Classroom and campus. Oct'62:32 Nov'67:35 HATTA, INDIA Echoes from everywhere. Apr'25:38 Meeting new people. Apr'26:61 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'26:49 May'27:50 Livengood news. Jan'30:35 Where superstition is rife. Apr'30:26 (photo of vacation church school) Jun'30:35 Following an investment on through. Jun'30:37 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'32:39 Feb'49:38 Apr'52:36 Nov'52:35 HATTENDORF, CHRISTIEN What kind of harvest will they reap? (photo) Oct'49:28 HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Feb'20:62 Jul'20:43 A church that dared do its full duty (photo) Apr'21:55 What the Hattiesburg Church means to me. Jan'42:17 Every soldier is lonesome--until. Apr'43:6 (photo) Jul'49:front cover The cover. Jul'49:inside front cover HATTON, JULIA CRAVENS, -1947 In memoriam. Mar'48:37
p. 1202 Hatzler - Hausheer
HATZLER, C T Here and there with World Call (photo) Nov'51:48 HATZLER, FRED Here and there with World Call (photo) Nov'51:48 HATZLER, RUTH Here and there with World Call (photo) Nov'51:48 HAU, P. C. Station UCMS broadcasting (photo) Mar'39:33 HAUCH, JANE Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'36:40 HAUENSTIEN, AMY (death) Oct'21:64 Hauer, Elizabeth Norris God's morning (poem) Oct'69:9 HAUFF, AMEDEA BORTOLOTTI, 1911- (married to William Wayne Hauff) Beneath the spire (photo) Jul'54:4 HAUGAN, RANDOLPH E. CHRISTMAS, AN AMERICAN ANNUAL Book chat. Dec'43:38 HAUGAN, RANDOLPH E. A CHRISTMAS GALLERY New books. Dec'70:29 HAUGHEY, FRANK EUGENE, 1855-1922 A faithful ministry (photo) Nov'21:58 (death) Aug'22:59 HAUGHEY, JOHN Global highlights (photo) Mar'68:7 HAUGHTON, NINA MAUDE, -1959 In memoriam. Sep'59:37 HAUGHTON, ROSEMARY. BIBLE FOR YOUNG CHRISTIANS New books. Mar'68:39 Haun, C C Echoes from everywhere. Jan'36:39 HAUN, C C Echoes from everywhere. Mar'36:40 Haun, David L A better picture of world missionl. Jul'73:28 HAUPTFLEISCH, LISA World events (photo) Mar'72:38 HAUPTFUCHTER (HAUPFUERHRER), GEORGE K Classroom and campus. Jul'59:36 Mar'61:36 Haury, Clarejean (untitled poem) Mar'71:24 HAUSAM. (married to Jacob Hausam) In memoriam. Feb'44:33 HAUSER, BESS In memoriam. Feb'44:33 HAUSER, CONRAD A. TEACHING RELIGION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOL Book chat. May'42:23 Haushalter, Walter Milton, 1889-1963 Your dares to adventure for God. Sep'24:8 Patriotism is not enough! Sep'26:23 HAUSHALTER, WALTER MILTON, 1889-1963 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:22 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jun'25:52 quoted. A fellowship for university women. Jan'26:29 Personalities. May'35:17 HAUSHALTER, WALTER MILTON. MRS EDDY PURLOINS FROM HEGEL Book chat. Jan'37:18 HAUSHEER, HERMAN Opening semester in our colleges. Nov'35:42
p. 1203 Haussknecht - Havens, M
HAUSSKNECHT, EMMA Classroom and campus. Feb'54:32 HAUTZENRADER, C. W. Good tidings in Jamaica (photo) Jun'61:15 Hautzenrader, Mildred Ann, 1905- (married to Clarence W. Hautzenrader) For adult mission study. Sep'60:38 HAUTZENRADER, MILDRED ANN, 1905- (ordination) News room. Nov'45:26 Beneath the spire (photo) Mar'56:4 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Jan'72:43 "HAVEN OF HOPE" (MOTION PICTURE) Aduio-visual suggestions. Jan'55:42 HAVENER, JOHN ROY, 1883-1969 In memoriam. Dec'69:46 HAVENER, R B In the service of the King. Jul'23:26 HAVENS, A W (photo) Mar'24:23 Oct'41:16 Havens, Athol Vivian, 1906- (married to Martha Frances Rice Havens) The secret of financial success. Oct'41:16 Make the world safe with Christianity. May'42:30 Thanksgiving in a world at war. Nov'42:20 HAVENS, ATHOL VIVIAN, 1906- (photo) May'42:30 HAVENS, CALISTA The Havens Home a haven of rest. Aug'19:40 Havens, David Ward, 1935- (married to Suzanne Shively Havens) It takes courage to be Christian! May'66:19 HAVENS, DAVID WARD, 1935- (birth) Feb'36:47 (photo) Jun'37:25 Youth and the world mission. Mar'66:37 HAVENS, ELEANOR JEAN, 1924- Where brunettes are preferred. Nov'26:40 Two women trek through jungle. Jun'27:14 (photo) May'34:26 Jun'37:25 HAVENS, EVA See ATHERTON, EVA HAVENS HAVENS, JASPER C., 1913- (married to Freda Havens) News room. May'56:38 Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'57:6 News room. Jul'60:42 In brief. Feb'72:38 HAVENS, KATHLEEN BAILEY (married to Ray H. Havens) See AUSTIN, KATHLEEN BAILEY HAVENS (married to Spencer P. Austin) HAVENS, LULU MAY, 1875-1946 (married to A. W. Havens) (death) News room. Mar'46:39 Havens, Martha Answer the phone, please. May'27:18 Havens, Mary Sue McDonald, 1897- (married to Virgil E. Havens) Where brunettes are preferred. Nov'26:40 Two women trek through jungle. Jun'27:14 Jul'27:18 (cont. next page)
p. 1204 Havens, M - Havens Home
Havens, Mary Sue McDonald (cont.) Holding an evangelistic institute. May'32:27 The Havens family on tour. May'34:26 Echoes from everywhere. May'34:40 With pomp and ceremony. Jun'34:41 Book chat. Jun'37:42 Mali Olingo. Feb'38:44 HAVENS, MARY SUE McDONALD, 1897- (photo) Jul'25:7 The lucky thirteen (photo) Aug'25:4 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'28:48 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'34:41 (photo) Jul'35:34 Station UCMS broadcasting (photo) Jan'40:32 Classroom and campus. Nov'48:30 News room. Nov'48:32 Mar'52:32 Nov'55:37 Global highlights (photo) Jan'56:3 Disciple leaders retire (photo) Oct'64:30 HAVENS, RAY HALL, 1925-1981 (married to Kathleen Bailey Havens Austin) Disciples in the news. Feb'67:7 Global highlights (photo) Mar'67:5 In brief (photo) Sep'70:42 In brief. Oct'73:32 World events (photo) Nov'73:38 HAVENS, ROSALIND, 1929- (birth) Oct'29:64 (photo) May'34:26 Jun'37:25 HAVENS, URSULA PARSONS The Havens Home a haven of rest. Aug'19:40 Havens, Virgil Era, 1899-1948 (married to Mary Sue McDonald Havens) Agriculture a by-product of Christian missions. Jun'37:8 HAVENS, VIRGIL ERA, 1899-1948 The lucky thirteen (photo) Aug'25:4 (photo) Oct'26:21 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'28:48 A forty-dollar orange (photo) Jun'29:57 (photo) Mar'33:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'34:41 Station UCMS broadcasting (photo) Nov'36:34 News from our colleges. Dec'36:31 (photo) Jun'37:9 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:31 News room. May'47:35 (death) News room. Jul'48:46 ...a comrade in Christian service (photo) Sep'48:29 HAVENS HOME (EAST AURORA, NY) Jan'19:39 Happenings in our homes. Feb'19:40 Notes. Feb'19:46 Reorganization. Mar'19:53 Record of service... Apr'19:6 (photo) Apr'19:11 Apr'19:61 NBA directory. Ma'19:60 Notes. Jun'19:59 Echoes from grateful hearts. Jul'19:49 (cont. next page)
p. 1205 Havens Home - Hawaii
HAVENS HOME (cont.) ...a haven of rest. Aug'19:40 An interesting picnic. Sep'19:43 Notes. Sep'19:49 Oct'19:60 The house beautiful. Jan'20:44 Items of interest... Feb'20:48 Notes. Feb'20:63 Mar'20:63 A bundle of love letters. Apr'20:44 (photo) Aug'20:40 A growing ministry. Apr'21:4 (photo) Apr'21:13 Joy and service in Havens Home. Apr'21:54 Report. Sep'21:38 Helping god to keep His promises (photos) Apr'22:10 The straw that breaks the camel's back. Apr'22:30 Annual report... Sep'22:43 A farewell to the guests of Havens Home. Dec'22:56 Moving the family south. Jan'23:38 HAVERHILL, MASSACHUSETTS. MAIN STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Hope revived (photo) Apr'19:57 Notes. Feb'20:61 Echoes from everywhere. May'21:64 Jul'23:57 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'26:55 Under the palms and among the pines. Feb'27:37 HAVERSTICK, JOHN. THE PROGRESS OF THE PROTESTANT New books. Oct'70:28 HAVIGHURST, ROBERT J. THE EDUCATIONAL MISSION OF THE CHURCH New books. Jun'65:41 HAVNER, VANCE quoted. Global highlights. Mar'63:6 HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Crusade progress. Mar'49:26 Together we build (photo of pastor's cabinet) Apr'54:13 HAVRE, MONTANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Outlying states and home missions. May'22:55 Twentieth Century pioneering. Dec'22:36 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:58 One week's itinerary of a Home Missionary. Feb'24:37 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:49 HAVRE, MONTANA. SIXTH STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'24:8 HAWAII (photo) Jul'23:front cover Missionary illustrations... Feb'26:57 Nov'26:55 The last page. Mar'27:64 En route to Australia. Nov'28:62 Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'29:31 ...far western outpost. Sep'48:22 Youth and missions. Sep'48:35 For adult missionary groups. Oct'48:34 Nov'48:34 I visit Honolulu. Apr'49:22 Echoes from everywhere (photo of meeting) May'51:36 Disciples in territories. Apr'58:22 Common concerns of the churches. Jun'58:18 ...crossroads of the Pacific. Oct'58:27 For adult mission study. Oct'58:38 Women and word highways. Nov'58:35 ..."Garden of religions." Jun'59:30 (cont. next page)
p. 1206 Hawaii - Hawkins, L
HAWAII (cont.) Global highlights. Jul'63:5 Opportunity in "Paradise." Jan'65:28 Church Women United in Hawaii. Jun'68:28 HAWES, (MRS. J. M.) -1928 In memoriam. Feb'29:34 HAWK, BILL A foster family for the Hawks (photo) Dec'26:26 HAWK, CHUCK A foster family for the Hawks (photo) Dec'26:26 HAWK, DAVE A foster family for the Hawks (photo) Dec'26:26 HAWK, EARL (married to Wyoma Hawk) A foster family for the Hawks. Dec'26:26 (photo p. 27) HAWK, JEN quoted. Old letters of rare value. Sep'21:13 HAWK, JEU, -1931 The Portland Christian Mission. May'23:20 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'32:41 HAWK, JOANNE A foster family for the Hawks (photo) Dec'26:27 HAWK, WYOMA (married to Earl Hawk) A foster family for the Hawks. Dec'26:26 (photo p. 27) HAWKINS, (TENNESSEE) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:63 Hawkins, (married to Rival Hawkins) World friendship comes alive! Nov'52:29 HAWKINS, ALICE JESSIE (death) Aug'20:31 HAWKINS, CHARLES W (photo) Oct'43:5 HAWKINS, CHAUNCEY J. DO THE CHURCHES DARE? Speaking of books. Apr'30:30 Hawkins, Dorothy M I believe in the triumph of beauty (poem) Aug'24:26 Hawkins, Elza Merideth (married to Lois Swick Hawkins) Church union in sixteen countries. Jan'73:29 HAWKINS, ELZA MERIDETH (married to Lois Swick Hawkins) News room. Sep'46:40 Classroom and campus. Oct'56:31 Sep'57:31 In brief. Feb'71:40 (photo) Jan'73:29 HAWKINS, ETHEL, -1955 In memoriam. Apr'55:35 HAWKINS, J. CLINTON Men to meet in Cleveland. Sep'56:42 HAWKINS, J J (married to Verba Lyons Hawkins) (marriage) Around the Jarvis campus. Jun'42:29 HAWKINS, JESSE J Global highlights (photo) Oct'61:6 HAWKINS, LAURENCE (photo) Jul'20:21 Hawkins, Lois Olive Swick, 1912- (married to Elza Merideth Hawkins) Spotlight on the Managbanag sisters. Sep'71:20 Church finds and creates opportunity in Philippines. Sep'72:29
p. 1207 Hawkins, L - Hawley, C
HAWKINS, LOIS OLIVE SWICK, 1912- Classroom and campus. Nov'45:25 News room. Jun'52:38 Classroom and campus. Jan'54:29 In brief. Feb'71:40 HAWKINS, MARY W (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'31:34 Hawkins, Rival J They that go down to the sea in ships. Apr'45:36 CYF caravan to Mexico. Jan'52:24 HAWKING, RIVAL J. Youth and missions (photo) Jun'53:41 News room (photo) Apr'55:38 News room. Nov'56:36 Global highlights. May'61:7 HAWKINS, VERBA LYONS (married to J. J. Hawkins) (marriage) Around the Jarvis campus. Jun'42:29 HAWKINS, WILLIAM J In brief (photo) Mar'71:41 HAWKINS, TEXAS. EVANGELISTIC INSTITUTE Evangelism from coast to coast. Mar'24:35 HAWKINS, TEXAS. JARVIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH More ways of widening horizons. Oct'31:40 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'32:40 Hawks, Josephine Thirty pieces (poem) Mar'67:29 Communion (poem) Apr'68:42 Prayer of a night worker (poem) Jul'68:40 The link (poem) Mar'72:22 HAWLEY, ADA M., 1878-1963 In memoriam. Apr'63:49 HAWLEY, CARRIE C. WARFEL, 1896-1965 (married to Clarence Owen Hawley) (photo) Jul'35:34 Hawley, Clarence Owen, 1890-1963 (married to Carrie C. Warfel Hawley) Look well, therefore, to this day. Jun'31:5 How five hundred churches raise money. Oct'31:21 What is necessary to accomplish it. Jun'32:11 Recovery is on the way. Sep'34:21 A renewed local church. Oct'35:14 Meeting the tragedy of the church. Mar'37:22 A period of tithing. Apr'37:27 Approaching June 30. Jun'37:18 Stewardship program in the local church. Oct'37:13 The Easter to Pentecost tithing period. Apr'38:21 The effective church in the community. Sep'38:20 Program--then budgets. Oct'38:9 April, May and June. Jun'39:14 The church in America. Sep'39:20 Brotherhood Dinner... Jan'40:15 Stewardship year. Jul'40:27 Bread and butter. Jun'41:14 Twofold emergency in life and work. Sep'41:8 Emergency Millon: second year. Sep'42:17 Looking ahead. Sep'43:8 Safeguarding simplification. Apr'44:21 A report to the Brotherhood. Jul'44:16 (cont. next page)
