

Entries are constructed with Month, year and page number.
     i.e.      Mar'41:21  (March, 1941 p. 21)

Entries appearing in all upper case letters are articles about the person or
subject.  Entries appearing in both upper and lower case letters are articles
by the person.

The entries are in alphabetical order with the following exceptions:
     The names of people are entered first
     Following these are other entries under the same word
     arranged alphabetically
     i.e.      AUSTIN, SPENCER PETER
               AUSTIN, WILLIAM, JR.
               AUSTIN, MINNESOTA
               AUSTIN, TEXAS

Within each heading the entries are arranged chronologically with a few
exceptions.  In some instances a series of articles with the same title are
entered at the beginning of the entry.
     i.e. Under the entry for many educational institutions the entries from the
          column "The Board of Education and the work of our Colleges" appear
          before other entries.

Many women are referred to in the periodical only by their husband's name.
Where ever possible the woman's given name has been supplied but where that was
not possible the entries for the women are at the beginning of the entries for
that surname.  If it could be determined what the husband's name was his name
appears in parentheses after the surname.  If it was uncertain whether the
initials were the woman's initials or the husband's initials it is noted as Mrs.

     i.e.      JONES, (married to Abner Jones)
               JONES,  (MRS. A. B.)

As an aid for further identification, whenever it could be determined, people's
birth date, death date and spouse's names are noted.

Every effort was made to conserve space in order to bring both a savings in
cost for the user and a savings in paper for the environment.  This computer
file has been left in the paper saving format.


"I AM MISSIONS BUILDING" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Mar'62:42 "I AM MISSIONS BUILDING" (REVISED) (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visuals. Jan'67:49 "I AM THE WAY" (OPERA) Global highlights (photo) Apr'68:7 "I AM WITH YOU" (MOTION PICTURE) Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jan'49:36 "I BEHELD HIS GLORY" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Apr'57:43 "I DON'T WANT TO GET INVOLVED" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Feb'66:41 I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVETH (HYMN) Apr'28:23 "I REMEMBER MAMA" (PLAY) How can families face the unexpected? Mar'54:22 "I WAS ASHAMED" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Mar'65:45 IAKOVOS, (ORTHODOX ARCHBISHOP) quoted. Global highlights. Mar'64:6 World events. Sep'70:37 World events (photo) Feb'71:39 Interfaith understanding is growing (photo) May'73:13 IAMBO THOMAS Echoes from everywhere. May'41:39 IAMS, I W (photo) Nov'25:29 Ibach, Douglas T The church in the new town. Dec'72:suppl:10 IBACH, DOUGLAS T (photo) Dec'72:suppl:11 Reston: good news for the whole church (photo) Nov'73:18 IBANEZ, OFELIA Nine young Mexican leaders begin work. May'59:31 IBARRA, BERNABE (married to Imelda Garcia Ibasrra) (marriage) Direct line. Dec'67:37 The offering from La Cantera (photo) Mar'72:17 IBARRA, DANIEL Disciples make witness in Mexico's second largest city (photo) Apr'73:46 IBARRA, ELISA PEREZ (married to Secundio Ibarra) (marriage) Echoes from everywhere (photo) Dec'59:36 IBARRA, EMILIA (married to Nestor Ibarra) Testimony from Mexico. May'59:37 God has blessed us. Jan'67:42 IBARRA, IMELDA GARCIA (married to Bernabe Ibarra) (marriage) Direct line. Dec'67:37 IBARRA, JULIA God has blessed us. Jan'67:42 Ibarra, Julian Let us bend our knees (poem) Sep'72:8 IBARRA, JULIAN Ministers-to-be in Mexico (photo) Jan'56:33 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'61:36 Open doors on the border (photo) Sep'72:7 IBARRA, LINA (married to Narcisso Ibarra) Home missions in the Philippines. Feb'49:46
p. 1369 Ibarra, M - Idaho
IBARRA, MAREJA Echoes from everywhere. Apr'60:36 IBARRA, MARGARITA Conference stirs Mexican youth (photo) Apr'59;45 Nine young Mexican leaders begin work. May'59:32 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'60:36 IBARRA, MARUJA (photo) Nov'28:41 IBARRA, NARCISSO (married to Lina Ibarra) Home missions in the Philippines. Feb'49:46 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'55:34 IBARRA, NESTOR (married to Emilia Ibarra) God has blessed us. Jan'67:42 IBARRA, RAUL The offering from La Cantera (photo) Mar'72:17 IBARRA, SECUNDINO (married to Elisa Perez Ibarra) Conference stirs Mexican youth. Apr'59:45 Nine young Mexican leaders begin work. May'59:32 (marriage) Echoes from everywhere (photo) Dec'59:36 Testimony with a diploma. Jan'61:42 IBERRA, ELENA Elena and Juliana--after three years. Jul'49:34 IBERRA, JULIA Mexico touched my heart (phto) Nov'58:30 IBERRA, JULIANA Elena and Juliana--after three years. Jul'49:34 IBIAM, FRANCIS As others see us (photo) Oct'66:20 IBSEN, HENRIK quoted. Last column. May'55:48 Ice, Harry Lawrence, 1886-1966 A forward program for Christian Endeavor. Dec'25:47 Speaking of books. Apr'30:30 Destruction or dawn--which? Jun'42:16 ICE, HARRY LAWRENCE, 1886-1966 (photo) Mar'24:24 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'28:45 quoted. What they said. Nov'34:24 Personalities. May'35:17 quoted. Indianapolis men boost Wold Call. Mar'38:44 (photo) Jun'42:16 quoted. Reporting from Columbus. Dec'44:10 Religion in education. Jan'45:3 Classroom and campus. Jan'45:28 Jan'49:31 In memoriam. Dec'66:45 ICE, MILDRED (photo) May'35:33 ICE, ORVA LEE. TOMORROW IS YOURS Book chat. Mar'53:42 ICELAND Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:57 Global highlights. Dec'51:2 IDAHO Apr'19:62 Notes. Nov'19:63 The great Northwest. May'20:52 One week with a present day pioneer. Feb'21:53 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:62 (cont. next page)
p. 1370 Idaho - Idleman, F
IDAHO (cont.) Glimpses of the religious world. Apr'24:45 Good news from the states. Oct'28:30 Crusade progress. Feb'51:26 Here and there with World Call. Jun'54:48 World events. Apr'70:36 IDAHO, NORTH How Church Extension has helped my state. Jul'34:20 IDAHO, SOUTH, CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:25 IDE, JACKIE (photo) Apr'52:9 IDE, JON THOMAS, 1954- (birth) News room. Sep'54:38 Ide, Joseph One family. Jul'67:22 IDE, JOSEPH (photo) Nov'50:33 All Peoples enjoying human rights (photo) Oct'52:13 (photo) Apr'62:front cover The cover. Apr'62:inside front cover (photos) Jul'67:23 Iden, Thomas Medary, 1856-1933 Gifts for the Upper Room. Sep'19:42 How big a heart he had! Mar'21:58 IDEN, THOMAS MEDARY, 1856-1933 Notes. Sep'19:49 quoted. A doctor of the Jesus school. Jun'22:6 quoted. Annual report... Sep'22:35 (photos) Nov'22:2,34 Professor Iden and his Upper Room ministry. Nov'22:7 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'24:47 The man who sees stars (photo) Jun'32:17 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'33:34 Idleman, Etta May Johnson, 1876-1947 (married to Finis Schuyler Idleman) Community house...20 years after. Jan'39:48 IDLEMAN, ETTA MAY JOHNSON, 1876-1947 (photo) Dec'37:26 Idleman, Finis Schuyler, 1875-1941 (married to Etta May Johnson Idleman) Home missionary leadership in movements toward unity. May'20:17 Unity and permanence. Dec'20:8 A Russian service. Jan'21:46 An uplifted cross. Mar'22:25 Jasmine. Apr'27:31 Why I preach. Sep'37:6 What makes a church? May'41:12 IDLEMAN, FINIS SCHUYLER, 1875-1941 Notes. Jun'19:58 (photo) Dec'20:8 College of Missions notes. Aug'21:53 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'24:57 Apr'25:52 quoted. What they said. Nov'34:19 Our missionary to Mahnatten (photo) Oct'36:6 (photo) Sep'37:6 Dec'37:26 May'41:12
p. 1371 Idleman, H - Ikeda
IDLEMAN, HOLLAND (photo) Jan'23:30 IDSERDA, STANLEY J Classroom and campus. Nov'61:30 "IF YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Nov'65:40 IFEKYA SAMUEL Congo pastors want to grow (photo) Feb'60:15 IFUMO ISAKA A master preacher. Jul'55:42 IFUMO, CONGO Echoes from everywhere. Feb'38:39 Ifumo in Monkoto. Feb'44:23 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'45:32 (photo) Mar'46:25 New Ifumo--in the heart of the forest. Apr'48:47 Building a mission station in the jungle. Jul'48:45 (photo of church service) Jan'55:20 School for Congolese leaders. Jun'56:51 Echoes from everywhere (photo of graduates of school) Jan'57:30 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'57:38 White fields on a dark continent (photo of church under construction) Jul'58:31 IGARASHI, MICHIKO Adventures in Japan. Jan'62:27 Ige, Bola The church and revolution. Apr'60:20 IGLEHART, CHARLES W. CROSS AND CRISIS IN JAPAN For your reading about Japan. Jan'58:36 IGLEHART, CHARLEW S. INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY New books. Jul'65:22 IGLESIA Y SOCIEDAD EN AMERICA LATINA Global highlights. Oct'59:7 IGNACIO, LEMUEL Youth and the world mission. Mar'68:32 IGUAZU FALLS, PARAGUAY Sight seeing in Paraguay (photo) Apr'30:28 IHARA, KAREN Triplets go to church (photo) Jul'47:39 IHEAKA, JOHN Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'59:35 IHRIG, ETHEL (photo) Mar'25:51 IHRIG, FLAUD (photo) Mar'25:51 IHRIG, MARTHA (photo) Mar'25:51 IHRIG, MAXWELL (photo) Feb'63:8 IHRIG, MYRTLE (photo) Mar'25:51 IIMBO, CONGO Sowing seeds of truth and light. Jan'40:47 IKEBANA See FLOWER ARRANGEMENT, JAPANESE IKEDA, DONALD (photo) Apr'52:9
p. 1372 Ikedja - Illinois C
IKEDJA, (married to Ikedja Louis) Global highlights (photo) Jan'66:6 IKEDJA LOUIS Global highlights (photo) Jan'66:6 IKELA, CONGO Juspa-Lomela trip. Jul'20:40 IKENBERRY, JAMES S. MOTIVES AND EXPRESSION IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Tools for the Sunday school worker. Nov'22:45 IKERMAN, RUTH S. PRAYERS OF A HOMEMAKER New books. Feb'67:18 IKIN, A. GRAHAM. LIFE, FAITH, PRAYER Book chat. Jul'54:12 IKIN, A. GRAHAM. NEW CONCEPTS OF HEALING quoted. Last column. Nov'56:48 Dec'56:52 IKWALA PIERRE Signs of progress in Congo. Jul'59:34 ILAKO, MATA The romance of the commonplace. Sep'24:24 ILAMBE, TALESA African friends. Oct'39:31 ILANO, JOSEFA M The story of... Jan'48:42 Women and world highways. Mar'57:46 ILLICH, IVAN. DE-SCHOOLING SOCIETY Three books on cultural revolution. Jan'72:46 ILLIFF, FLORA GREGG. PEOPLE OF THE BLUE WATER For adult mission study. Dec'55:40 ILLINGWORTH, ALFRED SCOTT, 1919- Classroom and campus. Jul'60:37 ILLINOIS The Central Regional District for Bible School work. Mar'19:46 Illinois' part of the 100,000 from Bible schools. Nov'19:26 The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 The highways of the King. May'23:30 Golden Jubilee notes. Jun'24:51 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'24:53 The story state by state. Aug'25:13 How Church Extension has helped my state. Jul'34:15 ILLINOIS (STEAMSHIP) The highways of the King. (photo) May'23:30 Launching a Congo steamer. Mar'24:21 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'29:39 Gasoline launches on the Congo. Oct'29:4 ILLINOIS BILLIARD ASSOCIATION Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'26:45 ILLINOIS CHRISTIAN HOME See BARTON W. STONE CHRISTIAN HOME ILLINOIS CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY An example in cooperation. Jun'25:56 Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:25 Good news from the states. Oct'28:29 Illinois steps out. Nov'28:32 Circulation corner. Nov'41:inside front cover Crusade progress. Dec'50:21
p. 1373 Illinois C - Illinois D
ILLINOIS CRUSADE FOR CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'27:53 May'27:42 Sep'27:51 ILLINOIS DISCIPLES FOUNDATION Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'23:39 Mar'27:42 Dec'27:42 Jan'26:43 May'27:42 Jan'28:40 Jul'26:56 Jun'27:41 Jun'28:43 Sep'26:57 Jul'27:40 Feb'29:30 Feb'27:59 Visiting our colleges. Jan'22:15 Present service and immediate needs... Jun'22:17 work at the University of Illinois. Jan'23:37 (photo) Jan'23:54 (photo of Cabinet) Jan'25:11 (photo) Jun'26:42 In retrospect and prospect. Jan'27:27 Student crusaders resume activities... (photo of young people's cabinet) Jan'27:54 A building era for our colleges. Jan'28:8 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:60 Last minute news from our colleges. Apr'30:32 Distinctions of our colleges. Jan'31:44 Our colleges in full swing. Feb'31:33 Midwinter news from our campuses. Mar'31:35 Spring activities of our colleges. May'31:33 Interesting items from our colleges. Aug'31:32 Fall activities in our colleges. Dec'31:45 A look-in on our colleges. Jan'32:45 Within our college walls. Apr'32:41 Busy days on the college campus. Dec'32:33 Student Christian activity... Feb'33:26 Within college walls. Feb'33:33 Colleges going strong in the second semester. Apr'33:32 The colleges at work. May'33:33 Board of Education meets. Jun'33:45 Summer activities of our colleges. Sep'33:33 Activities of our colleges. Dec'33:33 Mid-winter in our colleges. Jan'34:44 Mid-semester in our colleges. Feb'34:33 Activities of our colleges. Apr'34:34 Spring term in our colleges. May'34:30 Intimate glimpses of our colleges. Jun'34:32 Closing the college year. Jul'34:31 Midsummer in our colleges. Sep'34:44 Within college walls. Jan'35:30 News of our colleges. Apr'35:45 Second semester in our colleges. May'35:33 Approaching commencements. Jun'35:32 College miscellany. Sep'35:31 Colleges enter new year. Feb'36:30 A close up of our colleges. Jan'37:28 Mid-year in our colleges. Apr'37:32 College happenings. Jan'38:28 Notes from our colleges. Feb'38:33 Busy days in our colleges. Dec'38:32 Springtide college activities. May'39:32 (photo of students) May'40:32 (cont. next page)
p. 1374 Illinois D - Immel
ILLINOIS DISCIPLES FOUNDATION (cont.) Spring comes to the college campus. May'41:30 Classroom and campus. Jan'46:28 Mar'46:31 Jul'46:30 Dec'46:30 (photo of officers of fellowship) Mar'47:31 Feb'51:32 Sep'51:33 Oct'52:30 Nov'52:30 (photo of new building) Dec'52:28 Jul'55:31 Nov'63:35 Higher education in the past half-century. Jan'69:37 ILLINOIS. NORTHWESTERN DISTRICT Apr'19:59 Aug'19:61 ILLITERACY Illiteracy. Sep'31:11 Indian villagers learn to read. Nov'55:23 Prophecy and fact. Feb'56:29 Words have power in Tanganyika. Dec'56:13 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'59:38 Ahead of the headlines. Jul'71:5 ILOCOS NORTH, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:35 The momentum of missionary work. Oct'29:26 Norwood Tye reviews his correspondence. Feb'52:39 ILONDO JACQUES Fresh pages for the scrapbook of Congo Mission. Mar'60:14 (photo p. 13) Global highlights (photo) Mar'65:7 ILYA, (ARCHMANDRITE OF ORTHODOX CHURCH) Classroom and campus (photo) May'63:35 IMAI, MICHIO Ministry in Japan (photo) Jan'68:24 IMAMURA, J (photo) Oct'26:31 IMAMURA, SHOICHI Public schools open to Christian teaching in Tokyo. Apr'24:16 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'24:53 Jan'25:45 (photo) Dec'35:30 IMESE, CONGO He that goeth forth with weeping. Jun'30:36 IMFELD, ANTONIO Two floods in the Chaco (photo) Nov'61:28 IMFELD, RAMON Two floods in the Chaco. Nov'61:28 IMMEL, BETTY JO Global highlights (photo) Oct'51:2 IMMEL, MARY LOUISE BLAIR. KEYS TO MANY DOORS World outreach book reviews on 1966-1967 themes. Jun'66:40 IMMEL, MARY LOUISE BLAIR. TWO WAY STREET New books. Mar'65:42 IMMEL, RICHARD Youth and missions (photo) Oct'53:35 Immel, Wilder Vernon, 1906-1987 (married to Mary R. Dunn Immel) Letters. Jul'68:49 IMMEL, WILDER VERNON, 1906-1987 Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'54:4
p. 1375 Immigrants - Immigration
IMMIGRANTS See DISPLACED PERSONS IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION REFUGEES (Name of ntionality) IN THE UNITED STATES i.e. CHINESE IN THE U.S. IMMIGATION AND EMIGRATION See also AMERICANIZATION Made-in-America democracy. Jan'19:46 Facts for the busy woman. Oct'19:44 Oriental students in American Institutions. Oct'19:46 Foreign neigbors at home. Nov'19:14 Facts for the busy woman. Nov'19:32 They still keep coming. Feb'20:54 The ideal patriot. May'20:26 The little flag. Jul'20:7 Wanderland--wonderland: coming to America. Nov'20:16 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:59 I am the immigrant. May'21:inside front cover Jo-Anne and Jimmy and their pilot Tim (poem) Nov'21:32 Scaling the Tower of Babel. Dec'21:8 Where shawls are no longer worn. Jan'22:24 Not Americanization so much as Americans. Feb'22:32 The hope of the immigrant. May'22:34 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'22:62 Russian refugees in Manchuria. Sep'23:44 Alexander. Oct'23:30 Making friends with Helena. Oct'23:46 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'23:60 Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'24:52 The reinterpretation of the immigrant. May'24:23 Each brought his gift. May'24:31 Glimpses of the religious world. May'24:45 (note) Aug'24:55 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'24:54 A Christian view of exclusion. Oct'24:64 American history repeating itself in Canada. Feb'25:13 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Mar'25:52 The people whose name means "Glory." Jun'25:46 The Slav in America. Jun'25:50 Who are the Slavs? Jun'25:55 Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Mo. Sep'25:38 The interpreter (poem) Sep'25:back cover A tremor in our social structure. Jan'26:19 One of us. Feb'26:38 Our greatest crop. Jun'26:62 Sep'26:much of issue Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'27:56 Just what do we owe the foreigner? Aug'27:36 Growing work with new Americans. Sep'27:6 Building for America's tomorrow. Sep'27:35 The Vacation church school in the immigrant community. May'28:50 Adventures in brotherhood. Jun'28:11 Sunday schools. Jul'28:37 By their fruits. Sep'28:8 (cont. next page)
p. 1376 Immigration - Inabinett
IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION (cont.) Nicknaming the alie (poem) Jun'29:22 The real American. Jul'29:inside front cover Sunday schools. Jul'29:37 Aug'29:37 Sep'29:37 Digest of the annual reports. Oct'29:40 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'29:49 Big brothers for Filipino youth. Dec'29:54 Programs... Aug'31:37 Prayer of the immigrants (poem) Nov'34:48 The threshold. Jul'39:4 Read about shifting populations. Jul'40:29 America--a nation of one people. Ocr'40:33 The western trek of Chinese students. Mar'41:10 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Sep'41:40 Refugee professors make good. Dec'41:5 For adult missionary groups. Jun'43:26 Youth and missions. Jun'43:27 Let's read about America's peoples. Jul'43:27 Makers of the U.S.A. Sep'43:20 For adult missionary groups. Sep'43:32 Oct'43:30 Nov'43:30 Youth and missions. Dec'43:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'44:33 Truth and the foreign born. Jan'45:12 Global highlights. Oct'48:3 Social trends. Jan'53:20 Global highlights. Feb'53:4 Jul'53:3 Oct'53:4 Social trends. Jan'54:16 IMMORTALITY Why I take immortality for granted. Apr'30:inside front cover And the life everlasting. Apr'38:5 Who wants to live forever? Apr'58:11 IMPACT Our heritage--our horizons. Jun'60:41 IMPERIAL, CALIFORNIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Progress among the churches. Mar'20:54 IMPERIALISM Two ways. Jul'33:11 Social trends. Nov'35:26 IMUGAN, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Filipino tribe continues ancient customs in Christian worship. Apr'70:26 "IN A QUIET PLACE" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. May'72:44 "IN COMMON CAUSE" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Dec'54:47 IN OUR IMAGE Book chat. Nov'50:44 "IN THE FACE OF JEOPARDY" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Jan'56:42 "IN THE MIDST OF MISSION" (MOTION PICTURE) Echoes from everywhere. Sep'62:36 Audio-visual suggestions. Oct'62:46 INABINETT, ALLENE McADAMS (married to Thomas Purse Inabinett) (photo) Nov'70:32
p. 1377 Inabinett, T - Independ
Inabinett, Thomas Purse, 1913-1986 (married to Allene McAdams Inabinett) People are people. Feb'51:10 Audio-visual suggestions. Jul'62:46 Audio-visuals make a big difference! Sep'62:23 Audio-visual suggestions. Sep'62:46 May'63:45 Feb'64:45 Nov'64:43 Oct'62:46 Jun'63:43 Mar'64:48 Dec'64:44 Nov'62:44 Jul'63:44 Apr'64:41 Jan'65:45 Dec'62:44 Sep'63:46 May'64:44 Feb'65:44 Jan'63:42 Oct'63:42 Jun'64:46 Mar'65:45 Feb'63:42 Nov'63:44 Jul'64:43 Apr'65:43 Mar'63:44 Dec'63:45 Sep'64:45 May'65:43 Apr'63:44 Jan'64:43 Oct'64:48 Jun'65:43 Audio-visuals. Jul'65:44 Mar'66:41 Dec'66:49 Jul'67:39 Sep'65:44 Apr'66:43 Jan'67:49 Sep'67:39 Oct'65:44 May'66:41 Feb'67:42 Oct'67:39 Nov'65:44 Jun'66:43 Mar'67:44 Nov'67:39 Dec'65:44 Jul'66:45 Apr'67:44 Dec'67:39 Jan'66:42 Sep'66:44 Jun'67:43 Jan'68:39 Feb'66:41 Oct'66:43 May'67:44 Feb'68:39 Letters. Mar'68:4 Audio-visuals. Apr'68:39 Jul'72:33 Apr'73:45 May - Dec'68 p. 37 Sep'72:30 May'73:34 Feb'69 - Sep'71 p. 29 Oct'72:36 Jul'73:45 Oct'71:27 Nov'72:37 Sep'73:46 Nov'71 - Feb'72 p. 29 Dec'72:33 Oct'73:36 Mar'72:31 Jan'73:34 Nov'73:37 May'72:44 Feb'73:36 Dec'73:35 Jun'72:33 Mar'73:37 INABINETT, THOMAS PURSE, 1913-1986 News room. Mar'44:34 Apr'46:32 (photo) Sep'47:10 Feb'51:10 News room. Mar'53:38 Apr'54:42 Mar'61:46 (photo) Jan'54:38 Sep'57:38 Global highlights (photo) Oct'61:7 Disciples in the news (photo) Oct'67:8 (photo) Mar'69:29 In brief. Mar'72:41 INAFUKU, KAZUO A dream come true (photo) Jan'68:48 Inamura, Shoichi Educating Japan for democracy. Dec'46:11 INAMURA, SHOICHI The leaven in East Tokyo. Apr'35:14 INCARNATION The incarnation and social action. Sep'66:23 INCOME TAX See INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INDEPENDENCE DAY Tonio's Fourth of July. Jul'22:32 Land of the Pilgrim's pride. Jul'25:32 The Fourth of July in Canada. Sep'26:61 Independence Day and Dominion Day. Jul'27:inside front cover (cont. next page)
p. 1378 Independence - India 1919
INDEPENDENCE DAY (cont.) Firecracker patriotism Jul'28:8 For Independence Day. Jul'56:48 Global highlights. Jul'58:8 The larger patriotism. Jul'59:30 Editorials. Jul'70:19 INDEPENDENCE, KANSAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Feb'19:45 Our colleges and the new year. Mar'37:31 INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'23:32 INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI. NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, July-September, 1958. Feb'59:34 INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI. PLEASANT VIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, January-March, 1961. Jul'61:46 INDEPENDENT CHRISTIAN CHURCHES See CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND CHURCHES OF CHRIST INDIA Damoh boys and play. Jan'19:40 Kamila's mother, a coolie woman of India. Jan'19:42 Notes. Jan'19:62,64 Somewhere in all the world. Feb'19:11 Facts for the busy woman. Feb'19:42 Notes. Feb'19:46,48,49 Feb'19:51,61 Some contrasts. Mar'19:4 Five definite calls for advance. Mar'19:46 Influenza in the mission fields. Mar'19:58 Peace thanksgiving. Mar'19:57 Notes. Mar'19:61,62,63 Oriental women working together. Apr'19:22 How the "Flu" rages in sad India. Apr'19:33 Facts for the busy woman. Apr'19:37 Notes. Apr'19:62,65,66,67 Rajah the First of Central Provinces. May'19:17 May'19:57 Scourge of influenza in India. May'19:59 Notes. May'19:61,62 Things you ought to know about the Foreign Society. Jun'19:22 When the oxcart comes. Jun'19:28 Victory makes opportunity. Jun'19:44 What the Children's Day offering will do. Jun'19:52 Notes. Jun'19:58,59,61,64 How America looks from India. Jul'19:20 A thousand years of service from one family. Jul'19:28 Annual convention of missionaries (photo) Jul'19:40 Notes. Jul'19:61,63 Needs of India. Aug'19:26 First experiences in India. Aug'19:39 Evangelistic work in Mahoba District, India. Aug'19:41 Notes. Aug'19:48,49 At an Indian Mela. Aug'19:49 Facts for the busy woman. Aug'19:51 Aug'19:60 Big brother. Sep'19:16 Sep'19:18 (cont. next page)
p. 1379 India 1919 - 1920