p. 1208 Hawley, C - Hawthorne, C
Hawley, Clarence Owen (cont.) With Christ we build anew. Sep'45:19 The 1950 Week of Compassion. Jan'50:15 Let's finish the job. Jun'50:10 Greater things than these. Oct'50:27 Compassion calls for sharing. Feb'51:19 The assurance of things hoped for. Oct'51:21 HAWLEY, CLARENCE OWEN, 1890-1963 (photo) Mar'24:20 Promoting promotion (photo) Jan'25:20 (photo) Jan'27:14 Oct'28:32 Dec'28:28 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'30:41 Mr. Hawley to head Promotional Department... (photo) Sep'30:23 The secretaries elected. Dec'30:6 (photo) Nov'31:28 May'33:4 ...heads Promotion (photo) May'35:22 (photo) Jun'37:18 Jun'38:12 Jan'39:8 Apr'38:21 Dec'38:29 The theshold (photo) Jul'40:2 (photo) Apr'41:inside Nov'42:24 Sep'43:8 back cover Jan'43:7 Jun'44:11 Oct'41:8 Jun'43:5 Sep'45:19 Disciples plan advance program. Nov'45:7 (photo) May'46:19 Global highlights. Jul'46:2 Feb'47:2 (photo) Sep'47:12 Sep'49:41 Jan'50:15 Global highlights (photo) Jun'50:3 (photo) Jun'50:10 Oct'50:27 Global highlights (photo) Nov'53:2 (photo) Mar'55:3 Global highlights (photo) May'55:3 (photo) Oct'55:2 (photo) Nov'55:6 Recommitment to a common cause (photo) Dec'55:29 Global highlights (photo) Apr'56:3 Spokesmen for God (photo) Jul'56:28 Global highlights. Apr'57:3 ...honored (photo) May'57:13 New assignment for a trusted leader (photo) Jun'57:8 Global highlights (photo) Nov'57:2 (death) News room. Jan'64:40 HAWLEY, JAMES Classroom and campus (photo) May'54:30 HAWORTH, PAUL L Colleges plan for fall opening. Sep'36:33 College notes. Nov'36:40 HAWT, TAA New life for a Thai village. Mar'68:14 HAWTHORNE, JUDITH CECILIA TYE, 1943- (married to Jennings Hawthorne, Jr.) (marriage) New room. Jul'64:34 HAWTHORNE, CECILIA TYE See HAWTHORNE, JUDITH CECILIA TYE HAWTHORNE, CHARLES W A close up of our colleges. Jan'30:43 HAWTHORNE, CHARLES W. "ADORATION" (PAINTING) Madonnas from many lands (photo) Dec'38:24
p. 1209 Hawthorne, J - Hay
HAWTHORNE, JENNINGS, JR. (married to Judith Cecilia Tye Jennings) (marriage) New room. Jul'64:34 HAY, (MRS. A. B.) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:60 HAY, (married to Chauncey S. Hay) (photo) Feb'27:38 HAY, (MRS. G. H.) Spanish-American ministers meet (photo) Apr'55:46 HAY, (MRS. G. W.) (death) Jan'26:49 HAY, (married to H. Gordon Hay) (death) Echoes from everywhere. Oct'29:63 HAY, CHAUNCEY S (photo) Feb'27:38 HAY, EVELYN See CARTMILL, EVELYN HAY, H GORDON Echoes from everywhere. Oct'29:63 HAY, J GORDON The call of Friendship Brook. Apr'22:40 (photo) Feb'23:20 Our first Christmas in Jamaica. Mar'23:56 Another hand across the sea. May'30:20 (photo) Sep'30:16 HAY, J NAIRN Two men (photo) May'36:14 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'46:38 HAY, JOHN Echoes from everywhere. Sep'46:38 HAY, JOHN C A fifty year adventure (photo) Oct'25:28 HAY, JOHN N Doctor for Asuncion. Oct'34:44 HAY, K (photo) May'55:38 HAY, KENNETH Busy days in our colleges. Jan'39:40 News of our colleges. Oct'39:32 Classroom and campus. Apr'43:32 Global highlights (photo) Apr`65:6 (photo) Sep'66:front cover HAY, LAWRENCE CORD, 1920- (married to Evelyn Weber Hay Cartmill) (married to In brief. Sep'71:34 HAY, LeROY FRANCIS, 1912- Classroom and campus. Nov'55:28 Teamwork in church construction (photo) Jul'58:17 Hay, Marie C Working mothers need the church. Oct'62:20 HAY, MARIE C Mrs. Bettie R. Brown retures (photo) May'51:42 Disciples met in Portland (photo) Sep'53:22 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Nov'53:34 In brief. Dec'72:41 HAY, WINIFRED HOPKINS, -1952 In memoriam. May'52:39
p. 1210 Hayashi, T - Hayes, R
HAYASHI, TETSUMARO Classroom and campus. Mar'60:30 HAYDEN, (MRS. J. O.) quoted. Circulation corner. Dec'40:2 HAYDEN, (MRS. W. H.) In memoriam. Apr'34:39 HAYDEN, B H (middle bottom photo) Apr'30:14,15 HAYDEN, BUFORD M., -1950 In memoriam. Jul'50:38 HAYDEN, CLARA Notes. May'19:63 HAYDEN, DELIA D., -1928 In memoriam. Sep'28:33 HAYDEN, M D Gleanings from early records of ACMS. May'19:26 HAYDEN, MORGAN PARRITT, 1845-1928 Fifty years in the ministry (photo) Apr'25:9 HAYDON, A. EUSTACE. MAN'S SEARCH FOR THE GOOD LIFE Book chat. Oct'37:20 HAYDON, EDNA LeMASTER, -1966 (married to Forest Haydon) In memoriam. Mar'66:43 HAYES, (MRS. A. M.) In memoriam. Nov'37:39 HAYES, (MRS. A. W.) -1961 In memoriam. Sep'61:35 HAYES, (married to Glenn G. Hayes) WCTU head, a Disciples, scores liquor promotion. Oct'55:45 HAYES, (MRS. J. E.) -1952 In memoriam. Oct'52:35 HAYES, (married to John D. Hayes) Here and there with World Call. Sep'53:48 HAYES, A V (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'29:43 HAYES, ALEENE OAKLEY, 1905- Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'29:43 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'29:43 HAYES, BREWSTER (photo) Dec'48:10 HAYES, ELIZABETH Christian relations yesterday and today (photo) Jul'67:14 Hayes, Florence A silver anniversary. Feb'46:26 HAYES, FLORENCE. HOSH-KI THE NAVAJO Summer reading about Indian Americans. Jul'44:25 HAYES, LEWIS (photo) Jan'21:9 HAYES, MARGARET. CAPTIVE OF THE SIMBAS New books. Jun'67:22 HAYES, MARTHA, -1939 In memoriam. Dec'39:37 HAYES, ROBERT L Disciples in the news. Jul'68:8 HAYES, ROLAND Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'27:45 Dec'27:45 Items that made news last month. Oct'29:36 Flashlights on progress in racial recognition. Jul'32:16 HAYES, RUTH Commencement at Hazel Green (photo) Sep'25:40
p. 1211 Hayes, T - Haynes
HAYES, THOMAS LEE In brief. Mar'71:35 HAYES, THOMAS LEE. AMERICAN DISERTERS IN SWEDEN New books. May'72:33 HAYMAKER, ALLIE KING, -1949 (married to Jesse Newton Haymaker) In memoriam. Oct'49:37 HAYMAKER, J N (photo) Oct'23:55 Last minute news from our colfleges. Apr'30:33 Bequests for pensions. Oct'32:46 HAYN, C D (photo) Jan'21:8 HAYNES, (married to David D. Haynes) In memoriam. May'34:39 HAYNES, (MRS. M. M.), -1946 In memoriam. Mar'46:37 HAYNES, ADA In memoriam. May'34:39 Haynes, Aleene Oakley Building for America's tomorrow. Sep'27:35 HAYNES, ALEENE OAKLEY Daily vacation Bible school. Nov'27:49 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:38 HAYNES, CARRIE (married to T. R. Haynes) Beneath the spire (photo) Mar'60:8 HAYNES, DAISY, -1950 In memoriam. Sep'50:37 HAYNES, ELLEN In memoriam. Mar'45:33 Haynes, George Edmund Negro Americans and the churches. Nov'36:14 Interracial participation in church assemblies. Feb'41:17 HAYNES, GEORGE EDMUND (photo) Nov'36:14 Feb'41:17,18 Jul'42:12 Global highlights (photo) Feb'47:3 Social trends. Feb'47:18 HAYNES, GEORGE EDMUND. THE TREND OF THE RACES Book announcements. Aug'22:50 Do you realize? Apr'23:55 Missionary reading courses. Oct'23:50 HAYNES, M M., -1951 In memoriam. Mar'51:39 Haynes, Rosa V. Brown Grubbs, -1960 The National Convention of the Disciples of Christ. Nov'23:44 HAYNES, ROSA V. BROWN GRUBBS, -1960 Leadership training and school of methods, Southern Christian Institute. Jun'21:43 (photo) Sep'25:7 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'27:59 (photo) Jan'28:32 Sunday schools. May'29:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'30:34 (death) News room. Nov'60:36 HAYNES, ROY (photo) Oct'22:39 quoted. If, to please to people. Jul'26:23 HAYNES, TITUS P., 1934- A pastor's study takes a new form (photo) Nov'73:28
p. 1212 Hays - Hazel Green 1920
Hays, (married to Glenn C. Hays) Alcohol is a world problem. Jul'58:22 HAYS, (married to Glenn C. Hays) Disciple heads W.C.T.U. Dec'53:42 (photo) Jul'58:22 Global highlights (photo) Nov'58:4 HAYS, (married to Louis Hays) (photo) Feb'45:28 HAYS, (MRS. R. L.) quoted. Circulation corner. Jun'42:inside front cover HAYS, ABBIE ROGERS (death) Jan'23:58 HAYS, ARDIN E Classroom and campus. Nov'43:26 HAYS, BROOKS, 1898- quoted. Chruchman's seminar on world affairs. Jul'49:17 Global highlights. Nov'57:4 Oct'58:8 Feb'59:6 quoted. Quote...unquote. Jun'70:18 HAYS, DAISY Global highlights. Jan'69:46 HAYS, JAMES EDWARD In brief. Mar'70:38 HAYS, LEWIS NEAL, 1885-1952 (death) News room. Jan'53:33 Fowler Homes serve young and old. Dec'54:10 HAYS, WILLIAM E Five churches added to Every Home Plan (photo) Dec'60:46 Hayten, R B Note. Aug'19:45 HAYTI, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Jul'38:1 Hayward, (Mrs. G.) Our visitors speak. Dec'30:43 Hayward, Percy Roy, 1884- I am your pupil. Nov'29:inside front cover HAYWARD, PERCY ROY, 1884- quoted. The last page. Jan'37:48 Sep'39:48 quoted. Last column. May'50:48 HAYWARD, PERCY ROY. PROTESTANTISM FACES ITS EDUCATIONAL TASK TOGETHER Book chat. May'49:44 HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of parsonage) Jul'43:8 HAYWORTH, (married to James A. Hayworth) In memoriam. Jun'38:39 HAZARD, KENTUCKY. HICKORY GAP CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, January 1 - March 31, 1967. Jul'67:36 HAZEL, DORA In memoriam. Feb'27:49 HAZEL GREEN ACADEMY My mountain people. Jul'19:10 (photo) Jul'19:11 Notes (photo) Aug'19:47 Snap shots... Dec'19:14 Notes. May'20:60,61 Commencement at Hazel Green (photo) Aug'20:26 C.W.B.M. annual report (photo) Nov'20:25 (cont. next page)
p. 1213 Hazel Green 1921 - 1935
HAZEL GREEN ACADEMY (cont.) Report. Sep'21:26 A school of highest merit (photos) May'22:46 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'22:53 Annual report. Sep'22:36 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:51 What does Hazel Green Academy stand for? May'23:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:59 The year at a glance. Oct'23:36 Program helps. Oct'24:48 (photo) Oct'24:49 Following the trail of the church's activity. May'25:12 (photo p. 10) Echoes from everywhere. May'25:50 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'25:43 Aug'25:43 Commencement at Hazel Green (photos) Sep'25:40 So this is Hazel Green. Apr'26:47 ...and Christian Endeavor. Apr'27:47 (photo) Sep'27:19 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'28:39 Commencement week... (photo of graduating class) Aug'28:36 By their fruits (photo) Sep'28:10 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:38 A melody from the mountains. Dec'28:39 (photo) Dec'28:62 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'29:43 Miss Bertha of Hazel Green. Feb'29:45 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'29:64 Again the school bell calls. Nov'29:23 Fire at Hazel Green (photo of dormitory) Dec'29:60 Roads and radios. Apr'30:18 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'30:62 Representing 166 years of service. Jul'30:31 Airplane snapshots. Sep'30:26 Programs... Sep'30:37 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'30:34 The amazing story of Hazel Green (photos) Jan'31:12 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'31:39 Here are examples of definite service to definitely rural groups. May'31:19 New building dedicated at Hazel Green. Jul'31:30 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'31:35 Missionary organizations. Aug'31:36 Along the trail of home missions. Sep'31:30 Glimpses of the Kentucky mountains. Oct'31:31 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'32:40 Feb'32:38,40 May'32:39 Jun'32:39 Meeting a need in the Kentucky mountains. Feb'33:45 In the Kentucky mountains (photo of graduating class) Jul'33:46 Through the years. Sep'33:38 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'33:34 (photo of broom factory) Apr'34:25 Typical (photo of brick yard) Apr'34:28 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'34:39 Achievements in home missions. Apr'35:7 A bird's eye view of home missions (photo) Apr'35:30 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'35:31 (cont. next page)