INDIA (cont.) I was sick and ye visited me not. Sep'19;42 The wary baids their fees pursing. Sep'19:46 Notes. Sep'19:49 Saving a man. Sep'19:60 Look on the fields. Oct'19:19 From New York to Jubbulpore. Oct'19:49 Notes. Oct'19:62,64,66 Nov'19:66,67 Snap shots. Dec'19:7 The healing of India. Dec'19;20 Facts for the busy woman. Dec'19:40 Panther attacks Dr. Mary Longdon. Jan'20:55 Notes. Jan'20:62,64 (map) Feb'20:2 Work among the depressed classes. Feb'20:41 Educated Indians hear. Feb'20:43 The Pool of Pathariya. Feb'20:49 Notes. Feb'20:56,57,60,61,64 Five minutes in our foreign fields (map) Mar'20:15 The Doctor Sahib of Hindustan. Mar'20:18 The hign noon of missionary opportunity. Mar'20:38 Notes. Mar'20:62,64 Shall we shut the door? Apr'20:43 Notes. Apr'20:61 Calling sinners to repentance. May'20:32 News from home. May'20:35 Notes. May'20:62,64 (A letter) to the Superintendents of Christian Sunday Schools. Jun'20:2 Mamma Ji of Bilaspur. Jun'20:18 Village children of India. Jun'20:26 A pleasant experience in evangelistic work. Jun'20:39 In camp in India with the boys. Jun'20:42 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'20:46 Jul'20:35 Notes. Jul'20:48 Inverted India turning right side up. Aug'20:11 Report of the Annual Convention of the India Mission. Aug'20:31 (photo) Aug'20:30 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'20:36,37 Notes. Aug'20:48 Chinaswamy, Christian cook. Sep'20:10 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'20:40 Notes. Sep'20:60,61,62 With the men and women of all lands who have answered our call. Oct'20:16 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'20:43 Notes. Oct'20:56,58,61 Highways through the heart of Hindustan. Nov'20:17 (photo) Nov'20:28 F.C.M.S. annual report (photo) Nov'20:30 The Hindu Coolie woman at a wage-earning task. Nov'20:50 Letter to Bert Wilson. Nov'20:55 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:59,61 A day with the Bible in India (photos) Dec'20:13 The career of a cobbler (photos) Dec'20:22 Feb'21:36 Apr'21:28 Jan'21:25 Mar'21:17 May'21:24 Bible study. Dec'20:48 (cont. next page)
p. 1380 India 1920 - 1922
INDIA (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:48,49,57,60,62 Medical work in India. Dec'20:54 Old letters of rare value. Jan'21:36 Feb'21:18 Mar'21:20 Eyes and they see not... Jan'21:45 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'21:52,53,61,64 Temperance and missions. Feb'21:10 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'21:58,60,63 Mar'21:63,64 Jo-Anne and Jimmy and their pilot Tim (poem) Apr'21:32 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'21:56,61,63 Dr. C. C. Drummond of India. May'21:31 Echoes from everywhere. May'21:59,60,64 At the heart of mission lands. Jun'21:6 A nation finding itself. Jun'21:38 Some varieties in the Mahoba mission. Jun'21:48 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:59,60,61 An open door of healing in India. Jul'21:15 Out of the mouth of the lion. Jul'21:36 They that are sick. Jul'21:37 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'21:59,60,61,64 Applied Christianity in India. Sep'21:10 Short and true from far and near. Sep'21:25 U.C.M.S. Department of Foreign Missions report. Sep'21:29 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'21:54 Oct'21:59,60,61,62,63 Short and true from far and near. Nov'21:40 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:60,61,63 A daily battle against heavy odds (photo) Dec'21:11 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'21:51,60,64 By Buddha's gilded temples. Jan'22:54 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'22:62,63,64 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'22:53,54,60,61,63,64 They sleep--and call. Mar'22:6 Go ye-teach-baptize-teach. Mar'22:42 India again. Mar'22:45 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'22:49,50,60 A thanksgiving service. Mar'22:58 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'22:51,60 Death of Mrs. M.D. Adams of India. May'22:45 Echoes from everywhere. May'22:61 The lure of the East. Jun'22:14 Things you ought to know about foreign missions (photo) Jun'22:20 Mrs. G. L. Wharton. Jun'22:28 Do you believe in the miracles of Jesus--then and now? (photos) Jun'22:29 A belated Convention report. Jun'22:43 Dinna ye hear it? Jun'22:53 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'22:53,62,64 In loving tribute to a pioneer. Jul'22:15 The serpent that failed. Jul'22:28 Easter prayer meetings across the seas. Jul'22:40 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'22:57,58,59,62 Deepening the spiritual life of the Damoh church. Aug'22:43 Commencement day. Aug'22:46 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'22:51,62 Annual report... Sep'22:24 The medical missionary at work. Oct'22:16 (cont. next page)
p. 1381 India 1922 - 1923
INDIA (cont.) Church membership and missionary needs... Oct'22:27 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'22:62 Nov'22:51,57,58 Life as it is lived in India. Nov'22:54 A Mama Ji in Mahoba. Nov'22:57 Cooperation in "non-cooperating" India. Nov'22:64 Henry, the tin missionary. Dec'22:8 A Hindustani Christmas. Dec'22:42 A Hindu wedding in Damoh. Dec'22:46 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'22:63 A Christian Endeavor in Damoh. Jan'23:46 The second generation. Jan'23:47 The acts of the Disciples in Rath. Jan'23:51 Radha, a tale of Indian life. Feb'23:46 The days of miracles have not passed. Feb'23:51 "Bonnie Jean" in India. Feb'23:64 Mary Theodora McGavran. Mar'23:15 Scouting in Harda. Mar'23:46 A bird's eye view of the Damoh orphanage. Mar'23:47 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'23:49,55,56 The Doctor Miss Sahib is gone. Apr'23:30 The realization of a Harda dream. Apr'23:45 Sundar Singh, India's Christian Sadhu. Apr'23:46 With Miss Ford's "lambs." Apr'23:47 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:57 Pandita Ramabai. May'23:45 The India Convention. May'23:47 Dr. Mary McGavran. May'23:50 Echoes from everywhere. May'23:58,59 India's night (poem) Jun'23:41 The Golden Jubilee on the mission fields. Jun'23:54 What young India thinks of our mission. Jul'23:19 The travels of Truly Try in India. Jul'23:32 A new way of borrowing money. Jul'23:42 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'23:56 (photo) Aug'23:13 Spring weddings and Easter. Aug'23:40 Hira Lal of Mungeli, India. Aug'23:45 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'23:56,63 Watching the road. Sep'23:34 A call for help. Sep'23:36 Experiences in a plague hospital. Sep'23:37 Harda 1922. Sep'23:41 High School teaching in India. Sep'23:46 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'23:56,63 Dedicating Patharia chapel. Sep'23:58 Why better homes in India? Oct'23:10 The Christian pastor in a non-Christian town. Oct'23:22 The year at a glance. Oct'23:35 Christian or Hindu. Oct'23:42 A kaleidoscopic view. Oct'23:43 From the boys of Harda. Oct'23:45 Golden Jubilee notes. Oct'23:50 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'23:51,57,59 From the India news letter. Nov'23:52 The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:8 Darkness and light. Dec'23:34 The water man. Dec'23:39 (cont. next page)
p. 1382 India 1923 - 1924
INDIA (cont.) Sowing the seed. Dec'23:44 Growing missionaries. Dec'23:45 Christmas in India. Dec'23:47 Scouting in India. Dec'23:53 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'23:55,59,64 A challenge from the mission fields. Jan'24:21 Why did you not tell me thirty years ago? Jan'24:30 Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Jan'24:41 Witness-bearing. Jan'24:44 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:49,50,55,57,59,60,62 Majli. Feb'24:37 The problem of trade. Feb'24:44 Follow-up for railway men. Feb'24:46 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'24:49,50,54,55,57,59,60,61,62 Golden Jubilee notes. Feb'24:51 Lifting the world's load. Mar'24:6 Under the Banyan tree. Mar'24:32 The rescue of a little girl. Mar'24:37 Gathering in the waifs. Mar'24:44 Glimpses of the religious world. Mar'24:45 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'24:50,60,63 Golden Jubilee notes. Mar'24:51 A forward looking convention (photos) Mar'24:55 Easter in India. Apr'24:40 A beggar of the Pendra State. Apr'24:43 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'24:49,50,59,60,61,62 Great gifts from Christian Indians (photo) Apr'24:54 In the shadow of Temple walls (photo) May'24:37 National baby week in India. May'24:38 Good morning sir... May'24:42 Quieting India's unrest. May'24:46 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'24:47 Echoes from everywhere. May'24:49,50,51,53,56,61,64 Golden Jubilee notes. May'24:52 Open doors in India (photos) May'24:58 Child welfare in India. Jun'24:36 In their own tongue. Jun'24:40 Life saving in India. Jun'24:42 A union camp meeting in India. Jun'24:46 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'24:49,58,60 Official census of India. Jul'24:37 The real remedy. Jul'24:41 Praying to Allah. Jul'24:42 Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'24:47 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:49,50,64 Golden Jubilee notes. Jul'24:52 After many years. Jul'24:55 Wanted her to have a chance. Jul'24:56 Alfred Aleppa ordained at Damoh (photos) Jul'24:59 Easter in others lands. Jul'24:61 Willing to take a great risk. Aug'24:38 Even one of the least. Aug'24:39 They made it unanimous. Aug'24:43 Where boys find a common interest. Aug'24:45 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'24:49,59 Faith even among non-Christians. Aug'24:60 Oh, see how he reverences his God. Aug'24:60 (cont. next page)
p. 1383 India 1924 - 1925
INDIA (cont.) O Lord, graciously accept it. Sep'24:29 A Hindu wedding. Sep'24:36 Where plague stalks abroad. Sep'24:37 By the village well. Sep'24:39 O God. Sep'24:40 In the royal line of succession (photo) Sep'24:41 When we came to the baptismal water. Sep'24:43 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'24:49 Annual report. Oct'24:40 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'24:49,50 Golden Jubilee notes. Oct'24:51 Glimpses of the religious world. Oct'24:53 Johnson County at work. Oct'24:58 A mother of churches. Nov'24:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'24:45 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'24:49,50,58,59,60,61,64 Missionary wishes for a dozen lives. Nov'24:57 Fate takes a hand. Nov'24:57 Teaching a trade to cast-off Christians. Nov'24:62 God is in their midst. Nov'24:63 While at home they're making merry... Dec'24:10 What Jesus has meant to me and my people. Dec'24:26 Glimpses of the religious world. Dec'24:47 Hats on. Dec'24:52 A Christian camp in Dandak jungle (photo) Dec'24:54 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'24:56 Does wayside preaching pay? (photo) Jan'25:40 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'25:50,51,57 A real benediction. Jan'25:57 Sending the church to school. Feb'25:21 I heard the message just in time. Feb'25:34 Opportunity knocking in Jhansi. Feb'25:37 Destruction in India. Feb'25:39 There are no such high ideals in our religion. Feb'25:43 Wonderful spirit in the convention. Feb'25:46 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'25:51,63,64 Convention and Golden Jubilee in India (photo) Mar'25:32 Mamaji's children. Mar'25:34 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'25:51 Christ of the Indian road. Apr'25:6 Through Himalayan mists. Apr'25:27 Third time back (photos) Apr'25:37 Easter in Jhansi. Apr'25:36 Missionary illustrations of uniform Sunday school topics... Apr'25:40 Letter writing at Mahoba. May'25:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'25:51 Missionary illustrations of uniform Sunday school topics... May'25:55 Work and worship in Damoh. Jun'25:35 Contrasting a Hindu and a Christian mela. Jun'25:36 The Jhansi Church Council. Jun'25:41 Reaching the women. Jun'25:42 A day's fighting. Jun'25:43 The ministry of healing. Jun'25:46 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'25:49,53,61,62 A word in season. Jun'25:57 (cont. next page)
p. 1384 India 1925 - 1926
INDIA (cont.) The varied activities of a missionary wife. Jun'25:59 Saving the girls of India. Jun'25:63 A remarriage in India. Jul'25:36 All joining in the chorus "Christ is Risen." Jul'25:40 People ready and willing to hear. Jul'25:40 Sowing beside all waters. Jul'25:42 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'25:49,51,56,61 Teaching women to earn a living. Jul'25:54 A voice from India's Zenana world. Jul'25:57 From village to village. Jul'25:63 A modern Timothy speaks. Aug'25:37 We are one family. Aug'25:38 One of India's silent sufferers. Aug'25:39 Glimpses of the religious world. Aug'25:45 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'25:49,51,58,61 Witnessing for Christ. Aug'25:50 The sign of the times. Aug'25:63 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'25:49,59,61 Sown fields. Sep'25:55 Signs of promise. Sep'25:58 A contrast to the old order. Sep'25:60 Annual report. Oct'25:35 Working while resting. Oct'25:41 Preaching the word. Oct'25:44 Building a Christian community in India. Oct'25:44 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'25:49,60,62 Missionary illustrations of uniform Sunday school topics. Oct'25:55 Taking up her cross. Oct'25:57 Only a picture rll. Oct'25:58 An answer from India. Nov'25:24 Baby week in Bilaspur. Nov'25:44 Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'25:45 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'25:49 A struggle between life and death. Nov'25:62 Christian community week at Pendra Road. Dec'25:35 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'25:49,60 She will be brought up a Christian. Dec'25:51 The poets meet in Harda. Dec'25:55 A teachers' institute at Harda. Dec'25:61 Reaching the women. Dec'25:63 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'26:49 Missionary illustrations... Jan'26:53 The retreat. Feb'26:43 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'26:50 An aged pilgrim (photos) Feb'26:56 Missionary illustrations... Feb'26:57 Superstitiion in India (photo) Feb'26:60 Lights and shadows of a woman doctor's life. Feb'26:61 Glimpses of the religious world. Mar'26:45 Back home again. Mar'26:46 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'26:49,50,59,61 Woman the ke to the Indian home. Mar'26:54 They received him not. Mar'26:58 Words pierced her heart. Mar'26:60 Memories of twenty years. Mar'26:62 Preaching to a Sadhu. Mar'26:63 (cont. next page)
p. 1385 India 1926 - 1927
INDIA (cont.) Australia in Ynnanfu. Apr'26:41 Glimpses of the religious world. Apr'26:45 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'26:50 Remembered for what she has done. Apr'26:57 Missionary illustrations... Apr'26:58 Meeting new people. Apr'26:61 Helping the blind to see. May'26:37 The Sadhu's cow. May'26:47 Echoes from everywhere. May'26:49,50 Making a school house serve a community. May'26:60 When children broadcast the Gospel. Jun'26:7 Preaching by music... Jun'26:35 Meeting new people. Jun'26:46 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'26:49,50 Comradship. Jun'26:51 Equipped for service. Jul'26:39 Work that counts. Jul'26:46 Equal to the old woman who lived in a shoe. Jul'26:47 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'26:50,51 India's aged ones. Jul'26:55 What will the harvest be? Jul'26:56 One Christian community in India. Jul'26:58 A new thought to her. Jul'26:61 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'26:49 From the India news letter. Aug'26:51 Twelve and married. Aug'26:52 Village education in India (photos) Sep'26:42 Where example furnished inspiration. Sep'26:46 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'26:50,52 Worthy of a golden pin. Sep'26:58 High points of a high year. Oct'26:31 Glimpses of the religious world. Oct'26:45 From the grave. Oct'26:46 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'26:49,50 Livengood news. Oct'26:54 Where caste may be observed. Oct'26:58 A personal testimony. Oct'26:60 (photo) Nov'26:4 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'26:50 Station UMCS broadcasting. Nov'26:54 Only seventeen! Nov'26:62 Seeking, they know not what. Dec'26:42 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'26:50,51 Honoring our pioneers. Dec'26:54 Missionary illustrations... Dec'26;54 Livengood news. Dec'26:58 Mohammed or Christ in India. Jan'27:34 The elephant goes to church. Jan'27:56 The good that men do. Feb'27:35 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'27:50 A matter of decades. Feb'27:61 Who will write the fifth Gospel? Mar'27:21 Christmas at home and abroad. Mar'27:39,40 Glimpses of the religious world. Mar'27:45 Christian Endeavor around the world. Mar'27:7 Varied duties of a missionary doctor. Mar'27:51 Our prayer room. Apr'27:44 (cont. next page)
p. 1386 India 1927 - 1928
INDIA (cont.) Triangle palaver. Apr'27:46 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'27:49,50 Meeting physical and spiritual needs. Apr'27:51 Result of a tonsillotomy. Apr'27:52 Trained along many lines. May'27:40 Women being reached. May'27:41 Livengood news. May'27:44 Echoes from everywhere. May'27:48,50 Missionary illustrations... May'27:51 Where America has proved a friend. May'27:52 The return of the scouts. May'27:54 The world's children. Jun'27:5 Will it mean much? Jun'27:8 Seeing and hearing they believe. Jun'27:39 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'27:48 The Ratanpur mela. Jun'27:54 They are only wood and stone. Jun'27:61 It is a living thing. Jul'27:32 Rasul Kahn goes back to his village. Jul'27:37 Easter around the world. Jul'27:42 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'27:47,48 Overcoming a handicap. Aug'27:35 Livengood news. Aug'27:40 Vacation schools in India. Aug'27:41 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'27:47,48 Teaching in four languages. Aug'27:53 Glimpses of the religious world. Aug'27:55 Hunger for truth. Aug'27:59 The "Good sport" spirit in India. Sep'27:40 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'27:48 Livengood news. Oct'27:39 The story of three men. Oct'27:44 Glimpses of the religious world. Oct'27:45 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'27:48 Mother's Day in India. Oct'27:58 Good scouts in India make for brotherhood. Nov'27:42 Notha. Nov'27:42 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'27:46,47 Dec'27:49 How far can you see? Dec'27:51 Livengood news. Dec'27:53 Where children must come first. Dec'27:55 He prayed for his parents. Dec'27:59 Christian Endeavor in far away India. Jan'28:50 Childhood in India. Jan'28:53 Transfer of Mahoba orphanage. Feb'28:39 Christmas and Christians in Mungeli. Feb'28:41 The bad with the good at the New Year. Feb'28:61 When women pioneered. Mar'28:18 Remembering C. H. Thomson. Mar'28:34 Things that hurt. Mar'28:41 Speaking of books. Mar'28:44 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'28:48 Livengood news. Apr'28:44 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'28:48 Peace day in Mahoba. Apr'28:57 Speaking f books. May'28:43 Echoes from everywhere. May'28:48 (cont. next page)
p. 1387 India 1928 - 1929
INDIA (cont.) Missionary illustrations... May'28:57 Sale of Maudaha mission property. May'28:63 What Christianity meant to Moulvi Sahib. Jun'28:36 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'28:48 Three Indian homes. Jun'28:53 Homes in other lands. Jun'28:54 Missionary illustrations... Jun'28:56 As it is done in India. Jun'28:59 Requies (poem) Jun'28:back cover New plans for the work in India (photos) Jul'28:16 What's doing in Britain. Jul'28:20 Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'28:29 Easter in Kulpahar. Jul'28:45 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'28:33 Missionary illustrations... Aug'28:42 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'28:33 Missionary illustrations... Sep'28:41 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:40 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'28:47,48 Missionary illustrations... Oct'28:55 Tests and trials in India. Oct'28:63 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'28:49,50,59,60 A look-in at Hinduism. Nov'28:58 Land of mystery, sunshine and rain. Dec'28:36 Livengood news. Dec'28:37 Christmas in retrospect. Dec'28:38 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'28:49,50 What shall I render unto the Lord...? Jan'29:38 Rath and Mahoba. Jan'29:39 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'29:49,50 An unexpected tribute. Feb'29:1 What do the new plans mean in India? (map) Feb'29:15 Practicing the "inasmuch." Feb'29:26 Missionary organizations... Feb'29:32 Devotional study... Feb'29:34 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'29:36,44 Missionary illustrations... Feb'29:42 A charge to keep I have... Mar'29:inside front cover Ten reasons why we must maintain. Mar'29:6 Where rescuing is the routine. Mar'29:37 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'29:49 Annual convention in India. Mar'29:59 Christmas holiday not all play. Mar'29:62 Changing India--yes--but! Mar'29:63 Supremely happy. Apr'29:13 The Ford--an evangelizing agency (photos) May'29:26 Encouraging women to read. May'29:27 Glimpses of the religious world. May'29:31 Echoes from everywhere. May'29:35,36 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'29:42 Buried alive by his own mother... Jun'29:2 By way of contrast. Jun'29:31 One day's work. Jun'29:35 The thrill of preaching. Jun'29:37 Coming into her own. Jun'29:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'29:49,58,60 Missionary illustrations... Jun'29:56 (cont. next page)
p. 1388 India 1929 - 1930
INDIA (cont.) (note) Jul'29:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:34,35 By way of contrast. aug'29:30 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'29:34,36 Patients everywhere. Aug'29:27 What they are thinking in Damoh. Aug'29:28 Custom in India. Aug'29:36 A sequel to "Sita." Sep'29:25 Cancrum oris or ulcerative stomatitis. Sep'29:29 Missionary organizations. Sep'29:32 On the edge of the jungle. Sep'29:34 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'29:35 The Jains in India. Sep'29:42 Neighbor India. Oct'29:20 Where courage was required. Oct'29:35 Digest of the annual reports. Oct'29:39 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'29:48,49,50 Livengood news. Oct'29:57 India and self-denial week. Oct'29:57 Getting acquainted through vacation schools Oct'29:58 Dukhua... Oct'29:58 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'29:63 The blind are made to see. Nov'29:34 Kotmi retreat for evangelists. Nov'29:38 The joy of serving. Nov'29:39 The open door in Damoh, India. Nov'29:41 Speaking of books. Nov'29:42 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'29:49,50 Missionary illustrations... Nov'29:54 Hard to surpass in America. Nov'29:54 The printed page. Nov'29:58 From the Bilaspur hospital. Nov'29:61 Receptive minds in India. Nov'29:61 Gaily colored turbans waved (photos) Dec'29:31 As ithers see us. Dec'29:35 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'29:50,62 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'29:52 Missionary illustrations... Dec'29:53 A Hindu practices Christian principles. Dec'29:55 Christmas in lands afar. Dec'29:57 A factory for making men. Dec'29:58 Open house at Mungeli Hospital. Dec'29:60 The missionary doctor... Jan'30:32 Livengood news. Jan'30:35 By a way that they know not. Jan'30:36 Flash lights. Jan'30:36 From sunup to sundown... Jan'30:39 Difficult to understand. Jan'30:40 As it is done in Ghasiyapara. Jan'30:41 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'30:49,50,62,63 The village people hear gladly. Jan'30:54 Items that made news last month. Jan'30:56 Beginning in men! Feb'30:3 India interested in church union. Feb'30:6 All the world loves a lover. Feb'30:26 Missionary organizations. Feb'30:36 Working with the boys. Feb'30:40 (cont. next page)
p. 1389 India 1930 - 1931
INDIA (cont.) All one body we. Feb'30:45 Livengood nes. Mar'30:38 Prospect and retrospect. Mar'30:39 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'30:49 India moving Christward. Mar'30:59 Taking time by the forelock. Mar'30:62 Where superstition is trife. Apr'30:26 Good turns. Apr'30:26 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'30:39,47 Missionary illustrations... Apr'30:43 (note) Apr'30:45 India has a request. Apr'30:47 Should we model mission churches after our own... May'30:4 Echoes from everywhere. May'30:39,40 Vacation church schools in India. Jun'30:34 Following an investment on through. Jun'30:37 A picture, past, present and future. Jun'30:40 Indian and Pentecost. Jun'30:42 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'30:49,50,62 Missionary illustrations... Jun'30:52 The joy of being the first "to tell." Jun'30:53 Pentecost in India. Jul'30:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'30:40 Listening in on the world. Aug'30:22 Intensive evangelism. Aug'30:26 Close of school session shows steady gain. Aug'30;27 And he did it of his own free will. Aug'30:30 The Gospel of the "Good turn." Aug'30:30 News items that point the trend of the day. Aug'30:35 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'30:39,40,41 Teaching--preaching--healing. Sep'30:28 Difficult to square practice with teaching. Sep'30:29 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'30:39 Missionary illustrations... Sep'30:43 Livengood news. Oct'30:29 Pentecost convention in Bilaspur. Oct'30:30 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'30:40 Missionary illustrations... Oct'30:42 Work and play in Mungeli. Oct'30:46 Flashlights from India. Nov'30:27 Baby Shanti. Nov'30:33 Missionary illustrations... Nov'30;45 Taling tempratures in India. Dec'30:32 Missionary organizations. Dec'30:36 Programs... Dec'30:37 India's call (poem) Dec'30:37 Devotional study for January. Dec'30:38 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'30:39 What, where, when and how. Oct'30:35 When can we expect our India churches to become self- supporting? Jan'31:23 Swaraj in church and state. Jan'31:27 Baptisms and weddings. Jan'31:28 New buildings at Pendra Road. Jan'31:30 To these we hand the torch. Jan'31:31 Dramatization at Jhansi. Jan'31:35 Missionary organizations. Jan'31:36 (cont. next page)
p. 1390 India 1931
INDIA (cont.) Programs... Jan'31:37 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'31:40 Speaking of books. Jan'31:32 What, where, when and how. Jan'31:41 Missionary illustrations... Jan'31:46 Reaching non-Christians. Jan'31:47 Saved to serve. Feb'31:15 Call the doctor! Feb'31:21 If you do not help, who will? Feb'31:27 To these we hand the torch. Feb'31:29 Missionary organizations. Feb'31:36 Programs... Feb'31:37 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'31:40 Missionary illustrations... Feb'31:44 Fighting the white plague. Feb'31:47 Yesterday and today. Mar'31:20 Character building en masse. Mar'31:28 Missionary organizations. Mar'31:36 Programs... Mar'31:36 Devotional study for woman's missionary societies. Mar'31:38 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'31:39 To these we hand the torch. Mar'31:40 Answering India's call (poem) Mar'31:40 New womanhood for the new India. Apr'31:18 Postscripts to Christmas. Apr'31:26 Better farmers for the India of tomorrow. Apr'31:31 An Indian medical student testifies. Apr'31:34 A Bible woman testifies. Apr'31:34 Missionary organizations. Apr'31:36 Devotional study... Apr'31:38 India speaks (poem) apr'31:28 Growth in numbers and spirituality. Apr'31:38 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'31:39,40 To these we hand the torch. Apr'31:43 Missionary illustrations... Apr'31:45,46 And yet the task is done (photos) May'31:26] Helping to self-supprot. May'31:35 Missionary organizations. May'31:36 Programs... May'31:37 Devotional study... May'31:38 Echoes from everywhere. May'31:39,43 What, where, when and how. May'31:41 To these we hand the torch. May'31:42 Missionary illustrations... May'31:44 Creating a model village in an India jungle (photos) Jun'31:6 New vocabularies--new pleasures. Jun'31:13 India's gift to China. Jun'31:26 With the boys in camp. Jun'31:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'31:39,40,41 Making the best of things. Jun'31:44 Missionary illustrations... Jun'31:46 We shall come rejoicing. Jul'31:28 Marvelous in our eyes. Jul'31:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'31:39,40 School a boon to missionaries. Aug'31:28 Slaves to superstition. Aug'31:28 (cont. next page)
p. 1391 India 1931 - 1932
INDIA (cont.) Contrasting practical Christianity and impractical Hinduism. Aug'31:30 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'31:39,40 Speaking of weddings. Aug'31:46 Panthers and babies. Aug'31:47 We're in Mungeli. Sep'31:34 The local church in India. Oct'31:26 Leaders of the blind. Oct'31:33 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'31:39 A letter of thanks. Oct'31:44 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'31:38,39 Hungry for real friendship (photos) Dec'31:26 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'31:40 (photo) Dec'31:suppl:8 Indian villages that hint of brighter tomorrow. Dec'31:suppl:11 With Rice in India. Jan'32:27 Signs of the times in modern India. Jan'32:29 Vocational school in action. Jan'32:31 Programs for adult organizations. Jan'32:36 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'32:39,40 Weddings and baptism. Feb'32:27 The word of God in India. Feb'32:28 Mrs. Yocum in Damoh. Feb'32:28 The good that men do. Feb'32:34 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'32:38,40,47 Let there be no more Hardas! Mar'32:19 Attention! Mar'32:27 The cottage plan at Pendra. Mar'32:29 A primitive people. Mar'32:34 Programs for adult organizations. Mar'32:36 An Easter in India. Mar'32:47 What C. M. Yocum found in India (photos) Apr'32:6 Agricultural fair at Pendra Road. Apr'32:27 More abudant giving. Apr'32:27 Learning the field. Apr'32:29 Women coming into their own. Apr'32:29 He made manual labor respectable. Apr'32:30 Program for adult organizations. Apr'32:36 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'32:38,39 Indian women speaking. Apr'32:46 Thriving Sunday school in India. Apr'32:47 An "at home" in Bilaspur. May'32:27 A Mohammedan wedding. May'32:28 Damoh takes more steps in advance. May'32:29 Echoes from everywhere. May'32:40 Heralding native leadership on foreign mission fields. Jun'32:6 A romance of India. Jun'32:29 The budget and the Jubilee. Jun'32:29 A study in contrasts. Jun'32:30 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'32:39 From the India mission. Jun'32:43 The yoy of paying one's own way. Jul'32:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'32:38,39 Why did hetell the truth? Jul'32:44 Fruits of Kotmi's touring work. Jul'32:46 (cont. next page)
p. 1392 India 1932 - 1934
INDIA (cont.) After many days. Jul'32:46 The missionary organizations' own section. Aug'32:35 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'32:39,40 A quartette of babies. Sep'32:29 One among ten who was grateful. Sep'32:31 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'32:39 Oct'32:38,39,40 If it had been a boy. Oct'32:45 What he means to you. Nov'32:30 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'32:38,39 Old customs breaking down. Nov'32:47 From station A.S.I.A... Dec'32:26 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'32:38,39 The emergence of women in India. Jan'33:47 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'33:38,39 How a life was saved. Feb'33:31 the fine art of living. Feb'33:32 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'33:38,39 From station A.S.I.A. Feb'33:45 Celebrating fifty years' service in India... Mar'33:24 Our year of Jubilee. Mar'33:26 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'33:39,40 The month among Disciples. Apr'33:4 A missionary re-thinks himself. Apr'33:24 Christmas on mission fields. Apr'33:26 Thanksgiving service, Pendra Road. Apr'33:28 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'33:39,40 May'33:39,40,41 Opportunities and obstacles. May'33:47 Hunger fighers carry on! Jun'33:7 Our continuing progress in foreign missions. Jun'33:12 Just life or the abudant life. Jun'33:40 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'33:40 At even, when the sun did set. Sep'33:26 The leper clinic at Mungeli. Sep'33:28 The threshold. Oct'33:2 Programs for adult organizations. Dec'33:36 Through the years. Dec'33:38 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'33:39,40 Jhunow goes to borading school. Dec'33:45 Jan'34:much of issue Medical tribulations in India. Feb'34:29 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'34:39 Indian scenes. Mar'34:30 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'34:39 Apr'34:39,40 Cattle, fruit and babies. Apr'34:42 A hospital day. may'34:27 Echoes from everywhere. May'34:40 An Indian story in pictures (photos) Jun'34:24 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'34:40 Keeness, initiative, vision. Jul'34:10 What I owe to Christ. Jul'34:11 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'34:39 A work of gratitude. Jul'34:46 Stretching the budget. Sep'34:27 Missionary organizations' own section. Sep'34:35 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'34:40 The goodly pearl. Oct'34:45 Vaccinations or votives. Oct'34:31 (cont. next page)
p. 1393 India 1934 - 1937
INDIA (cont.) Who will give him his chance? Oct'34:43 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'34:39 Christmas in mission lands. Dec'34:29 Cause and effect in India. Jan'35:32 A dream becomes reality. Jan'35:41 The blind see. Jan'35:45 For her there is no hope. Jan'35:47 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'34:39 Mar'35:39 Apr'35:38,39 The missionary and the agriculture fair. May'35:11 Echoes from everywhere. May'35:38,39 Teachout memorial Jun'35:28 Book chat. Jun'35:29 Gods of their fathers. Jul'35:26 Mothers and babies. Jul'35:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'35:39 Honoring the missionary. Sep'35:3 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'35:38,39 What we leave in India. Oct'35:21 Philmat. Oct'35:34 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'35:39,40 Women and world highways. Nov'35:35 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'35:39 Her last thought of India. Jan'36:32 With the boys in Damoh. Jan'36:45 Rip Van Winkle and India. Feb'36:27 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'36:34 Forward with God in India. Mar'36:26 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'36:39,40 Intensive evangelistic work. Mar'36:47 Preparing for life. Apr'36:29 Ingathering in India. Apr'36:29 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'36:38,39 A doctor in India. Apr'36:45 Two men. May'36:14 Indian youth in a bamboo city. May'36:18 A jewel with many facets. May'36:28 Echoes from everywhere. May'36:39 Jun'36:much of issue Christian woman honored. Jul'36:29 Looking in from outside. Jul'36:30 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'36:39 Schoolroom needed. Sep'36:29 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'36:39 Nov'36:39 The untouchables' quest. Dec'36:4 And there was light. Dec'36:42 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'37:39 Among the depressed classes. Feb'37:29 As it is done in India. Feb'37:30 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'37:38,39 Thanksgiving through word and deed. Mar'37:29 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'37:39 India astir. Mar'37:11 For thirty-seven years in India. Apr'37:42 India advances. May'37:31 Echoes from everywhere. May'37:38,39 Jun'37:39 Easter at Pendra Road. Jun'37:47 (cont. next page)
p. 1394 India 1937 - 1939
INDIA (cont.) One big family. Jul'37:32 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'37:39 Sep'37:38 Oct'37:39 From house to house. Nov'37:27 Larry's gift to India. Nov'37:30 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'37:39 The faith of the world. Dec'37:18 In an Indian hospital. Dec'37:20 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'37:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'38:32 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'38:40 Evangelism in India. Feb'38:3 Evangelism in Mungeli. Feb'38:28 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'38:38 Victorious faith. Mar'38:29 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'38:38 Apr'38:38 Our boys. Apr'38:45 New book on India. Apr'38:46 A Mother's Day in an Indian village. May'38:28 Echoes from everywhere. May'38:38,39 How cheap is life? May'38:46 The holy church throughout the world. Jun'38:11 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'38:39 A world wide fellowship Jul'38:28 Village visitations. Jul'38:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'38:38,39 Sep'38:38 I love a leper (photos) Oct'38:14 Camp experiences in India. Oct'38;27 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'38:38 The Pendra Road harmony belles. Nov'38:32 Program for adult organizations. Nov'38:36 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'38:38,39 How great races are Christianized. Nov'38:43 Essential India. Dec'38:20 Incongruous India. Dec'38:28 Programs for adult organizations. Dec'38:36 Programs for young people. Dec'38:37 Programs for adult organizations. Jan'39:44 Programs for young people. Jan'39:45 Feb'39:much of issue Mar'39:much of issue Apr'39:much of issue May'39:much of issue Jun'39:much of issue Jul'39:much of issue Stewardship in the younger churches. Sep'39:16 India sketch (poem) Sep'39:28 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'39:39 Mottoes for village camps. Sep'39:44 The Independent missionary. Oct'39:21 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'39:34 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'39:38,39 Christianity in India's life (photos) Nov'39:21 An Indian wedding. Nov'39:30 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'39:38 Group movements and Christianity. Dec'39:18 As I think of last Christmas. Dec'39:26 (cont. next page)
p. 1395 India 1939 - 1941
INDIA (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'39:36 Christianity in India's life (photos) Jan'40:10 Programs for young people. Jan'40:35 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'40:37 India mourns. Jan'40:43 Kulpahar news. Jan'40:46 Disciples convention in India. Feb'40:28 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'40:39 She calls them "little things." Feb'40:42 Mangal goes to school. Feb'40:43 The missionary and the agricultural fair. Mar'40:12 Programs for young people. Mar'40:37 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'40:39 Easter in Damoh. Mar'40:44 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'40:39 The younger generation at Sumankhetan. Apr'40:44 Miss Zonetta Vance... May'40:30 Echoes from everywhere. May'40:38,39 The Indian church in war-tiem. Jun'40:10 With Fay Livengood in India. Jun'40:43 Touring in tents. Jul'40:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'40:39 India and Britian. Sep'40:4 India learning to read. Sep'40;11 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'40:38,39 The growing church of India. Sep'40:27 Say it with flowers. Oct'40:31 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'40:39 Hungering for the truth. oct'40:43 The Christian movement in India's Andhra Desh. Nov'40:20 My hope for the Satnami. Nov'40:34 The personal Saviour. Nov'40:34 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'40:38 Landour conference. Nov'40:45 Nehru arrested and sentenced. Dec'40:6 Jackman Memorial Hospital. Dec'40:28 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'40:37 Jan'41:39 Feb'41:38 The desert shall bloom. Feb'41:46 India calls. Mar'41:18 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'41:39 The printed Gospel. Mar'41:44 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'41:38,39 Young India matches the hour. May'41:11 Echoes from everywhere. May'41:39 Servants of India. Jun'41:27 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'41:38 How the church grows in India. Jun'41:47 Jul'41:much of issue Sep'41:much of issue Oct'41:much of issue A world fellowship of churches. Nov'41:13 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'41:38,39 Our co-workers, we salute you! Nov'41:42 News from Nipania. Dec'41:27 Let their works praise them. Dec'41:28 Story of a Christian mother. Dec'41:42 (cont. next page)
p. 1396 India 1942 - 1944
INDIA (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Jan'42:43 Another church in India. Jan'42:49 Evangelism in central India. Feb'42:11 The end of the first year of the growing church of India. Feb'42:26 Training for leaders for a new Christian movement. Feb'42:42 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'42:39 He would not let her go. Mar'42:47 Enrollment exceeds capacity. Apr'42:29 Eyes on the Orient. May'42:28 The state of the church. May'42:31 Echoes from everywhere. May'42:39 India villages respond. Jun'42:30 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'42:39 Jubbulpore report. Jun'42:42 Teaching and preaching in Kulpahar. Jun'42:47 Burgess Memorial School. Jul'42:45 Women and world highways (photo of evangelists and Bible women) Sep'42:35 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'42:38 A Christian Endeavor investment. Sep'42:47 The birth of Tigershead Church. Oct'42:26 Eyes on the Orient. Oct'42:31 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'42:38,39 Indian wedding. Oct'42:46 Mungeli, India. Nov'42:28 The church in India continues to grow. Nov'42:32 News room. Nov'42:34 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'42:39 Indian boys in service. Nov'42:46 Possessing a sense of history. Dec'42:6 The story of a well (photo) Dec'42:27 News room. Dec'42:34 The Governor visits Sumankhetan. Dec'42:42 Boys find their place in life. Feb'43:26 (photo) Mar'43:17 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'43:38,39 A visit at Kotmi. Apr'43:46 Why I go back to India now (photos) May'43:21 Echoes from everywhere. May'43:38,39 Jun'43:28,29 Soldiers three. Jul'43:12 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'43:25 To India from Iraq. Sep'43:13 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'43:32 Jubbulpore young people move forward. Nov'43:22 News room. Nov'43:28 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'43:32,33 The threshold. Dec'43:2 Christmas in the open-air church. Dec'43:26 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'43:30,31 The threshold. Jan'44:2 Christian evangelism at Pendra (photo of Boy Scouts) Jan'44:24 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'44:32 Damoh boy now preaching. Jan'44:35 No creed but Christ. Feb'44:17 Milk for famine victims of India. Feb'44:38 (cont. next page)
p. 1397 India 1944 - 1946
INDIA (cont.) New Christians in India. Mar'44:35 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'44:32 Soldier lads in India. Apr'44:38 For adult missionary groups. May'44:30 Echoes from everywhere. Mayu'44:32 House cleaning and decorating. May'44:34 Our foreign missions go forward in wartime. Jun'44:5 Contrasts in an Indian village (photos) Jun'44:22 News room. Jun'44:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'44:33 Notes from India. Jul'44:23 Industrialists in India issue grim forecast. Sep'44:37 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'44:33 News from Bilaspur... Oct'44:38 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'44:32 Vacation in India. Nov'44:37 The threshold. Dec'44:2 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'44:32 Jan'45:35 A boy who could say "no." Jan'45:37 A Chaplain visits Bilaspur. Jan'45:39 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'45:33 Rickshaw for hire. Feb'45:35 The threshold. Mar'45:2 Retreat and revival in Damoh. Mar'45:27 Homecoming in India. Mar'45:40 A diary of beginning again. Apr'45:14 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'45:33 Convention in Bilaspur. May'45:23 Echoes from everywhere. May'45:32,33 China voyager looks at India. Juan'45:7 Easter Sunday in Italy. Jun'45:12 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'45:32,33 Famine orphan and surgeon. Jun'45:35 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'45:33 Sep'45:28,29 Historical event in Mugeli. Sep'45:32 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'45:33 Nov'45:31 A Hindue Priestess comes to Christ. Dec'45:29 A picnic in Bilaspur. Dec'45:29 Ambassador of race surmounting good will. Jan'46:30 Planned church growth in India (photo) Apr'46:10 Return to Damoh. Apr'46:28 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'46:37 Ramla grows up. May'46:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'46:39 British officer visits Bilaspur. Jun'46:40 When nurses get together. Jul'46:33 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'46:39 Global highlights. Sep'46:4 Training the mind... Sep'46:36 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'46:38,39 Situation in India. Sep'46:45 Huge eye camp. Sep'46:46 Immediate aid needed for India. Oct'46:20 Return to India. Oct'46:29 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'4:36,37 Pendra Road has a youth conference. Nov'46:29 India on the threshold. Dec'46:19 (cont. next page)
p. 1398 India 1946 - 1949
INDIA (cont.) The printed word in India. Dec'46:28 For adult missionary groups. Dec'46:34 Youth and missions. Dec'46:35 Missionary worship service. Dec'46:36 Jan'47:much of issue Feb'47:much of issue Mar'47:much of issue The outlook for Christianity in India. Apr'47:10 For adult missionary groups. Apr'47:36 Youth and missions. Apr'47;37 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'47:38 India's little known youth. May'47:21 For adult missionary groups. May'47:38 Power of God at work. May'47:48 Jun'47:much of issue The church in a free India. Jul'47:11 Sink our differences and live. Jul'47:27 Sep'47:much of issue Global highlights. Oct'47:4 For adult missionary groups. Oct'47:34 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'47:37 A Hindu's confession. Oct'47:47 Literacy program in India progresses. Nov'47:29 India on the march. Nov'47:41 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jan'48:36 Women and world highways. Feb'48:33 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'48:37 Apr'48:36 On making parish calls. Apr'48:38 Distant villages of India being reached. Apr'48:43 Increase our faith. May'48:29 Echoes from everywhere. May'48:36 India after Gandhi's death. Jun'48:14 Womanhood blessed and uplifted. Jun'48:42 Opportunity in free India. Jul'48:5 Crusaders in Central Province. Jul'48;42 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'48:36 Sumankheta, "A garden of flowers." Sep'48:38 Serving the womanhood of India. Sep'48:46 Bicycle Doctor. Oct'48;24 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'48:36 I wa a stranger and ye took me in. Oct'48:40 Crusade progress. Nov'48:26 For adult missionary groups. Nov'48:34 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'48:36 Christ permeating lives in India. Nov'48:38 Better crops, better men. Dec'48:9 News room. Dec'48:31 The Bible becomes better known. Jan'49:43 Global highlights. Feb'49:3 New eyes for thousands (photos) Feb'49:13 The church outside the fence. Feb'49:29 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'49:38,47 Progress in free India. Mar'49:5 Christian witness in India (photos) Mar'49:24 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'49:38,39 Christmas 148 in India. Mar'49:44 Global highlights. Apr'49:3 (cont. next page)
p. 1399 India 1949 - 1951
INDIA (cont.) Preaching through the printed word. Apr'49:17 Out-of-class lessons in family life. Apr'49:32 Echoes from evrywhere. Apr'49:38,39 From orphans to nurses. May'49:7 Facing this hour in central India. Jun'49:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'49:36 Bible women at work. Jun'49:43 Concerns of India's women. Jul'49:27 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'49:45 Sep'49:36 Crusade progress. Oct'49:26 Pendra Road Tuberculosis Sanatarium one of India's best. Nov'49:23 Women and world highways. Nov'49:39 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'49:42 Dec'49:36 India and religious liberty. Jan'50:6 Rural communities in North India. Jan'50:11 Celebrating Independence Day in Sumankhetan. Jan'50:32 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'50:38,39 A Christian missionary, a desirable commodity. Feb'50:40 Budget limits boarding students in India. Feb'50:45 Friend of India. Mar'50:6 For adult missionary groups. Mar'50:34 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'50:36 From village to village. Mar'50:44 Last column. Mar'50:48 Crusade progress. Apr'50;26 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'50:44 Kotah Day in India. Apr'50:45 Crusade progress. May'50;27 Echoes from everywhere. May'50:38 India missions holds convention. Jun'50:41 Evangelists win Christians to India. Jun'50;29 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'50:47 Jun'50:much of issue Global highlights. Sep'50:3 How opportunity came to an Indian schoolby. Sep'50:24 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'50:37 An Indian pleads for understanding. Oct'50:6 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'50:38 Missionary teas in Mungeli. Nov'50:35 No missionary has too many Bibles. Nov'50:49 Women of the new India. Dec'50:16 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'50:36 Jan'51:much of issue Global highlights. Feb'51:2 Compassion calls for sharing. Feb'51:19 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'51:36 Damoh's women study and serve. Feb'51:42 Global highlights. Mar'51:3 Shall India go unfed? Mar'51:29 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'51:38,45 The best that is in our hearts. Apr'51:6 Jackman Memorial Hospital trains nurses. Apr'51:28 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'51:36 Doctor Rice reports from Damoh, India. Apr'5:44 Global highlights. May'51:2 Social trends. May'51:22 (cont. next page)