p. 1214 Hazel Green 1935 - 1951
HAZEL GREEN ACADEMY (cont.) Editorial correspondence. Jul'35:18 Fifty-fifth session... Dec'35:34 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'36:34 ...through the years (photos) Apr'36:8 Discomfort... May'36:46 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'36:40 From another hilltop (photos) Jul'37:28 They are seven (photo) Apr'38:7 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'38:44 (photo) Jan'39:34 Living waters in a thirsty land (photo) Apr'39:12 May Day at Hazel Green. Sep'39:42 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Oct'39:41 (photo) Apr'40:24 ...60th anniversary. Sep'40:26 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'40:39 Nov'40:39 ..."jot 'em down store." (photos) Apr'41:7 Memories and events... Apr'41:45 Notes from Hazel Green. Oct'41:42 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'41:39 Indiana paper backs Hazel Green. Dec'41:6 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'41:39 The "Jot 'em down store." Jan'42:4 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'42:43 Girl reserve club. Jan'42:47 Life is interesting at Hazel Green. Mar'42:13 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'42:39 Apr'42:39 May'42:38 Springtime at Hazel Green. Jun'42:31 News room. Jan'43:34 Youth and missions. Apr'43:37 Home missions keeps on keeping on. Apr'44:11 (photo p. 12) Farmer's Day... (photo) apr'44:13 They work without pay and like it (photos) May'44:19 Youth and missions. Jun'44:31 The Highlander discovers America. Apr'45:6 (photo of Jot'em down store p.7) A ministry to rural youth (photos) Apr'45:25 Christian youth in action (photos) May'45:19 Home missions heads reprot. Jun'45:25 (photo) Apr'47:13 Beyond schoolroom walls. Apr'48:14 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'49:38 May'49:38 Jul'49:38 For adult missionary groups. Sep'49:34 As I saw Hazel Gree (photo of kindergarten class) Oct'49:27 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'49:36 Jan'50:38 May'50:38 Kentucky hills called...the church answered (photo) Feb'51:28 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'51:36 A light shines form the hill (photos) May'51:15 Echoes from everywhere. May'51:36 Who will follow in his train? (photos) Jun'51:12 Crusade progress. Jun'51:26 He is known by his works. Jul'51:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'51:6 Sep'51:36 (cont. next page)
p. 1215 Hazel Green 1951 - 1967
HAZEL GREEN ACADEMY (cont.) Green pastures for Kentucky hills. Dec'51:43 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'52:36 May'52:38 Jun'52:37 Jul'52:40 The church supports the right to education. Sep'52:11 For adult mission study (photo) Sep'52:36 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'52:35 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'53:36 Highways and Hazel Green. Oct'53:16 News room. Jan'54:38 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'54:50 Global highlights. May'54:3 News room. Jul'54:42 Three work camps held. Dec'54:51 Echoes from everywhere. May'55:34 News room. Jul'55:38 (photo) Nov'55:37 Where there is human need (photo) Apr'56:16 Echoes from everywhere. May'56:34 News room. May'56:38 For adult mission study. Jul'56:36 Global highlights (photo of new clinic) Mar'57:3 Beacon lights across America. Apr'57:11 Global highlights. Feb'58:6 Seven centers of hope. Apr'58:13 News room. Dec'58:34 Echoes from everywhere (photo of home economics class) Jun'59:36 Global highlights. May'59:6 News room. Jul'59:42 For adult mission study. Oct'59:38 News room. Feb'60:34 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'60:38 Harvest at Hazel Green (photos) Apr'60:11 News room. Jul'60:42 Global highlights. Sep'60:7 Home missions in a changing land. Sep'60;15 Global highlights (photo of historical marker) Oct'60:7 Contrasts at Hazel Green (photos) Apr'61:13 An emphasis on service. Jun'61:36 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'61:34 News room. Jan'62:32 A family looks at Hazel Green (photos) Apr'62:13 produces record corn crop. Apr'62:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'62:36 Global highlights. Jan'63:7 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'63:36 Home mission ministries of Disciples. Apr'63:31 Global highlights. Sep'63:6 "Extras" at Hazel Green Academy. Apr'64:16 Global highlights. Jun'64:5 Echoes from everywhere (photo of cheerleaders) Jun'64:36 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'65:38 Music in the hills (photo of band) Mar'65:30 Echoes from everywhere (photo of model) Apr'65:36 (photo) Dec'65:47 Disciples in the news. Sep'66:7 Something new at Hazel Gren (photos) Sep'67:40 (cont. next page)
p. 1216 Hazel Green 1967 - Head
HAZEL GREEN ACADEMY (cont.) Students get ready for change in Appalachia (photos) Nov'67:24 Letters. Feb'68:46 Rebels agains injustice. Apr'68:11 Students win awards. May'68:43 Academy improves campus facilities. May'68:49 Youth and the world mission. Sep'68:33 In brief. Nov'68:8 Disciples in the news. Nov'68:8 Direct line. Sep'69:32 Ninety years old and full of youth. Apr'70:14 World events. Jan'71:40 Nov'71:36 In brief. Jan'72:39 World events. Jun'72:39 In brief. Dec'72:42 Still pioneering in the Kentucky hills (photos) Feb'73:23 Disciples learn from visit to mountain home mission center (photo of Jot-em-down store) Apr'73:42 They came to Hazel Green to work! Oct'73:23 HAZEL GREEN, KENTUCKY. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'31:44 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'32:39 News room. Mar'50:38 For adult mission study. Sep'51:34 News room. Dec'55:42 Echoes from everywhere. (photo of construction) Feb'56:34 (photo of youth) Apr'65:36 HAZELRIGG, CLARA HELEN ESPY, 1859-1937 (death) Mrs. Clara Hazelrigg (photo) Mar'37:29 HAZELRIGG, EMMA FLORENCE, -1942 In memoriam. Feb'43:39 HAZELTON, ROGER quoted. Global highlights. Jan'64:7 HAZELTON, ROGER. GOD'S WAY WITH MAN Book chat. May'57:22 HAZELWOOD, EUGENE P Disciples in the news. Jun'66:7 Hazelwood, Frances A puzzle story (illustrator) Jun'20:16 HAZELWOOD, LOUELLA In memorium. Oct'40:39 HAZLITT, WILLIAM quoted. Last column. Sep'56:48 HEACOCK, CORA A In memoriam. Jan'34:39 HEAD, GROVER R., -1951 In memoriam. Apr'52:37 Head, Mabel Women and world highways. Nov'47:31 HEAD, MABEL Global highlights. Mar'59:6 HEAD, SADIE, -1938 In memoriam. Feb'39:39 HEAD, T J A sky pilot in Oklahoma (photo) Apr'19:31 How it happened in Oklahoma. Aug'25:18 (photo p. 20)
p. 1217 Headley - Hearnes
HEADLEY, (married to Henry Headley) Circulation corner. Apr'43:inside front cover HEAL, W. E. (photo) Jul'72:16 HEALING See also FAITH CURE Body and soul. Jan'63:14 "THE HEALING WITNESS" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Jan'69:36 Jan'70:29 HEALTH How our minds make us sick. Nov'49:13 Thy health shall spring forth. Dec'49:17 HEALTH INSURANCE New programs to aid ministers and churches. Oct'71:14 World events. Jan'72:37 Feb'72:36 "HEALTHY FAMILIES" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. May'59:42 HEALY, MARIA COOLEY In memoriam. Jun'33:39 HEALY, RAY Messages from our Home Missionaries. Jul'19:53 HEAPS, ISABEL WARRINGTON. FIVE MARTYRS Book chat. Jan'43:44 HEARD, GERALD. THE CODE OF CHRIST Book chat. May'41:19 HEARD, GERALD. A PREFACE TO PRAYER Book chat. Sep'44:16 HEARD, PAUL F Today's tools for today's tasks (photo) Oct'54:24 HEARD, ROSALIE In memorium. Dec'36:39 HEARN, BEN, JR. Classroom and campus. Jul'46:30 HEARN, ELEANOR JOY SCOTT, 1925- (birth) Mar'26:64 (photo) Jan'27:59 Apr'30:2 HEARN, GRACE WARMAN, 1880-1956 (married to Omar Wheat Hearn) In memoriam. Mar'56:35 HEARN, MARY JO DIETZ, 1900- (married to Ben F. Hearn) (photo) Jun'50:18 Hearn, Omar Wheat, 1882-1940 (married to Grace Warman Hearn) Message... Oct'19:46 HEARN, OMAR WHEAT, 1882-1940 In memoriam. Feb'41:39 Hearn, Walter A Book chat. Dec'34:42 Dec'36:40 HEARNDEN, EDWIN P., -1896 (married to Kate R. Brunton Hearnden) Our pioneer missionaries to China (photo) Dec'23:33 (photo) Mar'35:5 HEARNE, CARRIE In memoriam. Feb'29:34 HEARNE, ELEANOR JOY SCOTT, 1925- (photo) Jun'29:14 HEARNE, GEORGE ARCHER Classroom and campus. Jun'60:34 Hearnes, (married to Warren E. Hearnes) Christians and politics. Feb'66:32
p. 1218 Hearnes - Heaton, J
HEARNES, (married to Warren E. Hearnes) Classroom and campus. Jul'67:35 HEARST, WILLIAM RANDOLPH Mr. Hearts, Mr. Broun, the Bible. Jan'36:4 Letter to a clergyman. Jan'36:10 HEART ATTACK See CORONARY HEART DISEASE HEARTHSTONE Global highlights. Oct'48:3 Baptists and Disciples read together. Oct'49:5 HEASLEY, FLORENCE H Classroom and campus. Feb'49:32 HEATH, BENJAMIN SCOTT, -1960 In memoriam. May'60:35 HEATH, BOB A few steps from the campus (photo) Sep'63:14 HEATH, DON Colleges that break stereotypes (photo) Mar'71:8 HEATH, KEVIN WALTER, 1931- (married to Dorothy Mary Heath) Classroom and campus. Jan'59:36 (photo) Sep'60:35 HEATH, LIZZIE New guests in the homes for the aged. May'39:42 HEATH, O R quoted. The threshold. Jun'37:2 Heather, Dimple, 1910-1984 Girls form Aguascalientes. Feb'55:41 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'56:34 Jul'56:34 HEATHER, DIMPLE, 1910-1984 News room. Sep'50:38 (photo) Jan'52:39 Disciples study Spanish in Costa Rica (photos) Nov'52:23 News room. Feb'61:34 (photo) Mar'64:38 Missionary honored (photo) Sep'68:44 HEATHERINGTON, DAN W Classroom and campus. Oct'53:30 HEATHMAN, W F (death) Jun'23:54 Heaton, Charles Huddleston, 1928- Let's look at the ministry of music. Mar'61:31 HEATON, FRANCES (photo) May'35:33 HEATON, GEORGE D Global highlights (photo) Mar'48:3 Heaton, Jane, 1931- Books on Latin America. Jan'62:38 Women and world highways. Feb'62:35 Sep'62:33 Recommended books on the changing city. Jun'63:40 Women on world highways. Sep'64:34 Dec'65:33 Jul'69:31 Feb'65:35 Jul'66:33 Dec'69:31 Jul'65:37 Fe'67:32 Apr'70:31 New life awaits. Mar'71:22 HEATON, JANE, 1931- News room. Feb'60:34 News room (photo) Oct'60:40 Sep'61:38 Ecumenical guests (photo) Jun'68:44 In brief. Feb'73:40
p. 1219 Heaton, J - Hedger
HEATON, JOHN W. Opening semester in our colleges. Nov'35:42 Classroom and campus. Oct'42:33 Heaton, Mary L How the Little Flat Rock Christian Endeavor Society raised its pledge. Oct'26:47 HEBB, (married to Leon Hebb) Classroom and campus. Oct'65:34 HEBB, FRANK Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'66:34 HEBB, LEON Classroom and campus. Oct'65:34 HEBERLING, SALLY, 1882-1956 In memoriam. Dec'56:37 HEBERT, EVARISTE, 1885-1964 The call of the southland. May'19:35 Report. Sep'21:28 French Mission. May'22:23 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'23:56 The year at a glance. Oct'23:36 A shepherd of the Bayous. Jun'24:13 Evangelists of the cross (photo) Feb'28:8 Mind and soul according well. Jul'25:19 Aboard the Gospel cahriot (photo) Jul'25:22 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'25:43 An apostolic scene in Louisiana (photo) Sep'25:19 (photo) Jun'26:57 Echoes from everywhere. May'27:49 (photo) Sep'27:2 The mission to the French Acadians. Mar'28:39 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:38 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'29:51 An appreciation. Jan'30:61 Evangelists of the cross (photo) Feb'30:13 Mission to the Evangeline country. Nov'51:14 HEBERT, ROMEO Echoes from everywhere. Oct'27:48 HEBREW UNION COLLEGE Global highlights. Nov'47:2 May'48:3 HEBRON, NEBRASKA Boy Scouts of Hebron, Nebraska. Aug'19:28 HEBRON, NEBRASKA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Global highlights. Apr'67:5 HEBRUN, LOIS When churches merge and share facilities (photo) Sep'71:24 HECKARD, ROBERT WAYNE News room (photo) Nov'57:32 They work for you (photo) Nov'58:28 HECKENDORN, RAYMOND J Global highlights. Jul'67:7 In brief (photo) Oct'69:38 HECKINGER, FRED M quoted. The professor gains status. Jan'60:9 HEDGE, MARTHA (photo) Feb'24:40 HEDGEPATH, JENNIE, -1932 In memoriam. Nov'32:39 HEDGER, HONTA See SMITH, HONTA HEDGER
p. 1220 Hedges - Hedges, H