p. 1400 India 1951 - 1953
INDIA (cont.) A visit with good neighbors--the Mennonites. May'51:44 Progress is reported at the India convention (photo of convention) Jun'51:32 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'51:36,37 Not bad for a rainy day! Jun'51:44 Asia views American policy. Jul'51:15 The Indian church moves ahead. Jul'51:17 Christians, too, are hungry in India. Jul'51:46 The cry of the People. Sep'51:16 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'51:36 Oct'51:36,37 Language schools keep missionaries busy. Oct'51:40 From brush heap to nurses' training. Oct'51:44 Mission press serves Hindi-speaking people. Nov'51:26 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'51:34 Together we serve two hundred. Dec'51:32 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'51:37 Especially little Puchoo. Dec'51:46 Jan'52:much of issue Serving and saving India's women. Feb'52:30 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'52:36 Apr'52:36 Jubbulpore entertains the annual conference. Apr'52:41 May'52:much of issue Global highlights. Jun'52:3 Outlook encouraging for Christian missions. Jun'52:13 India moves ahead. Jun'52:25 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'52:47 New duties. Sep'52:21 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'52:34 Youth dicuss world problems at Kottayam. Sep'52:42 India's youth go to camp. Sep'52:45 Global highlights. Oct'52:4 Women and world highways. Oct'52:33 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'52:34,35 Leprosy research sanatorium to be established... Oct'52:44 Bilaspur's vacation school. Oct'52:44 Global highlights. Nov'52:4 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'52:35 Hospital is better equipped. Nov'52:42 Global highlights. Dec'52:3 A wise teacher sees an opportunity. Dec'52:44 Global highlights. Jan'53:2 The big fire of Navapara. Jan'53:42 Healing and health for Kanaklata. Jan'53:44 A sensible undertaking. Feb'53:5 How a fair serves a new purpose. Feb'53:22 India mission celebrates seventieth birthday. Feb'53:26 In India, one million people without sight (drawing) Mar'53:24 India and Pakistan get famine relief aid. Mar'53:44 A five point program for a new India. May'53:22 Global highlights. Jun'53:4 The Christian high school. Jun'53:48 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'53:36 What to read. Sep'53:6 A church coming into its own. Oct'53:5 Disciples in India hold lively Convention. Oct'53:28 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'53:33 Nov'53:34 (cont. next page)
p. 1401 India 1953 - 1956
INDIA (cont.) Story of a cast-off. Nov'53:44 Literacy work moves ahead. Nov'53:45 Global highlights. Dec'53:2,4 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'53:34 Spadework in Orissa. Dec'53:38 Indians seek freedom. Dec'53:41 Tension points in the Christian world mission. Jan'54:14 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'54:34 Global highlights. Feb'54:3 The church in India and its task. Feb'54:5 Missions in India. Feb'54:38 A whole people move toward Christ. Mar'54:24 India mission plans "warfare." Apr'54:45 Global highlights. May'54:3 And who is my neighbor. May'54:6 A century of service in India. Jun'54:17 Here and now men offer hope to India's masses. Jun'54:29 Literacy House celebrates a birthday. Jul'54:48 Dedication day. Jul'54:51 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'54:34 Youth and missions. Sep'54:37 Community center. Sep'54:41 Global highlights Oct'54:2,4 The story of Bharos. Oct'54:27 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'54:34 Tragedy reveals need for hospital. Oct'54:44 They must increase. Nov'54:5 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'54:32 Dec'54:much of issue Global highlights. Jan'55:2 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'55:36 Youth and missions. Jan'55:39 Feb'55 - Jun'55 much of issues The local churches grow up in India. Jul'55:19 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'55:34 Disciples move forward. Sep'55:6 Indian Christians assume new duties. Sep'55:12 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'55:32 Christians in India number eight million. Oct'55:39 Global highlights Nov'55:3 India and the work of the church. Nov'55:5 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'55:32 Dec'55:38 Feb'56:34 Golden Jubilee. Feb'56:45 Global highlights. Mar'56:3 Protestant mission in India celebrates 250th anniversary. Mar'56:13 Christianity's future in India. Mar'56:17 Mungeli hospital program grows. Mar'56:46 Revolution brings opportunity. Apr'56:13 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'56:34 Global highlights. May'56:4 Echoes from everywhere. May'56:34 New church body in India heralds dawn of a new era. May'56:47 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'56:38 (cont. next page)
p. 1402 India 1956 - 1959
INDIA (cont.) Disciples begin new maternal health and child welfare service in India. Jun'56:49 Technical assistance--a missionary idea. Jul'56:23 Progress in world missions. Oct'56:26 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'56:34 Weather is important. Oct'56:45 New approaches to India's old needs. Nov'56:27 Light out of darkness. Nov'56:28 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'56:32 Global highlights. Feb'57:4 Southeast Asia--a smoking volcano. Feb'57:21 His name is "happiness." Feb'57:38 "Big day" at Kota. Apr'57:28 Younger churches reach maturity. May'57:20 Children mature with missions. Jun'57:11 India still needs modern missions. Jun'57:19 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'57:38 Jul'57:34 What the church means in rural India. Jul'57:48 Global highlights. Oct'57:6 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'57:34 New church in Kotmi. Oct'57:43 Global highlighs. Nov'57:4 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'57:34 Global highlights. Dec'57:2 A new look at the church in India. Dec'57:7 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'57:38 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'58:32 Diamond Jubilee in India (photo of delegates to Convention) Feb'58:29 Hope for rural India (photos) Feb'58:31 Global highlights. Mar'58:6 World concern for Orissa. Mar'58:47 Global highlights. Apr'58:8 Healing and much more. May'58:29 Echoes from everywhere. May'58:36 Open doors in Orissa. Jun'58:14 Kotmi's grand day. Jun'58:41 Aid to India. Jun'58:49 Satish learns a lesson. Jun'58:47 A church for Amora. Sep'58:35 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'58:38 Global highlights. Nov'58:8 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'58:36 Healing ministry. Nov'58:42 Progress in West Utkal. Nov'58:47 Star of life progress. Dec'58:37 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'59:40 Spiritual drama. Jan'59:50 Serving the sightless. Jan'59:55 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'59:38 Global highlights. Mar'59:6 Kangalu--a staunch Christian. Mar'59:49 Global highlights. Apr'59:5 Preparing a ministry of healing (photos) Apr'59:14 A dream come true in Orissa. Apr'59:30 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'59:36 Why mission schools make a difference. Jun'59:11 (cont. next page)
p. 1403 India 1959 - 1964
INDIA (cont.) Healing in India. Jun'59:44 "Courage" India Convention theme. Jun'59:49 Global highlights. Oct'59:7 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'59:36 Nov'59:34 Healing at Diptipur. Nov'59:48 Leaven at work in Orissa. Feb'60:46 A second "Miss Shah" at Bilaspur. Mar'60:43 Sight for the blind of India. Apr'60;25 Missions still serve in a changing India. May'60:26 The cross at Kotmi. Jun'60:31 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'60:36 Jul'60:38 Sep'60:36 Global highlights. Oct'60:5 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'60:36 A better life for Sahabana. Dec'60:24 Disciples witness in united church efforts. Jan'61:26 Mission hospital answers a need. Feb'61:33 India doctors with a new outlook. Mar'61:21 Church in India. Mar'61:51 Echoes from everywhere. May'61:34 Eye camp in India. May'61:41 India and the refugee problem. Jun'61:10 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'61:38 Jul'61:38 Global highlights. Sep'61:5 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'61:36 The word for all. Dec'61:42 Voice from India. Dec'61:46 House by the Raipur Road. Jan'62:25 Impressions in India. Jan'62:26 Global highlights. Feb'62:5 Women and world highways. Feb'62:35 From saffron robes to Christianity. Feb'62:48 Global highlights. Mar'62:5,8 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'62:36 Global highlights. Jul'62:5 New spirit in India. Jul'62:31 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'62:38 Sep'62:36 Christian women meet in India. Nov'62:28 Leprosy still challenges the Indian church. Jan'63:31 Global highlights. Feb'63:7 Pahano gets a second chance. Feb'63:19 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'63:36 Global highlights. Mar'63:7 First step--work camp. Mar'63:29 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'63:38 Apr'63:36 May'63:36 A discontent with division. Jun'63:31 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'63:38 Dec'63:much of issue Global highlights. Feb'64:5 Glances and glimpses. Feb'64:12 Healing on an Indian roadside. Feb'64:13 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'64:36 (photo) Mar'64:front cover The cover. Mar'64:inside front cover Global highlights. Mar'64:7 Trained leaders for a growing church in India. Mar'64:18 (cont. next page)
p. 1404 India 1964 - 1970
INDIA (cont.) Global highlights. Apr'64:4 The "astonishing success" at Indore. Apr'64:26 Steel, Soviets and salvation. Apr'64:29 Open doors in India. Apr'64:46 What's ahead for India? May'64:19 Sight for the blind of Orissa. May'64:26 Women on world highways. May'64:35 Echoes from everywhere. May'64:38 Jul'64:38 She found a job in India. Jul'64:46 Global highlights. Sep'64:5 Youth and the world mission. Sep'64:37 Global highlights. Nov'64:5 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'64:36 Global highlights. Dec'64:6,7 What the church means to my new nation. Jan'65:14 Echoes from everywhere. jan'65:38 Christianity plays a vital role in India. Mar'65:24 A journey for Sarat. Mar'65:29 Letters. Mar'65:48 Her life tells a mission's story. Mar'65:48 In India people are important! Apr'65:33 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'65:36 Healing at Pendra Road. May'65:26 A ministry on wheels. May'65:46 $2.80 an eye! May'65:49 Time of struggle in India. Jul'65:25 Global highlights. Sep'65:7 Dentist with a mission. Sep'65:50 Light in the darkness. Nov'65:21 Servant to nurse. Nov'65:34 When life has hope. Nov'65:43 Healing ministry. Nov'65:48 In a time of tension. Jan'66:34 Letters. Jan'66:42 Doctor begins pioneering work in India. Jan'66:45 Orissa--land of Gospel advance. Mar'66:25 Radiology work begins in India. May'66:32 Ahead of the headlines. Jun'66:4 Wonderful barrels of goods. Nov'66:33 A crying need. Jan'67:44 Gift for a new church. Jan'67:46 Famine persists in India. Feb'67:24 CARAVS of India. Mar'67:22 Hill folks of Orissa hold annual meeting. Apr'67:46 Direct line. May'67:37 Jun'67:37 In brief. Nov'67:8 Have you met him lately? Dec'67:44 Help gets through. Feb'68:25 Letters. Feb'68:46 Convention makes history in India. Feb'68:48 Hand pumps save lives in India. Apr'68:41 Take away our crutches. Oct'68:17 Jogrindro will walk again. Jan'69:40 Compassion in action. Feb'69:26 In brief. Feb'69:39 Discord and devotion mark the church in India. Mar'69:10 Ahead of the headlines. Feb'70:5 (cont. next page)
p. 1405 India 1970 - Descr. 1924
INDIA (cont.) Enlarging the partnership in India. Jul'70:6 Letters. Sep'70:33 Direct line. Nov'70:32 A cause for celebration. Apr'71:10 Direct line. Apr'71:30 World events. Sep'71:37 Gospel of health and hope. Oct'71:32 Groups founded by British Churches join the Church of North India. Dec'71:32 In brief. Jan'72:39 World events. Feb'72:38 Communicating the good news in India. Mar'72:26 Direct line. May'72:46 Ministry in India--preparing for variety. Sep'72:12 World events. Sep'72:39 A time of growing together in India. Oct'72:11 Enlarging the church's service. Oct'72:12 Audio-visuals. Oct'72:36 Direct line. Oct'72;46 Does the church in India have a future? Jan'73:36 World events. Jan'73:38 Mar'73:39 Disciples aid overseas projects. May'73:47 World events. Jun'73:38 Dancing the good news. Jun'73:50 World events. Oct'73:38 The cross brought us there. Nov'73:24 "INDIA" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Mar'55:45 "INDIA AND HER FOOD PROBLEMS" (MOTION PICTURE) Oct'72:36 INDIA BIBLE SOCIETY Global highlights. Nov'56:2 INDIA--BIBLIOGRAPHY Let's read about India. Jan'39:37 Current mission study material. Jan'39:38 For your reading about India. Dec'54:30 Read about India! Dec'63:41 INDIA--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Traveling in India (photo) Nov'20:57 I thought you might be interested. Mar'21:46 Dad's letters on a world journey (photos) Apr'21:42 Thirteen miles by bullock Tonga. Sep'21:57 The Mem Sahibs. Nov'21:28 Thrills for nothing. Jan'22:51 Planting time in India. Jan'22:53 Short and true from far and near. Apr'22:45 Wonderful folks... Apr'22:56 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'22:61 Some rainy season experiences. Jun'22:48 In and around the bungalow in India. Aug'22:34 Tenting in Jungleland. Jun'23:40 Buying the shade of a tree (photo) Aug'23:36 A housewarming (photos) Nov'23:37 India is smiling. Dec'23:38 Itinerating in India. Dec'23:52 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:54 Two wayside bundles of firewood. Jun'24:14 (cont. next page)
p. 1406 India--Descr. 1924 - 1946
INDIA--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL (cont.) An Indian highway at eventide (photos) Jul'24:35 If there had been no refuge (photo) Aug'24:52 Real friends. Nov'24:44 Being introduced to India. Jan'26:58 India dreams again (photo) Apr'26:22 On every high hill and under every green tree (photos) May'26:29 India's workshop has the sky for a roof (photos) May'26:32 And the well is deep (photos) Jun'26:12 So this is India! (photos) Aug'26:18 Hobnobbing with royalty. May'28:34 Some impressions of India (photos) May'28:37 Among the hill people in India (photos) Nov'28:40 A handful of grain. Apr'29:17 In your minds eye. Apr'30:29 Visualizing one field in India. Oct'30:27 A travelogue of the Potee family. Apr'31:29 Moving pictures of India. Nov'31:32 Livengood in camp. Aug'32:31 Just another plate of curry and rice. May'33:28 Around the world with Christ. Jun'33:20 Hindu and Christian melas. Oct'33:29 The Indian call. May'34:15 Going to the hills. May'34:27 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'35:39 I saw two holy cities (photo) Dec'35:8 Indian youth in a bamboo city. May'36:18 Getting next to India. Jun'36:16 The long and the sort of it. Jun'36;45 Possible mass movements around Mungeli. Jan'37:14 Some rainy season festivals. Jan'38:45 We visit India (photos) Feb'38:12 We visit Telugu land. Jul'38:16 Touring in India. Jul'38:46 Christian ideals warm India's heart. Jan'39:31 The Indian peasant. Jan'39:54 Reaching the unwanted. Feb'39:20 Biblical Christians. Nov'39:46 Of what are your thinking? Feb'40:23 An Indian Sunday. Jul'40:15 Christ in Gondland. Feb'42:46 Engagement ceremony in Damoh. Mar'42:46 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'42:39 Feb'43:39 News from a missionary in India (photo) Feb'43:42 A Parsee ceremony. Feb'43:46 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'43:32 Christian fellowship around the world (photos) Apr'44:23 A ten day tour of the villages. Apr'44:26 India is always hungry (photo) Jul'44:14 Burial customs in India. Jul'44:35 Home to India (photos) Jan'45:11 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'45:33 Rta and her train trip. May'45:23 Sightseeing in India (photos) Nov'45:22 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'45:36 May'46:37 A new missionary in India. May'46:46 Rats and rural reconstruction. Jun'46:16 (cont. next page)
p. 1407 India--Descr. 1947 - 1956
INDIA--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Feb'47:37 Thankful for what I saw. Apr'47:42 Echoes from everywhere. May'47:45 Sep'47:39 Nov'47:34 God's beauty in nature. Mar'48:42 Watching a city die. Apr'48:30 India uprooted. May'48:11 India after Gandhi's death. Jun'48:14 Contrasts in wedding customs in India. Oct'48:43 A family of 14, a school--and hope (photos) Nov'48:11 Reading the headlines of India's newspapers. Dec'48:38 Traveling. Feb '49:49 Beloved India. Feb'49:44 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'49:38 Three seasons in India. Jul'49:47 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'49:36 Dec'49:36 Jan'50:38 Refugees and adult education. Apr'50:47 Fashion notes... Jun'50:41 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'50:36 The Bible comes to life in India (photos) Oct'50:10 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'50:42 What life brings to the Indian farmer. May'51:5 Celebration of birth of daughter is rare event. Nov'51:43 Still prisoners of caste. Feb'52:42 School girl must wait. Feb'52:48 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'52:38 Jolting along in a mission jeep. Mar'52:46 Helping them to help themselves. Jun'52:47 Moving can be exciting. Sep'52:46 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'52:35 You can vote for a free India. Jan'53:30 One memorable day. Mar'53:19 We climbed into the clouds. Mar'53:32 Seeing is believing. Apr'53:12 From the diary of Rosa Page Welch. Apr'53:40 Recent events stir Indian Christians. May'53:42 Progress in erasing India's illiteracy. May'53:44 Enchantment out of Hindustan (poem) Jun'53:51 India seeks more jobs. Jan'54:44 Food in India. Mar'54:45 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'54:38 What is India really like? May'54:10 Youth and the task of the church. May'54:15 India through a Century. Jul'54:16 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'54:38 Youth and missions. Sep'54:37 Do it this way. Nov'54:24 Observance of Christian festival in India impresses missionaries. Jul'55:44 A brass band for the bride. Sep'55:32 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'55:34 Global highlights. Oct'55:4 Village industries in India (photos) Oct'55:10 Rice--a vital crop in India. Oct'55:46 Indian villagers learn to read (photos) Nov'55:23 Witnessing amid disaster. Apr'56:47 (cont. next page)
p. 1408 India--Descr. 1956 - India--Newsletter
INDIA--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Jul'56:34 Festival of Christ, our guest (photos) Sep'56:23 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'56:34 India's villages change (photos) Oct'56:19 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'57:30 The story of Rizzi Bai. Jun'57:48 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'57:34 Lessons from a mother in India. Oct'57:24 Rough journey in Surguja. Nov'58:31 Changing brass to gold. Mar'60:45 Missions at grass roots. Jun'60:29 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'60:32 Global highlights. Dec'60:4 Return to India. Apr'62:44 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'63:36 Nov'63:36 Glances and glimpses. Jan'64:22 ...problems and progress. Jan'64:24 Youth and the world mission. Jan'64:39 Missionary helps tourists see real India. Jan'64:48 Women on world highways. Mar'64:37 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'64:38 Christmas love feast at Bilaspur. Dec'64:28 Global highlights. Jun'65:7 United witness at Christmas. Dec'65:45 Are we heading for nutritional suicide? Oct'66:26 Direct line. Apr'67:38 Have you met him lately? Dec'67:44 Family planning in India. Mar'68:46 India is different..yet the same. May'68:21 Direct line. Oct'68:39 Nutrition in India. Oct'68:39 Ahead of the headlines. Nov'68:5 Women on world highways. Dec'68:28 Direct line. Jan'70:32 India's "Green revolution." Apr'71:12 Portrait of India (poem) Sep'72:back cover Cover. Oct'72:4 Sacred cow or scapegoat? Nov'72:26 Direct line. Dec'73:32 INDIA--EDUCATION Echoes from everywhere. May'36:38 China voyager looks at India. Jun'45:7 Out-of-class lessons in family life. Apr'49:32 Hospital and medical college need food. Mar'51:34 Global highlights. May'51:3 Night school at Hislop College. Jun'54:48 The tenth class. Oct'54:46 Global highlights. Nov'54:2 Christian education in the new India. Jan'55:12 Global highlights. Feb'55:3 Indian villagers eager to learn. Apr'56:26 India's school in the clouds. Mar'65:19 (map p. 20) Christianity in India means learning. Jun'65:26 India's colleges face change. Jun'73:10 INDIA MISSION PRESS Mission press serves Hindi-speaking people. Nov'51:26 INDIA NEWSLETTER quoted. Faith even among non-Christians. Aug'24:60
p. 1409 India--Pol. - Statistics
INDIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT League of Peace in India. Feb'22:48 Listening in on the world. Jan'31:22 May'31:24 Swaraj in church and state. Jan'31:27 Listening in on the world. Feb'32:21 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'33:39 India advances. May'37:26 Is there an India? Jul'37:3 You must know Nehru. Mar'40:19 Toward freedom. Mar'41:17 Indian freedom is on the way. Jul'46:6 Looking ahead with India. Oct'46:6 An able representative. Nov'46:5 Toward an understanding of Inida. Dec'46:6 India on the threshold. Dec'46:19 India's interim government. Dec'46:42 Brotherhood in India. Oct'46:16 Conditions in India. Feb'47:38 The church in a free India. Jul'47:11 Global highlights. Oct'47:4 Independence comes to India. Dec'47:15 Great religious migration brings suffering. Dec'47:36 Global highlights. Apr'48:2 Watching a city die. Apr'48:30 India after Gandhi's death. Jun'48:14 Opportunity in free India. Jul'48:5 Untouchability abolished in India. Feb'49:46 A missionary's tribute to Gandhi. Mar'49:23 India revisited. Jan'51:11 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'52:38 Global highlights. Feb'53:3 Oct'53:3 Jan'54:2 Winning a people's loyalty. Mar'54:5 Global highlights. Jun'54:4 Toward India's unification. Jun'54:5 Asia is asking questions. Feb'55:12 India's door is open. Apr'55:26 Global highlights. May'55:3 Sep'55:2,4 Indian workers advise government on policies. Oct'55:42 India reaffirms tolerance. Apr'56:7 Global highlights. Jun'56:5 Oct'56:5 Jul'57:2 Sep'56:3 Nov'56:3 Remarkable India. Jul'57:45 Global highlights. Jun'60:4 A visit with Nehru. Feb'62:28 Second thoughts on Nehru. Mar'62:30 Global highlights. Feb'63:5 May'63:6 Jun'63:6 Mar'65:7 In brief. May'68:8 Dec'68:8 Apr'69:42 World events. Dec'72:38 May'73:40 INDIA--SOCIAL CONDITIONS See INDIA--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL INDIA--STATISTICS What if these were your children? Mar'22:38 Progress of Christianity in India. Apr'26:62 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'34:33 Interesting facts about India. Nov'41:27 Global highlights. Jul'63:7
p. 1410 Indian - Indiana School