HEDGES, (married to Herbert Hedges) (photo) Nov'36:27 HEDGES, ARTHUR ALDEN, 1889-1965 Fathers and son in the ministry (photo) Apr'26:14 Hedges, Charles Preston, 1880-1933 (married to Lillie V. Bowyer Hedges) Note. Sep'20:60 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'23:49,53,59 Jun'24:49 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:49,50 Sep'24:49,62 Golden Jubilee notes. Oct'24:51 A busy month at Monieka. Oct'24:62 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'25:56,57 Mar'25:51 Her ministry wonderfully blest. Apr'25:39 African heralds of the cross. Arp'25:53 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'25:51 Up hill and down dale. Jan'26:56 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'26:50 Hedge rustlings. Nov'26:57 The Hedge row on a journey. Oct'27:40 The Hedge rustlings. Sep'28:29 Hedge row rustlings. Jul'29:28 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'29:49 Dec'29:51,61 Jan'30:63 Hedge rustlings. Sep'30:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'31:39 May'31:39 Aug'31:40,41 Feb'32:47 Hunting for copal. Apr'32:43 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'32:39,40 Nov'32:38 Jan'33:38 May'33:41 Foreign missions in Congo church. Jun'33:27 HEDGES, CHARLES PRESTON, 1880-1933 Notes. Jan'19:64 Mar'19:60,62 Jul'19:61 Apr'20:55 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:61 Our missionaries in Africa in Convention (photo) Feb'21:50 quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:26 (photo) Oct'21:49 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:63 (photo) Feb'22:40 Mar'22:41 Oct'22:5 Echoes from everywhere. May'27:50 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'27:55 Echoes from everywhere. May'30:40 quoted. Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'31:42 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'31:41 (death) Charles P. Hedges (photo) Jul'33:21 (death) Hedge rustlings. Sep'33:27 HEDGES, CHARLES PRESTON, JR., 1914- Our missionaries in Africa in Convention (photo) Feb'21:50 (photo) Feb'22:40 Jun'23:45 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'27:38 The Hedge rustlings. Sep'28:29 Charles P. Hedges. Jul'33:27 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'36:34 (photo) Jun'37:24 News room. Mar'43:34 HEDGES, DONALD FISHER (photo) Jul'23:6 HEDGES, HOMER News room. Jan'44:34
p. 1221 Hedges, J - Hedges, T
Hedges, Jean Hathaway Kansas wind (poem) Feb'37:48 HEDGES, JOHN BOWYER (birth) Hedge rustlings. Nov'26:57 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'27:55 A double bereavement. Jun'27:63 HEDGES, JOHN LLOYD, 1936- (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'36:30 Hedges, Lillie V. Bowyer, 1881-1979 (married to Charles Preston Hedges) A baby's first four years. Aug'19:62 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:49,50 Aug'25:51 Hedge row rustlings. Jul'29:28 Monieka brave hearts. Jul'32:27 The white man's dance. Aug'32:32 Hedge rustlings. Sep'33:27 A living memorial. Oct'36:23 Wild animals--alack! alas! Feb'42:46 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'42:38 Oct'42:39 Nov'42:38 Monieka's pioneers honored. Apr'43:26 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'43:32,33 May'44:32 Sep'46:39 Apr'44:32 Nov'44:33 Congo delicacies. Oct'46:44 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'47:37 HEDGES, LILLIE V. BOWYER, 1881-1979 Notes. Jan'19:64 Jul'19:61 Our missionaries in Africa in Convention (photo) Feb'21:50 quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:26 (photo) Oct'21:49 Feb'22:40 Mar'22:41 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'22:59 (photo) Oct'26:21 Hedge rustlings. Nov'26:57 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'27:44 May'27:55 Charles P. Hedges. Jul'33:27 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'40:31 May'40:29 News room. May'41:32 (photo) Jul'44:34 News room. May'47:35 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Nov'47:34 Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'59:35 HEDGES, MARY E In memoriam. May'27:49 HEDGES, MARY EMMA, 1922- The Hedge rustlings. Sep'28:29 (photo) Jun'37:24 News room. Mar'43:34 HEDGES, MOLLIE (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'36:45 HEDGES, ROBERT R In memoriam. Sep'28:33 HEDGES, SID G. PRAYERS AND THOUGHTS FROM WORLD RELIGIONS New books for spring reading. Apr'73:37 HEDGES, T A Fathers and son in the ministry (photo) Apr'26:14 HEDGES, THAYNE A A healing ministry on the campus (photo) Jan'60:29
p. 1222 Hedges, V - Heilsberg
HEDGES, VIRGINIA ANN GILKERSON, 1856-1936 (married to William Luther Hedges) A living memorial (photo) Oct'36:23 Hedges, W A Easter in Home Missions churches. Jun'34:41 Hedges, William Henry, 1877-1969 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'33:40 Jul'34:40 Sep'34:40 All bills paid. Mar'36:44 HEDGES, WILLIAM HENRY, 1877-1969 Beneath the spire (photo) Feb'51:4 HEDIN, ELMA Honor the dead by helping the living. Oct'41:43 HEDIN, SVEN Glimpses of the religious world. Aug'27:55 HEDLEY, GEORGE. CHRISTIAN WORSHIP Book chat. Jan'54:20 HEDLEY, GEORGE. RELIGION ON THE CAMPUS Book chat. Dec'55:24 HEDLEY, GEORGE. THE SUPERSTITIONS OF THE IRRELIGIOUS Book chat. Feb'52:18 HEFFINGTON, M (photo) May'57:39 Heflin, Ada Letters. Feb'71:4 Hefner, Hugh M Morality is one's own buisness. Oct'69:26 HEFNER, HUGH M World Calling... Jun'70:50 HEGE, RUTH. WE TWO ALONE New books. Jun'65:42 HEGLAND, MARTIN. CHRISTIANITY IN EDUCATION Book chat. Sep'55:40 HEICK, OTTO W. GUIDE TO CHRISTIAN LIVING Book chat. Feb'55:20 HEIDE, (married to Lawrence Heide) -1926 (death) Dec'26:50 Heide, Arthur The lose (poem) Nov'55:48 HEIDEMAN, EUGENE P. REFORMED BISHOPS AND CATHOLIC ELDERS New books. Sep'71:28 HEIDERSTADT DOROTHY. TEN TORCHBEARERS Book chat. Feb'62:22 HEIFER PROJECT Global highlights. Dec'53:4 Mar'56:2 News room. Jan'60:47 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'60:36 Livestock for a hungry world. Oct'61:31 Social trends. Mar'63:18 Heifers, pigs and Pablo. Jul'68:41 In brief. Jan'70:40 World events. Mar'72:39 HEIGES, DONALD R quoted. Campus Christianity. May'56:41 quoted. Last column. Apr'62:50 HEILBRONER, ROBERT L. IS ECONOMICS RELEVANT? New books. Oct'71:26 HEILSBERG, WEST GERMANY Editorial correspondence from Germany. Nov'53:6
p. 1223 Heim - Heinz
HEIM, (married to Charles Heim) In memoriam. Jun'39:39 HEIM, KARL. JESUS, THE WORLD'S PERFECTER Book chat. Oct'62:24 HEIMER, CAROL ANN, 1951- (birth) News room. Dec'51:46 (photo) Jun'54:11 HEIMER, DAVID ALLEN, 1959- (birth) News room. Mar'59:32 Heimer, Haldor Eugene, 1924- (married to Ruth Duggins Heimer) Strange customs found in Gongo. Nov'50:48 Sermon from Congo. Sep'51:47 Steadfast and sure. Oct'56:47 Congo pastors want to grow. Feb'60:15 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'64:36 Kimbanguists in the Congo. Mar'70:16 Letters. Jun'70:35 HEIMER, HALDOR EUGENE, 1924- (commissioning) Global highlights (photo) Nov'49:3 (commissioning) News room (photo) Jan'50:34 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Dec'57:38 Ministers for the troubled Congo. Mar'63:12 (photo p. 13) (photo) Jun'64:36 HEIMER, HALDOR EUGENE, 1950- (birth) News room. Oct'50:47 (photo) Jun'54:11 Global highlights (photo) Dec'60:4 Missionary register. Oct'65:44 In brief. Jul'71:43 Heimer, Ruth Duggins, 1921- (married to Haldor Eugene Heimer) A master preacher. Jul'55:42 HEIMER, RUTH DUGGINS, 1921- (commissioning) Global highlights (photo) Nov'49:3 (commissioning) News room (photo) Jan'50:34 Ministers for the troubled Congo. Mar'63:12 Missionary register. Oct'65:44 In brief. Jul'71:43 HEIMSATH, CHARLES H. SERMONS ON THE INNER LIFE Book chat. Apr'40:43 HEIN, LUCILLE. WHEN GIVEN A CHANCE Let's read about home missions and human rights. Jul'52:36 HEINECKEN, MARTIN J. THE MOMENT BEFORE GOD Book chat. Feb'57:22 HEINEMAN, GUSTAV W Global highlights. Nov'52:2 quoted. The churches face their task. Dec'54:19 HEINEY, JOHN Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'27:42 HEININGER, CHARLES S (photo) Jul'25:7 HEININGER, J W (photo) Apr'25:40 HEINRICH GRUEBER HOUSE (GERMANY) A house of brotherhood. Feb'55:5 HEINY, KATE In memoriam. Aug'30:41 HEINZ, (married to Clifford S. Heinz) Global highlights (photo) Oct'49:3
p. 1224 Heinze - Heller
HEINZE, ROBERT R Global highlights. Sep'57:5 Heisey, Wilmer It's a hard life... Oct'50:30 HEISEY, WILMER Echoes from everywhere. Sep'49:36 (photo) Oct'50:30 HEISKELL, ANDREW Global highlights (photo) Nov'67:7 HEISS, RICHARD L. CAN MAN CARE FOR THE EARTH? New books. Feb'72:28 Heist, Aaron Allen A canning factory owned by the workers. Jul'31:8 Heitzman, Amelia E Letters. Sep'70:34 HEIZER, EMMA THOMAS, -1940 In memorium. Sep'40:39 HEIZER, WILMA, -1956 In memoriam. Sep'56:35 HELA, LOUIS Global highlights (photo) Oct'61:7 HELD, JOHN quoted. Conference character dividends. Nov'32:10 (photo p. 11) HELENA, MONTANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Outlying states and home missions. May'22:56 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'27:47 HELFENSTEIN, R C (photo) Apr'25:40 Helfer, Frederick William, 1895-1973 (married to Mary Lois Netting Helfer) The why of my life choice. Sep'23:5 A great church. Oct'35:16 Hiram's President elect. Feb'40:19 It's cold today. Jan'47:44 Old church--new field. Jul'54:27 At Christmas. Dec'64:28 HELFER, FREDERICK WILLIAM, 1895-1973 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'26:42 quoted. The last page. Apr'42:48 (photo) Sep'44:27 Global highlights. Jan'48:2 News room (photo) Jan'48:32 Global highlights (photo) Sep'51:3 Global highlights. Mar'55:3 Jan'61:6 Promoting good will (photo) May'63:32 HELFER, MARY JANE (photo) Sep'44:27 HELFER, MARY LOIS NETTING, 1899-1968 (married to Frederick W. Helfer) In memoriam. Jun'68:42 HELFERICH, REGINALD H Global highlights. Nov'54:4 Helger, Fritz J Ethiopia shall lift up her hands. Apr'42:26 HELLBERG, CARL-JOHAN World events (photo) Sep'69:37 HELLER, (married to Frank L. Heller) quoted. Here and there with World Call. May'52:48
p. 1225 Heller, B - Helsabeck, F
HELLER, BERNARD. THE ODYSSEY OF A FAITH Book chat. Feb'43:25 HELLER, ELIZABETH In memoriam. Dec'39:37 HELLER, HETTIE In memorium. Jun'40:39 Helligoss, Imogene Letters. Sep'72:4 Hellstern, Heinrich Tattered shoes. Dec'64:30 HELLYER, ROSS KELLY, 1895-1978 quoted. Circulation corner. Dec'37:inside front cover HELM, ETHELEEN quoted. Here and there with World Call. Jul'51:48 HELM, FRANK R News room. Jul'59:42 Apr'60:34 HELM, LUCILLE (photo) May'23:34 HELM, MAMIE, -1966 (married to Elmer L. Helm) In memoriam. Jun'66:49 HELM, NANCY, -1947 In memoriam. Jun'47:41 HELME, FRANK GALLUP, 1900-1972 Our Columbus churches (photo) Oct'37:7 (photo) Feb'45:28 News room. Jan'47:38 Helme, Frank R Learn for your life. Jul'68;24 HELMICK, J. HOWARD Two dreamers meet in Haiti (photo) Jan'62:15 HELMS, EDGAR JAMES Dollars and dignity for the handicapped. Jul'72:8 HELSABECK, (married to Fred Helsabeck) News room (photo) May'59:40 Helsabeck, (married to James O. Helsabeck) Mrs. George W. Oliver resigns. Dec'32:30 Helsabeck, Fred, 1908- Educating for human relations. Mar'48:12 Missouri laymen learn to lead. Oct'62:22 It's never too late to learn! Jan'64:17 The church college meets the new era. May'67:17 HELSABECK, FRED, 1908- Classroom and campus. May'45:24 Sep'45:22 Oct'45:27 Jan'47:31 (photo) Mar'48:12 Classroom and campus. Feb'50:32 Feb'51:32 (photo) Jul'54:34 Christian educators look ahead (photo) Apr'55:19 Classroom and campus. Jan'56:33 Global highlights (photo) May'56:2 Classroom and campus. Jul'56:30 (photo) Sep'56:32 Classroom and campus (photo) Jan'57:28 Global highlights. Mar'57:5 Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'57:30 Feb'58:33 Feb'59:36 When churches work together (photo) Oct'59:11 (cont. next page)
p. 1226 Helsabeck, F - Helwig
HELSABECK, FRED (cont.) Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'60:33 Sep'61:29 Jun'62:34 Jul'62:35 Beneath the spire (photo) Dec'62:8 Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'63:34 Jan'64:35 May'64:36 Mar'65:33 Disciples in the news (photo) Oct'66:7 Higher education in the past half-century. Jan'69:41 (photo) Jan'72:3 World events (photo) Nov'73:41 HELSABECK, HENRY Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'62:35 HELSABECK, JAMES OSCAR, 1877-1964 (photo) Mar'24:47 Oct'39:24 HELSABECK, JANE Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'53:30 HELSABECK, ROBERT Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'61:29 Jul'62:35 Helser, Alice A city educates for peace. Nov'33:11 HELSER, ALICE Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'29:43 HELSER, BESSIE B., 1879-1954 (married to Raymond Brandt Helser) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'29:43 (death) News room. Mar'54:39 HELSER, CAROL Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'34:44 HELSER, LOIS LINGENFELTER (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'29:43 HELSER, RAYMOND (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'29:43 HELSETH, CAROL LYNN Spotlight on Carol Helseth (photos) Jun'72:21 HELSETH, DONALD LAWRENCE, 1924- (married to Lois M. Smith Helseth) Global highlights. Jul'57:6 (photo) Oct'57:3 HELSETH, LOIS M. SMITH (married to Donald Helseth) Global highlights. Jul'57:6 (photo) Oct'57:3 HELSETH, RALPH EMIL, 1921- (photo) Oct'42:42 HELSETH, RAYMOND WELLS, 1921- (photo) Oct'42:42 In brief. Jan'69:46 Helton, (married to Joseph Helton) Letters. Dec'67:49 HELTZEL, MASSEY MOTT. THE INVINCIBLE CHRIST Book chat. Apr'57:40 HELWIG, ELLA B., -1954 (death) News room. Dec'54:40 HELWIG, GRACE SHERRY (married to Robert B. Helwig) (marriage) News room. Oct'53:37 HELWIG, HARRY A Changes in national leadership (photo) Jun'52:26 Through the United Society (photo) Nov'57:21 Disciples honor retiring leaders (photo) Oct'65:28 HELWIG, ROBERT B. (married to Grace Sherry Helwig) (marriage) News room. Oct'53:37
p. 1227 Hemans - Henderson, A
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea The landing of the Pilgrim Fathers (poem) Nov'20:inside front cover Hembinder, B A The unknown speaks (poem) Nov'26:26 HEMBY, JAMES B Classroom and campus. May'65:34 HEMENWAY, (MRS. A F) (photo) Jan'21:12 HEMENWAY, A F (photo) Jan'21:12 HEMET, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Five churches adopt home plan. Nov'58:46 HEMINGWAY, MARY W Here and there with World Call. Jul'49:48 HEMPFLING, ROBERT J., 1930- In brief (photo) Dec'73:40 Hemphill, Corene A miracle with God (poem) Feb'65:46 HEMPHILL, ROBERT World events. Jun'70:36 HEMPSTEAD, JAMES K., 1924- Presenting... (photos) Jun'67:8 quoted. World events. Apr'72:38 HEMRY, ALICE S., 1851-1932 (married to Charles Wilkes Hemry) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'32:31 HEMRY, CAINS (death) Nov'23:49 Hemry, Charles Wilkes, 1841-1925? Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:55 HEMRY, CORA E Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'24:45 (photo) Dec'24:34 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'32:31 Hendee, Elizabeth Russell The interpreter (poem) Sep'25:back cover HENDERHORST, P. F., -1959 In memoriam. Jun'59:37 HENDERLITE, RACHEL, 1905- Women and world highways (photo) Oct'55:29 HENDERSON, (MRS. F. R.) In memoriam. Apr'31:39 HENDERSON, (married to James B. Henderson) -1958 In memoriam. Jul'58:43 HENDERSON, (married to John Henderson) -1951 In memoriam. Nov'51:35 HENDERSON, (MRS. M. T.) (photo) Dec'24:34 Henderson, Agnes, 1889-1974 Programs for young people. Nov'36:37 The leper work in Paraguay. Jul'38:27 Women and world highways. Jul'41:35 Missionary worship service. Jun'44:32 HENDERSON, AGNES, 1889-1974 News room. Jun'42:34 Sep'57:38 Apr'58:40 Henderson, Alfred George, 1912- (married to Allison Elizabeth Jamieson Henderson) Echoes from everywhere. Jul'42:39 Jan'43:39 (cont. next page)
p. 1228 Henderson, A - E
Henderson, Alfred George (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'43:39 Our times are in His hands. Feb'45:7 Prisoner of war. May'45:7 The Congo at last. Dec'45:15 The Hendersons in Congo. Jul'44 HENDERSON, ALFRED GEORGE, 1912- (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'40:43 Seven missionaries receive appointments (photo) Jul'40:31 Africa and the Zam Zam (photo) Jul'41:18 A second Atlantic sinking. Sep'41;25 News room. Sep'41:34 Nov'41:34 Significant events of 1941 (photo) Feb'42:inside back cover Write these names in shining letters. Mar'42:5 (photo) Mar'42:24 News room. Apr'42:34 (photo) Jun'42:back cover Those "names in shining letters." Sep'42:21 quoted. Echoes from everywhere. Sep'43:34 ...escapes Nazi prison. Feb'44:3 News room. Apr'44:28 Dec'44:28 quoted. Week of Compassion (photo) Feb'45:6 News room. Jul'45:34 Sep'45:30 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'46:37 (photo) Feb'48:26 Mar'48:15 Jul'52:23 Henderson, Allison Elizabeth Louise Jamieson, 1913-1987 (married to Alfred George Henderson) Greetings... Feb'42:30 The Congo at last. Dec'45:15 Improvising in Congo brings results and fun. Oct'47:43 HENDERSON, ALLISON ELIZABETH LOUISE JAMIESON, 1913-1987 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'40:43 Seven missionaries receive appointments (photo) Jul'40:31 Africa and the Zam Zam (photo) Jul'41:18 A second Atlantic sinking. Sep'41:25 News room. Sep'41:34 Nov'41:34 ...released. Dec'41:31 News room. (photo) Jan'42:38 Significant events of 1941 (photo) Feb'42:inside back cover Write these names in shining letters. Mar'42:5 (photo) Mar'42:24 News room. Apr'42:34 May'42:40 (photo) Jun'42:back cover Sep'42:14 Those "names in shining letters." Sep'42:21 (photo) Sep'42:40 Jan'43:7 News room. Sep'43:27 Classroom and campus. Dec'43:25 Dr. Henderson escapes Nazi prison. Feb'44:3 News room. Jan'45:30 Week of Compassion (photo) Feb'45:6 News room. Jul'45:34 Sep'45:30 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'46:37 The Hendersons in Congo. Jul'46:44 (photo) Feb'48:26 Mar'48:15 HENDERSON, DOUGLAS NORMAN, 1945- (birth) New room. Feb'46:38 Henderson, Elizabeth Letters. Jul'73:4
p. 1229 Henderson, E - W
HENDERSON, EMMA P. -1946 In memoriam. Oct'46:37 Henderson, "Fred" See Henderson, Alfred George HENDERSON, HAROLD HAYES Global highlights. Jun'54:4 HENDERSON, ISAAC (photo) Jul'28:28 Another hand across the sea. May'30:20 HENDERSON, JAMIE See HENDERSON, ALLISON ELIZABETH JAMIESON HENDERSON, JESSE J quoted. Crusade progress. Jun'49:26 HENDERSON, JESSIE BEAM Memorium. Jul'35:39 HENDERSON, JOHN. NOW--WOULD YOU BELIEVE? World outreach book reviews. Jun'67:36 HENDERSON, JOHN. THE REACHERS Recomended books on the changing city. Jun'63:40 HENDERSON, JOSEPHINE (death) May'24:51 HENDERSON, JUANA (photo) Nov'28:41 HENDERSON, L S (photo) Sep'47:13 HENDERSON, LEE Classroom and campus. Nov'68:34 Henderson, Luetta Letters. Jul'64:46 HENDERSON, MAGGIE HATFIELD, -1957 In memoriam. Oct'57:35 HENDERSON, MARIAN JEAN, 1949- (birth) News room. Mar'49:41 Henderson, Mary S Letters. May'67:42 HENDERSON, NEVILLE. FAILURE OF A MISSION Book chat. Jul'40:23 HENDERSON, OTTO A look-in on our colleges. Jan'32:32 HENDERSON, PHYLLIS Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'49:31 HENDERSON, REYNOLDS J. Disciples in the news. Dec'67:8 World events (photo) Jul'69:38 HENDERSON, ROBERT. LIFE IN BIBLE TIMES New books. Mar'68:39 Henderson, Rose Light (poem) Sep'32:23 HENDERSON, S. H. News room (photo) Sep'64:39 HENDERSON, STUART Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'53:29 HENDERSON, THEODORE S How hymns have changed. May'20:39 HENDERSON, WILLIAM CLAYTON News room. May'61:41
p. 1230 Henderson, Ky - Hendricks, G
HENDERSON, KENTUCKY. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Our immediate church building campaign. Apr'19:45 Social trends. Jan'51:19 HENDERSONVILLE, TENNESSEE. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, July 1 - December 31, 1968. Mar'69:42 HENDLEY, PATTIE (death) Jun'24:57 HENDRICK, MARIAN College notes. Nov'39:32 Hendricks, B. Clifford Letters. Feb'64:33 Dec'64:48 May'65:40 HENDRICKS, B. CLIFFORD Classroom and campus. Feb'58:33 HENDRICKS, BILL Teens lead in book program (photo) Jun'61:17 HENDRICKS, BERTHA, -1954 In memoriam. Sep'54:35 Hendricks, Grace Paul, 1892-1981 (married to Kenneth Charles Hendricks) Echoes from everywhere. Feb'24:50 Sep'24:64 Aug'31:39,41 Devotional study of missionary societies. Feb'34:38 A little child shall lead them. May'35:44 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'47:36 Enthusiasm for the future. Nov'47:47 Rebuilding the churches in Japan. Mar'49:42 Children in new Japan learn the way. Jun'50:8 Life in Tokyo brings interesting contacts. Apr'51:39 The day begins with a hymn and a prayer. Oct'51:46 Disciples in Japan commemorate mission's seventieth anniversary. Oct'53:38 School for girls in Tokyo marks its fiftieth year. Apr'56:43 Milestone at Tsuruoka. Feb'59:33 Entrance exams in Japan. Dec'60:31 HENDRICKS, GRACE PAUL, 1892-1981 (photo) Jun'21:9 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:62 College of Missions commencement, 1921 (photo) Aug'21:inside covers quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:29 (photo) Nov'21:57 Jul'28:26 Mrs. Hendrick's class. Oct'34:30 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:30 News room. Sep'46:41 (photo) Feb'47:27 News room. Apr'47:40 (photo) Nov'47:17 Mar'49:42 News room. Nov'49:50 For adult misionary groups. Feb'50:36 (photo) Mar'50:24 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jan'53:36 Youth and missions (photo) Apr'54:41 News room. Nov'55:38 Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'55:35 A salute to women on the mission field (photo) Mar'57:24 (photo) Apr'57:32 Christian schools reach out in Japan (photo) Feb'58:22 Children's needs cannot wait (photo) Jun'58:11 Leaders retire (photo) Oct'62:30
p. 1231 Hendricks, Kenneth
Hendricks, Kenneth Charles, 1895- (married to Grace Paul Hendricks) Japan relief and repairs. Jan'24:17 The glow of glory. Jan'24:37 This Easter baptism in Japan required heroism. Jun'24:42 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'24:64 Apr'26:50 Kawai San at work. Jul'26:39 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'26:50 Woman's missionary societies... Mar'27:48 The Golden Jubilee again a blessing. Mar'27:49 Another echoe from the Jubilee. Dec'28:23 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'28:49 Tazawa--a retreat which spells advance. Oct'29:60 Summer or winter, they care not in Japan. Jun'30:42 Postscripts to Christmas. Apr'31:26 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'31:39,41 Facing the challenge of rural Japan. Dec'31:suppl:4 A short cut to the Japanese Village. Mar'32:40 Hope for Akita's rural thousands. May'32:26 The leaven working. May'32:30 Love found a lonely lad. Jun'33:5 Pearl Harbor and Pentecost. May'42:17 Transport to Japan. Feb'47:27 Well, here we are again! Mar'47:15 President Hirai passes. Jun'47:26 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'47:38 How it looks today. Oct'47:10 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'47:36 Enthusiasm for the future. Nov'47:47 An artist with too-large feet. Apr'48:17 Evangelizing in the fishing villages. Apr'48:27 Rebuilding the churches in Japan. Mar'49:42 A struggle for men's souls. Jul'49:13 Farewells with a promise. Jul'49:47 The outlook for missions in Japan. May'50:30 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'51:36 A new "heart." May'56:44 Doing the impossible. Jun'56:46 Hachijo Island--an outpost for Christianity. Jan'57:26 Echoes from everywhere. May'57:32 Journey in new Japan. Jan'58:25 Right man for Japan. Sep'61:27 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'62:36 Meditations. Oct'62:37 Seed sower in the snow. Jun'72:25 HENDRICKS, KENNETH CHARLES, l895- (photo) Jun'21:9 College of Missions commencement, 1921 (photo) Aug'21:inside covers quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:29 (photo) Nov'21:57 A burglar story. Sep'24:35 From Osaka, Japan. Aug'26:59 (photo) Jul'28:26 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'33:44 News room. Sep'46:41 Pledge to Living Link Missionary. Dec'46:45 (photo) Feb'47:27 (cont. next page)
p. 1232 Hendricks, K - Hennig, E