"THE INDIAN AMERICAN" (MOTION PICTURE) For adult mission study. Dec'55:40 Audio-visual suggestions. Dec'55:44 INDIAN EDUCATION: A NATIONAL TRAGEDY--A NATIONAL CHALLENGE New books. Oct'70:28 INDIAN NATIONALIST CONGRESS Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'26:45 INDIAN SOCIAL REFORMER quoted. A Hindu view of Jesus Christ. May'24:17 INDIANA Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'23:61 Jul'25:50 County work in Indiana. Dec'22:27 The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'25:45 The story state by state. Aug'25:12 Interest shown in reading contest. Jan'26:54 Youth challenges itself (photo) Mar'26:57 Indiana Day becomes an institution. Dec'29:59 Speaking of books. Jul'30:32 How Church Extension has helped my state. Jul'34:16 They do it by Counties. Oct'51:16 Where we live. Feb'59:9 Rural churches come to life. May'60:29 World Call project launched in Indiana. Jan'65:49 Ahead of the headlines. Apr'66:4 INDIANA CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY See also CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) IN INDIANA C. W. Cauble. Feb'22:57 Indiana claims her own. Oct'26:36 Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:22 Indiana Welcome Day. Jan'29:58 Speaking of books. Jul'30:32 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'34:42 Transfer of religious education directors. Sep'34:30 Editorial correspondence. Jul'35:18 Knowles Shaw, Hoosier pioneer. Feb'43:13 (photo of staff) Mar'65:back cover INDIANA COUNCIL OF CHURCHES Social trends. Jan'53:20 Global highlights. Dec'61:8 INDIANA PASTORAL INSTITUTE In brief. Sep'71:35 INDIANA PASTORS' CONFERENCE Global highlights. Jan'69:46 INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH More congregations approve Every Home Plan. Mar'61:51 INDIANA SCHOOL OF RELIGION Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'23:39 Sep'24:51 Aug'26:55 May'23:53 Jan'25:35 Nov'26:53 Oct'23:61 Aug'25:52 Jan'28:40 Mar'24:57 Apr'26:42 Jul'29:24 Among our colleges. Jun'19:57 Board of Education annual report. Nov'20:39 Report of students... Jan'21:19 (cont. next page) p. 1411 Indiana Sch - INDIANA SCHOOL OF RELIGION (cont.) Indianapolis Visiting our colleges. Jan'22:15 Present service and immediate needs... Jun'22:17 The National Board of Education notes. Jun'22:45 (photo) Jan'23:11 Glimpses of our colleges... Jan'24:12 In retropsect and prospect. Jan'27:28 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:60 Highlights from our colleges. Aug'29:29 Pithy news items from the Board of Education. Nov'29:41 What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:11 Christian activities in our colleges. Jan'36:31 College notes. Mar'39:44 Nov'39:32 Notes from our colleges. Apr'40:32 Classroom and campus. Dec'43:25 Nov'49:38 Feb'53:30 Jun'58:32 Dec'48:33 Jan'51:31 Sep'56:32 Jun'59:35 INDIANA SURVEY OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Feb'24:56 Speaking of books. Feb'25:54 INDIANAPOLIS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Classroom and campus. Dec'45:30 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA And it shineth unto all. Jun'19:17 (photo) Jul'19:33 The relocation of the College of Missions. Jul'22:26 The churches catch a vision. Dec'26:29 Growing Indianapolis. May'27:57 Why Indianapolis is considered. Mar'28:4 Indianapolis... (photo of Circle) Aug'32:13 At the crossroads of America with the International Convention. Nov'32:15 Easter Sunrise Carol Service. Apr'39:42 What makes delinquency? Oct'60:9 Global highlights. Mar'62:4 Churches serve in areas of change. Jul'62:18 World Calling... Mar'66:10 Seminarians see the city. Jan'67:14 (photo of downtown) Jun'67:front cover INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. BEN DAVIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of Finance Committee) Jan'55:1 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Church festivals of the fine arts. Nov'69:23 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH How the church meets boys on"the corner." Apr'68:40 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. CAPITOL AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH A church born in a stable (photos) Jul'23:41 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. CENTENNARY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 College of Missions notes. Dec'25:52 (photo) Feb'48:9 Here and there with World Call. Apr'48:48 Oct'4:48 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Jan'19:7 Notes. Feb'19:48 Jun'19:59 A Sunday School with a system. Aug'20:23 Notes. Aug'20:48 (photo) Aug'21:52 (cont. next page)
p. 1412 Indianapolis C - E
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (cont.) Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 The Kingdom of God looks toward the children (photo) Jul'22:48 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:57 Born June, 1874. Aug'23:49 Allen B. Philputt. Jun'25:6 John E. Pounds, 1864-1925. Jan'26:10 Candidate for honor. Apr'28:63 Lovest thou me? May'29:23 Memorial fund established. Aug'29:30 Bridging the year. Nov'32:41 Three churches meet Pension Fund goals in full (photo) Jun'33:14 A unique guild program. May'34:29 Indiana, Oregon churches enter EHP. Apr'58:48 (photo of Teen Club) Jul'58:12 (photo) Jun'63:25 They stayed downtown. Oct'63:48 (photo) May'68:16 Africans in our church. Feb'69:20 On being the church in the city (photos) Sep'71:27 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. CHRISTAMORE SETTLEMENT Social service at Butler. Jan'23:52 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH UNION See CHRISTIAN CHURCH UNION OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. COLUMBIA PLACE CHRISTIAN CHURCH See INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. CAPITOL AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. CRESTVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, April-June, 1959. Nov'59:30 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. DOWNEY AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Jan'19:7 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'22:43 Aug'23:54 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'27:49 Lovest thou me? May'29:23 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'30:56 (photo) Mar'31:25 The first page. Apr'31:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'31:42 Bridging the year. Nov'32:41 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'33:41 Supplies for the Philippines. Oct'46:29 Youth at work and worship (photos of youth) May'58:11 Churches serve amidst change (photo of youth) Jul'60:21 Churches meet the challenge. Nov'61:15 The scene. Dec'69:44 Editorials. Feb'71:19 Lift up your hearts. Jun'72:49 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. EASTGATE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Global highlights. Nov'57:2 Churches adopt Every Home Plan. Jan'58:45 Down to "brass tacks" in Decade of Decision (photo of worship service) Sep'60:17 Are new churches working toward it? Jun'64:30 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. EIGHTH CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of construction) Mar'52:1
p. 1413 Indianapolis E - O
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. ENGLEWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Englewood Every-Member-Canvass plan. Oct'21:52 Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 Special tithing week. May'22:52 A good pension example. Aug'22:55 The Chrstmas service in the life of a church. Dec'22:62 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. FAIRFAX CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'24:8 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. FEDERATION OF WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETIES Echoes from everywhere. Dec'21:63 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. FIRST CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Social trends. Nov'53:16 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. FOUNTAIN SQUARE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of office) Jul'55:9 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. FRANKLIN SQUARE CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, April-June, 1963. Nov'63:46 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. GARDEN CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Church sees World Call as vital tool. Oct'64:51 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. GLENDALE CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October-December, 1958. May'59:32 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. HILLSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Global highlights. Mar'62:4 New churches, April-June, 1963. Nov'63:46 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. IRVINGTON COMMUNITY Get in the summer thing. Nov'70:24 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. IRVINGTON METHODIST CHURCH Counseling is a role of the church. Mar'56:16 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING (photo) Oct'46:25 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHRISTIAN CHURCH See INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. SECOND CHRISTIAN CHURCH INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. METHODIST HOSPITAL Partners in the healing ministry (photo of Chaplains' class) Jun'62:16 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. NORTH PARK CHRISTIAN CHURCH See also INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. UNIVERSITY PARK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'22:55 A forward program for Christian Endeavor (photo of Young People's group) Dec'25:47 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. NORTHWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH The story of a new church in a new community (photo) Aug'22:42 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'24:52 An appreciated service. Dec'26:46 (photo of church school class) Feb'53:1 (photo of planning session) Jan'54:11 (photo of construction) Sep'54:1 (photos of education rooms) Jul'55:8 Home plan "tool." Dec'59:48 Churches meet the challenge. Nov'61:15 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. OLIVE BRANCH CHRISTIAN CHURCH How we are doing it. Aug'31:10 (photo) Jul'38:1 An old church gains as it gives (photos) Jul'60:11
P. 1414 Indianapolis P - Indians
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. PEOPLE'S TEMPLE Churches meet the challenge. Nov'61:15 Global highlights. Jan'62:4 (photo of some members) Jul'62:17 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. SECOND CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Jul'48:1 (photo of redecoration of sanctuary) Dec'73:3 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. SEVENTH CHRISTIAN CHURCH A live school. Nov'20:64 The MacLeod Men's Mission Study Club (photo of Club) Aug'26:51 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. SOUTHPORT CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches... Jul'58:30 An old church gains as it gives (photos) Jul'60:11 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. THIRD CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Jan'19:6 Giving the people a chance to give. Apr'19:2 College of Missions notes. Aug'21:53 Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 Easter reports. May'23:56 College of Missions notes. Dec'23:47 Luncheon of the fields (photo of luncheon) Jan'29:48 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'30:56 Apr'32:33 The month among Disciples. Apr'33:4 Circulation's cozy corner. Feb'34:1 May'34:1 Global highlights. Mar'62:4 Are new churches really better? (drawing of new sanctuary) Dec'62:17 (photo) Sep'64:3 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. THIRD CHRISTIAN CHURCH. CHRISTIAN MEN BUILDERS The new emphasis on training for leadership. Jul'20:20 (photo) Jul'20:21 James W. Alexander alias "Jim Jones." Aug'21:35 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. THIRD CHRISTIAN CHURCH. GIRLS' FEDERATION The new emphasis on training for leadership. Jul'20:21 (photo) Jul'20:22 Letting their light shine (photo of Senior Endeavor Society) Oct'25:47 Lovest thou me? May'29:23 Building for education. Jul'39:14 (photo, plans p. 14) (photo) Jul'43:19 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. UNIVERSITY PARK CHRISTIAN CHURCH See also INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. NORTH PARK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Indianapolis men boost World Call. Mar'38:44 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. WESTVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October-December, 1960. Mar'61:52 (photo) Jun'71:front cover Cover. Jun'71:4 Seed on good ground (photo of worship service) Jun'71:7 INDIANS OF CENTRAL AMERICA A modern Cornelius among the Aztecs. Apr'22:34 The day of the Indian. Jul'27:57 INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA Fourteen points in Home Missions. Jun'19;24 (photo) Nov'19:2 Notes. Dec'19:64 (cont. next page)
p. 1415 Indians 1920 - 1953
INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA (cont.) The uplift of the Indians. Oct'20:43 The home work... May'21:4 Yakima Indian Christian Mission. May'21:58 Is it worth while? May'22:4 A mission to the Yakimas. May'22:17 The Indian (photos) Dec'22:12 Building an Indian church in a day (photo) Jan'23:14 Two thousand miles for a book. Jun'23:46 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'23:60 June's Christmas. Dec'23:30 Glimpses of the outside world. Dec'23:61 Echoes from everywhere. May'24:51 Glimpses of the religious world. Oct'24:53 Dec'24:47 Finding Christ for the Red Man. Feb'25:37 New jewels for His crown. Aug'25:57 Widening influence of the White Swan Indian Mission. Nov'25:42 Eight Indian dollars. Sep'26:54 On an Indian reserve. Jan'27:37 Missionary illustrations... Feb'27:55 May'27:51 Massacuring the Indians--1927. Sep'27:4 Glimpses of the religious world. Dec'27:45 Speaking of books. Mar'28:44 A symbol of peace. Nov'28:63 Missionary illustrations... Feb'29:45 Which was the better American? Sep'29:12 An all-Indian Camp Fire Girls' group. Apr'30:19 Missionary illustrations... Aug'30:43 Aug'32:much of issue Sep'32:much of issue Oct'32:much of issue Good ideas... Mar'33:38 Working with first Americans. Jul'35:21 Among the Apaches. Mar'36:27 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'37:38 Social trends. May'38:19 Seminar on Indian affairs. Apr'39;29 Have you heard them called "dirty, lazy Indians?" (photos) Jun'44:18 For adult missionary groups. Jun'44:30 Jul'44:30 Youth and missions. Jul'44:31 Indians are Americans too. Sep'44:6 For adult missionary groups. Sep'44:30 Oct'44:30 Youth and missions. Oct'44:31 For adult missionary groups. Nov'44:30 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'44:32 Youth and missions. Dec'44:31 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'44:32 Women and world highways. Nov'46:33 Where justice is demanded. Nov'47:5 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'49:36 A mission to the Yakimas. Apr'49:10 Global highlights. Sep'49:3 A slow patient people... Oct'49:47 Crusade progress. Feb'50:26 Global highlights. Mar'52:2 Sep'52:2 Social trends. Sep'52:20 Jan'53:20 Jun'53:12 (cont. next page)
p. 1416 Indians 1955 - Indonesia
INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA (cont.) Global highlights. May'55:3 The welfare of Indian Americans. Jun'55:6 What next for Indian Americans? Jun'55:13 Far from vanishing Americans. Jun'55:14 Our Indian neighbors. Jul'55:22 For adult mission study. Jul'55:36 Youth and missions. Jul'55:37 Indian workers meet. Sep'55:43 Global highlights. Sep'55:3 U.S. Indian policy disturbs Mexicans. Sep'55:25 For adult mission study. Sep'55:36 Youth and missions. Sep'55:37 For adult mission study. Oct'55:34 Yakimas need the church. Nov'55:13 For adult mission study. Nov'55:34 Indians cite Harold Fey. Dec'55:5 For adult mission study. Dec'55:40 Disciples and America's minorities. Jul'56:15 Global highlights. Sep'56:5,6 Sep'58:5 Living in two worlds. Apr'59:9,11 New adventures of service to Indian Americans. Apr'59:29 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'59:36 Jun'60:36 Working together in home missions. Nov'60:15 For adult mission study. Sep'60:38 Little Indians seak (poem) Jun'62:23 Little Indian girl (poem) Dec'62:30 Yakima youth build a future (photos) Apr'63:25 New books. Jun'65:22 Ahead of the headlines. Oct'65:4 A better life for America's Indian people. Dec'65:23 Thanksgiving in spring. Apr'67:37 Ahead of the headlines. Sep'67:5 Jun'68:5 Can an Indian get into a church? Sep'68:44 New books. Mar'69:28 Direct line. Apr'69:32 Ahead of the headlines. Oct'69:5 Until the church cares. May'70:12 World events. Apr'71:37 At Louisville minorities will be heard. Oct'71:10 World events. Jan'72:38 Shavings. Feb'72:35 INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA--BIBLIOGRAPHY Summer reading about Indian Americans. Jul'44:25 Books about Indian Americans. Jul'55:32 Resources for Plan B, Christian Living Encounters. Nov'71:40 INDIANS OF THE ORIENT Eyes on the Orient. Jan'43:33 INDO-CHINA A missionary journey... Sep'40:17 Ahead of the headlines. May'71:5 INDONESIA The Dutch church spoke. Feb'49:6 Global highlights. May'51:2 Sep'52:3 Southeast Asia--a smoking volcano. Feb'57:21 Toward understanding Indonesia. Apr'57:7 A story of cooperation. Oct'57:7 old church in a new day. Mar'65:23 (cont. next page)
p. 1417 Indonesia - Infants
INDONESIA (cont.) Ahead of the headlines. May'65:6 Global highlights. Jun'65:6 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'65:36 Church in Indonesia. Jun'68:48 An interview with Alice. Feb'69:32 Evangelism in the younger churches. Mar'69:9 Direct line. Oct'69:32 Indonesians shift to Christianity. Oct'71:28 Indonesian churches seek ministers. Nov'71:17 World events. Dec'72:39 INDONESIA--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Direct line. Jun'67:37 INDONESIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT World events. Jul'73:37 INDORE, INDIA The "astonishing success" at Indore (photos of Christian Hospital) Apr'64:26 INDUSTRIJUGEND BERUFSCHULARBEIT (BERLIN, WEST GERMANY) Direct line. Jul'67:37 INDUSTRY May'28:much of issue INENGE PIERRE Congo romance. Oct'55:47 INES See also INIS INES, (married to Ruperto Ines) (photo) Jul'59:33 Ines, Antoliano B. Advancing in the Philippines. Dec'25:21 Missionary illustrations... Apr'26:58 INES, ANTOLIANO B (photo) Dec'25:21 INES, BARBARA (photo) Nov'24:40 INES, RUPERTO Protestantism among the Hocos (photo) Apr'23:50 (photo) Feb'27:44 Forty years in the Philippines (photo) Jun'41:28 A Filipino preacher speaks (photo) Mar'47:41 (photo) Mar'54:29 Young with faith (photo) Jul'59:33 INFANTA, PHILIPPINES A live church at Infanta. Feb'26:56 (photo of church members) Oct'26:58 Institutes in the Philippines. Apr'40:42 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'49:38 (photo of church) Sep'49:26 Can you help us build our church, Sir? (photo of church) Jun'51:28 INFANTILE PARALYSIS Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'28:45 INFANTS More than a baby-sitting service! Apr'73:8
p. 1418 Influenza - Ingram, M
INFLUENZA Note: many articles on the influence and effect of the "flu" in the U.S. and foreign fields occur in the 1919 volume. Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'29:43 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'57:34 INGALLS, HETTIE In memoriam. Jan'33:39 INGALLS, LAURA quoted. Women and world highways. Jan'36:35 INGE, W. R. CHRISTIAN ETHICS AND MORAL PROBLEMS Book chat. Feb'34:14 INGE, W. R. DIARY OF A DEAN Book chat. Jul'50:18 Ingels, Margaret Letters. Oct'65:inside front cover INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIVAL SYSTEMS Ahead of the headlines. Jul'70:5 INGERMAN, STRYKER. "NATIVITY" (PAINTING) (photo) Dec'55:front cover INGHAM, ALBERT J quoted. It may be a "Conference" to them... Feb'29:17 INGHAM, HARVEY Classroom and campus (photo) Oct'43:27 INGILA BERNARD Boys are boys. Jun'52:7 Christian families appear in Congo. Dec'61:23 "INGILA OF THE CONGO" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Jan'57:41 INGLE, (MRS. B.) In memoriam. Feb'27:49 INGLE, ELIZA D Making Christian service perpetual. Feb'27:62 INGLE, VIRGIL (married to Goldie Burns Ingle) Beneath the spire (photo) Oct'54:4 INGLES, ELIZABETH (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'40:43 INGLIS, NANCY (photo) Jan'28:32 INGOLD, BYRON, 1879-1942 (photo) Jan'21:15 quoted. Circulation Department notes. Apr'23:1 (photo) Mar'24:56 What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:10 Personalities (photo) Apr'37:19 Increasing activity on our college campuses. Apr'42:46 (death) The threshold (photo) May'42:4 Ingraham, Ernest E Letters. May'69:41 INGRAHAM, M F quoted. The last page. Mar'30:64 INGRAHAM, PHILO, 1854-1942 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'37:40 Ingraham, Velma Lewis Partners in pruning shears. Feb'36:16 INGRAM, CLAUDE, 1904?-1974 Disciples met in Portland (photo) Sep'53:22 INGRAM, MADELINE Classroom and campus. Oct'55:31
p. 1419 Ingram, R - Inman, S
INGRAM, RUTH Beneath the spire (photo) Sep'53:4 INGRAM, TALBERT R. MAID OF ISRAEL Book chat. Jul'55:40 Ingvoldstad, F W What a pastor thinks about (poem) Apr'27:10 INGWERS, ALMA, -1957 In memoriam. Sep'57:35 INIS See also INES INIS, HERMON A Filipino preacher speaks. Mar'47:41 INIS, JAMIE A Filipino preacher speaks. Mar'47:41 INKIMA, ELUMBU LOIS (married to John Inkima) (photo) Jan'35:28 INKIMA JOHN (photo) Jan'35:28 Jul'44:34 Captain John Inkima talks (photo) Sep'44:22 Sixty days on the "Oregon" (photo) Feb'46:11 Farewell to the Oregon (photo) Jan'50:23 Glances and glimpses. Apr'64:22 (1966 photo) Jul'69:32 INLAND EMPIRE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY See also OREGON WASHINGTON Good news from the states. Oct'28:30 INMAN, BESSIE WINONA COX, 1884-1968 (married to Samuel Guy Inman) In memoriam. Mar'69:42 (photo) Oct'21:42 Jul'25:15 INMAN, JACK. FLORAL ART IN THE CHURCH New books. Feb'69:28 Inman, O N Letters. Dec'70:32 Inman, Samuel Guy, 1877-1965 (married to Bessie Winona Cox Inman) An interview with President Carranza. May'19:47 Solving the Mexican problem. May'19;51 Shall there be intervention? Sep'19:64 The Bible in Latin America. Mar'21:30 International Missionary Cooperation restored. Dec'21:36 Parana, exponent of North American education. Jan'22:42 Open doors of Mexico. Sep'22:4 Note. Sep'22:back cover The coming Pan-American Conference. Feb'23:30 How I became a Christian. Feb'23:43 Sidelights on the Santiago Conference. Sep'23:34 Easter in Bethlehem. Jul'24:15 Again the Mexican question. May'26:26 Making history in historic Paraguay. Feb'27:25 Mexico and the United States. Mar'27:22 Meeting the present crisis in Mexico. Oct'28:17 Behold! the new Caribbean. May'30:7 Dawn over Latin America. Sep'32:15 A country without a crisis. Dec'32:13 Nation building in Paraguay. Mar'33:17 The great Christian school in Paraguay. Apr'33:15 (cont. next page)
p. 1420 Inman, Samuel Guy
Inman, Samuel Guy (cont.) The new deal at Montevideo. Mar'34:8 Pan-American happenings during 1935. Jan'36;16 News books on Mexico. Mar'36:29 Welcoming the President. Mar'37:19 A challenge to religious liberty. Dec'43:23 ...on education. May'46:22 Women and world highways. Dec'46:33 Has the United Nations failed? Jan'48:19 ...on Jerusalem. Mar'50:14 What should be Jerusalem's status? Jun'50:27 In my Segunda Patria are freedom and happiness. Jul'50:30 The new Latin America. Apr'52:10 Transformation in Puerto Rico. Jun'57:49 Mission to South America. Apr'`62:29 Disciples and the world's "first lady." Mar'63:14 The light that keeps shining. May'64:28 INMAN, SAMUEL GUY, 1877-1965 Somewhere in all the world. Feb'19:10 Temperance Board receipts. Sep'19;52 (photo) Dec'19:46 May'20:8 Notes from the missionary breakfast. Dec'20:53 quoted. Old letters of rare value. May'21:22 Panama and the future. Jun'21:36 Mrs. Atwater and party in Buenos Aires. Aug'21:34 (photo) Sep'21:14 Oct'21:42 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'21:57 A prophet of idealism. Oct'23:47 Sunshine Guy Inman. Dec'23:46 quoted. Heard at the missionary breakfast. Mar'25:57 (photo) Jul'25:14,15 Fifteen years of world-service. Aug'26:22 (photo) Mar'27:22 A real man and a real job. Mar'28:22 (photo p. 2) Glimpses of the religious world. Oct'28:45 Power in self-supporting churches. Jan'32:31 quoted. The first page. Aug'32:2 (photo) Dec'32:13 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'33:42 Apr'34:31 Intimate glimpses of our colleges. Jun'34:45 Personalities (photo) Oct'34:15 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'35:32 Disciples sharing in broader fellowship (photo) Oct'35:24 (photo) Jan'36:16 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'37:32 Through faith and loyalty (photo) Jun'38:9 Disciples at Madras. Nov'38:20 (photo) Jan'39;12 College news and notes. Feb'39:33 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'39:34 (photo) Dec'39:16 Jun'41:18 Dec'43:23 Classroom and campus. Jun'44:26 News room. Apr'47:40 (photo) Jan'48:19 News room. May'48:32 May'49:40 Global highlights. Apr'50:4 (photo) Jun'50:27 Jul'50:30 Global highlights. Apr'51:3 (cont. next page)