HENDRICKS, KENNETH CHARLES (cont.) News room. Apr'47:40 Global higlights. Jan'48:2 News room. Feb'48:38 quoted. A milk goat brings hope. Jun'48:29 News room. oct'48:32 (photo) Jan'49:15 Mar'49:42 quoted. A "Thank you" from Japan. Sep'49:31 News room. Nov'49:50 Schools for Christian living. Nov'49:52 For adult missionary groups. Feb'50:36 (photo) Mar'50:24 A Kentucky Christian in Japan (photo) Dec'54:15 News room. Nov'55:38 Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'55:35 (photo) Apr'57:32 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Sep'58:38 News room. Jul'61:36 Leaders retire (photo) Oct'62:30 Global highlights. Nov'62:7 (photo p.6) HENDRICKS, KENNETH C. SHADOW OF HIS HAND World outreach book reviews. Dec'67:33 In brief. May'68:8 HENDRICKS, LEO Classroom and campus. Apr'46:30 HENDRICKS, MARGARET RUBY (photo) Jun'23:16 Hendricks, Norma Having eyes, see ye not? (poem) Nov'25:28 HENDRICKS, PAUL LAUMAN (birth) Jun'24:64 HENDRICKSE, H. J. "ALAN" A ministry of politics and hope. Nov'73:30 Hendrickson, Olive Youth challenges itself. Mar'26:57 HENDRY, GEORGE S. GOD THE CREATOR Book chat. Mar'38:22 HENDRY, WALTER W Global highlights (photo) Oct'64:5 HENIS, (married to Daniel Henis) In memoriam. Mar'30:50 HENLEY, GRACE, -1958 In memoriam. Sep'58:39 HENLEY, LORETTA Youth to visit Africa. Mar'60:42 HENLEY, R. Y. What money will do. Sep'19:22 HENLEY, S S What money will do. Sep'19:22 HENLINE, RUTH Classroom and campus. Sep'57:30 HENN, T. R. THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE New books. Jul'70:28 HENNESSY, WESLEY J In brief (photo) Jul'71:43 Hennig, Edgar William, 1934- (married to Mary Gail Pate Hennig) Echoes from everywhere. Sep'63:38 Mar'65:36 Have you been to Capernaum? Dec'65:18 (cont. next page)
p. 1233 Hennig, E - Henry
Hennig, Edgar William (cont.) A problem and a privilege. Jul'66:39 Direct line. May'69:36 HENNIG, EDGAR WILLIAM, 1934- (commissioning) Global highlights (photo) Sep'62:5 Dec'62:6 (photo) Mar'64:38 Mar'65:36 Disciples in the news. Dec'65:7 quoted. Called to serve abroad. Mar'66:17 Missionary register. Sep'66:45 Global highlights. Sep'67:7 In brief. Jun'69:39 Hennig, Mary Gail Pate, 1934- (married to Edgar William Hennig) Echoes from everywhere. Sep'63:38 Direct line. May'69:36 HENNIG, MARY GAIL PATE, 1934- (commissioning) Global highlights (photo) Sep'62:5 Dec'62:6 Disciples in the news. Dec'65:7 Missionary register. Sep'66:45 Global highlights. Sep'67:7 In brief. Jun'69:39 HENNON, AUDREY Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'27:52 HENRICHS, ETHEL WINIFRED MASTERS, 1876-1968 (married to Henry Frederick Henrichs) Beneath the spire. Mar'50:4 HENRICHS, GARTH See HENRICHS, HAROLD GARTH HENRICHS, HAROLD GARTH, 1903- Classroom and campus. Jan'43:28 (photo) Sep'46:11 News room. Jul'49:47 Crusade progress (photo) Dec'49:23 News room (photo) Dec'51:29 News room. Sep'62:40 Oct'62:34 HENRICHS, HENRY FREDERICK, 1876-1971 (married to Ethel Winifred Masters Henrichs) (photo) Oct'22:7 Classroom and campus. Jan'62:30 Beneath the spire (photo) Mar'50:4 HENRICHSON, MARGARET. SEVEN STEEPLES For your town and country bookshelf. Jun'59:41 HENRIETTA, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'24:12 A living reality (photo) Dec'24:40 HENRIETTE, JEMA Follow me. Jul'41:26 Henry, (Mrs. E. D.) Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:49 HENRY, (MRS. E. D.) quoted. Annual report... Sep'22:42 Henry, (Mrs. F. W.) Activities of Colorado Home. Sep'30:41 Twelve paragraphs to ponder. Dec'30:20 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'33:40
p. 1234 Henry - Henry, F
HENRY, (MRS. F. W.) (photo) Dec'44:8 Retirement... (photo) Jul'45:23 N.B.A. ready for expansion. Dec'45:9 HENRY, AARON In brief. Oct'69:41 Henry, C J Message. Apr'19:58 HENRY, CARL F. H. BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES Book chat. Jun'63:42 Henry, Charles Letters. Sep'72:46 Henry, Cora E What does Easter mean to us? Feb'22:51 HENRY, DONALD L In brief. May'72:40 HENRY, E W News room. Mar'54:38 HENRY, EDWARD ATWOOD, 1881-1966 Beneath the spire (photo) May'50:4 Henry, Ena Lyle Chatfield, 1907-1973 (married to John R. Chatfield) (married to Thomas I. Henry, 1947) Echoes from everywhere. Jan'48:36 A Sunday in the Philippines. Feb'48:28 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'48:36 Jan'49:36 Behold the rice fields! May'49:47 Six hour hike to Lamao. Oct'49:46 Upstream to Kabugao. Dec'49:38 Education in the Philippines. Apr'50:33 Can you help us build our church, Sir? Jun'51:28 Congo rivers... Feb'53:46 HENRY, ENA LYLE CHATFIELD, 1907-1973 News room. Jul'47:34 New missionaries go equipped (photo) Nov'47:4 These little pigs never went to market. Jan'49:44 News room. Dec'50:32 (photo) Feb'51:14 An expanding ministry. Dec'52:19 (photo p. 18) (marriage to Thomas I. Henry) News room. Dec'57:36 In memoriam. Jun'73:44 Henry, Enoch W., Jr. Little churches with a large mission. Sep'73:11 HENRY, ENOCH W., JR. In brief. Apr'71:41 (photo) Sep'73:12 HENRY, ENOCH W., III -1973 In memoriam. Sep'73:47 HENRY, F W Notes. May'20:63 HENRY, FRANKLIN REDMAN An educational foundation in the local church (photo) Nov'22:31 (death) Echoes from everywhere. Oct'29:63 Henry, Frederick Augustus, 1867-1949 The enthusiasm of humanity. Sep'19:12 As a man giveth. Mar'23:6
p. 1235 Henry, F - Henry, P
HENRY, FREDERICK AUGUSTUS, 1867-1949 (photo) Sep'19:12 Oct'22:7 Another league of laymen (photo) Jan'29:18 quoted. Christian laymen look at 1933. Jan'33:13 Personalities (photo) May'35:17 Personalities. Feb'36:21 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'36:32 Summer activities in our colleges. Sep'37:33 HENRY, FREDERICK WILLIAM, -1964 (death) News room. Apr'64:40 HENRY, IONA. TRIUMPH OVER TRAGEDY Book chat. Jun'57:44 quoted. Last column. Jan'58:50 HENRY, J. GORDON (photo) Mar'39:32 HENRY, JENNIE, -1950 In memoriam. Nov'50:43 HENRY, JOE (photo) Feb'29:36 HENRY, JOSPEH B. FULFILLMENT IN MARRIAGE New books. Sep'66:42 Henry, Kenneth Earl, 1932- (married to Pearl Lean Henry) Youth and the task of the church. May'54:15 HENRY, KENNETH EARL, 1932- Global highlights (photo) Feb'53:2 Youth looks to Evanston (photo) Mar'54:19 (photo) May'54:15 News room (photo) Feb'55:38 Classroom and campus. Apr'56:30 News room (photo) Nov'56:36 At Jarvis--first a life (photo) Apr'63:30 Four ministers will be heard at the Kansas City Assembly (photo) Jul'68:48 Classroom and campus (aphoto) Oct'68:35 Disciples in the news. Dec'68:8 In brief. Nov'69:38 HENRY, LOUISE In memorium. Apr'40:39 HENRY, MABEL H In memoriam. Sep'44:33 HENRY, MARY ANN At Jarvis--first a life. Apr'63:29 (photo p. 30) HENRY, MATTHEW quoted. Last column. Sep'64:50 HENRY, MAUDE, -1950 In memoriam. Feb'51:37 HENRY, MINA Echoes from everywhere (photo) May'50:38 HENRY, PAT Mid-winter in our colleges. Jan'34:44 HENRY, PAT, JR. (photo) Sep'66:front cover Henry, Patrick, 1886-1963 How Church Extension has helped my state. Jul'34:20 Building to advance the Kindgom. Jul'49:9 HENRY, PATRICK, 1886-1963 quoted. The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:9 (photo) Jul'40:9 (cont. next page)
p. 1236 Henry, P - Hensey, A
HENRY, PATRICK (cont.) quoted. A dream come true. Sep'45:17 Crusade progress. Sep'49:26 HENRY, PEARL LEAN, 1934- (married to Kenneth Henry) Classroom and campus (photo) Oct'68:35 Disciples in the news. Dec'68:8 In brief. Nov'69:38 HENRY, RICHARD (photo) May'55:17 HENRY, ROBERT E In one of the Quad Cities. Mar'22:39 quoted. They "tried it once." Jul'22:43 (photo) Mar'24:58 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:21 HENRY, ROBERT T Global highlights. Nov'51:2 HENRY, SALOSHNA (photo) May'55:17 HENRY, SHANTI (photo) May'55:17 HENRY, THOMAS I (married to Ena Chatfield Henry) (marriage) News room. Dec'57:36 Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'59:31 Henry, Thomas L Please don't turn me out. Jan'54:30 HENRY, ILLINOIS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Sep'59:front cover The cover. Sep'59:inside front cover Country preacher for a new day (photos) Sep'59:11 HENRYETTA, OKLAHOMA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Oct'48:48 HENSEL, RICHARD Classroom and campus. Oct'53:31 HENSEN, ELMER D Facing open doors. Sep'51:12 Hensey, Alice Josephine Ferrin, 1885-1950 (married to Andrew Fitch Hensey) Wanderland--Wonderland. May'19:23 Post facto (poem) Oct'24:54 My jungle sisters (poem) Jul'25:56 Programs for adult organizations. Nov'38:36 The needy (poem) May'40:48 HENSEY, ALICE JOSEPHINE FERRIN, 1885-1950 Headquarters notes. Jul'21:39 We only await the workers. Jun'21:51 College of Missions commencement, 1921 (photo) Aug'21:inside covers quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:26 College of Missions notes. Aug'21:53 (photo) Oct'21:49 Apr'23:13 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'24:45 (photo) Mar'29:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'29:39 Feb'30:34 News room. May'45:28 (death) News room. Jul'50:42 News room. Jul'51:38
p. 1237 Hensey, A - Hensley, C
Hensey, Andrew Fitch, 1880-1951 (married to Alice Josephine Ferrin Hensey) Evangelizing the Congo basin. Oct'21:5 The Acts of the Apostles--then and now. Jun'22:11 With healing in its beams. Jul'22:17 Our Congo doctors. Aug'22:26 Our joy and crown. Mar'23:40 A modern mission station in Africa. Apr'23:20 The highways of the King. May'23:30 Native preachers becoming efficient. Mar'27:60 A happy day at Bolenge. Aug'27:60 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'27:47 A quiver of arrows for the church. Jul'29:14 HENSEY, ANDREW FITCH, 1880-1951 Notes. Mar'19:60 Jun'19:62 Sep'19:50 Jan'20:63 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:59 quoted. Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:58 The ordination of Mark Njoji (photo) Jan'21:30 Our missionaries in Africa in Convention (photo) Feb'21:50 We only await the workers. Jun'21:51 The Lomongo-Lonkundo New Testament (photo) Jul'21:36 Headquarters notes. Jul'21:39 College of Missions commencement, 1921 (photo) Aug'21:inside covers quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:26 College of Missions notes. Aug'21:53 (photo) Oct'21:49 Mar'22:41 Oct'22:5,42 Apr'23:13 College of Missions items. Apr'23:53 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'24:45 Apr'26:54 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'28:27 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'28:43 (photo) Mar'29:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'29:39 Jun'30:56 Jan'37:32 Feb'30:34 Dec'31:35 Through faith and loyalty. Jun'38:9 Afirca's printed page... Jun'40:28 Royal J. Dye, an appreciation (photo) Sep'42:12 News room. May'45:28 (death) News room. Jul'51:38 HENSEY, ANDREW FITCH. MASTER BUILDER OF THE CONGO A reading circle for teen-age young people. Sep'21:56 Book announcements. Jul'22:55 HENSEY, ANDREW FITCH. MY CHILDREN OF THE FOREST Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'24:45 A book of moment. Sep'24:56 Two books on Africa. Mar'25:41 Speaking of books. Apr'25:56 HENSHAW, AMANDA In memorium. Oct'36:39 HENSHAW, CORA MAY, -1954 In memoriam. Dec'54:37 HENSLEY, (married to William R. Hensley) -1957 In memoriam. May'58:37 HENSLEY, CHARLENE WOODS, -1959 In memoriam. Oct'59:37 HENSLEY, CHARLOTTE (married to Russell Hensley) Women and world highways (photo) Jun'59:33
p. 1238 Hensley, C - Heppner
HENSLEY, CHESTER PAUL, 1909-1956 News room. Jan'47:38 Classroom and campus. Jan'50:30 Global highlights (photo) Sep'51:3 News room. Sep'54:38 (death) News room. Sep'56:30 HENSLEY, DANIEL J., JR. Classroom and campus. Nov'61:30 HENSLEY, EDNA PEARL (photo) Jul'23:8 HENSLEY, EUGENE BENJAMIN (photo) Jul'23:8 HENSLEY, EWING ARONOLD (photo) Jul'23:8 Hensley, Russell (married to Charlotte Hensley) Letters. Jul'67:46 HENSLEY, RUSSELL (photo) Dec'50:31 In brief. Feb'70:38 (photo) Apr'73:15 HENSMAN, MONA (photo) Oct'40:20 HENSON, (married to Elmer D. Henson) In brief (photo) May'71:43 HENSON, B. R. Musicians to hold annual Church Music Workshop (photo) May'68:49 In brief. Mar'72:41 Henson, Elmer D., 1901-1974 I am a debtor. Oct'44:13 HENSON, ELMER D., 1901-1974 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'28:26 (photo) Nov'48:28 Classroom and campus. Jan'55:32 Sep'60:35 Disciples in the news. May'67:7 In brief. Nov'70:39 In brief (photo) May'71:43 World events (photo) Jan'73:39 HENSON, FRANCIS A., 1906- Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'27:43 HENTHORNE, RAYMOND LEASINGTON, 1913-1988 (married to E. Pearl Henthorne) (photo) Nov'50:27 quoted. One faith for all to teach (photo) Nov'61:12 Global highlights. Apr'63:7 World events. Jul'72:38 In brief. Dec'73:42 HENTSCHEL, H. IVAN World events (photo) Mar'73:38 HENZZE, ARGENTINA Our churches in Argentina. Jul'39:46 HEPLER, WALKER Test church members' CLQ. Jan'53:47 HEPPE, MARGARET. EXPECIALLY ROSITA World outreach book reviews. Jun'68:33 HEPPE, MARGARET. THEY LIVED THEIR LOVE For study and pleasure. Dec'65:32 HEPPNER, OREGON. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Aug'24:9
p. 1239 Hepworth - Herman, S
HEPWORTH, M (photo) Mar'47:33 HERALDTON, OKLAHOMA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH A lawyer turned prophet (photo) May'23:42 HERBERG, WILL. FOUR EXISTENTIALIST THEOLOGIANS Book chat. Oct'58:26 HERBERT, (MRS. C. H.) quoted. Circulation corner. May'36:1 HERBERT, (MRS. E.) Bible women bear witness (photo) Apr'55:24 HERBERT, ANNA quoted. Last column. Dec'64:50 HERBERT, GEORGE. THE CHARACTER OUTCOME OF PRESENT DAY RELIGION Speaking of books. Apr'32:34 HERBERTS, GRACE GOSLIN (photo) Dec'30:41 Our colleges look toward commencement season. Jun'31:33 HERBRECHT, O G FACING NORTH Speaking of books. Jun'31:35 HERBSTER, (MRS. W. J.) (photo) Jun'28:20 HERBSTER, BEN Global highlights. Apr'62:7 Partners in conversation (photo) Jun'64:13 quoted. Global highlights. Jul'64:6 quoted. Quote...unquote. Jan'68:18 HERBSTER, W J Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 (photo) Jun'28:20 Jun'30:32 HEREFORD, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mission frontiers are near at hand. Jul'61:18 Churches meet the challenge. Nov'61:15 Churches help those with special needs. Sep'62:43 (photo of young people p. 25) Herford, Olive The puppy (poem) Jun'39:48 HERINGTON, KANSAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Pocket Testament League is succeeding. Jul'23:53 "HERITAGE TO DESTINY" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Nov'63:44 HERKLOTS, H. G. G. HOW OUR BIBLE CAME TO US Book chat. Nov'54:16 HERMAN, (married to Charles Herman) In memoriam. Oct'30:40 HERMAN, (married to Theodore Herman) In memorium. Dec'40:37 HERMAN, CHRISTOPHER Classroom and campus. Dec'56:33 Herman, Stewart Winfield Church-state problem stirs Mexico. Apr'54:32 The hope of Peru. Mar'56:11 HERMAN, STEWART WINFIELD (photo) Mar'56:11 Protestant-Catholic. Apr'61:49 HERMAN, STEWART WINFIELD. IT'S YOUR SOULS WE WANT Book chat. May'43:25 HERMAN, STEWART WINFIELD. THE REBIRTH OF THE GERMAN CHURCH Book chat. Nov'46:16
p. 1240 Herman, S - Herndon, H
HERMAN, STEWART WINFIELD. REPORT FROM CHRISTIAN EUROPE Book chat. Jun'53:14 Hermann, Edward A. G. Life and creeds (poem) Mar'29:45 HERMANN, MILDRED M. STUDY-ACTION MANUAL ON AFFLUENCE AND POVERTY World outreach book reviews on 1966-1967 themes. Jun'66:40 HERMANUS-RAMPENGAN, ALICE An interview with Alice. Feb'69:32 HERMISTON, OREGON. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Using the church building for mission (photo of classroom) Jun'73:29 HERMON, ORLEY C World outreach sounding board. Jun'67:32 HERNANDES, DAMASO Summer activities in our colleges. Sep'37:33 Busy days in our colleges. Dec'38:31 HERNANDEZ, (married to Eligio B. A. Hernandez) Filipino church leaders visit U.S. (photo) Mar'61:53 HERNANDEZ, (married to Jose Hernandez) (photo) Feb'71:34 HERNANDEZ, (married to Pepe Hernandez) (photo) Nov'69:46 HERNANDEZ, ABIMAEL (photo) Mar'50:36 HERNANDEZ, ANTONIA GONZALEZ, 1913-1977 (married to Esteban Hernandez) (photo) Mar'50:36 HERNANDEZ, AWILDA Youth and missions (photo) Nov'57:37 HERNANDEZ, DODANIM (photo) Mar'50:36 HERNANDEZ, ELIGIO B. A. Filipino church leaders visit U.S. (photo) Mar'61:53 HERNANDEZ, ESTEBAN, 1890-1949 (photo) Mar'50:36 HERNANDEZ, JOSE From farm to pulpit (photo) Jan'54:27 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'56:34 In brief. May'69:38 HERNANDEZ, NEFTALI (photo) Mar'50:36 HERNANDEZ, NORA (photo) Sep'48:31 HERNANDEZ, ORFA NOEMI (photo) Mar'50:36 HERNANDEZ, PEPE (photo) Nov'69:46 HERNANDEZ, TOMMIE Reconciliation through crafts (photo) Nov'69:21 HERNDON, BETTY Summer comes to the campus. Jul'40:33 HERNDON, EMMA K (death) Mar'22:54 HERNDON, HAROLD L. Global highlights (photo) Jul'56:5 They work for you (photo) May'58:28 Global highlights (photo) Oct'60:6 (photo) Nov'60:6 News room. Oct'61:34 (cont. next page)
p. 1241 Herndon, H - Heron, M
HERNDON, HAROLD L. (cont.) Disciples' Amateur Radio Fellowship (photo) May'67:44 Amateur radio links Disciples in mission (photo) May'72:27 HERNDON, P F (photo) Mar'24:53 HERNDON, SHERWOOD (photo) Jul'23:6 HERNDON, WILLIAM (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'33:41 Herod, Elizabeth Frances, 1883-1953 (married to Henry Louis Herod) What will be our race relations tomorrow? Sep'30:13 HEROD, ELIZABETH FRANCES, 1883-1953 (photo) Jan'28:32 (death) News room. Dec'53:30 HEROD, EPHRAIM (death) Sep'25:57 HEROD, GILBERT, 1937- (married to Nancy Herod) Global highlights (photo) Dec'61:6 HEROD, HENRIETTA Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'34:34 Jul'36:40 Herod, Henry Louis, 1875-1935 (married to Elizabeth Herod) All board meeting. Sep'19:41 Negro education in the United States. Mar'22:33 The dawn of a new day. May'23:17 Cheer at Flanner House. Mar'27:40 Christian brotherhood between the races. Oct'33:17 Racial brotherhood. Dec'34:30 HEROD, HENRY LOUIS, 1875-1935 (photo) May'23:17 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'30:56 Oct'32:41 Jul'33:44 (photo) Oct'33:17 Nov'34:26 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'34:34 ...passes on (photo) Sep'35:12 (photo) Jan'39:7 Nov'49:29 News room. Dec'53:30 HEROD, HULDA Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'36:40 Herod, Nancy, 1934- (married to Gilbert Herod) The church's mission among new nations. Dec'64:32 HEROD, NANCY, 1934- Global highlights (photo) Dec'61:6 HEROD, PEGGY LIGGETT (married to William Herod) Who speaks for the church? (photo) Dec'68:16 Herod, William David, 1946?- (married to Peggy Liggett Herod) Voice from Vietnam. Jun'68:25 HEROD, WILLIAM DAVID, 1946?- (photo) Mar'40:33 Jun'68:26 In brief. Nov'72:40 HERON, DONALD (photo) Nov'50:27 Heron, Frances Dunlap See Heron, Mary Frances Dunlap Heron, Mary Frances Dunlap, 1906- (married to Laurence Tunstall Heron) Glimpses of our colleges. Jan'24:11 (cont. next page)
p. 1242 Heron, M - Hertig
Heron, Mary Frances Dunlap (cont.) What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:10 A whisper from tomorrow. Dec'30:15 Simple thrills. Sep'40:42 The church turns to its teachers. Oct'44:23 Vitamins for volunteers. Feb'47:28 Grow four days in Iowa! Apr'47:43 Religious education in the world's life. Apr'49:20 Christian education--today and tomorrow. Apr'50:27 Disciple doers. Oct'50:19 The newest is the oldest. Sep'52:26 HERON, MARY FRANCES DUNLAP, 1906- (photo) Dec'30:15 Nov'50:27 HERON, MARY FRANCES DUNLAP. THE BUSY BERRYS Home missions reading--1950. Jul'50:34 HERON, MARY FRANCES DUNLAP. HERE COMES ELIJAH Book chat. Dec'59:24 HERREN, (MRS. J. L.) In memoriam. Mar'30:50 Herring, Elizabeth B Women and world highways. Sep'35:35 Herring, Hubert C At the roots. May'19:7 HERRING, HUBERT C quoted. Jun'19:51 HERRING, HUBERT C. AND SO TO WAR Book chat. May'38:22 HERRING, HUBERT C. GOOD NEIGHBORS Toward an understanding of Latin America. Jan'43:31 HERRING, HUBERT C. MEXICO--THE MAKING OF A NATION Toward an understanding of Latin America. Jan'43:31 HERRINGTON, G W quoted. They "tried it once." Jul'22:43 HERRIOTT, FRANK IRVING, 1868-1941 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'23:39 HERRMANN, JESSE Winter events in our colleges. Mar'38:32 HERRON, MILDRED ARMSTRONG (married to John Q. Herron) Beneath the spire (photo) Sep'58:8 HERSCHDORFER, EUGENE Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'66:32 HERSEE, (married to Allan W. Hersee) News room. Sep'43:27 (photo) Sep'46:10 News room. May'51:38 HERSEY, NORMAN L. WORSHIP SERVICES FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS New books. Sep'71:29 Jul'72:34 HERSHBERGER, (MRS. H. A.) In memoriam. Jan'28:48 HERSHBERGER, CHARLES Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'62:33 Hershberger, Christine Letters. Dec'72:4 HERSHEY, M S Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'24:47 HERT, MARGARET In memoriam. Feb'28:49 HERTIG, (married to Marion W. Hertig) -1949 (death) Classroom and campus. Feb'50:32
p. 1243 Hertig, M - Hester
Hertig, Marion W Diamond Jubilee at Christian College. Sep'26:60 HERTIG, MARION W (photo) Jan'21:11 HERTZOG, ELLA M. READER, -1933 (married to O. G. Hertzog) O. G. Hertzog. Mar'26:56 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'33:34 HERTZOG, O. G., 1845?-1926 (married to Ella M. Reader Hertzog) (death) O. G. Hertzog (photo) Mar'26:56 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'26:42 (photo) Mar'28:32 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'33:34 HERZEL, CATHERINE. A HERITAGE OF PRAYER FOR BOYS AND GIRLS New books. Apr'65:41 HERZOG, CALLIE HUSTON, (married to M. E. Herzog) -1950 In memoriam. Jan'51:37 HERZOG, FREDERICK. LIBERATION THEOLOGY New books. Jun'73:33 HESBURGH, THEODORE M World events. Jul'71:36 Interfaith understanding is growing (photo) May'73:14 HESLER, (MRS. W. R.) In memoriam. Jul'27:48 HESLER, LOTTIE MAY In memoriam. Nov'32:39 HESPERIAN COLLEGE Classroom and campus. May'51:31 Hess, (married to Leo Hess) Letters. Sep'72:46 HESS, (married to Robert Hess) Classroom and campus. Jun'58:32 HESS, GABRIEL L Practicing Christian unity. Sep'35:3 HESS, JERIL. HIGH ADVENTURE Speaking of books. Jul'25:52 Hess, Larry Letters. Dec'71:35 HESS, MAYNARD E quoted. Quotes from campus communities. May'69:16 HESS, MONROE H., JR. News room. Sep'53:39 HESS, ROY, -1954 In memoriam. Sep'54:35 Hessel, (married to Eugene A. Hessel) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'59:34 HESSER, SARAH JANE Sarah Jane Hesser (photo) May'26:60 HESSION, BRIAN. DETERMINED TO LIVE Book chat. Oct'57:38 Hessler, Garry W Letters. Jun'68:46 HESTER, (married to Frances Barton Hester, Sr.) Memorium. Sep'34:39 HESTER, (married to Frances Barton Hester, Jr.) In memoriam. May'32:40 HESTER, (married to Lloyd Hester) -1948 In memoriam. Nov'48:37
p. 1244 Hester, B - Hibbard, D
Hester, Byron, 1888-1933 A prayer for schools and colleges (poem) Jan'29:30 HESTER, CHARLES Classroom and campus. May'56:30 HESTER, J K Progress at Douglas, Arizona. Oct'20:50 HESTER, MOLLIE P (photo) Nov'61:3 HESTER, NELLIE Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'25:43 HETH, JOHN HARVEY Memorium. May'35:39 HETTLER, GEORGE C., -1947 (death) Classroom and campus. Sep'47:33 HETTLINGER, RICHARD F. GROWING UP WITH SEX New books for the church library. Feb'72:46 HETZEL, CATHERINE. SHE MADE MANY RICH Books related to America's geographical frontier. Jul'48:28 HEUSS, JOH. DO YOU WANT INWARD POWER? Book chat. Feb'54:39 HEUSTON, DIANNE ADAMS (married to Harry G. Heuston) (marriage) News room. Dec'61:32 HEUSTON, HARRY G. (married to Dianne Adams Heuston) (marriage) News room. Dec'61:32 Heuston, Leslie G., 1905- New horizons for the aging. Dec'67:14 HEUSTON, LESLIE G., 1905- quoted. Crusade progress. Sep'50:26 Classroom and campus. Feb'53:30 News room. May'55:38 Global highlights (photo) Jun'60:6 NBA finds answers (photo) Dec'62:29 News room. Mar'65:34 In brief. Nov'70:42 New projects in retirement housing (photo) Apr'71:16 In brief. Dec'71:37 Four to retire from the general ministry (photo) Dec'73:39 HEWATT, WILLIS G Classroom and campus. Oct'45:26 Feb'53:30 HEWEY, DORA In memoriam. Jul'29:36 HEWITSON, JOHN quoted. The revival of Foreign Missions Day. Mar'29:31 HEWITT, ARTHUR WENTWORTH. HIGHLAND SHEPHERDS Book chat. Jan'40:21 HEWITT, RAY S., 1912- (married to Margaret Hewitt) Beneath the spire (photo) Nov'55:4 HEYER, CHARLES In brief. Apr'71:41 HI-Y CLUBS Glimpses of the religious world. Oct'27:45 HIATT, JENNIE MAY Fall activities in our colleges. Nov'37:33 HIAWATHA, KANSAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Religious drama crowds church (photo) Jan'33:31 HIBBARD, DAVID E Classroom and campus. Jul'44:27 Hibbard, Donald L Ministers and Social Security. Jan'55:29
p. 1245 Hibbard, J - Hicks, K