p. 1421 Inman, S - Inman Christian Center
INMAN, SAMUEL GUY (cont.) (photo) Apr'52:10 News room. Mar'53:38 Apr'53:32 Oct'53:36 Classroom and campus. Sep'54:31 News room. Jun'55:42 Classroom and campus. Nov'55:28 Global highlights (photo) May'58:5 Sep'60:6 News room. Dec'60:34 Global highlights (photo) Dec'61:7 News room (photo) Sep'62:40 (photo) Mar'63:14 Churches studying communist menace (photo) Jan'64:41 (death) News room. Apr'65:42 The last word. Jun'65:50 Missionary giants (photo) Jan'69:31 INMAN, SAMUEL GUY. A GENTLEMAN AND A SCHOLAR The threshold. Sep'41:2 INMAN, SAMUEL GUY. INTERVENTION IN MEXICO Reliable light on Mexico. Jan'20:16 INMAN, SAMUEL GUY. LATIN AMERICA, A NEW VIEW OF OUR NEIGHBORS TO THE SOUTH The threshold. Sep'41:2 INMAN, SAMUEL GUY. LATIN AMERICA, ITS PLACE IN WORLD LIFE Book chat. Jan'38:33 Thining continentally. Feb'43:3 INMAN, SAMUEL GUY. PROBLEMS IN PAN-AMERICANISM New books of special interest. Feb'22:53 Missionary reading courses. Oct'23:51 INMAN, SAMUEL GUY. THROUGH SANTO DOMINGO AND HAITI... An island of history. Jun'20:56 INMAN, SAMUEL GUY. TRAILING THE CONQUISTADORES Speaking of books. May'30:32 INMAN, WALTER G Commencements in our colleges. Jul'37:41 College commencements. Jul'39:29 INMAN, WILLIAM ALFRED, 1851-1933 In memoriam. Nov'33:39 INMAN CHRISTIAN CENTER Notes. Jan'19:62 Notes. Jun'19:58 Incidents bythe way. Jul'19:49 Notes. Aug'19:46 (photos) Sep'19:29,30 Mexicans in the United States. Sep'19:31 Snap shots... (photos) Dec'19:8 Notes. Feb'20:56 May'20:59 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:62 The year at a glance. Oct'23:37 The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:10 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:58 It is worth while (photo) Mar'24:43 Where religion speaks for itself (photos) Jul'24:25 (photo) Jul'24:43 Golden Jubilee notes. Jul'24:52 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'24:49 In time of sorrow. Aug'24:53 Golden Jubilee notes. Aug'24:56 Mexican children and Japan. Sep'24:37 (cont. next page)
p. 1422 Inman Christian Center 1924 - 1940
INMAN CHRISTIAN CENTER (cont.) Daily vacation Bible school. Sep'24:52 (photo) Nov'24:53 Following the trail of the churhces activitiy. May'25:12 (photo p. 11) Program helps. Aug'25:48 (photo of Vacation Church School) Sep'25:20 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'25:51 Feb'26:54 Mar'26:51 Apr'26:54 At the gateway to Mexico. Sep'26:46 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'26:50 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'27:51 Mar'27:59 Jul'27:59 Mexicans in the United States (photo) Sep'27:10 (photo) Sep'27:17 Home missions from the inside. Sep'27:58 Giving the Mexican a chance. Apr'28:37 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'28:61 By their fruits (photos) Sep'28:8 Brief talks on home missionary work... Sep'28:42 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:38 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'28:50 (photo of staff) Dec'28:63 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'29:50 Missionary illustrations... Oct'29:56 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'30:51 Mar'30:49,50 Fifteen years do make a difference! (photo) Apr'30;27 Echoes from everywhere. May'30:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'30:33 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'30:41 (photo) Sep'30:9 Airplane snapshots. Sep'30:26 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'30:40 Jul'31:41 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'31:35 Eleven years ago--and now (photo) Jan'33:28 Through the years. Oct'33:39 (photo of children) Apr'34:24 A "case" study (photo of students) Apr'34:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'34:40 Dec'34:39 Achievements in home missions. Apr'35:7 A bird's eye view of home missions (photo) Apr'35:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'35:39 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Jul'35:43 Delegates view Mexican work. Nov'35:23 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'35:38,39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'36:34 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'36:40 Be happy awhile. Jun'36:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'36:38 Jan'37:39 Jun'37:38 Jul'37:39 They are seven (photo) Apr'38:9 The club's the thing (photos of clubs) Oct'38:7 Two decades of home missions (photo) Jan'39:35 Living waters in a thirsty land. Apr'39:10 (photo p. 11) Social trends. May'39:25 A visitor comes to M.C.I. (photos) Jul'39:41 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Oct'39:41 (photo) Apr'40:24 (cont. next page)
p. 1423 Inman Christian Center 1942 - 1956
INMAN CHRISTIAN CENTER (cont.) Social trends. Jun'42:22 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'42:38 Oct'42:46 Dec'42:43 News room. Mar'43:34 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'43:38 Healt club... (photo) Sep'43:25 Sep'43:37 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'43:32 Christmas with the Girls' Clubs. Feb'44:27 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'44:32 News room. Mar'44:34 (photo) Apr'44:10 Echoes from everywhere. (photo) May'44:33 Sep'44:33 Christmas at M.C.I. Feb'45:40 (photo of Well Baby Clinic) Apr'45:9 One country, one flag (photo) Apr'45:22 Home missions heads report. Jun'45:24 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'45:33 San Antonio looks at M.C.I. (photos) Oct'45:18 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'45:33 Global highlights (photo) Apr'46:3 Jan'48:2 ...believes in its neighbors (photos) May'48:12 Echoes from everywhere. May'48:36 Sep'48:36(photo of kinder.) Jun'48:38 Dec'48:36 Piano classes at MCI. Dec'48:44 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'49:36 Apr'49:38 For adult missionary groups (photos) Jul'49:36 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'49:36 Last column. Sep'49:48 It takes a trained staff (photos) Nov'49:10 San Antonio's boys find friends and Christian guidance... (photo) Jun'50:44 Dios es amor. Nov'50:21 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'51:36 News room. Apr'51:38 Crusade progress. Jun'51:26 Social workers in the making (photo) Sep'51:30 ...trains its staff (photos) Oct'51:18 (photo) Oct'51:39 First M.C.I. camp for boys delights youthful hearts (photos) Dec'51:27 ...boys and leaders work and play together (photos) Mar'52:29 The church's mission to America. Apr'52:5 For adult mission study (photo) Oct'52:36 News room. Mar'53:38 Apr'53:32 Because M.C.I. loves people (photos) Jun'53:22 For adult mission study. Oct'53:34 (photo) Apr'54:front cover The cover. Apr'54:inside front cover People help people at M.C.I. (photos) Apr'54:15 MCI serves the city (photos) Oct'54:15 Echoes from everywhere. May'55:34 News room. Nov'55:38 ...begins new program of outreach. May'56:29 (cont. next page)
p. 1424 Inman Christian 1956 - Inouye, E
INMAN CHRISTIAN CENTER (cont.) For adult mission study. Jul'56:36 ...seeks and trains its leaders (photo) Sep'56:16 (photo) Apr'57:front cover The cover. Apr'57:inside front cover Beacon lights across America. Apr'57:11 News room. Sep'57:38 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'57:34 Global highlights (photo) Nov'57:5 Seven centers of hope. Apr'58:15 Ministry to the hard-to-reach. Apr'58:26 News room. May'58:40 Jun'58:34 (photo of basketball court) Jul'58:13 News room (photo of groundbreaking) Jul'58:42 News room. Dec'58:34 Global highlights (photo of clinic) Mar'59:5 Echoes from everywhere. May'59:36 (photo of summer camp) Jul'59:inside back cover News room. Jul'59:42 (photo) Apr'60:front cover The cover. Apr'60:inside front cover Home missions in a changing land (photo of doll show) Sep'60:15 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'60:36 Dec'60:36 Global highlights. Jan'61:6 News room. Feb'61:34 Global highlights (photo of volunteers) Apr'61:7 An emphasis on service. Jun'61:36 News room. Jul'61:36 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'61:34 Global highlights. Dec'61:7 News room. May'62:32 Echoes from everywhere. May'62:36 Jun'62:36 News room. Oct'62:34 ...prepares leaders. Mar'63:26 Home mission ministries of Disciples. Apr'63:31 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'63:38 Oct'63:36 Nov'63:36 For Texas to Ecuador. Oct'64:25 Global highlights (photo) Apr'65:5 Youth learn at Inman Center (photos) Nov'65:26 Disciples in the news. Sep'66:7 Global highlights. Jan'67:6 Jul'67:7 Officers named (photo of officers) Jul'68:43 Women and world highways. Jan'69:44 In brief. Oct'69:41 Career clubs help raise youth horizons (photo of Pathfinders Career Club) Apr'71:32 Esfuerso--another chance for the addict. Jan'72:25 Another kind of school. Sep'72:19 "INNER CITY" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Oct'66:43 INOUE, HATSU The miracle of Hatsu Inoue. Mar'30:45 INOUYE, EDITH NISSLY (married to Frank M. Inouye) News room. Jul'58:42 Their business is people! (photo) Apr'66:11 Churchwoman, do your own thing (photo) Oct'70:16
p. 1425 Inouye, Y - Institutes
INOUYE, YOSHIE Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'29:45 INSAURRALDE, CORAL Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'51:30 INSAURRALDE, CRISPIN (married to Olga Insaurralde) Global highlights (photo) Jan'60:6 Friendship mission changes lives (photo) Jun'62:31 INSECTS An embargo on bugs. May'26:38 "INSIDE RED CHINA" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Oct'69:29 INSTITUT CHRETIEN CONGALAIS See CONGO CHRSITIAN INSTITUTE INSTITUTE FOR A CHRISTIAN BASIS OF WORLD RELATIONS Finding the wicket gate. Aug'24:23 INSTITUTE FOR ECUMENICAL STUDIES (EVANSTON) Global highlights. Sep'58:6 INSTITUTE FOR EVANGELICAL YOUNG PEOPLE Young people's Institute in Argentina (photo of Executive Committee) Aug'29:43 INSTITUTE FOR RURAL WOMEN Jul'54:33 INSTITUTE OF BLACK THEOLOGY In brief. Jul'70:42 INSTITUTE OF CHURCH ARCHITECTURE (photo) Oct'56:1 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RELATIONS The threshold. Oct'41:4 INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS The threshold. Jul'34:2 INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (GRINNELL, IOWA) The threshold. Jun'39:2 May'40:2 INSTITUTE OF JEWISH STUDIES Glimpses of the religious world. May'25:45 INSTITUTE OF LIFE INSURANCE How to finance education. Jul'58:47 INSTITUTE OF ORIENTAL STUDENTS Women and world highways. Feb'35:35 INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL CARE Echoes from everywhere. May'53:34 INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS The threshold. Jun'38:2 INSTITUTE OF RELIGION (RALEIGH, N.C.) This nation under God. Apr'52:5 INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC STUDIES FOR THE PREVENTION OF ALOCHOLISM Dates for Institute...set... Mar'54:31 INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS RESEARCH (JAPAN) Another contribution from the Disciples. Oct'30:5 INSTITUTE OF WORLD MISSIONS (CHAUTAUQUA) Women and world highways. May'50:40 INSTITUTE ON THE URBAN CHURCH New hope for city churches (photo) Oct'57:15 INSTITUTE ON THE URBAN CHURCH AND EVANGELISM Global highlights. Nov'62:7 INSTITUTES ON WORLD AFFAIRS News room. Feb'52:43
p. 1426 Instituto - Interchurch
INSTITUTO MODELO DE OBRERAS CHRISTIANAS (BUENOS AIRES, ARG.) Ruth Fish honored (photo) Apr'24:41 The first commencement (photo) Mar'26:44 Preparing for service (photo) Dec'28:59 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'29:60 Missionary organizations... May'29:32 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC IN WORSHIP Sectarian shackles. Apr'27:23 INTEGRATION OF SCHOOLS Social trends. Feb'59:22 INTER-AMERICAN EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE Global highlights. Jun'49:2 Sep'49:2 Christian strategy for Latin America (photo) Oct'49:22 INTERCESSORY FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'25:53 INTERCHURCH CENTER (NEW YORK) See NEW YORK, NEW YORK. INTERCHURCH CENTER INTERCHURCH CONFERENCE ON ORGANIC UNION Aug'19:40 INTERCHURCH COUNCIL OF DALEVILLE, INDIANA A venture in interchurch cooperation. Oct'42:8 INTERCHURCH EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN (FRANCE) Notes. Jul'19:64 INTER-CHURCH HYMNAL Speaking of books. Mar'30:42 INTERCHURCH MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IMA aids in a healing ministry. May'64:30 Disciples take part in I. M. A. Feb'68:48 INTERCHURCH PLANNING AGENCY FOR MISSION IN MISSOURI Ahead of the headlines. Dec'66:4 INTERCHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT OF NORTH AMERICA Mar'19:2 Union councils of great moment. Mar'19:49 Interchurch World Movement of North America. Apr'19;55 Interchruch World Movement. Jun'19:50 Summer conferences... Jul'19:56 Interchurch Conference of city workers. Aug'19:36 All board meeting. Sep'19:41 Rural survey uncovers strange conditions in eastern New York. Oct'19:53 Foreign survey shows gain for Christian ideals. Dec'19:31 What Interchurch means to the Sunday School. Dec'19:31 The survey in your church. Dec'19:39 Notes. Dec'19:64 (photos) Jan'20:41 The Princeton Plan. Jan'20:54 The loudest call of all--the call for leadership. Feb'20:10 Interchurch World Movement. Feb'20:15 Missionary education movement... Feb'20:42 Plan great drive for Christian workers. Feb'20:43 Red Cross women adopt mission hospital. Feb'20;53 Notes. Feb'20:57 China for Christ Movement organized... (photo) Mar'20:inside front cover The Education survey... Mar'20:7 American education in Interchurch Movement. Mar'20:12 Mar'20:56,56,67 (cont. next page)
p. 1427 Interchurch World 1920 - Interdenom.
INTERCHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT OF NORTH AMERICA (cont.) Budget... Apr'20:9 Disciples of Christ and the Interchurch World Movement. Apr'20:12 "To him that hath." Apr'20:22 The woman missionary of yesterday and today. Apr'20:36 400 colleges in Interchurch Campaign. Apr'20:41 Nevada leads in supporting ministry. Apr'20;45 Interchurch fights drugs in Asia and Africa. Apr'20:51 General budget... Apr'20:56 The church's zero hour. May'20:3 Is religion a necessity? May'20:10 How division undermines the church. May'20:29 California Dioceses for Interchurch World Movement. May'20:48 Interchurch World Movement. Jun'20:12 Jul'20:6 How we won out in Gladstone, Oregon. Jul'20:35 Reorganization of the Interchurch World Movement. Aug'20:41 Paying our debt of honor. Dec'20:4 Twenty questions and answers regarding underwritings. Dec'20:52 A heroic little band. Feb'21:51 The campaign for underwriting. May'21:6 The underwriting campaign. Jun'21:5 Concerning the underwritings. Jul'21:4 Contributions to the Famine Relief Funds. Jul'21:33 The Interchurch underwritings. Aug'21:4 Underwriting campaign by states. Aug'21:56 How one African Missionary considers the Underwriting Campaign. Oct'21:55 Glimpses of the religious world. May'24:45 INTERCHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT. MISSIONARY EDUCATION CONFERENCE Summer conferences on missions. May'20:35 INTERCHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT. WORLD SURVEY The book shelf. Jul'20:37 INTERCOLLEGIATE COSMOPOLITAN CLUB (INDIANAPOLIS) An experiment in international friendship. Jul'35:23 INTERCOMMUNIONAL STUDENT COUNCIL Board of Education and work of our colleges. Feb'26:53 INTERCONFESSIONAL FOUNDATION OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES (ARGENTINA) In brief. Dec'69:38 INTERDENOMINATIONAL COACHING INSTITUTE IN MISSIONARY EDUCATION Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'31:42 INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE CENTRAL WEST FOR MISSIONS Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'25:45 INTERDENOMINATIONAL COUNCIL OF SPANISH SPEAKING PEOPLE Setting the pace. Feb'28:35 The way to better understaning. Jan'29:58 ... Feb'30:11 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'36:43 INTERDENOMINATIONAL MISSION CONFERENCES Interdenominational Mission Conferences, Summer, 1970. Feb'70:30 INTERDENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL FOR RURAL LEADERS Global highlights. Oct'49:3 INTERDENOMINATIONAL STUDENT CONFERENCE Jan'26:29 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'26:43 (cont. next page)
p. 1428 Interdenominational - International C
INTERDENOMINATIONAL STUDENT CONFERENCE (cont.) The case against the church. Feb'26:29 Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'26:37 INTERDENOMINATIONAL MISSION CONFERENCES World outreach sounding board. Oct'68:31 (1969 schedule) Interdenominational mission conferences. Feb'69:40 (1972 schedule) Feb'72:34 (1973 schedule) Feb'73:34 INTERFAITH CONFERENCE ON CHANGING PATTERNS OF RELIGIOUS LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES America's changing religious pattersn. May'66:29 Fear of change. Jun'66:15 INTERFAITH MARRIAGES Ahead of the headlines. Dec'66:4 When Protestants marry Roman Catholics. Apr'67:9 INTERFAITH STUDY TOUR Israel study tour. Oct'72:35 INTERIM PASTORATES Eight years--eighteen pastorates. Apr'65:29 The intermim minister. Oct'65:23 Interim pastor. Oct'68:12 INTERMEDIA Intermedia: Christian communication ministry. Jun'71:22 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Pension Fund notes and news. Feb'43:44 The church and the income tax. Sep'43:3 Safeguarding simplification. Apr'44:21 The threshold. Dec'44:2 Global highlights. Mar'52:2 20% tax exemption for contributions. Sep'52:47 Global highlights. Oct'54:4 Of concern to ministers and churches. Mar'55:6 Global highlights. Sep'58:7 A church or not a church? Oct'58:9 Glances and glimpses. May'64:14 World events. Nov'70:36 Commentary. Jan'73:17 IRS studied by churches. Apr'73:37 INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS SEMINAR "World tour" in the United States. Nov'62:30 INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS SEMINARS FOR YOUTH Youth looks at the UN. Nov'63:17 Youth and the world mission. Jul'68:32 In brief. Jan'71:43 World events. Mar'72:38 INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF CHRISTIANS (photo) Feb'20:5 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURAL MISSIONS Glimpses of the religious world. Mar'24:45 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLS Vacation church schools (photos) Jun'51:8 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN COMMITTEE The blind begger. Nov'65:44 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN PEACE CONFERENCE Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'28:36 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY (JAPAN) See JAPAN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY
p. 1429 International Christian-International Conv.
INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP See CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN YOUTH EXCHANGE Global highlights. Feb'58:5 Jan'60:4 ...Youth adventure in understanding. May'64:23 The man from I.C.Y.E. Nov'66:32 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN YOUTH FELLOWSHIP COMMISSION See CHRISTIAN YOUTH FELLOWSHIP COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL CHURCHMAN'S EXPOSITION Disciple architect to speak... Oct'53:41 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN STATES The new deal at Montevideo. Mar'34:8 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHURCH LEADERS ON THE PROBLEM OF WORLD ORDER Global highlights. Jul'46:2 Churches plan action on peace front. Oct'46:24 Social trends. Oct'46:24 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUDIO-VISUAL EDUCATION News room. Sep'57:38 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN MISSIONS IN AFRICA Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'26:45 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE CAUSE AND CURE OF WAR Women and world highways. Apr'35:35 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE CHURCH AND RURAL LIFE Global highlights. Sep'56:3 Rural churchmen share ideas. Jun'57:13 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ART AND ARCHITECTURE In brief. Apr'72:40 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES See also GENERAL ASSEMBLY The recruiting call. Feb'19:3 Directory. Oct'20:4 Proposed amendments to Convention Constitution. Jul'22:42 What are we doing? What ought we to do? Apr'23:54 Affiliation with the International Convention. Aug'23:52 The International Convention and church budget. Jan'24:38 Committees, boards and officers. Dec'24:39 Survey of service. May'28:20 Another living link. Apr'29:14 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'32:40 Jan'35:33 Directory of officers. May'35:inside front cover From Washington, 1930; to St. Louis, 1941. Jun'41:35 The story of 1942. Jan'43:7 The hour cometh. Nov'44:13 Social trends. Dec'44:18 The church serving through the International Convention. Oct'45:7 ...holds open house (photo of headquarters) Oct'46:25 The Brotherhod moves forward. Mar'47:19 Election and actions at San Francisco, 1948. Nov'48:27 A century of cooperation. Apr'49:13 News room. Jul'55:39 They work for you. Sep'57:25 Global highlights. Jan'61:4 Elections at Louisville assembly. Jan'61:30 (cont. next page)
p. 1430 International Conv. 1890 - 1922
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (cont.) Global highlights. Jun'61:7 Jul'61:5 Elections at Kansas City. Dec'61:28 Adults and mission. Nov'62:40 Answers to unasked questions. Jul'63:9 Let's all share in Restructure. Jul'63:25 Ask about it! Oct'63:8 Nov'63:8 Global highlights. Dec'63:4 Sep'64:6 Ask about it! Sep'64:8 Voting representatives and your church. Sep'64:9 What's in a name? Oct'64:9 Gaines M. Cook retires... Oct'64:29 Disciples, delegates and Dallas. Apr'65:17 Ask about it! Jul'65:8 Sep'65:8 Nov'65:8 ? and answers. Dec'66:8 Jan'67:8 May'67:8 In brief. Apr'68:8 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1890 (photo) Mar'28:32 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1893 Through the years. Oct'33:38 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1911 The International Convention. May'53:15 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1919 Announcement. Apr'19:1 Great Convention at Cincinnati. Jul'19:49 International Convention. Aug'19:33 "Cincinnati!" October 13-20. Sep'19;43 Program. Oct'19:55 An invitation. Oct'19:56 (photo of meeting place) Oct'19:back cover The Cincinnati Convention. Dec'19:42 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1919. COMMITTEE ON RECOMMENDATIONS (photo) Dec'19:55 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1920 Program. Oct'20:5 St. Louis Convention transportation information. Oct'20:55 Make your reservations for the Convention. Oct'20:55 Notes. Oct'20:61 The Convention call. Oct'20:back cover Minutes. Dec'20:25 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1920. MISSIONARY BREAKFAST Notes from the Missionary breakfast (photo) Dec'20:53 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1921 Invitations for the next convention. Dec'20:55 Next convention at Winona Lake, Indiana. Apr'21:50 Indiana churches to be hosts of International Convention. Jul'21:48 Winona Lake Convention. Aug'21:56 Convention railroad rates. Aug'21:57 Program. Sep'21:20 (photos) Oct'21:18,30 A going Convention. Oct'21:23 Minutes. Oct'21:37 (photo of Tibetan play) Oct'21:45 The Winona Convention and Federal Council of Churches. Oct'21:54 Finances. Oct'21:64 Offering for Ministerial Relief. Oct'21:64 We face the future with hope. Oct'42:21
p. 1431 International Convention 1922 - 1925