HIBBARD, JULIA Fall activities in our colleges. Nov'37:33 HIBBART, W R quoted. Coming--a world youth fellowship! Apr'29:29 HIBBEN, THOMAS Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'27:41 HIBBERT, (married to Enrique Hibbert) Women and world highways (photo) Oct'62:35 HIBBERT, ENRIQUE Walk good...friends (photo) Jun'64:31 HIBBERT, SIDNEY A pastor's study takes a new form (photo) Nov'73:29 HIBBS, BEN. WHITE HOUSE SERMONS New books. Dec'72:34 HIBLER, DICK Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'60:36 Hibst, Della Letters. Feb'68:4 HICKERSON, CLYDE V. THE TWOFOLD POWER OF THE GOSPEL Book chat. Mar'43:21 Hickman, Baden Giorgio's donkey. Feb'60:25 Refugees could do any job. Jun'60:26 Hickey, Daniel Whitehead African night (poem) Jun'29:8 Hickman, C E My creed. Jan'26:26 HICKMAN, CECIL ROSCOE, 1902- (married to Edythe L. O'Brian Hickman) Beneath the spire (photo) Jun'59:8 HICKMAN, FRANK S. SIGNS OF PROMISE Book chat. Sep'43:37 HICKMAN, KENTUCKY. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'21:13 HICKMAN MILLS, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH See KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. HICKMAN HILLS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Hickock, Charlene Letters. Feb'65:45 Hickock, Katherine A week on the Congo. Feb'29:48 HICKOCK, KATHERINE The tie that binds. Aug'24:1 HICKOX, MYRTLE, -1935 Memorium. Jan'36:39 HICKS, (MISS) (photo) Jan'21:13 HICKS, (MRS. C. B.) quoted. (note) Sep'26:62 Hicks, Carol Happiness (poem) Jun'68:40 HICKS, CYRIL M Disciples Club, Boston University (photo) Aug'24:53 HICKS, GAYLORD Dollars and dignity for the handicapped (photo) Jul'72:8 HICKS, KENNETH R (married to Bert Hicks) Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'60:8 Disciples in the news. Dec'67:8
p. 1246 Hicks, Texas - Higdon, E
HICKS, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Our immediate church building campaign. Apr'19:45 HICKSVILLE, OHIO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH All that is needed is a vision! (photo of Cradle Roll Committee) Jul'29:11 Hicky, Daniel Whitehead African night (poem) Jun'30:17 HIDALGO, MIGUEL Some facts about Mexico (photo) May'19:46 "HIDDEN HEART" (MOTION PICTURE) News room. Mar'53:38 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jul'53:36 HIERONYMOUS, REX Board of Education meets. Jun'33:33 HIERONYMUS, ROBERT ENOCH, 1862-1941 (photo) May'23:32 Jan'25:32 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'26:57 Spring activities of our colleges. May'30:34 Intimate glimpses of our colleges. Jun'34:32 College commencements. Jul'39:29 (death) Former college president dies. Feb'42:30 HIERS, RICHARD H. JESUS AND ETHICS New books. Mar'69:29 HIGA, MARY Echoes from everywhere. Apr'60:36 Home of the "fortunate ones." (photos) Jun'64:11 Higbee, Alma Robison Possessions (poem) Sep'66:48 Prayer (poem) Nov'66:33 Lost lamb (poem) nOV'66:48 HIGDON, (married to Benjamin Franklin Higdon) (death) Intimate glimpses of our colleges. Jun'34:32 HIGDON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, -1953 (death) News room. Oct'53:36 Higdon, Elmer Kelso, 1887-1961 (married to Idella Eleanor Wilson Higdon) A chat with an American Priest in the Philippines. May'19:42 Where does the cart belong? Sep'19:38 Prohibition movements in the Philippines. Jul'20:39 Note. Oct'20:62 A missionary to the Moros. Nov'20:55 Filipino church sets high mark in giving. Mar'21:54 A plea for settings. Nov'21:22 A Filipino New England town meeting. Mar'22:11 Saints, superstitions and sanitation. Jun'22:22 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'22:60 The value of young people's conferences. May'24:38 Who is my neighbor? Jul'25:25 Fellowship in the Philippines. Jul'25:41 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'26:51 Superstition versus science. May'26:35 Helping students use spare time. Nov'26:39 Studying stewardship in the Philippines. Mar'27:51 Echoes from everywhere. May'27:49 A conference--a coronation--a contrast. Aug'27:41 The ideals of union schools. Sep'27:41 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'27:48 Endeavor snap shots from Manila. Oct'27:51 (cont. next page)
p. 1247 Higdon, Elmer K.
Higdon, Elmer Kelso (cont.) An idea from the Philippines. Jan'28:36 Builders together! Feb'28:17 What they're thinking in the Philippines. Apr'29:21 Presenting Christ in a Catholic land. Jan'30:24 Echoes from everywhere. May'31:43 Straws in the missionary wind. Aug'31:19 Call Joshua. Feb'32:16 Christ walks through tropic farms. Sep'32:28 Highlanders of the Philippines. Mar'33:19 Kagawa visits the Philippines. Jun'34:7 Book chat. Nov'34:40 A minute and a half message on the Philippines. Dec'37:43 The church in the Orient. Apr'38:22 The Indian peasant. Jan'39:54 A world faith. Nov'39:25 Why I believe in missions. Mar'40:4 Philippine future. Jun'40:23 Shanghai, symbol of imperialism. Feb'41:10 Christian work in the Orient. May'42:26 Our problems. Sep'42:18 The church in the Far East today. Oct'42:14 A million on the march. Dec'43:8 Christian missions through 25 years. Jan'44:9 Books about Christian ventures. Jan'44:28 The McCoys at Columbus. Nov'44:16 Laymen advance. Sep'45:13 Worthy Filipino action. Oct'45:9 Economic conditions in Northern Luzon. Nov'45:11 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'45:31 Stocktaking in the Philippines. Dec'45:10 August 26, in the Philippines. Dec'45:31 The task in the Philippines. Feb'46:31 The time to help China is now! Mar'47:22 Missions in the new Philippines. Jun'49:17 To meet human need in Mexico. Jul'51:11 What makes a missionary? Jun'52:18 Selecting and training new missionaries. Sep'52:14 Missions--then and now. Jun'55:11 Church of the risen Lord. Feb'57:26 HIGDON, ELMER KELSO, 1887-1961 (photo) Feb'19:7 Notes. Mar'19:61 Apr'19:63 Commencement at Vigan. Oct'19:43 Notes. Feb'20:58 (photo) Feb'19:7 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:59 (photo) Mar'21:55 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'21:62 Golden Jubilee notes. Jun'24:51 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'24:45 Notes... Dec'24:63 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'25:51 May'26:49 Jun'26:50 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'27:59 Jul'27:59 (photo) Mar'28:52 Jan'29:36 May'29:48 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'29:41 The convention on the sidewalks. Oct'29:10 (cont. next page)
p. 1248 Higdon, Elmer - Ernest
HIGDON, ELMER KELSO (cont.) Council Secretary. Nov'29:31 (photo) Jan'30:25 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'31:40 Jul'31:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'35:34 Disciples sharing in broader fellowship (photo) Oct'35:24 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'36:34 Jul'37:33 (photo) Sep'37:5 quoted. What they said at Columbus. Dec'37:5 College notes. Apr'38:32 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'38:42 Disciples at Madras. Nov'38:20 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'39:30 Circulation corner (photo) May'39:inside front cover Presenting E. K. Higdon (photo) Jun'39:8 (photo) Nov'39:25 Jun'40:7 quoted. American churches in Council. Feb'41:22 (photo) Sep'42:40 The Executive staff of the U.C.M.S. faces a new quadrennium. Nov'42:24 (photo p. 25) (photo) Jul'43:23 Drake lecturers named. Dec'43:6 (photo) Jan'44:9 Mar'44:20 News room. Sep'45:30 (photo) Oct'45:9 May'46:4 Global highlights. Jul'46:2 News room. Nov'46:32 Jan'47:38 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'48:46 (photo) Nov'48:27 Mar'49:9,10 News room. Nov'49:35 Reporting on Latin American missions (photo) Mar'50:10 Global highlights. May'50:3 (photo) Feb'51:33 News room. May'51:38 This is the victory (photo) Jun'52:11 Youth and missions (photo) Jun'52:35 (photo) Sep'52:14 News room. Sep'53:38 quoted. New days call for new ways (photo) Feb'54:30 (photo) Jun'55:11 News room. Jul'55:38 Nov'55:37 (photo) Feb'57:26 A new witness in Manila. May'58:31 News room. May'58:40 No dull moments (photo) Mar'59:16 News room. Jun'59:40 Global highlights. Sep'59:7 (death) Global highlights (photo) Jun'61:4 HIGDON, ELMER KELSO. FROM CARABAO TO CLIPPER On the making of books... Jan'42:32 Book chat. Feb'42:23 HIGDON, ELMER KELSO. NEW MISSIONARIES FOR NEW DAYS Book chat. May'56:22 Higdon, Ernest Eugene, 1890-1973 The most important triangle in the world. Nov'30:11 HIGDON, ERNEST EUGENE, 1890-1973 Two new chairs of religious education (photo) Nov'24:30 Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'25:52 (cont. next page)
p. 1249 Higdon, Ernest - Higginbottom
HIGDON, ERNEST EUGENE (cont.) Personalities (photo) Jan'36:18 A close up of our colleges. Jan'37:29 quoted. Reporting from Columbus. Dec'44:11 Higdon, Idella Eleanor Wilson, 1889-1977 (married to Elmer Kelso Higdon) Note. Sep'19:50 Commencement at Vigan. Oct'19:43 High school teaching in Manila. Feb'23:45 The Philippines--then and now. Feb'51:12 HIGDON, IDELLA ELEANOR WILSON, 1889-1977 Notes. Feb'20:58 Apr'20:64 (photo) Mar'21:55 Jun'23:50 Aug'23:22 quoted. The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:8 Notes... Dec'24:63 (photo) May'29:48 The convention on the sidewalks. Oct'29:10 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'39:30 Global highlights (photo) Jun'46:3 News room. Jan'48:32 Apr'48:39 Classroom and campus. Jun'48:34 News room. Nov'48:47 Reporting on Latin American missions. Mar'50:10 (photo) Feb'51:12 News room. May'51:38 Nov'55:37 Disciples forge ahead in the Philippines (photo) Dec'56:27 News room. May'58:40 Jun'59:40 Global highlights. Sep'59:7 Classroom and campus. Dec'61:31 News room. Jan'64:46 HIGDON, IDELLA ELEANOR WILSON. FROM CARABAO TO CLIPPER On the making of books... Jan'42:32 Book chat. Feb'42:23 HIGDON, IDELLA JOY Notes. Dec'24:63 (photo) May'29:48 News room. Dec'40:32 Nov'49:35 (photo) Jun'55:11 HIGDON, JOY See HIGDON, IDELLA JOY HIGDON, MARY ELEANOR See McDANIEL, MARY ELEANOR HIGDON HIGDON, MARY JANE (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'34:34 HIGGINBOTHAM, NOE Summer on the college campus. Oct'35:30 HIGGINBOTHAM, RUFUS L quoted. As others see us. Jul'23:39 HIGGINBOTTOM. MAUDE PARKER In meoriam. Feb'42:39 HIGGINBOTTOM, SAM, 1874- (married to Ethel Higginbottom) Notes. Oct'20:58 Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'25:45 A handful of grain. Apr'29:17 HIGGINBOTTOM, SAM. THE GOSPEL AND THE PLOW Speaking of books. Jul'31:35
p. 1250 Higgins - Higher Ed.
HIGGINS, (MRS. E. H.) -1954 In memoriam. Oct'54:35 HIGGINS, (MRS. F. A.) Tried and found helpful. Feb'22:51 HIGGINS, EDWIN PRICE (photo) Jul'23:6 Higgins, Enid V. Tried and found helpful. Feb'22:52 Higgins, Frank Andrews, 1880-1961 The story state by state. Aug'25:12 HIGGINS, FRANK ANDREWS, 1880-1961 Building an Indian church in a day. Jan'23:14 Evangelists of the cross (photo) Feb'25:8 (photo) Aug'25:12 HIGGINS, GENE X-502 reveals God at work. Sep'68:19 HIGGINS, HELEN BOYD. OLD TRAILS AND NEW Our heritage--our horizons. Jun'60:41 Higgins, Mildred Letters. Jun'66:41 HIGGINS, SADIE In memoriam. Jul'27:48 HIGGINS, W B Notes. Aug'20:46 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:53 (photo) Dec'24:34 May'25:39 HIGGINSON, MARY, -1956 In memoriam. Jul'56:39 HIGGINSVILLE, MISSOURI America, the beautiful. Sep'25:4 HIGGINSVILLE, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jan'30:50 HIGGS, OTIS CRINTON, 1924- (married to Emma Lou Higgs) Ohio church enters EHP (photo) Jun'64:50 HIGH, DALLAS M Classroom and campus. Jun'68:34 HIGH, DALLAS M. LANGUAGE, PERSONS AND BELIEF Classroom and campus. Jan'68:35 HIGH, DALLAS M. NEW ESSAYS ON RELIGIOUS LANGUAGE New books. Nov'69:28 High, Stanley Youth might spill the beans. Jun'29:25 HIGH, STANLEY Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'25:47 Oct'28:45 quoted. Sea salt. Nov'32:23 HIGH, STANLEY. EUROPE TURNS THE CORNER Speaking of books. Nov'25:37 HIGH, STANLEY. THE NEW CRISIS IN THE FAR EAST Speaking of books. Nov'32:34 HIGHBAUGH, DELORES Voices heard by the whole church. Sep'73:20 HIGHER EDUCATION See also COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Importance of the church college. Jan'19:4 Education Day, January 19, 1919. Jan'19:4 Critical years. Jan'19:19 (cont. next page)