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1922 meet at Winona Lake. Apr'22:64 Going up to Winona. Jul'22:inside front cover Reduced railroad rates to Winona Convention. Jul'22:50 Aug'22:58 Program. Aug'22:52 ...information. Aug'22:54 Address of the President... Oct'22:4 A new day has dawned. Oct'22:24 ...Minutes (photos) Oct'22:40 The goal of half a million dollars. Nov'22:3 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1923 Headquarter notes. Apr'23:52 A call to the mountains. Aug'23:inside front cover Reduced railroad rates. Aug'23:58 Annual stockholders' meeting. Sep'23:51 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'23:53 Combine vacation and inspiration at Colorado Springs. Sep'23:53 Railroad rates to Colorado Springs. Sep'23:57 To refresh our spirits... Sep'23:back cover The year of Jubilee has come! Oct'23:3 The Colorado Springs Convention. Oct'23:52 The organization of the thousand dollar club. Nov'23:40 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'23:52 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1924 Cleveland ahoy! Jul'24:inside front cover Where the Jubilee Convention will meet. Jul'24:14 Reduced railroad rates... Aug'24:24 Cleveland Convention rates. Sep'24:61 The Jubilee Convention. Sep'24:62 How to get reduced rates... Oct'24:1 The Disciples in Cleveland. Oct'24:4 Hotel accomodations. Oct'24:38 Program. Oct'24:55 Oct'24:61 Two important resolutions. Oct'24:62 Convention news. Nov'24:1 (photos) Dec'24:inside covers The Cleveland Convention (photos) Dec'24:4 Carrying the Convention to the churches. Dec'24:13 (photo) Dec'24:16 Cleveland--in brief. Dec'24:20 College of Missions notes. Dec'24:58 Heard at the Missionary Breakfast (photo) Mar'25:56 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1925 Where the Convention will meet. Jun'25:17 Reduced railroad rates... Jun'25:61 Jul'25:57 Aug'25:42 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'25:51 (program) Oct'25:30 Reduced railroad rates... Oct'25:31 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'25:54 Convention news. Nov'25:1 The Oklahoma City Convention (photos) Nov'25:9 The Convention as I saw it. Nov'25:12 Elections and resolutions of the Convention. Nov'25:52 Here and there in Oklahoma City (photos) Nov'25:55 (cont. next page)
p. 1432 International Convention 1925 - 1930
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1925 (cont.) Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'25:43 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'25:44 The Convention's briefest address. Dec'25:54 (photo of sunrise prayer meeting) Feb'26:44 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1926 This year it's Memphis. Mar'26:inside front cover Reduced rates to Memphis. Sep'26:1 Oct'26:1 The little more. Oct'26:34 Memphis 1926 in manifold. Nov'26:31 Program. Nov'26:34 The perennial question. Nov'26:41 Jan'27:much of issue International Convention. Feb'27:50 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1928 International Convention goes to Columbus. Jul'27:1 ...changed to spring. Sep'27:4 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'28:44 On to Columbus! Feb'28:30 Reduced rates. Feb'28:30 Mar'28:1 World Call banquet. Mar'28:1 Oh come all ye faithful. Mar'28:11 The Columbus trip. Apr'28:1 Interesting people you will meet at Columbus. Apr'28:25 What is the way forward? Apr'28:26 (schedule p.28) Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'28:39 Jun'28:much of issue INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1929 A backward glance at Columbus. Jun'28:21 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'28:28 The next International Convention. Jan'29:59 Seattle--the charmed land--invites you! Apr'29:24 Railroad rates to Seattle. Apr'29:28 May'29:1 Gladiolus to be the Convention flower. Jun'29:1 Magnifying our ministry. Jun'29:26 Tis a city of churches. Jun'29:28 Railroad rates to Seattle. Jun'29:1 Jul'29:1 Let's sing and be gay. Aug'29:1 Railraod rates to Seattle. Aug'29:18 Day by day at Seattle (schedule) Aug'29:19 The climax at Seattle. Aug'29:21 By air mail from Seattle. Sep'29:1 Advancing to new conquests. Oct'29:6 The convention on the sidewalks. Oct'29:10 Convention elections and resolutions. Oct'29:29 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1930 Anticipating Washington. Jan'30:4 Peeping behind the Convention curtain. Apr'30:5 Reduced rates to Washington Conventions. Jun'30:1 Jul'30:25 Aug'30:1 The latest news on the Washington Conventions. Aug'30:19 Sep'30:much of issue Oct'30:much of issue (program) Oct'30:12 Washington... Dec'30:8 Convention elections, actions and resolutions. Dec'30:26
p. 1433 International Convention 1931 - 1936
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1931 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'31:35 Wichita Convention reduced railroad rates. Aug'31:46 Sep'31:47 Oct'31:24 Wichita Hotel and room reservations. Sep'31:27 (schedule) Oct'31:24 Rounding out the summer sessions in our colleges. Oct'31:27 Nov'31:much of issue INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1932 Indianapolis... Aug'32:13 ...reduced railroad rates. Aug'32:47 Sep'32:47 We invite you to lunch. Sep'32:4 Issues at Indianapolis. Spe'32:11 Oct'32:much of issue Nov'32:much of issue At the crossroads of America... Nov'32:18 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1933 The threshold. Sep'33:2 Issues at Pittsburgh. Sep'33:3 Come up to Pittsburgh. Sep'33;25 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'33:44 1909-1933. Oct'33:4 Program... Oct'33:24 Reduced railroad rates... Oct'33:25 College registrars busy. Oct'33:32 Nov'33:much of issue Resolution on world peace. Dec'33:6 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1934 Pittsburg pointers. Nov'33:27 Des Moines Convention Committee. May'34:32 The threshold. Jul'34:2 We look toward Des Moines. Jul'34:21 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'34:44 The threshold. Sep'34:2 1874-1934 at Des Moines. Sep'34:20 Oct'34: much of issue (program p. 22) Nov'34: much of issue On the social battle front. Dec'34:23 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1935 San Antonio...invites you. Sep'35:middle insert The threshold. Oct'35:2 San Antonio program. Oct'35:28 Nov'35:much of issue Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'35:34 ? and answers. Jun'66:8 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1935. PROGRAM Book chat. Oct'36:43 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1936 The threshold. Jan'36;2 Feb'36:2 Mar'36:2 The threshol. Jul'36:2 Sep'36:2 In the heart of America. Sep'36:16 Kansas City invites you. Sep'36:middle insert The threshold. Oct'36:2 Noted speakers at Kansas City. Oct'36:16 Program... Oct'36:28 Nov'36:much of issue
p. 1434 International Convention 1937 - 1944
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1937 Mar'37:4 The threshold. Jun'37:2 Columbus--October 25-31. Jul'37:5 They will speak at Columbus. Sep'37:18 Columbus, Ohio...welcomes you. Sep'37:middle insert Our Columbus churches. Oct'37:7 Program... Oct'37:28 The threshold. Nov'37:2 Dec'37:much of issue INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1938 The threshold. Jan'38:2 Mar'38:2 Through "Eye-Gate" at the convention. Apr'38:44 The threshold. May'38:2 Jun'38:2 Denver--Oct. 16-21. Jul'38:5 The threshold. Sep'38:2 These come to Denver. Sep'38:9 The threshold. Oct'38:2 Denver Disciples bid you welcome. Oct'38;22 Program... Oct'38:25 Nov'38:much of issue Social trends. Dec'38:23 Elections and actions at Denver. Dec'38:29 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1939 The threshold. Feb'39;2 Richmond greets Convention. Jun'39:12 Convention plans are under way. Jul'39:inside front cover All roads lead to Richmond. Sep'39:middle insert Dreams and hope for Richmond. Sep'39:11 The threshold. Oct'39:2 Program... Oct'39:27 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'39:34 At Richmond they said. Nov'39:13 Dec'39:much of issue Social trends. Mar'40:22 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1940 The theshold. Jan'40:2 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1941 The threshold. Feb'40:2 Feb'41:2 St. Louis Convention... Feb'41:14 St. Louis...invites you... Feb'41:middle insert ...previews. Mar'41:13 Program... Apr'41:28 The threshold. May'41:2 Convention fellowship. May'41:17 Jun'41:much of issue INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1942 The threshold. Mar'42:2 Michigan welcomes the Convention. Apr'42:inside front cover (program) May'42:14 Grand Rapids and Michigan invite you. Jun'42:24 The threshold. Jul'42:2 They said at Grand Rapids. Sep'42:13 Social trends. Sep'42:16 Elections and actions... Sep'42:25 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1944 Nov'43:4 The threshold. Apr'44:2 Jul'44:2 Sep'44:2 (cont. next page)
p. 1435 International Convention 1944 - 1950
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1944 (cont.) ...program. Oct'44:8 Columbus, Ohio...again invites you. Oct'44:20 Reporting from Columbus. Dec'44:10 The climate of Columbus. Dec'44:14 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1945 May'45:3 INTERNATIONAL CONVETNION. 1946 Global highlights. Jan'46:3 Apr'46:3 Bible lectures at Columbus. May'46:20 Global highlights. Jun'46:2 Columbus, Ohio, again welcomes the International Convention. Jun'46:20 ...program. Jul'46:10 Fraternal messages at Columbus. Jul'46:11 Two popular selections. Sep'46:6 Significant actions at Columbus. Sep'46:7 Excerpts from Convention addresses. Sep'46:10 Elections and actions... Sep'46:25 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1947 Global highlights. Dec'46:2 Feb'47:4 The Brotherhood moves forward. Mar'47:19 Buffalo hotels. Mar'47:20 Bound together by a common faith. Apr'47:12 ...program. Jun'47:18 Joint communion service at Buffalo. Jun'47:36 Jul'47:much of issue Sep'47:much of issue Buffalo registers 5,788. Oct'47;23 Ministers' wives at Buffalo. Nov'47:46 Book chat. Sep'48:44 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1948 Global highlights. Dec'47:2 The Golden Gate in Forty-Eight. May'48:24 The Convention and the hour. Jun'48:23 ...program. Jul'48:20 Convention business is Disciples business. Jul'48:42 Sep'48:much of issue Nov'48:much of issue INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1949 Global highlights. Feb'49:2 Mar'49:2 Apr'49:2 A Century of cooperation. Apr'49:13 Exhibits... May'49:45 Welcome to Cincinnati. Jun'49:15 Pre-Convention registration Sunday. Jun'49:21 Jul'49:24 ...program. Sep'49:24 Cincinnati Centennial Convention Ministers' Breakfast. Oct'49:29 Accomodations for youth at Cincinnati Convention. Oct'49:39 Dec'49:much of issue Cincinnati in retrospect. Feb'50:6 (photo) Jan'69:23 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1950 Global highlights. Oct'49:3 May'50:2 Exhibits... May'50:47 Global highlights. Jun'50:2 (cont. next page)
p. 1436 International Convention 1950 - 1955
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1950 (cont.) World Call to have Convention luncheon. Jun'50:30 Global highlights. Jul'50:2 Oklahoma City says come. Jul'50:33 ...program. Sep'50:22 Convention highlights. Sep'50:23 What and how shall we resolve? Oct'50:5 The making of a Convention (photos) Oct'50:7 A call to prayer. Oct'50:27 Regarding Western Clergy. Oct'50:33 More Convention highlights. Oct'50:33 The new Century--a new hope. Nov'50:20 Here and there with World Call. Nov'50:52 Dec'50:much of issue INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1950. PENSION FUND BREAKFAST More Convention highlights. Oct'50:33 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1951 AREA ASSEMBLIES Global highlights. Dec'50:4 Apr'51:2 Program ready for launching. Jun'51:21 Attend an Area Assembly. Sep'51:6 (schedule) Diesciples face the future. Sep'51:25 Social trends. Oct'51:20 Assemblies meet specific need. Dec'51:22 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1952 Global highlights. Feb'50:3 Exhibits... Jan'52:47 Chicago, adventure in cooperation. May'52:23 Convention President resigns. Jun'52:5 Global highlights. Jul'52:3 Convention story. Jul'52:21 Missionaries broaden the fellowship. Jul'52:26 Elections at the International Convention. Jul'52:28 (photo) Jun'53:1 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1953 Global highlights. Sep'52:2 News room. Mar'53:38 The Oregon trail--1953. Apr'53:25 The International Convention. May'53:15 News room. May'53:38 Global highlights. Jun'53:2 Portland highlights. Jun'53:25 News room. Juan'53:42 Social trends. Sep'53:16 Disciples met in Portland (photos) Sep'53:19 Elections at the International Convention. Sep'53:26 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1954 The lure of Miami. Jul'54:29 The southeast extends a welcome. Sep'54:25 Miami highlights. Oct'54:23 Classroom and campus. Oct'54:33 Ecumenical emphasis dominates Miami Assembly (photo) Dec'54:6 We resolve. Jan'55:23 They are elected to serve. Jan'55:25 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1955. AREA ASSEMBLIES Global highlights. May'55:4 We press on. Sep'55:23 Recommitment to a common cause. Dec'55:29
p. 1437 International Convention 1956 - 1961
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1956 Global highlights. Apr'56:2 May'56:3 Welcome to Des Moines. Jun'56:13 Spokesmen for God. Jul'56:28 Uiniqueness to mark Des Moines program. Sep'56:13 Disciples meet in Des Moines (photos) Nov'56:19 Elections at the 1956 Convention. Dec'56:30 Churches speak out at Des Moines. Dec'56:41 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1957 Global highlights. May'57:3 Cleveland--of course! Sep'57:21 (photo of officers) Oct'57:front cover The cover. Oct'57:inside front cover Welcome to Cleveland! Oct'57:23 Social trends. Dec'57:14 Disciples meet in Cleveland (photos) Dec'57:31 Elections at Cleveland. Jan'58:37 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1958 Global highlights. Dec'57:2 Jan'58:4 Mar'58:5 An invitation to St. Louis. Jul'58:6 History in St. Louis. Sep'58:29 Convention resolutions. Sep'58:49 Global highlights. Oct'58:4 Dec'58:5 Disciples and the church universal (photos) Dec'58:27 Elections in St. Louis. Jan'59:45 Global highlights. Apr'59:4 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1959 Global highlights. Sep'55:3 Pioneers in the Rockies. Jun'59:17 Called to His purpose. Jul'59:29 Global highlights. Oct'59:5 Nov'59:7 Disciples at Denver (photos) Nov'59:27 Elections at Denver Assembly. Nov'59:29 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1960 Global highlights. Jan'60:7 Our decision--His mission. Jul'60:27 Disciples will make decisions. Sepo'60:19 Global highlights. Oct'60:4 News room. Oct'60:40 Global highlights. Dec'60:5 Disciples act at Louisville. Dec'60:10 Elections at Louisville assembly. Jan'61:30 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1961 Global highlights. Apr'61:6 May'61:4 Jun'61:4 Come to Kansas City. Jul'61:17 Heritage and destiny at Kansas City. Sep'61:25 Global highlights (photos of officers) Nov'61:5 Convention opportunity. Nov'61:10 Resolutions and unseen guests. Dec'61:14 Elections at Kansas City. Dec'61:28 Global highlights. Feb'62:8 Frustrations. Mar'62:10 Freedom with responsibility. May'62:25 Pictures tell the story of world outreach (photo) Sep'62:22
p. 1438 International Convention 1962 - 1965
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1962 Convention opportunity. Nov'61:10 Global highlights. Mar'62:4 Convention resolution. Apr'62:48 Global highlights. May'62:4 City of the Angels welcomes Disciples. Jul'62:29 Los Angeles--September 30-October 4. Sep'62:10 Five great days in Los Angeles. Sep'62:29 (announcement) Sep'62:47 Convention resolutions. Nov'62:9 Convention in a "resoluting" mood. Dec'62:12 Elected to serve. Dec'62:40 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1963 Global highlights. Nov'62:5 Ask about it! Dec'62:8 Social welfare. Jan'63:42 Global highlights. Feb'63:5 Miami Beach--October 11-16, 1963. May'63:9 Come to Miami Beach. Jul'63:28 Global highlights. Sep'63:7 Disciples look to Miami. Sep'63:31 Miami Beach Assembly. Oct'63:9 Global highlights. Nov'63:4 Let's stand together. Nov'63:9 Retired leaders and the Convention assembly. Dec'63:9 Disciples meet crucial issues. Dec'63:12 Miami to Detroit. Dec'63:19 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1964 Miami to Detroit. Dec'63:19 Global highlights. Mar'64:5 World Calling... May'64:10 Ask about it! Jun'64:8 Global highlights. Jul'64:4 Detroit--why should I? Jul'64:19 Your first convention assembly? Sep'64:9 "Reconciliation" theme chosen for assembly. Sep'64:23 Women on world highways. Sep'64:34 Global highlights. Nov'64:5 World Calling... Nov'64:10 Days of old and 1964 at Detroit (photos) Dec'64:15 Letters. Dec'64:48 Ask about it! Feb'65:8 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1965 REGIONAL ASSEMBLIES Ask about it! Jan'65:8 Global highlights (map) Jan'65:6 Global highlights. Mar'65:7 Why work for union? Mar'65:38 Ask about it! May'65:8 World Calling... Jun'65:10 Global highlights. Jul'65:5 World Calling. Sep'65:10 Disciples to get inside view at Assemblies. Sep'65:31 Global highlights. Oct'65:6 Global highlights (photo of Spokane Assembly) Dec'65:6 World Calling... Dec'65:10 Busiest men in town. Dec'65:40
p. 1439 International Convention 1966 - Comm.
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1966 Ahead of the headlines. Apr'65:7 Dec'65:4 Global highlights. May'66:6 ? and answers. Jun'66:8 That "plan" in someone's pocket. Jun'66:28 Global highlights. Jul'66:5 Dallas--September 23-28. Jul'66:9 Global highlights. Sep'66:5 Ahead of the headlines. Nov'66:4 Global highlights. Nov'66:5 World Calling. Nov'66:10 Therefore be it resolved (photos) Nov'6:24 Now, it's your turn (photo of convention floor) Dec'66:14 ? and answers. Feb'67:8 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1967 World Calling. Nov'66:10 ? and answers. Dec'66:8 Global highlights. Feb'67:5 7 tips on the 1967 St. Louis Assembly. Mar'67:50 Global highlights. Apr'67:5 Christ makes all things NEW. Apr'67:11 ? and answers. Apr'67:33 May'67:8 World Calling... May'67:10 Global highlights. Jul'67:6 ? and answers. Jul'67:50 Global highlights. Sep'67:7 What every layman ought to know. Sep'67:9 Women on world highways. Sep'67:30 Global highlights. Oct'67:6 Don't jump. Nov'67:9 Global highlights. Dec'67:6 Convention reflections. Dec'67:9 The St. Louis Assembly (photos) Dec'67:24 In brief. Jan'68:8 ? and answers. Jan/68:50 Ahead of the headlines. Mar'68:5 Disciples respond to the urban crisis. May'68:12 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. 1968 Global highlights. Jan'68:6 Apr'68:6 A mood for yielding. Apr'68:9 Homework on Restructure. May'68:9 Global highlights. Jun'68:6 Jul'68:6 Four ministers will be heard at the Kansas City Assembly. Jul'68:48 Editorials. Sep'68:9 Profile of the President. Sep'68:13 Updating at Kansas City. Sep'68:16 World Call history in "the heart of America." Sep'68:49 Global highlights. Nov'68:6 Who speaks for the church? (photos) Dec'68;15 (photo) Jan'69:27 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. COMMISSION ON STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Elections at San Antonio. Nov'35:29 Elections and actions at Kansas City. Nov'36:41 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. COMMITTEE ON RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee on Recommendations... Aug'21:48 (photo) Oct'21:37 Oct'22:10 Aug'23:53 Sep'24:37 (photo) Dec'24:34 Jan'27:9
p. 1440 Inter. Conv. Comm -
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. COMMITTEE ON TIME AND PLACE Convention elections and actions. Nov'34:29 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Jul'55:45 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. EXCECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report of Life Call Committee. Feb'20:52 International Convention. Feb'27:50 Elections and actions at Kansas City. Nov'36:41 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY See also COOK, GAINES M FRANK, ROBERT GRAHAM Elections and actions at Columbus. Sep'46:26 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. FINANCES Treasurer's report. Dec'20:42 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. NOMINATING COMMITTEE (Elections at International Conventions) Jan'58:37 Jan'61:30 Dec'62:40 Nov'59:29 Dec'61:28 Global highlights. Jul'63:6 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. PRESS CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Elections and resolutions of the Convention. Nov'25:54 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. TIME AND PLACE COMMITTEE The threshold. Oct'36:2 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The threshold. Jan'38:2 United Christian Youth at Columbus. May'38:11 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION See also INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Long live those early voices. Jan'20:33 Foreign missions and world friendship. Oct'23:32 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF COMMUNITY CHURCHES Global highlights. Oct'50:3 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF MINISTERS' WIVES Elections at Denver Assmbly. Nov'59:29 Elected to serve. Dec'62:41 Disciples in the news. Nov'66:7 Dec'67:8 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Apr'24:57 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'25:54 The Birmingham Convention. Mar'26:26 (note) Apr'26:34 Thy Kingdom come. Jun'26:21 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'26:56 Cooperation in religious education. Apr'27:28 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'27:44 ...meets. Apr'28:38 Glimpses of the religious world. Dec'28:45 A growing work reviewed. Apr'29:27 The Toronto Convention. Jan'30:28 What happened at Toronto (photo of convention) Aug'30:20 The threshold. Feb'38:2 Christian education moves ahead. Apr'39:27 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'40:43 Christian eduction in the press and on the air. Jan'42:51 International Council meetings. Mar'42:15 Miss Spaulding goes to I.C.R.E. Feb'43:31 (cont. next page)
p. 1441 International Council
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (cont.) Christian Education and unity Mar'43:3 Christian education faces wartime needs. Mar'43:27 The threshold. Jul'43:2 ...medals. Oct'43:25 The threshold. Mar'44:2 News room. Apr'45:28 Global highlights. Jan'46:4 Nov'46:2 Vitamins for volunteers. Feb'47:28 Global highlights. Apr'47:2,3 Progress in Christian education. Apr'47:41 Grow four days in Iowa! Apr'47:43 Global highlights. May'47:3 Sunday schools around the world. Nov'47:22 Global highlights. Feb'48:4 Apr'48:4 Unity in Christian education. Apr'48:5 Global highlights. May'48:3 Jan'49:2 Religious education in the world's life. Apr'49:20 Global highlights. Nov'49:4 A National Council of Churches. Nov'49:15 Christian education--today and tomorrow. Apr'50:27 Global highlights. Sep'50:4 Disciple doers. Oct'50:19 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF WORLD BIBLE SOCIETIES Global highlights. Jul'46:4 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON SPANISH SPEAKING WORK See INTERDENOMINATIONAL COMMITTEE ON SPANISH SPEAKING PEOPLE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION YEAR Church gifts aid education projects. Dec'70:22 INTERNATIONAL EVANGELICAL CHURCH (ITALY) Nov'72:14 INTERNATIONAL FOREIGN MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. 1920 International Foreign Missionary Conference... Oct'20:28 INTERNATIONAL GOLDEN RULE SUNDAY See also GOLDEN RULE SUNDAY Glimpses of the religious world. Dec'24:47 Dec'50:45 INTERNATIONAL GOODWILL CONGRESS Must we have war? Dec'27:4 INTERNATIONAL GOODWILL SUNDAY May'26:14 INTERNATIONAL HOUSES Friends of humanity. Dec'35:12 INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE FAIR (THAILAND, 1966) Christian witness pavilion. Jul'66:44 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Glimpses of the religious world. Dec'24:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'28:31 INTERNATIONAL LABOR CONFERENCE Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'27:45 INTERNATIONAL LESSON ANNUAL 1956. Book chat. Nov'55:14 1957. Book chat. Nov'56:38 1961. Book chat. Dec'60:42
p. 1442 International Missionary
INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE International Missionary Conference. Aug'20:27 Women and world highways. Jul'37:35 The conferences of 1937. Jan'38:3 Foreign mission leaders confer. Feb'38:4 Approaching the Madras Conference. Jul'38:9 The threshold. Nov'38:4 Disciples at Madras. Nov'38:20 Programs for young people. Nov'38:37 The threshold. Dec'38:4 Madras comes to America. Jan'39:25 The church faces the world. Feb'39:4 The threshold. Mar'39:2 The Chinese at Madras. Mar'39:3 More about Madras. Mar'39:4 The threshold. Apr'39:2 Trends in world Christianity. Apr'39:6 May'39:much of issue The preacher and Madras. Jun'39:4 Trends in world Christianity. Jun'39:18,20 Sep'39:14 Jul'39:22,24 Oct'39:18 As I think of last Christmas. Dec'39:26 Books out of Madras. Feb'40:18 Social trends. Dec'42:22 Orphaned missions. Oct'42:47 INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. THE WORLD MISSION OF THE CHURCH Some books on world Christianity. Jul'39:31 Book chat. Sep'39;22 Books out of Madras. Feb'40:18 INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY COUNCIL International missionary cooperation restored (photos) Dec'21:36 Foreign missions and world friendship (photo) Oct'23:32 German missionaries in need. Dec'23:29 A world outlook from the Mount of Olives. Jul'24:30 Glimpses of the religious world. May'25:45 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'27:44 Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'28:43 Jerusalem 1928. Jun'28:13 (photo of delegates) A new mandate for world missions. Jun'29:5 For a view of world missions take the local church to Jerusalem. Jun'29:10 Digest of the annual reports. Oct'29:39 The new Christian adventure. Mar'30:inside front cover quoted. A new thing in foreign missions. May'30:4 Twenty-two nations plan missions advance. Sep'32:17 Doctor Mott relinquishes leadership. Apr'42:13 Friend of youth heads Council. May'42:8 Dr. Warnshusis retires. Jan'43:33 The threshold. Sep'44:2 (photo) Apr'46:3 Global highlights. Oct'47:2 Apr'48:2 Apr'52:3 Dec'47:2 Sep'49:4 It happened at Willingen. Oct'52:22 News room. Feb'58:40 (cont. next page)
p. 1443 International Missionary - Intern. Relations
INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY COUNCIL (cont.) The Ghana story. Mar'58:31 Global highlights. Jun'58:8 Nov'58:6 INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY UNION Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:58 Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'28:29 INTERNATIONAL PEACE ARCH (photo) Nov'21:back cover Jul'25:29 Jul'24:back cover INTERNATIONAL PEACE LEAGUE OF MOTHERS AND EDUCATORS See LIGUE INTERNATIONALE DES MERES ET DES EDUCATRICES FUR LA PAIX INTERNATIONAL QUADRENNIAL CONVENTION ON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. 1955 1955 Christian education convention. Feb'54:33 INTERNATIONAL REFUGEE ORGANIZATIONS Over-age refugees have ahome. Dec'51:28 Prisoners of freedom. Jun'52:21 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS See also INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The new loyalty. Jan'25:19 Impress of our faults abroad. Apr'25:14 For your mental stimulus. Jul'25:30 Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'25:45 International ideals of the churches of Christ. Jul'26:18 Patriotism is not enough! Sep'26:23 Facing big issues. Nov'26:59 The last page. May'27:64 The peace spirit grows! Jul'27:5 Memorials made manifest--the Kellogg Pact. Nov'28:23 Is the Kellogg treaty making peace? Nov'29:21 Rabel or Pentecost in international relations. Mar'30:17 Listening in on the world. Oct'31:22 Two ways. Jul'33:11 Book chat. Dec'33:18 International skies stormy. Apr'34:4 An experiment in International friendships. Jul'35:23 Responsibility and neutrality. Nov'35:3 Social trends. Nov'35:26 Apr'36:24 Jun'36:21 Who killed the League...? Jul'36:4 Social trends. Oct'36:26 Jan'37:27 God's world is one community. Feb'37:8 The Pan-American scene. Feb'37:28 Women and world highways. Mar'37:35 The threshold. Apr'37:2 Social trends. Oct'37;24 Do the "have-nots" cause the trouble? Nov'37:3 The threshold. Dec'37:2 There is no substitute. Jan'38:43 Social trends. Jun'39:23 Searle Bates: missionary of international relations. Nov'39:10 Who is to blame? Nov'39:23 Programs for adult organizations. Mar'40:36 A plea for realism. Jul'40:4 Echoes from everywhere. May'42:39 Jul'42:3 (cont. next page)
p. 1444 International Relations 1943 - 1964
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (cont.) Thinking continentally. Feb'43:3 Am I an isolationist? Apr'43:29 Social trends. Jul'43:14 It is later than you think. Nov'43:7 Eyes on the Orient. Feb'44:2 Are Protestant missions an obstacle to the Good Neighbor Policy? Mar'44:15 Social trends. May'44:9 Religion after the war. Nov'44:3 The color is gray. Nov'44:5 Respect for personality... Oct'44:19 Social trends. Nov'45:20 The year ends in anxiety. Dec'45:3 When mercy seasons justice. Apr'46:26 Social trends. May'46:22 International understanding... Jun'46:13 America's responsibility for world cooperation. Sep'46:17 Who erected the Iron Curtain? Nov'46:6 There must be understanding. Jul'47:7 Global highlights. Sep'47:4 Putting the "new" in New Year's Day. Jan'48:41 Social trends. May'48:20 Global highlights. Apr'49:4 U.N. Seminar... Apr'49:24 Christian education, international relationships. Apr'49:47 Global highlights. Jun'49:2 We shall have one world or none. Jun'50:6 Global highlights. Mar'51:4 No shortcut to peace. Mar'51:5 Speaking in modern tongues. Nov'51:12 Social trends. Jun'53:12 Jul'53:12 What Cleveland means to us. Jan'54:23 The church must face its frontiers. May'54:24 The churches speak out. Nov'54:21 Social trends. May'55:16 Christianity faces a troubled world. Dec'55:16 Global highlights. Jul'56:3,4 Churches help build ties among nations. Feb'57:43 Social trends. Mar'57:16 Youth look at foreign policy. May'57:8 Interfaith group looks at refugees. Jul'57:46 Social trends. Sep'57:18 Apr'58:18 Toward international understanding. Jul'58:9 Sputnik, cheese and printer's ink. Jul'58:14 A venture in understanding. Feb'59:11 Understanding other peoples. Apr'59:9 Global highlights. Oct'59:7 Our greatest world problem? Nov'59:9 Rivalry in doing good. Jun'60:9 Still the surest way. Jul'60:9 Helping hand. Jul'60:46 Open letter. Apr'62:10 Social trends. May'62:12 Better headlines, please. Nov'62:9 Global highlights. Feb'63:4 Mar'63:5 Social trends. Oct'63:20 Peacemaking--an exciting business. May'64:12 (cont. next page)
p. 1445 International Relations - Interpreter's Bible
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (cont.) Good news of peace. Jul'64:12 The enemy is famine. Sep'67:15 Global highlights. May'68:6 Social trends. Oct'68:38 The church's place in international affairs. Oct'69:40 The UN, pioneer in world cooperation. Oct'71:24 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS INSTITUTES The threshold. May'36:2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF MISSIONS Mar'24:58 Future of Christiantiy in China. Sep'27:53 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSEMBLY Echoes from everywhere. Aug'23:56 INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Cooperation in religious education. May'19:15 Reorganization... Aug'20:28 Letters... May'21:50 Christian unity and religious education. Aug'21:43 A merger of Sunday School organizations. Apr'22:37 Vitamins for volunteers. Feb'47:28 Meet you in Des Moines! Jun'47:31 Educators to meet. Jun'55:51 Teach Christ now. Oct'55:26 INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL COUNCIL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION A strategy board of Christ's Kingdom plans its campaign. Apr'23:56 INTERNATIONAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINAR In brief. Jan'71:42 INTERNATIONAL TRADE See COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC IN ARMS AND MUITIONS Book chat. Oct'35:34 INTERNATIONAL UNIFORM SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS How the lessons for our Sunday Schools are provided. Nov'19:6 How we get our Sunday school lessons. Nov'24:15 What's back of the Sunday school lessons? Nov'28:7 INTERNATIONAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD The Lumberjack wants to know... Mar'19:20 Logging camps of the Pacific Northwest. Jun'19:8 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP IN AUDIO-VISUAL EDUCATION Global highlights. Jul'53:2 INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS 1968 International year for human rights. Jul'68:19 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS Book chat. Jul'37:26 INTERPRETER'S BIBLE News room. Mar'48:32 Vol. I. Book chat. Nov'52:18 Vol. II. Book chat. Nov'55:14 Vol. III. Book chat. Oct'51:26 Nov'54:16 Vol. IV. Book chat. Apr'55:22 Vol. V. Book chat. Jun'52:16 Feb'56:18 Vol. IX. Book chat. Apr'54:44 Vol. X. Book chat. Mar'53:16 Vol. XI. Book chat. Oct'53:14 Vol. XII Book chat. Oct'57:14
p. 1446 Interpreter's Dictionary - Iowa Camp
INTERPRETER'S DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE Book chat. Nov'62:43 INTERPRETER'S ONE-VOLUME COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE Commentary valuable tool for Bible study. Nov'71:32 INTERRACIAL CONFERENCE The first interracial conference. May'25:14 Church women to hold interracial conference. Aug'28:43 What will be our race relations tomorrow? Sep'30:13 Women and world highways. Feb'38:35 INTERRACIAL CONSULTATION ON THE SOUTHERN CHURCH AND RACE RELATIONS Global highlights. Oct'60:6 INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE Therefore be it resolved. Nov'66:24 INTER-RELIGIOUS SYMPOSIUM ON PEACE Inter-religious Symposium on Peace. Apr'68:22 INTERSEMINARY COMMISSION FOR TRAINING FOR THE RURAL MINISTRY A list of rural fiction. Sep'37:34 INTERSEMINARY CONFERENCE OF NORTH AMERICA Global highlights. Nov'49:4 Ideas from Interseminary Conference. Feb'50:17 INTERSEMINARY MOVEMENT Global highlights. Jan'50:4 To discuss minister's role. Jul'57:44 INTERSEMINARY SERIES Book chat. Jan'47:16 INTO, FUMI quoted. Epoch making days in Tokyo. Jan'21:47 INTOLE Medicine in Congo enters new era. Mar'51:16 INTOLERANCE Answerin intolerance. Sep'39:4 Maggots of hate. Dec'46:22 INVESTMENTS Letters. Oct'72:4 INWOOD, ERNEST L Global highlights. Sep'62:7 INYEKA The romance of the commonplace. Sep'24:24 IOLA, KANSAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 IONIA, MICHIGAN. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Memorial gifts to Africa. Oct'26:33 IOWA Casting into the treasury. Jun'22:44 The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 Special state honors. Jun'23:51 Golden Jubilee notes. Jan'24:51 May'24:52 Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'24:47 When enthusiasm ran high. Jun'27:49 An Iowa county convention. Nov'27:55 Perhaps there are others. Mar'28:36 How Church Extension has helped my state. Jul'34:16 Circulation corner. Nov'40:inside front cover IOWA CAMP AND CONFERENCE CENTER (NEWTON, IOWA) (drawing) Sep'66:3
p. 1447 Iowa Christian - Irelan, Elma
IOWA CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:25 News room. Dec'40:32 Crusade progress. Jul'49:26 IOWA CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP Here and there with World Call. Oct'63:50 IOWA CITY, IOWA A worth-while project. Jul'37:34 IOWA STATE COLLEGE STUDENT FOUNDATION Classroom and campus. Mar'43:32 IOWA, UNIVERSITY See UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IRAFALVI, BELA Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'59:35 IRAQ Global highlights. Jan'60:7 IRBY, (married to Charles Irby) Growth in the aging years (photo) Oct'61:25 IRBY, CHARLES Growth in the aging years (photo) Oct'61:25 IRBY, JAMES (photo) Jul'42:16 Irelan, Elma Clementine, 1880-1956 How America looks from Mexico. Jul'19:18 Our orphan family, Aguascalientes, Mexico. Mar'20:53 Our Mexican orphanage. Apr'20:32 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:47 An Every Member Canvass a mile high. Jan'23:62 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:62 Feb'24:53 Free-born souls in mission lands. Mar'24:8 A direct blessing. Mar'25:46 The crowning event of the year. Nov'25:40 Faithful Maria. Dec'26:42 Our first graduates. Jul'27:45 Christmas at home and abroad. Mar'28:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'31:39 Dec'31:39,40,41 Feb'32:39 Aug'31:41,42 Among their own people. May'32:44 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'32:39,40 Jan'34:40 Feb'36:39 May'36:39 Day of prayer in Mexico. May'36:44 Echoes from everywere. Jun'38:39 Jan'39:47 Resurrection Day observances. Sep'39:46 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'40:39 Apr'40:39 May'40:38 Children's Day in Aguascalientes. Sep'40:46 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'40:39 Jan'41:39 Aguascalientes news. Mar'41:27 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'41:39 Jun'41:39 Jul'41:39 Jan'42:43 Joy in the wider fellowship. Mar'42:46 Social Center program in review. Apr'42:40 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'42:39 Bibles for Mexico. Oct'42:44 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'42:39 Feb'45:32 A workers' retreat. Sep'45:23
p. 1448 Irelan, E - Iron Curtain
IRELAN, ELMA CLEMENTINE, 1880-1956 College of Missions notes. Jan'19:60 (photo) Dec'19:46 Notes from the missionary breakfast. Dec'20:53 quoted. Old letters of rare value. May'21:22 Growing in power. Aug'22:46 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'22:50 Jun'23:57 quoted. The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:10 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:51 Golden Jubilee notes. Apr'24:51 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'24:47 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'24:60 Program helps (photo) Feb'26:48 Sunday schools (photo) Apr'28:51 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'29:52 A challenge and a promise. Dec'30:33 Hail to our silver anniversary churches! Mar'31:25 (photo p. 24) Easter in Mexico. Jun'35:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'35:34 (photo) Sep'35:25 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'36:47 May'38:34 San Luis Potosi workers (photo) Feb'42:45 News room. Dec'42:34 Feb'43:34 Dec'43:32 (photo) Dec'45:11 News room. Mar'46:38 Apr'46:41 Feb'50:34 (death) News room (photo) Sep'56:30 In brief. Jan'71:40 IRELAND, (married to Emmett Ireland) Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:34 IRELAND, ELMER P., -1961 (married to Nora Collins Ireland) In memoriam. Jan'62:35 IRELAND, EMMETT Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:34 Ireland, Gilbert Ellis, 1850-1928 (married to Emma Bailey Ireland) (untitled poem) Apr'39:22 IRELAND, GILBERT ELLIS, 1850-1928 (photo) Dec'24:38 A fifty year adventure (photo) Oct'25:29 IRELAND (nbote) Oct'24:56 Gleanings from the Campbell country. Nov'36:12 Pageant of the climbers. Jan'37:16 The state of the church. Sep'42:34 Pilgrimage to Ahorey. Mar'62:19 World events. Oct'71:36 "Samaritans" in Belfast. Jan'72:44 Ray of hope in Northern Ireland. Mar'72:24 World events. May'73:39 IREMONGER, F. A. WILLIAM TEMPLE: ARCHIBSHOP OF CANTERBURY Book chat. Jan'49:18 IRION, (MRS. C. G.) Women advance assembly plans (photo) May'61:14 IRON, PAUL E. THE FUNERAL: VESTIGE OR VALUE? New books. Sep'66:39 IRON CURTAIN Who erected the Iron Curtain? Nov'46:6
p. 1449 Iron Curtain - Irving
"IRON CURTAIN LANDS" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Feb'61:41 IRONS, CAROLINE (death) Her works do follow her. Mar'30:39 In memoriam. Mar'30:50 IRVIN, (MRS. I. E.) (death) Apr'22:52 IRVIN, DONALD F. THE LIFE OF JESUS Book chat. Jul'51:40 Irvin, Ida May, 1884-1946 What's back of the Sunday school lessons? Nov'28:7 Missionary organizations' own section. May'34:35 An imperative for today. Nov'45:5 IRVIN, IDA MAY, 1884-1946 Field workers (photo) Dec'20:35 Religious education in the Dominion of Canada. Jun'21:40 Headquarters notes. Apr'23:52 Introducing the field force (photo) Nov'23:19 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'25:51 Jul'25:43 Jun'26:53 (photo) Nov'39:6 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'39:34 In memoriam. Jun'46:39 News room. May'48:32 Jun'48:41 Records of distinguished service (photo) Sep'48:19 (death) Disciples in the news. Mar'66:7 In memoriam. Mar'66:43 IRVIN, JACK Classroom and campus. Sep'48:31 Irvin, L. Karl, Jr. Our scattered fellowship serves people. Jul'67:24 Letters. Apr'70:4 IRVIN, L. KARL, JR. Classroom and campus. Jun'61:34 In brief. Nov'70:41 World events (photo) Feb'71:37 Irvin, W S Hitching the plow to the pulpit. Jun'28:34 Irvine, Gene Guidance for expanding churches. Jul'49:7 The increasing role of benevolence. Dec'49:13 Interview with a Japanese educator. Mar'50:8 A program for young Disciples. May'50:23 IRVINE, GENE News room. Apr'49:34 May'50:34 Irving, Eldon Evangelism in the seventies. Sep'70:17 IRVING, GEORGE. MASTER OF MONEY Book chat. Sep'37:29 IRVING, HATTIE, -1943 In memoriam. Jan'44:33 IRVING, ILLINOIS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Renewed vigor in a historic church. Mar'21:45 (photo) Mar'21:46 IRVING, TEXAS. COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH 14 new churches started... Oct'64:42 IRVING, TEXAS. NORTH CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October-December, 1961. Apr'62:49
p. 1450 Irwin - Ishamael
IRWIN, (married to C. W. Irwin) -1961 In memoriam. Feb'62:37 IRWIN, ALLEN LeROY (photo) Feb'32:30 IRWIN, GEORGE M Classroom and campus. Feb'66:35 Irwin, Gladys Women and world highways. Apr'46:33 IRWIN, GLADYS Beneath the spire (photo) Oct'48:4 IRWIN, JOHN. THE MISSIONARY EDUCATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE Book chat. May'36:30 IRWIN, JOSEPH I In the midst of the college year. Dec'34:31 IRWIN, ROBERT Echoes from everywhere (photo) Feb'48:36 IRWIN, WILLIAM GLANTON, 1866-1943 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'23:54 Sailing this summer (photo) Jul'23:35 In the midst of the college year. Dec'34:31 Summer activities in our colleges. Sep'37:33 IRWIN-SWEENEY-MILLER FOUNDATION Valuable service looks at culture. Sep'72:44 World events. Dec'72:39 "IS IT ALWAYS RIGHT TO BE RIGHT?" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio visuals. Mar'73:37 "IS YOUR CHURCH BURNING?" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visuals. Dec'68:37 ISAAC, REID. WHAT'S GOD DOING TODAY? New books. Sep'67:39 ISAACS, NORMAN The moral side of the news (photo) Nov'62:34 ISAKSEN, A News from Norway. Apr'19:57 ISBELL, (MRS. C. C.) -1961 In memoriam. Jun'61:39 ISBELL, MARTHA Memorium. Apr'36:39 Ischinger, Doris They act like we are somebody. Dec'68:23 Direct line. Jun'69:32 ISEKYA TIMOTHY quoted. Echoes from everywhere. Jan'23:60 Rural challenge. Jun'54:46 ISELY, F B (photo) Jan'21:15 ISEMINGER, TERA Memoriam. Sep'34:39 ISENGE EMILLE Echoes from everywhere. Jan'59:40 ISFAHAN Notes from here and there. Oct'42:47 ISHAMAEL, (MRS. O. A.) In the service of the King. Jul'23:26 In memoriam. Jul'33:39 ISHAMAEL, O A Mid-year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 In the service of the King. Jul'23:26
p. 1451 Ishigaki - Islam
ISHIGAKI CITY, OKINAWA Echoes from everywhere. May'59:36 ISHIKAWA, (pastor of Koiwa, Japan, church) The Gospel goes to Hachijo (photo) Nov'51:25 ISHIKAWA, HARUKO Leaven in the meal. Sep'40:27 ISHIKAWA, JUNKO Leaven in the meal. Sep'40:27 ISHIKAWA, KAICHIRO (photo) Mar'66:21 ISHIKAWA, KAKUJIRO, 1867-1930 Christ calls His own (photo) Feb'31:12 The first page. Apr'31:2 ISHIKAWA, KIYOSHI Childre mature with missions. Jun'57:9 (photo p. 10) ISHIKAWA, TERUO (photo) Mar'66:21 Ishikawa, Yonosuke Take up my cross and follow me. Nov'21:56 ISHIKAWA, YONOSUKE Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'25:45 (photo) May'39:33 Dec'42:21 Jan'46:26 Joy and heartbreak in Japan (photo) Apr'54:20 Hachijo Island--an outpost for Christianity (photo) Jan'57:26 ISHIMARU, MINORU Urban labor ministry in Japan (photos) Jul'70:41 IS'ISOLA TIMOTHY Afircan heralds of the cross. Apr'25:53 ISLAM Facts for the busy woman. Mar'19:41 The Mosque as a place of worship. Dec'21:4 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'22:60 Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'24:45,46 Praying to Allah. Jul'24:42 Missionary illustrations of the uniform Sunday school topics... Jun'25:55 A Mohammedan wedding. Jun'25:56 Mohammedans who have borrowed from the Jews. Oct'25:59 Glimpses of the religious world. Mar'26:45 The crescent conquest or the cross trimuphant? Oct'26:8 Islam or Christ. Dec'26:49 Mohammed or Christ in India. Jan'27:34 The good that men do. Feb'27:35 Wherein Christianity has failed. Mar'27:8 Glimpses of the religious world. Mar'28:45 Missionary illustrations... May'28:57 Items that made news last month. Sep'29:31 Jan'30:56 Difficult to square practice with teaching. Sep'30:29 Missionary illustrations... Mar'31:45 A Mohammedan wedding. May'32:28 Echoes from everywhere. May'37:38 The faith of the world. Dec'37:19 Programs for adult organizations. Dec'37:36 The Christian mission to Moslems. Jan'38:19 The Moslem fast. Jan'38:27 Programs for adult organizations. Jan'38:36 Fatma, arise! Feb'38:14 (cont. next page)
p. 1452 Islam - Israel
ISLAM (cont.) No creed but Christ. Feb'44:17 Contrasts in wedding custons in India. Oct'48:43 The Christian Gospel in the Near East. Jan'51:9 Global highlights. Jan'53:4 May'56:3 Jul'59:5 Muslim women need the church. Nov'61:35 Global highlights. Oct'65:5 ISLAMIC WOMEN Women and world highways. Nov'38:35 Global highlights. Jun'48:3 Women and world highlights. Jan'51:32 Muslim women need the church. Nov'61:35 ISLAND LAKE, WISCONSIN Echoes from everywhere. Jul'34:40 ISOKO, CONGO Echoes from everywhere. Nov'40:39 ISOLINE, CHARLES Classroom and campus (photo) Jan'68:35 ISOM, WARREN R (photo) Oct'40:32 Ison, (Mrs. F. D.) Poorest of the poor. Apr'55:32 ISON, KATE, -1955 In memoriam. Nov'55:33 Isoshima, Marguerite My most enjoyable moments in conference. Nov'27:23 Israel, Donna Marie Direct line. Feb'70:32 ISRAEL See also HOLY LAND PALESTINE Glimpses of the religious world. May'25:45 ...What of tomorrow. Sep'43:19 A primer on Palestine. May'48:16 Study tour of Palestine. Jun'49:27 Religion in Israel. Feb'50:28 Religion at work. Feb'50:46 Global highlights. Mar'50:2 Inman on Jerusalem. Mar'50:14 What should be Jerusalem's status? Jun'50;27 Scriptures wanted in Israel. Nov'50:48 Global highlights. Dec'50:2 Not a truce, but peace. Jul'51:5 Middle East propaganda tussle. Jul'51:21 Global highlights. Jan'58:7 The Waldensians. Mar'58:49 Privilege for the clergy? Apr'58:9 Global highlights. Dec'58:5 Hate and fate in the Middle East. jan'59:15 Church in new Israel. Feb'59:45 Tiberias Hospital closes. Jun'59:47 Common sense and good will. Mar'61:10 Christians in Israel. Mar'61:33 Global highlights. Oct'62:6 Christian foothold in Israel. Feb'63:23 Oil the Mandelbaum Gate. Mar'63:9 (cont. next page)
p. 1453 Israel - Ives
ISRAEL (cont.) Global highlights. Oct'63:5 Apr'64:4 Oct'67:7 World events. Nov'69:36 Christianity thrives in the land of its birth. Nov'72:16 ISRAEL--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Global highlights. Nov'57:4 Goals for the good of all. Apr'68:23 Commentary. May'73:10 ISRAEL--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Global highlights. Jun'63:7 Jun'65:5 ISSAC, JUSTIN Missionaries fight a fearful goddess. Jun'55:31 Isserman, Ferdinand M The American dream. Jul'40:18 ISSERMAN, FERDINAND M. REBELS AND SAINTS Speaking of books. May'34:33 ITALIAN INSTITUTE (KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI) Programs for young people. Nov'39:37 ITALIANS IN THE U.S. Going--home! Oct'19:30 ITALY With the Red Cross in Italy. Mar'19:48 Getting away from war. Sep'19:66 Glimpses of the outside world. Dec'23:61 Nov'27:45 Missionary illustrations... Feb'30:41 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'45:33 Global highlights. Jul'47:3 Dec'47:3 May'48:2 Social trends abroad. Dec'49:20 Protestantism in Italy. Feb'50:44 Global highlights. Mar'50:3 Jun'51:4 Jan'55:3 A bold yeast. Oct'55:27 Global highlights. Jun'57:2 Giorgio's donkey. Feb'60:25 ITALY--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Via Belvedere (photos) Sep'27:8 Lure and lessons of foreign travel (photos) Oct'28:24 Social trends abroad. Dec'49:21 ITALY--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Complete surrender. Sep'35:4 Social trends. Sep'35:27 Oct'35:23 If. Nov'35:3 Global highlights. Mar'54:3 Feb'59:4 Mar'59:6 Sep'60:6 ITELA, JEAN A missionary's day at home. Apr'49:29 ITO, CHUJITO Christian witness in today's world (photo) Mar'56:23 ITOFE ISAAC A Congo music teacher. Jun'45:28 ITOKO, CONGO Two women trek through jungle. Jul'27:18 ITSUKAICHI, JAPAN Work camp at Itsukaichi, Japan. Jan'50:33 IVES, HILDA (photo) May'39:35 Shall women enter the ministry? (photo) Sep'47:19
p. 1454 Ivey - Izzeddin
IVEY, BOB Reconciliation through crafts (photo) Nov'69:21 IVY CLUB (MISSIONS BUILDING) News room. Dec'40:32 IYA DAVID Global highlights (photo) Mar'65:7 IYETE, CONGO Seeing real Congo life. Dec'23:35 IZUMI, ANNE Classroom and campus. (photo) Jun'58:33 Oct'58:33 Jul'59:37 IZZEDDIN, NEGIA Classroom and campus. Jun'54:33